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The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.3


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11 minutes ago, [DE]Saske said:

Hi ToravisuXIII! I am not seeing any irregularities with the Cinta Blueprint pickups, did you earn a decree after picking up the blueprint to save your inventory? 

I did indeed earn a decree. I'm sorry if my message sounded passive-aggressive - I just reread it and it kinda sounded like that to me.

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Still no fix to exalted weapons being unmodded in duviri?
Or to mag's 4 skill locking her abilities and melee?(also mesa, but idk how to reproduce her)
Or certain melee classes having bad heavy attack hitbox, which causes Kullervo's 1st skill to miss enemies quite often
Or the goddamn loss of function bug (the moonwalk caused by desync)

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51 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

This was particularly prevalent with Rhino (Iron Skin), Frost (with the Icy Avalanche Augment Mod), Kullervo (Recompense), and Atlas (Rumbled Augment Mod) as their abilities grant Overguard. 


Overguard abilities:
Rhino's Iron skin: very hard to make it stack until became good, need 100k+ to make into steel path
Frost's Icy Avalanche: if you can't get at least 10k armor and you can't spam it, it's usually not worth it
Atlas's Rumbled: "does anyone uses it?"

I really don't think Kullervo's Recompense should be capped at 5000, just saying...

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23 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

Nah it's pretty solid now with the hatya mod working with the incarnon form.

Boltor is already 2 times stronger, and thats not even the strong weapon. Everyone is using latron because its even stronger than boltor AND its not single target. Latron clears rooms.

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5 minutes ago, TakasuNight said:

Each time with Titania I always have the third configuration, that is, the one with magnetic and toxin.

Bruh, each time I take 2nd or 3rd mod config I end up with no mods on weapons at all


5 minutes ago, TakasuNight said:

Increase Kaithe's speed

Jumping while flying increases speed(probably need to look below the horizon, I didn't test it much). Idk if there's a limit, but the speed you may reach is enough to catch the orowyrm with no boosts from his spheres.

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46 minutes ago, ToravisuXIII said:

Maybe you guys will fix the Cinta's main blueprint not being given to players that it dropped for after exiting Duviri next. Glad to see progress on the other things is being made, though.

Get another decree once it drops.

When you get it as a puzzle reward, you're technically picking it up AFTER the decree saves your loot progression, so you need to save again. I've lost pieces like this myself.


Edit: Never mind, I saw a followup post that stated they already tried. Walp.

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4 minutes ago, LoopStricken said:

Get another decree once it drops.

When you get it as a puzzle reward, you're technically picking it up AFTER the decree saves your loot progression, so you need to save again. I've lost pieces like this myself.


Edit: Never mind, I saw a followup post that stated they already tried. Walp.

On that note, I actually feel like it's bad design to do it that way. Maybe the order should be reworked so that the decree saves after the reward is obtained.

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Haven't been able to log in for half the day. Keep getting "Login failed. HTTP connection could not be secured".

Disregard. Had to change something in my router and now it's working.

***Edit 2***
Issue has returned at around 1:30pm EST 6/24/23. ISP issues again in Florida?

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1 hour ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Fixes towards Steam Deck crashing on startup and after changing display settings. 

Now that we're paying a bit of attention to the Deck again, any chance it will receive other support?

  • Warframe is pretty much unusable on the Deck without using a pure controller layout, which is not optimal at all. Controller input still overrides mouse & keyboard no matter what, even in desktop mode. It is technically possible to move a mouse cursor (different from the controller cursor) but clicking is broken.
  • The special Steam control scheme (split into different areas like gameplay, menus, launcher, etc.) has been broken for a while, which is a shame because it has really advanced potential that is being squandered.
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1 hour ago, NexNavarus said:

Man I played Duviri experience all day yesterday with none of these issues

Yea, this game even has bug rng. I daily get a bug where my frame will only be able to run backwards if I go in/out of operator mode and my orvius to do the wyrm fight won't spawn at the waypoint shrine. Some players have the waypoint issue during runs and others don't.


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Not sure where my reply went but I will try again.


1. My Warframe in SP Circuit will get stuck in a running backwards animation after transference. Can't shoot, use abilities or even go back to my operator. Only fix is to die and not let anyone revive me.


2. My orvius for the wyrm fight isn't spawning for the Lone Story mode. I will be at the correct waypoint/shrine with zero orvius. Has happened a couple of times lready.


Any chance we can see these investigated? I've seen others experience the Orvius as well.

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 First of all PROCS Digital Extremes for implementing FSR AND DLSS and specially that version 2.2 we seem many games that says " oh our crap runs bad, we are gonna put FSR on it " and then they put FRS 1.0 😒

UPDATE: i retract from what i just said you DX12 implementation still a mess that doesnt workonly if you are super high bottlenecked by your CPU to not get a reducction in performance WICH IS STUPID ...............

But well im fair , so now my feedback is : YEAH you have FSR 2.2 and work almost perfect "BUT" there is some type of "smearing"  is objects or super annoying "ghosting" FX that  look awful when loading screens with clouds and particles in motion specially high density particles this ghosting is daamm noticeable i recommend you do your best to fix it and the other thing is the is A SEVERE visual effects that looks worst than the a game with no anti-aliasing this "stairs" effects is rounded objects and cloth whether is illuminated or not and also in transparent objects  this happens in a lot of situtations also surfaces taht reflects the environment and loot of ojects , I'll take some screenshots  when upload and see what im talking about later

I saw some "light source or spots" that get brigther with HDR but when its enable FSR this bright spots or sources get reducction in brigtness that is something to fix

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It'd be nice of Adaptation and other similar sources of DR applied to Overguard.

As it stands it'd buff Icy Avalanche which needs it, Rumbled which would still be bad due to all of its other issues and Kulervo who seemingly struggles to survive.

The only potential issue would be Rhino, but even though he's currently really tanky he's none the less outtanked by Nezha, Yareli and Revenant, so it should be fine. Plus it would cost him a Mod Slot on already tight builds.

Also, how come Vazarin's Void Shell hasn't been turned to Overguard too? It's pretty much a front facing Iron Skin, right?

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This is what happens when people don't play their own game.  You play it, meaning turn it on...go 15 minutes, get downed and d/c yeah, but you people don't really play it.  Theory crafting in the break room isn't translating to actual "fixes" I think the term is GIT GUD

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