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Why I'm leaving this game


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4 hours ago, dendroaspis84 said:

I mean look at this. What is this? You login and you already got 8 freakin tasks to do. Jesus...

So, basically because you have decided in your mind that simply because a task appears in a video game, you have some obligation to do that task, and it overwhelms you.

News Flash - this is not the the game, this is your brain chemistry and game companies do not have to cater to it.

A game could have thousands of tasks available - there is no obligation to do any of them.

I realize some gamers are task oriented and enjoy doing tasks, while others do not.

However, there is not, again, any obligation to do these things except in your own mind.

I suggest introspection to learn where the games faults end and where your personality traits begin.

This has nothing to do with WF, beyond you not liking it's presentation.

Yes, I also read you like to bash what you think are 'fan-boys' when others disagree with you - I have not played in months, I got bored. But I realize that I got bored, I did not blame the game or come here to explode all over the forums about it, I get bored with many games.

You got bored with a game and now you think you have to cast 'blame' in some passive-aggressive attempt to make others feel bad about playing a game you no longer enjoy.

It's a silly premise and POV, IMO. 

Good Luck and Happy Gaming.

Edited by Zimzala
words are hard
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vor 6 Stunden schrieb dendroaspis84:

I'm 24 level and played more than 3000 hours of this game, but eventually decided to leave this game. The main reason for this is that devs keep adding more and more content like this game lacks it. I don't know any other game that has so much content and so many tasks to do. At first it was daily tasks, then they added other things like syndicates, then sorties, then archons and it keeps growing and growing and you have to do so many things that time is never enough. Like let's say you have to do nigthwave weekly tasks, then there are daily alerts, then there are sorties, then getting let's say Citrine warframe is in your plan, so you need to play certain mission over and over, then you need to build Necramech, so you need to play some other certain missions and so on and so on... It's like never ending missions with endless tasks and you get so overwhelmed that you don't even know which one to prioritze and to accomplish all your plans you need A LOT time and farming... And devs keep adding more open world locations with more tasks and content... It's way too much.... Basically you must have no real life, but play this game 24/7 and it still won't be enough. I know adding content for games in general is a good thing, but adding that much content can be even worse and Warframe is a good example of that. In short, devs wants us to play this game non-stop and have no other life than Warframe... But lots of people aren't like that. We have a real life, work, family and sometimes after work we just want to relax and play casually, not being bombarded with those stupid missions and tasks...

I mean look at this. What is this? You login and you already got 8 freakin tasks to do. Jesus...

2. Second issue I have with this game is challanges and difficulties that lead us to frustration... Almost every part of this game is designed frustrate you, even maps are designed to do that, when you run in Void and some block is getting activated in front of you to stop you or the maps are that are hard to navigate... And I'm not even talking about non-mission areas like relays where you walk as snail and you need to use some mannevrues like jumping and sliding to finally reach the destination, but most annoying part of game are mastery rank tests which are not only annoying, but have a 24 hours cooldown after failure. I don't even know what to say about it. It's just horrible... And then let's don't forget about quests like "Waverider", which most of players hate and don't even touch it or let's take Orphix missions, another almost impossible mission to do...

And lastly, devs are also very bad at navigating us, players. Many times, especially on events, you're thrown in a mission without telling you what to do, what's the objective. Good example is a Ten-Zero Jack O'Naut mission.

My final conclusion is that, when devs started making this game, sure it lacked content a bit, but then they started adding more and more and now it's hot mess game. It's like if you would make a pizza and on the top you would put pineapple, then oranges, then potatoes, than strawberries, then carrots, then eggs and in general you get some hot mess non edible pizza. That's how Warframe feels to me right now and that's why I'm quitting it. I'm sorry devs, but I have a life, I like to play other games too and I can't dedicate my whole life to your game and when I come home from work, I wanna relax, not get myself into endless tasks. Farewell.

P.S. Heard you're making new game "Soulframe". Hope you don't mess it up like you did with Warframe, but I can only hope. Good luck with that.

for me it was diablo 2 with much more items and other stuff. but even diablo 2 was trash without mods from very skilled coders.

soulframe is wet joke. because its not about about "kill horde of enemies for loot". its just a very bad ps3 game import. why would somebody waste their time here???

you get get much better games SUPER CHEAP right now!

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Hey OP, if you decide to quit Warframe and spend your time doing other stuff, cool, that's entirely your choice to make; honestly, I don't have a horse in that race, and I encourage you to do you.  However, after reading your post, I have some constructive feedback that I hope might lead to you living a better life, regardless of whether you stick with Warframe or not.

5 hours ago, dendroaspis84 said:

Like let's say you have to do nigthwave weekly tasks, then there are daily alerts, then there are sorties, then getting let's say Citrine warframe is in your plan, so you need to play certain mission over and over, then you need to build Necramech, so you need to play some other certain missions and so on and so on...

You login and you already got 8 freakin tasks to do. Jesus...

If you go to a nice breakfast buffet and see all of the different foodstuffs as options that you could make part of your meal, you'll probably have a good time and leave with a happy belly.  But if you go to that exact same breakfast buffet with the mindset that you have to eat everything, you will be miserable and make yourself sick. 

Which is to say, Warframe has a lot of stuff you can do, but you don't have to do any of it.  Warframe stuff isn't a list of urgent home repairs that are needed so that your home doesn't fall apart, it's a batch of optional video game activities that can choose to play in your free time.

I'm guessing you've somehow gotten into the habit of sitting down to play Warframe and asking yourself, "What do I need to do?"  And your personal answer to this question is something along the lines of, "All the content I want to complete that I haven't done yet."  That's a great way to overwhelm yourself and turn fun into work.  I know that because in the past, I've done similar things to myself.*

I want to propose a healthier alternative: each time you sit down to play Warframe, ask yourself, "What would I like to do right now?"  And the rule is, you only get to choose one thing.  Do you want to do a Sortie?  Do you want to work towards getting Citrine?  Do you want to do a Survival mission just because it would be fun to do?  Pick what your heart wants, and do that.  And if your heart says, "I don't want to play Warframe", then go play something else instead.  Follow your bliss.

That said, at this point I'd guess you're already so burnt out that you need a break one way or another.  So take an indefinite break.  If you never come back to Warframe, that's fine.  But if you come back, only come back when you feel yourself wanting to play Warframe again.  And regardless of whether you return or not, I hope you'll take a step back and reflect on the way you think about the games you're playing, because I genuinely think some changes there will have a positive impact on your life.

Wishing you the best, Tenno!


*I burned myself out on the first Nightwave, back before I understood that it only took around 20% of the activities to complete the season.  And back before I understood that any rewards you don't get become available later.

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7 hours ago, dendroaspis84 said:

I'm 24 level and played more than 3000 hours of this game, but eventually decided to leave this game. The main reason for this is that devs keep adding more and more content like this game lacks it. I don't know any other game that has so much content and so many tasks to do. At first it was daily tasks, then they added other things like syndicates, then sorties, then archons and it keeps growing and growing and you have to do so many things that time is never enough. Like let's say you have to do nigthwave weekly tasks, then there are daily alerts, then there are sorties, then getting let's say Citrine warframe is in your plan, so you need to play certain mission over and over, then you need to build Necramech, so you need to play some other certain missions and so on and so on... It's like never ending missions with endless tasks and you get so overwhelmed that you don't even know which one to prioritze and to accomplish all your plans you need A LOT time and farming... And devs keep adding more open world locations with more tasks and content... It's way too much.... Basically you must have no real life, but play this game 24/7 and it still won't be enough. I know adding content for games in general is a good thing, but adding that much content can be even worse and Warframe is a good example of that. In short, devs wants us to play this game non-stop and have no other life than Warframe... But lots of people aren't like that. We have a real life, work, family and sometimes after work we just want to relax and play casually, not being bombarded with those stupid missions and tasks...

I mean look at this. What is this? You login and you already got 8 freakin tasks to do. Jesus...

2. Second issue I have with this game is challanges and difficulties that lead us to frustration... Almost every part of this game is designed frustrate you, even maps are designed to do that, when you run in Void and some block is getting activated in front of you to stop you or the maps are that are hard to navigate... And I'm not even talking about non-mission areas like relays where you walk as snail and you need to use some mannevrues like jumping and sliding to finally reach the destination, but most annoying part of game are mastery rank tests which are not only annoying, but have a 24 hours cooldown after failure. I don't even know what to say about it. It's just horrible... And then let's don't forget about quests like "Waverider", which most of players hate and don't even touch it or let's take Orphix missions, another almost impossible mission to do...

And lastly, devs are also very bad at navigating us, players. Many times, especially on events, you're thrown in a mission without telling you what to do, what's the objective. Good example is a Ten-Zero Jack O'Naut mission.

My final conclusion is that, when devs started making this game, sure it lacked content a bit, but then they started adding more and more and now it's hot mess game. It's like if you would make a pizza and on the top you would put pineapple, then oranges, then potatoes, than strawberries, then carrots, then eggs and in general you get some hot mess non edible pizza. That's how Warframe feels to me right now and that's why I'm quitting it. I'm sorry devs, but I have a life, I like to play other games too and I can't dedicate my whole life to your game and when I come home from work, I wanna relax, not get myself into endless tasks. Farewell.

P.S. Heard you're making new game "Soulframe". Hope you don't mess it up like you did with Warframe, but I can only hope. Good luck with that.

I agree that there are way too many dailies and weeklies. Additionally there is the "normal" grind which is huge. Warframe feels a lot more like a job than a game. And yes, there are a lot of games that only have like 1 DLC and people still play them often even after 10 or even 20 years after they were released. Its about the quality of the content, not about the quantity and dont let the content beggars fool you. every new piece of new content has made this game worse in this aspect (more grindy, more frustrating, less fun).

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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