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Zariman maps are too big


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The maps on Zariman are too big. They are large for one reason only: to have more places to hide void plumes. This over-sizing negatively impacts the quality of all the game modes.

For mobile defense and exterminate, enemies are spread out too much, leading to a lot of running through dead corridors, and to frames that need a constant enemy stream being sub-optimal (to a greater extent than on other maps of these modes). For Void flood, armageddon, and cascade, there is a ton of dead space away from objectives; this wasted space can make it hard to move ffom objective to objective due how quickly the meters rise for flood or cascade, and the meters can prevent you from searching for plumes or do angels anyway. For armageddon, it materially slows down the mode since spawn points are intentionally far away from the targets (and also if there are residual enemies when you switch exolizer, adds to the pain of having to run back). All of this is in service of plume hunting, which is not a particularly interesting mechanic to start with (just look at how often people cache hunt in sabotage, which is basically the same idea).

The maps sizes need to brought down to a more reasonable scale and allowed to be configured more appropriately for the content, removing dead space and allowing things to flow more cleanly.

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

You're also playing a game that happens to give you a lot of ways to travel faster. 

You actually have to make sure you don't mod for too much speed because it's too difficult to handle.

Even with this, the meters in void flood and cascade can move too fast for you to move between locations due to the dead space between them.

The other option her would be to tune the meters to not increase so fast. Also for armageddon they need to add a clean up phase (ie liek the end of interception rounds) so when you move to the other location there are guaranteed to be no enemies left to destroy the exolizer at the last location and force you to run back and forth several times.

The maps for exterminate and mobile defense are just outright too large, just so they can have you search through enpty rooms and corridors for plumes, though.

Also as mentioned in another thread, extraction needs to be cleaned up on the Zariman in general. The map size becomes an acute problem if you need to manually backtrack to the elevator through the entire thing (orb didn't spawn or isn't working).

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I think the zariman maps are the perfect size and decor density. The corpus ship maps are too large and empty, enemies spawn far apart and don't clump together enough. Most infested corpus ship maps and some grineer maps are too small, enemies clog the doors, halls, and you barely have room to stand. Often the camera doesn't even have enough room.

Edited by Joezone619
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never really had this issue because I am riding Merulina 24/7 

perhaps OP, you should start maining Yareli 👀

on a more srs note, the size of the Zariman tileset is honestly ok & I don't really see how it can be an issue. we've got many ways to travel across the map be it by simple parkour or speed boosting abilities that it really shouldn't feel like it's too spaced out.

w/ an enemy radar/loot detector/other radar mod voidplumes shouldn't be too hard to find. even easier once you get your hands on the Parallax's Orokin Eye air support.

I can however sympathize w/ the extraction part. it has happened to me a few times. The confusion gets worse when the ext marker marks the end of the map instead of back to the elevator.

One of the end rooms even looks like a landing pad/dock (facing outer space) of some sort, so the fact that we can't extract from there is a bit weird. I wish we could.

Edited by Skoomaseller
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59 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

The maps on Zariman are too big. They are large for one reason only: to have more places to hide void plumes.

With respect, this is an incredibly spurious claim to make.  The idea that a tileset needs to be spacious to have items to hunt for is debunked by basically every other Warframe map.

Beyond that, I only have my own subjective experience to go by, but I think the Zariman is easily one of the best tilesets in the game, and my experiences there have been some of my favorite in the whole game.  I haven't had any of the issues that you're having.  Not sure why: could be bugs, could be playstyle, could be different perspectives.

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