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New difficulty settings?


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Hello Everyone!

I wanted to discuss about an old system that has been deleted or forgotten by DE. It was the Conclave level system.

What conclave system you would say? It was Warframe own Item Level system. Mor you equip extremely powerful mod, les you have place to put another mod.

Instead of giving us new Steelpath Tier 2 or something, what about the return of the Conclave level system ?

Riven are extremely extremely expensive to put,

Primed (including: Umbra, Archon, Sacrificial) mods are also extremely expensive to place on your build.

Placing a forma doesn't divide a Conclave Cost of the mod.

Arcane has conclave level too. So Energize would be powerful but with an huge cost.

What do you think?

New leaderboard around the Conclave level lock difficulty will be an absolute Banger.


Here's an example of what it would like:

Total Conclave Points: 500

>- Common:
R3: 3
R5: 5
R10: 10

>- Uncommon:
R3: 6
R5: 10
R10: 20

>- Rare:
R3: 9
R5: 45
R10: 90

>- Legendary (Primed, Archon, Umbra):
R1: 12
R2: 24
R3: 36
R4: 48
R5: 60
R6: 72
R7: 84
R8: 96
R9: 108
R10: 120

>- Riven
Cost : 150

>- Common Arcanes:
R1: 4
R2: 8
R3: 12
R4: 16
R5: 20

>- Uncommon Arcanes:
R1: 6
R2: 12
R3: 18
R4: 24
R5: 30

>- Rare Arcanes:
R1: 10
R2: 20
R3: 30
R4: 40
R5: 50

>- Legendary Arcanes:
R1: 15
R2: 30
R3: 45
R4: 60
R5: 75

Now for the build, here's an example under the difficulty on conclave restrictions:

-Energize R5: 75pts*

Aura : Energy Syphon R3: 6*
Exilus : Power Drift R3: 9*

-Flow R5: 45*
-Stretch R5: 10*
-Rolling Guard R10: 90*
-Continuity R5: 45*
-Umbra Intensify R10: 120*
-Blind Rage R10: 90*
-Piercing Roar R3: 9*

Max Capacity: 500pts
Current loadout: 499pts

Give me your thoughts in reply!

Have a wonderful day!

Edited by HopeXenoblade
adding an example of what it should like to build under the requirements of Conclave Level
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il y a 8 minutes, taiiat a dit :

Conclave Rating and such was terrible, a total mess. and made balance a nightmare.
having 'World Tiers' functionally creates Content while also offering the desired separation, it works so much better.

World tier would be a great idea indeed. Adding mob from the open world for each faction new exclusive eximus depending the Faction ect.

That's would be great honestly

More you increase the World tier, more the ennemies got mechanics, grineer half immune from the armor strip. Corpus shield protect them from poison dots. And infested have Armor and many more possibilities

Edited by HopeXenoblade
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We had Conclave rating for a couple event missions and people generally didn't like it, stripping off several mods you grinded for hours to obtain and rank up wasn't what most people wanted.


I know difficulty is dead in Warframe, but you can always play solo and adjust your mods and use dragon keys if you want to shoot at enemies longer and dodge and hide more often.

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2 hours ago, taiiat said:

Conclave Rating and such was terrible, a total mess. and made balance a nightmare.
having 'World Tiers' functionally creates Content while also offering the desired separation, it works so much better.

world tier also splits the playerbase and makes matchmaking more troublesome, not to mention it doesn't really create any content whatshowever, it just makes you replay the same content but you're forced to run an armor strip ability.


we don't need more world tiers, we don't need a diamond path or whatever, we don't need the conclave ranking system back. what needs to happen is DE needs to actually balance the game and fix some of the major powercreep that has occured over the years. 

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31 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

world tier also splits the playerbase and makes matchmaking more troublesome, not to mention it doesn't really create any content whatshowever, it just makes you replay the same content but you're forced to run an armor strip ability.

we don't need more world tiers, we don't need a diamond path or whatever, we don't need the conclave ranking system back. what needs to happen is DE needs to actually balance the game and fix some of the major powercreep that has occured over the years. 

don't look at me, i didn't ask for Steel Path, i'm just rolling with what we've given
nor do i like splitting Matchmaking - but it's not my doing, i had no hand in this

but i'll take that over trying to do Conclave Rating all over again - because that was awful. playing musical chairs with another 'Mod Point' system with totally arbitrary values that makes unexpected creativity too expensive to be usable.

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anything that has the word "conclave" in it gets an immediate "no" from me: it's a failed mode with failed systems, not worth talking about. life is for the living, and all that. 

DE have effectively given up trying to balance the game and said themselves that they lean far more into power fantasy, provided it's not something you can AFK with and still win. 

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Unless conclave gets totally revitalized this would only serve to make matching into it even more impossible. Annihilation is literally the only conclave mode I've been able to get a match in in the last 5 years and it's the absolute worst one to make any progress in, cus the chances of you getting a win is as mathematically close to 0 as it could possibly be in any pvp that's ever existed, unless you're like one of the top 10 conclave players in the game, or hacking.

I'm firmly in the camp that it shouldn't even be in the game anymore. More people liked trials and those got axed for being "too unpopular and high maintenance" which is where conclave's been sitting for... the last 5 years. And I don't even believe them about the lack of trials' popularity, I think they were BSing about that to justify it like they do with every unpopular decision they make. If DE's not going to bring trials back then they can at least be consistent about that line of reasoning and axe conclave too.

Ether preserve old parts of the game that a small part of the community still enjoy, or cut off those parts when they drag down the game and the community. They need to pick a lane.

If they dip one finger into expanding conclave without bringing trials back I'm gonna be pissed.

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9 hours ago, HopeXenoblade said:

I wanted to discuss about an old system that has been deleted or forgotten by DE. It was the Conclave level system.

What conclave system you would say? It was Warframe own Item Level system. Mor you equip extremely powerful mod, les you have place to put another mod.

Instead of giving us new Steelpath Tier 2 or something, what about the return of the Conclave level system ?

And this was an objectively bad system that I'm glad is gone.

For one it didn't take into account which frame a mod was put on, a mod had say a conclave of 45 it will always have a conclave of 45.
Putting a shield mod on Inaros or Nidus?  Putting a flow mod on Lavos?  Didn't matter, full conclave rating was applied.

This made the system rather inflexible and made it stupidly easy to break it.  After all not every mod is equal on every frame, so some frames can get by with "low rating" mods without any difficulty, while other frames simply can't.

Hek, not even every mod of a given rarity are equal, as your idea supposes.
I mean does Adaptation and Firewalker really both deserve a 90 rating at R10?

Or what about Stretch vs Rush?  Both are U5 mods and would have an equal rating cost with your idea.


Second issue is that it basically penalized you going with a full gear loadout (as well as having a frame with exalted weaponry).
After all your frame, primary, secondary, melee, and companion (and it's weapon if it has one) counts against your conclave rating.
Best thing to do?  Dump everything but one weapon slot and choose a companion purely for minimal mods with loot/enemy radar.  Doing anything else is just gimping yourself.
If you do this you can just max out your frame, and your one weapon no problem and clear pretty much any content the game has to offer.


Third is that kid mode just breaks this idea in half.
Put in absolutely zero mods into your frames or weapons and bring the lowest conclave gear in the game....and then just kid-mode your way through the level.
Even going without kidmode arcanes you could do this fairly trivially for a good selection of missions.  Not all sure, but enough.

At that point what's the point of trying to limit your gear loadout?


Fourth is that even without kidmode some frames just break the system completely, or alternatively are more hampered by it than others.
Take for example any frame with exalted weapons.  You can't mod those properly and stay within any sort of limit making those frames a non-starter for no reason other than they have exalted weaponry.
On the other hand take a frame like Limbo and it can clear a good chunk of mission types without a single mod since he can stay in the rift 24/7.



The simple fact is that trying to apply a score of "this mod/arcane is this good" just doesn't work.
It would need to be a separate score for every mod and for every single frame and weapon since they all value different stuff differently.  A mod that is great on one frame isn't so great on another.
Same goes for arcanes.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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