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Now that the QoL update is out, was there anything you feel was missed or left out?


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It's probably still too early to comment on but I figured I'd make this thread anyway.

While I absolutely appreciate many of the changes that came with this update there are still some stuff that I feel has been left out that could do with some touchups. I'm sure I'm not the only one so thought it might be interesting to share other QoL things that could be improved upon in the future, or in subscequent patches.

I've made two posts prior to the update, but for the sake of not repeating myself it's probably easier if I just link said posts.



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On 2023-10-19 at 12:22 PM, Malikili said:

Only one

Deselcting Voruna’s Ulfrun passive counts as using it, which makes it enter cooldown. 
Only gripe about the update, but other than that everything else is a breath of fresh air.

I honestly feel the same way about "On Next Ability Cast" when using the Helminth ability Empower.

Empower itself cannot be buffed by any means, and I will frequently forget to activate it when setting up for a "On Next Ability Cast" scenario

For Clarity:

Just now, Zahnny said:

That wasn't what I was suggesting. I was meaning I'm bothered by how activating Empower counts as an activation for "On Next Ability Cast" scenarios, wasting it.

Edited by Zahnny
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These are very minor so that means they should count as QOL right?

It doesn't list the name of its unique trait if it has one, take stormpath for example. The game lists its buff icon and what it does in the trait section but doesn't connect the two.

I'd also add some way of communicating the sprint speed quirk of daggers/other weapon subclasses in this unique trait section.

Please, remove Ordis from having executive duties while I am on the chair doing business! It literally gets in my way! People say there are ways of stopping it, well I've tried and none of them work!

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Sunika Kubrows are still the most useless pet in the game i can think of even though kubrows are already overshadowed by all other companions.

Sunika's unique gimmick -Unleashed- doesn't grab treasurers, eximus units, hunters (Stalker, G3, Zanuka, Larvlings/Thralls, Candidates/Hounds, etc) nor bosses (Liches and Sisters would go here; one could make a case on why it shouldn't work on bosses even though it would be neat if kubrows tried and ended up distracting the boss for just a couple of seconds to create a gap or randomly interrupting their abilities).

Its other precept -Savagery- only enables finishers which is the exact same as Sahasa's Ferocity so i think it should be updated to prioritize finishing off enemies open to parazon kills in order to set Sunika -"superior war animals bred for ferocity and aggression"- apart from Sahasa -"a strain adept at reconnaissance and contraband recovery"-

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1 minute ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Its other precept -Savagery- only enables finishers which is the exact same as Sahasa's Ferocity so i think it should be updated to prioritize finishing off enemies open to parazon kills in order to set Sunika -"superior war animals bred for ferocity and aggression"- apart from Sahasa -"a strain adept at reconnaissance and contraband recovery"-

That'd be cool. Whenever your Sahasa finishes off an enemy open to a Parazon finisher, it triggers whatever Parazon mods you have on your Parazon. (Including non-finisher specific mods if applicable)

For example, Sahasa finishes an enemy, and it triggers Live Wire,

"Shock enemies within 20m while Hacking"

but from the Sahasa finisher instead of hacking

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10 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

That'd be cool. Whenever your Sahasa finishes off an enemy open to a Parazon finisher, it triggers whatever Parazon mods you have on your Parazon. (Including non-finisher specific mods if applicable)

For example, Sahasa finishes an enemy, and it triggers Live Wire,

"Shock enemies within 20m while Hacking"

but from the Sahasa finisher instead of hacking

Sunika synergizing with parazon and triggering its mods would be dope; at least for the ones that rely on parazon kills to make effect. The ones from hacking... I can see untraceable replacing Arcane Trickery, Shade Sentinel and Huras Kubrows since it would make the player invisible in the heat of the battle for little to no input.

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A semi to full auto trigger toggle is the huge one missing for me,

51 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Sunika Kubrows are still the most useless pet in the game i can think of even though kubrows are already overshadowed by all other companions.

The companion ability rework is coming next year, and i hope that's exactly the kind of thing they tackle. I'd recommend making a post in feedback about your ideas.


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UI indicators for enemy special attacks. That includes Eximus special attacks as well as things like homing projectiles with high damage (Bombards' rockets, Kela's missiles, Jackal's missiles etc), Hyenas' shockwaves, Acolytes' abilities, Sapping and Mine Ospreys' mines, knockdowns (Gunner/Bombard/Bursa ground slam), Nullifier bubbles in proximity. I cannot remember anything else like this right now. Basically - anything that should be avoided should have a UI indicator.

Now we only have it for enemy thrown grenades.

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2 hours ago, LittleLeoniePrime said:

Companion Damage Numbers.

Include settings for minions and specters too, and that would be fantastic.  I mean, I'd almost never have it toggled on outside the Sim, but it would make some testing so much easier.

Edited by Tiltskillet
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More customized sort/filtering, especially in Mods & Arsenal

Example for Mods:wXdVzag.jpg

Let's say I want my mods to be sorted by Rarity first (Archons > Primeds > Rare ...), but for mods with equal rarity, I want them to be sorted by drain, not rank. I don't have any option to do that. In the screenshot, it is sorted by Rarity only, and by default sorts equal rarities by Rank, means an R3 Flawed Intensify with 7 drain is put ahead of R2 Normal Intensify with 8 drain. It would be good to give players control over these things.

As for Arsenal, options to sort by weapon family (grouping, for example, Braton Vandal, Braton Prime, Mk1-Braton, and Braton, consecutively), favoriting weapons to be put on top of selection, and filtering out, for example, maxed (when I'm in levelling mood).

Speaking of Filter, if it's not available yet, a "Tennogen" filter in Market & Arsenal would be nice.

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Another one I remembered: base weapon skins for primes.

26 minutes ago, Gen0-234 said:

favoriting weapons to be put on top of selection

Yes, please.  Although my favorite favorite QoL would be to have this function in the relic console.  But shoot, relics, weapons, frames, arcanes, bring it all on.

(It's a messy workaround, but if you didn't know...we can favorite loadouts, and use those as a half-arsed favoriting system for weapons and frames.)

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Removing mods from a build still makes them temporarily unsearchable in arsenal. There are workarounds like not using search or filters to keep the removed mods in view, sorting by drain and eyeballing with the scroll bar, or fully exiting arsenal and then reentering it. But I wish the game would simply not hide mods by default.

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24 minutes ago, Hayrack said:

Auto-melee is not toggleable and that is awful. I'm constantly getting snatched by Ancients and Scorpions, because regular/ heavy slam to jump/bullet jump transition is janky and slow.

Not  sure if this is what you're talking about, but what I'm noticing is the slow transition from a melee combo to aiming.  I'd like it if that could be made instant, or closer to it, interrupting the combo if necessary.

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