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Update 35: Whispers in the Walls


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17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

To address severe performance issues caused by the unlimited amount of Status Effects stacks that could be transferred by Contagion Bond, we have added a 100x stacks total cap to the Mod. 

Thank you~ this definitely fixed the game crashing when using your sentinel as the main source of damage without nerfing the build too hard C:

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After dozens of assassination runs on both SP and normal Effervo I'm convinced that the drops for the four new mods simply aren't functional, we get one of the melee arcanes every single time from The Fragmented Suzerain and absolutely nothing mod-wise from this and the three "minibosses" you can also encounter in assassination runs that are supposed to occasionally drop them. It may be because the loot itself is glitching out and spawning in the sky above the head of where the boss spawns instead of at the ground where players can easily reach it. The arcane is still (usually) collectable, but I'm assuming any mod that spawns simply poofs out of existence before players have a chance to pick it up.

This particular loot location issue is a real problem when you're forced to fight the Fragmented boss in an underground ice cavern, because when you beat it the token for the arcane will spawn inside an inaccessible dome directly above the boss arena. You can usually get the token to clip through the wall with your companion loot vacuum, but if it's placed dead center in the dome it's basically impossible to pick up.

Here you can see the ice cavern I'm referring to:


Here is where the token you need to pick up spawns once you beat the fight, in an inaccessible dome above the entire arena:


The other arenas also cause the boss loot to spawn way high up in the sky, but since they're open air arenas this isn't a big problem since you can pull off an awkward double jump that lets you reach them. This ice dome however forces you to clip the object through the wall and this whole positioning issue may be responsible for mods not spawning as drops either.

This positioning issue does not explain why the mods are not spawning for the normal-sized minibosses either, which makes me think there's also just something wonky with how these drop tables are set up.

Edited by Vryheid
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I hope the event will run long enough. By the time Gargoyle's Cry launches, there's no way all the bugs have been fixed from a new Mainline Update 4! days earlier and pressuring folks to burn through their quests (which they prolly want to savour at their own pace in these pre-Christmas days) to even participate is also a bad choice. Big dampener. I was genuinely happy and looking forward to a new operation... "Thanks" for that.

Edit: I can't emphasize enough just how much it distresses me that I can't decide for myself to explore the new content at my own pace if I don't want to miss out on something that's built around squad play and team fun. I love to "save up" a bit of new content for a while so I still have something to look forward to and to discover. Don't think I can do that this time. Not as a clan leader (no matter how small we are).

Edited by Silescere
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55 minutes ago, Bedrankt said:

just one question to save me some time, what parameters does DE use to determine a veteran? is it account age or mastery rank?

I'd assume "If the user's reading literacy is above that of a child" because I have no idea what part of the Necrat-whateveritwas is supposed to be difficult.

Oh, we got debuffs! Nothing I haven't shrugged off before though.
There's no revives! Not a problem since you'd have to be actually blind to die. And that's not even counting Warframes like Revenant.
You can't do any summons! Never liked 'em to begin with.
The enemies are super stroooong! ... pffft-- in what capacity? If I could kill it before, I can kill it now.

I think the better question is what kinda casuals are they marketing for?
Farmville grandmas on life support? Suits who work 25 hours a day? Children who aren't even born yet?

Clearly the "veterans" are a lost cause to DE. If you play with enough competency to not die on 90% of the missions you run?
You may as well just be a glorified slab of meat to them.

I wasn't expecting anything dangerous, but at least the new enemies are... well... new, I suppose.
Shame that my strategy for 75% of the enemies in the update is the same as always.
"Apply enough damage until it stops moving."

Oh well.

30 minutes ago, Vryheid said:

but I'm assuming any mod that spawns simply poofs out of existence before players have a chance to pick it up.

That sounds on-brand for DE.

I wouldn't be surprised if Titania's Tribute now suddenly makes enemies violent ragdoll into confetti and Mag's Pull will instead send the player to a Murex tileset.
Hell, they STILL haven't made Auto-Melee a toggle yet despite clearly seeing how many bugs it was causing.

I know internal management of a game can be stupidly scuff at times-- but I have to ask DE: 
Did nobody on the team stop to say "Maybe we should've made this a toggle to allow the user to avoid the issue in the meantime?"

I imagine it wouldn't take that much effort. It ABSOLUTELY would take less effort to implement a failsafe in case it (inevitably) breaks again.
Come on, this game is notoriously buggy. Pretending it isn't and skirting around the issue is the same reason why players mock it being easy.
It's kinda difficult to find... well... DIFFICULTY when the game keeps undoing itself. We all know Mesmer Skin is broken to a fault, but you're the only ones who can fix it!! Usually with a pretty simple tweak most times.

But yeah, in the grand scheme of things? I doubt DE will be fixing that within a timely manner.
I would bet 40 plat too that they'll be trying to find some "clever workaround" to stylish fix the issue, all in an effort to look competent.
... only to overcomplicate it and break it further. Making the whole ordeal extremely redundant.
But I can't actually make that bet in good faith. It's so weighted in my favor that it'd be a scam!~

4 minutes ago, Silescere said:

I hope the event will run long enough.

Oh yeah, there's also an event.

Can't wait for Scarlet Spear 2.0. Truly DE has learned from their mista-
No, I'm not even gonna finish that sentence. We have enough redundancies as is. 
I'll just feel nothing but apathy if I do anyway.

If all else, it'll be a good way to assess how much of a trainwreck the first half of 2024 is gonna be.
I've seen it happen at least thrice by now.
DE announces a bunch of updates in a row and most of them are aimless because by the time DE actually gets around to them?
They forgot what they were even doing with it.
At least, that's what it looks like anyway. DE can clarify otherwise, but I'd rather just win the lottery. I could play some games on my wishlist with that money. Y'know, with rent money to spare, of course.

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I'm sorry if I'm not clear because I'm using a translator. I'm asking DE if there is an option to redesign deluxe in the future? In my opinion the hydroid deluxe looks lame compared to the sevagoth deluxe by the same author. The deluxe hydroid is painted horribly I can't replicate the colors of the concept art using the brightest color palettes, the dimmest place where on the concept he has orange lines on his head and body. The cloak is a separate topic, it looks terrible, at first I thought that it was just trivially difficult to recreate this kind of cloak, but looking at the deluxe Sevagoth and his jellyfish on his shoulder I think that no. I'm not a 3D artist and I don't know how hard it is, but maybe change his textures in the deluxe to make him look brighter and redo his cape. Here is a photo that was made by a person on the forum and a link to his thread


Edited by ZeoChannel
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Il y a 20 heures, [DE]Megan a dit :

Notable rewards for opening a Netracell include:

  • Melee Arcanes (more information in the New Melee Arcanes section)
  • Melee Arcane Adapter (more information in the Melee Upgrade Segment section)
  • Archon Shards (base and Tauforged)
    • Note: Only Crimson, Azure, and Amber Shards are rewarded from Netracells. The new Archon Shard types (Violet, Topaz, and Emerald) created via Coalescent Fusion can only be obtained via the Fusion process at Helminth (learn more in the Archon Shard Expansion: Coalescent Fusion section) 
  • Guaranteed: Entrati Lanthorn

Visit the official drop tables for specifics

Unless I'm mistaken, the official drop tables say nothing about thoses drops. "Netracell" only returns the drops of a couple mobs, "duplication" and "crescendo" just don't return anything, although they're netracell exclusive reward. "archonhold" doesn't either. When starting the mission, it says "testudo" as the node name, but again nothing.

While looking around, seems like the labs bounties rewards are nowhere to be found either.

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Il y a 3 heures, Silescere a dit :

I hope the event will run long enough. By the time Gargoyle's Cry launches, there's no way all the bugs have been fixed from a new Mainline Update 4! days earlier and pressuring folks to burn through their quests (which they prolly want to savour at their own pace in these pre-Christmas days) to even participate is also a bad choice. Big dampener. I was genuinely happy and looking forward to a new operation... "Thanks" for that.

Edit: I can't emphasize enough just how much it distresses me that I can't decide for myself to explore the new content at my own pace if I don't want to miss out on something that's built around squad play and team fun. I love to "save up" a bit of new content for a while so I still have something to look forward to and to discover. Don't think I can do that this time. Not as a clan leader (no matter how small we are).

And I can't even play cause I just crash :'(

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enhance graphic is killing my gaming experience..

i used to able to do 60fps in classic mode with everything switched off. warframing was so good back then until today...

now in enhance mode everything switch off i can only do 24-40fps and the whole game feels so sluggish lagg.....

can you please allow more options to switch off in graphic setting??? you cannot just shove this in and forced everyone to upgrade their gpu to play.......not everyone can afford a new gpu....

Edited by hoshigami
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15 hours ago, Dart_x_Cady said:

What happened to "These Shards will offer both Stat benefits, but also feature some weird Procs to keep things interesting"? from what we're seeing, you only get a single shard effect that's completely unrelated to what you fused with.

Also "The Helminth Coalescent Segment Blueprint can be acquired from the Wares & Shiny Treasures vendor in the Sanctum Anatomica after reaching the Researcher tier with the Cavia Syndicate" ended up being scholar tier in game?

What is going on here? I was hyped but now quite confused.

Dude I am having the same concerns. From what they said, it seemed like the new Archon Shards would KEEP the 2 stats of the original 2 shards that were fused together, and then we'd get an extra cool bonus stat, but now I'm not so sure.

I also noticed the statement about the segment being unlocked upon reaching the Rank of Researcher, yet that is not true in-game. I still think this is a bug because, upon reaching the rank of Researcher, Loid sent me a message in the inbox saying that the Helment Segment was now available to obtain. Again, this was not actually correct. I think someone messed up and locked it behind the rank of Scholar on accident. At this rate, we won't be able to acquire the segment until the day after tomorrow.

I guess this is their way of forcing returning players to play Warframe for as long as possible before they unlock all of the new stuff. I really hate the way they handle Syndicates. They need to remove the daily cap.

Edited by BionicFreak
Fixed a typo
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Currently there is a bug with Tyana Pass on mars (the mirror defense node for citrine) where the mission will not start after entering the defense ring to start the mission, I assume it may have something to do with the code for mirror defense nodes being shared between the old Tyana pass and the new node added in the new update, really hope to see a fix for this soon!

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2 hours ago, BionicFreak said:

Dude I am having the same concerns. From what they said, it seemed like the new Archon Shards would KEEP the 2 stats of the original 2 shards that were fused together, and then we'd get an extra cool bonus stat, but now I'm not so sure.

I also noticed the statement about the segment being unlocked upon reaching the Rank of Researcher, yet that is not true in-game. I still think this is a bug because, upon reaching the rank of Researcher, Loid sent me a message in the inbox saying that the Helment Segment was now available to obtain. Again, this was not actually correct. I think someone messed up and locked it behind the rank of Scholar on accident. At this rate, we won't be able to acquire the segment until the day after tomorrow.

I guess this is their way of forcing returning players to play Warframe for as long as possible before they unlock all of the new stuff. I really hate the way they handle Syndicates. They need to remove the daily cap.

Known bug, getting fixed in the next hotfix.


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5 hours ago, BionicFreak said:

Dude I am having the same concerns. From what they said, it seemed like the new Archon Shards would KEEP the 2 stats of the original 2 shards that were fused together, and then we'd get an extra cool bonus stat, but now I'm not so sure.

I'm not sure how you concluded that, that would be like effectively over doubling the amount of shards we could equip, which seems like a pretty obvious non-starter in terms of power leap? I also never got the impression that this would be anything other than entirely new options on similar or slightly higher powers to the existing shards from the devstreams, was there any particular phrasing surrounding how they were announced that I missed that led you to think this?

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30 minutes ago, Leon_Von_Comarre said:

I'm not sure how you concluded that, that would be like effectively over doubling the amount of shards we could equip, which seems like a pretty obvious non-starter in terms of power leap? I also never got the impression that this would be anything other than entirely new options on similar or slightly higher powers to the existing shards from the devstreams, was there any particular phrasing surrounding how they were announced that I missed that led you to think this?

"two Archon Shards to be fused together to create a single Shard that offers a set of new embed 'bonuses'" -DE

I put an emphasis on the "bonuses" part, which is implying that it is offering a "bonus" to the original stats of the fused Archon Shards. This, of course, could just be a misuse of words. But it's like them saying "Hey guys, here's this mod called Primed Serration, which offers a 'bonus' of +75% damage!" to which we would understandable think "Oh cool, so we'll have an additional +75% bonus to Serration's 165% increase to damage, meaning it will give us an upgraded +240% damage increase!" Only to realize that they actually meant it would literally only offer a +75% increase to damage, not a "bonus" to the original +165% increase to damage that Serration has.

Regardless, this stuff ain't available until endgame. "Powercreep" is the main reason us endgamers still love playing this game.

Not to mention that an overpowered loadout doesn't do much for any of us who use our proper Warframes, the real winners here are the little guys: the useless Warframes that are painfully outdated. Also, it's not like we can fuse 2 red shards together, as awesome as that would be. We can only fuse 2 different shard types. And, again, this is endgame content, so having effectively 10 Archon Shards plus 5 special bonus effects on just one specific Warframe (kind of a high cost) would not be all that terrible of an idea, especially since we will likely be getting a THIRD difficulty soon. We have Normal, Steel Path, and soon we will have the much-anticipated [UNNAMED] difficulty, for those of us who want a tough-as-nails experience! This third difficulty will require us to be as strong as possible. 

Also, and I can't stress it enough, these new "bonus" effects are super underwhelming. The only one's that even peaked my interest were one's that I was considering would only be cool as an add-on to the original stats of the fused archon shards. These bonuses suck on their own. The critical chance one for pistols is cool though.. but it'd be cooler if the OG stats would stay alongside it. #Powercreep4Life!

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Some of the new options seem fairly busted already to me.


500% electric damage on primary, 370% melee crit damage, let Saryn's spores full strip and deal +45% more damage on top of that, +75% ability damage for Qorvex, Gyre and Volt, the secondary crit one, single shard replacement for Equilibrium is you're using a Synth Deconstruct powered energy economy, some niche survival tools beyond that. I'm not sure how you can look at these and conclude they're weak.

Edited by Leon_Von_Comarre
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4 hours ago, BionicFreak said:

Also, and I can't stress it enough, these new "bonus" effects are super underwhelming. 

Agreed. After unlocking and crafting one of each, with a little testing, my experience tells me that it was a wasted endeavor. Like, combining red and yellow to make orange, with the orange one giving you a bonus that basically reads "you can get the benefits of two blue health shards by killing 300 enemies using a damage type everyone agrees is bad"
Why is designed that way? It doesn't make any sense. I'm sacrificing a damage increase and a useability improvement option to have a minigame for the potential of an improved version of the shard I didn't sacrifice. Oh and of course, don't die while killing otherwise you lose your defense you spent so much effort to gain. "300 blast kills" is not something swiftly attained in a mission.
There are definitely a ton of flops when it comes to the bonuses these new shards provide - doubly so when considering you are sacrificing two arguably better shards for a worse effect. It feels like many of these were designed to try to make underused status types more valuable, but each just misses the mark. DE, please review these shards for improvement.

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