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Cross-Platform Save Rollout Information ×

I dont want to lose 8 years of progress because of migration

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Are we almost starting month 6 of this now?...


Okay so I logged in today and am greeted with this:




I don't know what to say, and I think I am just kinda exhausted because we still haven't been told what is being done about this for those in our situation, yet they are pushing it to the in game UI now.

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As per title, I was unable to merge my accounts when DE started the process due to having accepted their FOMO push of duplicating an existing account when the game went live on Switch.  For some reason they created some nonsense that excluded anyone who had accepted a link or merge previously despite never having warned anyone they targeted with fomo about this.


I was one of the idiots with a Switch at home, who kept seeing limited time offer to duplicate your main account on Switch, and thinking it would be beneficial, agreed.


I created the account but never played Switch, I only ever played on PC then Xbox then back and forward between both platforms, DE in fits of mental nonsense poorly developed a link/merge system which wanted me to delete my Xbox account and the years of expendature or grind, or delete the PC account with years of expendature or grind, as they would only allow me to keep one account and lose all on another, due to having the previous mentioned never played Switch account.


As some months have passed I was wondering if DE had found anyone within their development team with a brain cell and rectified this absolute farce?  I have logged into Xbox today and there was the cross save on any platform pop up, then logged into PC and got the cross save on any platform pop up too.


Yeah I would love to MERGE my acounts and KEEP all I paid fopr and grinded, and not be completely screwed out of all the grinding and money I spent DE, no I do not want to delete anything on ANY account and do NOT want to link, happy to delete the Switch account.


Not sure why it's so hard DE, MERGE the Xbox/PC accounts that were played seperate and had time and money spent on them, link only the Switch.


Considering the money DE make, I was rather hoping they would have had some common sense and created a system that would allow never connected accounts to merge, with a simple recognition of accounts like the Switch being link only, there is no excuse as to why my Xbox account should be link only.


I also never seen any explanation with regard to clans and dojo's being resolved, I own clans on both accounts with two dojo's with every room and nearly all research complete. What happens to that with any merge/link. Both clan dojos have had real money spent on many forma as an example.




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Posted (edited)

@[DE]Megan When will we recieve ANY REAL answers? Its been over a month since your last "reply" to our questions, which really wasnt a reply at all, and its been close to 6 months since "Migration" started....

Edited by Kaethill
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  • 2 weeks later...

They seem to have made rulebreaking the de facto method of contacting devs at this point. Not once have they given a response without one of us escalating to the point where deletions and warning points are given.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Juice said:

Hi Tenno,

We understand it has been a little while since the last update, so we wanted to give another status update.

The team continues to diligently work on the issue, which includes ensuring our changes apply in every edge case we find. This feature requires a lot of testing to ensure it is done right, as it directly affects your purchased items.

With a change this important, we believe details are best shared in a broader announcement once development is complete. We will provide an update here when details are ready to be shared.

What kind of time frame are we looking at though?
Cross save has been out for half a year and those of us who helped populate the other platforms when they released by playing on them have been treated like after thoughts so far. I appreciate that you updated us at all, but I think most of us were hoping for a relative time frame, not even one you need to absolutely commit to, but just so we know what to expect?

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how about you tell us what kind of approach you are aiming for?

so we can give our feedback in that regard

of course the main thing we want is to be able to merge our accounts which arent elligable right now

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9 hours ago, -PLM-Kiski73 said:

how about you tell us what kind of approach you are aiming for?

so we can give our feedback in that regard

of course the main thing we want is to be able to merge our accounts which arent elligable right now

Don't think this is on the table, they kind of have to make a decision and run with it at this point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not properly handling edge cases is what caused this fiasco in the first place, so I appreciate the need to ensure they're handled appropriately.

The fear at this stage is that the solution will be incomplete. That there will be arbitrary limitations or restrictions, same as before, and that many of us will still be forced to lose half our stuff to continue playing, that our specific edge cases will be ignored.

The long timeframe wouldn't be an issue if I could be certain the problem would be legitimately taken care of. Sadly, the way this issue has been handled previously, combined with the lack of details doesn't allow for any certainty about that.

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On 2024-03-18 at 6:57 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Here to provide an additional update to this conversation.

Regarding players losing purchases due to being ineligible for a Merge and therefore can only Link, the team is discussing a potential solution regarding respective purchased items. Still, more time is needed to discuss, implement, and test before we can share the specifics.

We will make a broader announcement once we have a more concrete plan of action in place. 

Can we PLEASE stop being reminded about cross save until you fix your mistakes and bad decisions? 7 times in 7 days i get prompted to buy in to your horrible version of Cross Save which even a toddler can program and plan better. Its extremely pathetic that after 6 months Digital Extremes HAVEN'T fixed this issue. Its quite clear that you guys hate your players and want to actively kill the game. I mean thats just from judging how you are acting with Cross Save being a big pile of manure

Its really tough seeing a game develouper, who used to care about their players fall to this level.

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20 hours ago, -PLM-Kiski73 said:

i wish for more clearity or a better exchange of information regarding this topic

This is the bare minimum I have been asking for since BEFORE cross-save even launched. Since before they went behind our backs and changed the wording on their Q&A website to exclude those who had migrated platforms. They can boast about player count and migrated accounts to the swtich when it launched, but the second they want cross-save? Suddenly it feels like we're in the wrong for being excluded here. 

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On 2024-06-03 at 2:43 AM, Kaethill said:

Can we PLEASE stop being reminded about cross save until you fix your mistakes and bad decisions? 7 times in 7 days i get prompted to buy in to your horrible version of Cross Save which even a toddler can program and plan better. Its extremely pathetic that after 6 months Digital Extremes HAVEN'T fixed this issue. Its quite clear that you guys hate your players and want to actively kill the game. I mean thats just from judging how you are acting with Cross Save being a big pile of manure

Its really tough seeing a game develouper, who used to care about their players fall to this level.

You're being unreasonable.

Would you rather they go entirely silent until they have a solution ready? Leaving us with no confirmation at all if we will ever see compensation for our lost accounts? 
I understand the frustration, we've all lost hundreds to thousands of hours and a lot of money invested in the game, but they've said they're working on it and they've told us very roughly what to expect.
They can't tell us what exactly to expect or when the fix will come if they themselves don't yet fully know what can be done, we'll have our solution when it's ready.

I agree DE should have never released Cross-Save with this glaring issue, but they did and all we can do is wait for a fix.

The way that you write in this comment, acting as if this is a simple fix when you know nothing of the work that has gone into Cross-Save or the work that is currently being done to rectify this mistake, makes you look like a child throwing a tantrum.
They aren't doing this to spite you.

The fact that it is taking them 6+ months to fix this clearly shows that it is a complicated problem for DE to solve, and likely why they released Cross-Save in the way that they did.
If they didn't care, they wouldn't respond at all and you could kiss your stuff goodbye.

Your comment adds nothing to the discussion and I doubt any dev reading it would feel inclined to help you.
Comments like that is why threads like this get locked.

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