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Nuke Builds Are Ruining Gameplay Enjoyment


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4 hours ago, Merkranire said:

And yet as someone who actively plays with another human being because it’s more fun when we play together instead of against each other, the game works quite well and can be surprisingly robust and we each get something out of it, something more than just whatever we’d get out of solo not only in terms of rewards, but also gameplay and build opportunity and any shared memories. An extra relic cracked and a fight alongside someone else is much better than an extra relic crack and boring-ass gameplay because the game practically doesn’t exist for the others in the squad or the one doing all the nuking.

I know full well that going public in a game filled with inconsiderate grindheads is tantamount to asking that my gameplay not exist, though I poke in every so often to see whether I’ll match up with someone like OP instead of someone like you. I would kill for a filter or something so that we never match, and you and your buddies can fight it out amongst yourselves to try and secure something to do while you grind away at a second job

I don't know anyone that plays this game or really anyone that games like I do. Playing WF is kinda "me" time but I do plenty of other quality stuff with the fam. My daughter and cruised around for hundreds of miles this summer on bikes, Actually the whole family rides together fairly regular but my daughter and I ride the most. My youngest helped me with the hundreds of trees I have in the garden all summer. This winter my boys and I have been playing pathfinder. Table top games are fun af with a group, I'd much rather do that than play video games. I don't need some wholesome time with loved ones in a video game because I spend real life with them but sometimes a want a few minutes to myself though. 

When I'm playing WF it's coming up with stupid solo endurance builds because that's what I like and what works best for me. I can sit down for a while to play then pause as I'm needed and comeback whenever I have time. The "problem" is builds I have that work for stupid high lvls absolutely melt basic star chart stuff like fissures. I'm not going to play a lesser version of my builds in a fissure so everyone can play, I'm just going to bring some random loadout and kill everything because it's sub lvl 100 and my builds are made for a couple more zeros than that.

Like right now I'm testing a Mirage build with 2 green shards for full strip and my utility primer is oneshotting lvl 200 SP Circulus before I can even melee. If I take that build to fissures I'm the bad guy? That's just one of my regular builds. I'm not trying to be a dbag but I don't have anything that will make normal star chart an enjoyable experience for a full party. 

It's like people try and make it sound like other players are purposely trying to ruin others time when they are just playing the game with the exact same tools as everyone else. DE doesn't give us a place to use all the power we have been given and we're expected to play nice with others. It's just not going to happen. 

Edited by Berzerkules
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2 hours ago, Berzerkules said:

I don't know anyone that plays this game or really anyone that games like I do. Playing WF is kinda "me" time but I do plenty of other quality stuff with the fam. My daughter and cruised around for hundreds of miles this summer on bikes, Actually the whole family rides together fairly regular but my daughter and I ride the most. My youngest helped me with the hundreds of trees I have in the garden all summer. This winter my boys and I have been playing pathfinder. Table top games are fun af with a group, I'd much rather do that than play video games. I don't need some wholesome time with loved ones in a video game because I spend real life with them but sometimes a want a few minutes to myself though. 

When I'm playing WF it's coming up with stupid solo endurance builds because that's what I like and what works best for me. I can sit down for a while to play then pause as I'm needed and comeback whenever I have time. The "problem" is builds I have that work for stupid high lvls absolutely melt basic star chart stuff like fissures. I'm not going to play a lesser version of my builds in a fissure so everyone can play, I'm just going to bring some random loadout and kill everything because it's sub lvl 100 and my builds are made for a couple more zeros than that.

Like right now I'm testing a Mirage build with 2 green shards for full strip and my utility primer is oneshotting lvl 200 SP Circulus before I can even melee. If I take that build to fissures I'm the bad guy? That's just one of my regular builds. I'm not trying to be a dbag but I don't have anything that will make normal star chart an enjoyable experience for a full party. 

It's like people try and make it sound like other players are purposely trying to ruin others time when they are just playing the game with the exact same tools as everyone else. DE doesn't give us a place to use all the power we have been given and we're expected to play nice with others. It's just not going to happen. 

I don’t need your life’s story to know that if you and I squad up, one of us is going to come off worse and it aint going to be you since your DPeenS is so huge it’s dictating how everything goes and I just want to get out of the squad ASAP, and I have dropped out of squading with players who intentionally bring their big boy builds to a fight that doesn’t and never needed them because I couldn’t be arsed to stick around for 5 minutes twiddling my thumbs when I’ve got better things to do that doesn’t involve validating some player’s Warframe identity that revolves around redundant amounts of power and efficiency.

Like seriously, big whoop, you do big numbers and drop down in levels and suddenly those higher-level builds blow everything up, this isn’t a particularly special thing in this game, in fact it’s absolutely expected which is why it’s so intentional when you sideline me. I’ve got so many alternative builds designed for the content I’m doing that I don’t bother using loadout slots, I just build accordingly because I know how to, and when I’m doing big boy content I use big boy builds and it’s seriously nothing so special I can’t set them aside for both mine and my teammate’s sanity, because I’d go nuts if I was forced to play a cookie clicker as much as I’ve played non… cookie…clicker. It sounded better in my head; the point is I’d go insane if I couldn’t set those particular builds aside temporarily and rebuild alternatively, and thank god the game not only allows it but also expects it because it keeps giving me more things to use

Edited by Merkranire
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On 2024-01-22 at 9:03 AM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

There is. alot from the game, that empowers all sorts of styles and play styles. Sometimes those styles and preferences clash. 

While clashing is inevitable, how much should styles and preferences be allowed to clash? Back in The Old Days™, when it was common for a bunch of randoms running a T4D or a Raid to organize beforehand for the run, styles and preferences might clash a little. Maybe two people both wanted to play Mesa or Ash, or maybe someone didn't want to play Trinity or Frost. But if it's gotten to the point where styles and preferences clash so much that some people feel like they're not even allowed to play the game anymore, maybe the clashing has gone too far?

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9 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

While clashing is inevitable, how much should styles and preferences be allowed to clash? Back in The Old Days™, when it was common for a bunch of randoms running a T4D or a Raid to organize beforehand for the run, styles and preferences might clash a little. Maybe two people both wanted to play Mesa or Ash, or maybe someone didn't want to play Trinity or Frost. But if it's gotten to the point where styles and preferences clash so much that some people feel like they're not even allowed to play the game anymore, maybe the clashing has gone too far?


Clashing, competing, conflicting etc. Personally, I'd say its naturally dependent on the manner and specifics of the clashing. Like some peoples styles and preferences are naturally more accomodating. Thats mine for example, I tend to pay attention to what my other team mates are doing, and tend to accommodate what I think they are striving for. Around new Primes, are when I play PUGs the most, and have come across all manner of different styles/play styles, and other variables. Played with some really slow players, who were a bit new, so I went slow as well, and didn't kill as hard or fast, we communicated in chat more, etc, played with some speed runner types, who wanted to go fast over and over, played with a host with bad wifi who was overly apologetic, but they were nice and respectful, played some Steel Path Defence where nuking was everyones preference to go faster. My play style isn't the best or anything, its just mine, I hold no judgements towards others who are more disconcerting or selective.

I remember a thread where someone was complaining that someone else in a PUB killed their Kuva Lich too fast. They talked about how them and their brother struggled against their two Lichs for weeks, how it killed them a few times, how they struggled to get Murmurs, and find out the combination, and down them each time. They talked about how epic and exciting it was to have a nemesis... and then they lamented that when it came to the showdown, someone random they were matched with, one shot their Lich and how that played robbed them of joy of defeating their epic rivals, and they thought such players were... I can't remember the exact accusation. Alternatively, you have a lot of people grinding Liches for weapons, the perfect percentage or element or Ephemera, who have killed over 70 and streamlined the process considerably, and so many who are just happy to be efficient... I'm naturally more of the latter type of person. Though say in Archon Hunts, I would always look at the load outs of team, and try to gauge where they may be at, and hold back just a little. Some people sometimes want a bit more of an experience, some others just want the reward, can sort of be quite tricky to some of accomodate people that way, but eh. 

I always think all people should always feel like they are allowed to play the game, but that communication and basic social interaction skills with other humans can be handy and go a long way. Not always required, but situationally applicable. After all clashes that occur in video games, can overlap with the clashes many of us will experience in real life in other contexts or even in Forums. The ability to address them in different ways is valuable. Its also why I imagine a lot of people like solo as well, because we like to turn off that part of the brain as far as trying to have to deal with people, even if a lot of other online Warframe players are chill and accomodating, (whether game or forums), it can be a bit tiring coming across someone who is antagonistic, rude, foul, trolling. Doesn't even have to be that negative either, I tried a Public Netracell mission the other day... one guy was like 300 meters away during the red circle phase... and all the enemies were attracted to them, and they were using a Slowva... and it took like 25 minutes... So I went solo after that. Even I'm not that accomodating...

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If we're talking clashing gameplay styles, my pet peeve is being in a squad with Khora. Not including Limbo I don't think there's any ability that disrupts like Strangledome. And a lot of the time in pubs I notice the Khora player will not be Whipclawing/otherwise killing the dangling mobs.

My solution: don't play pubs, start a clan where no Khoras are allowed (shameless plug, currently recruiting huehue)

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1 hour ago, Nira said:

If we're talking clashing gameplay styles, my pet peeve is being in a squad with Khora. Not including Limbo I don't think there's any ability that disrupts like Strangledome. And a lot of the time in pubs I notice the Khora player will not be Whipclawing/otherwise killing the dangling mobs.

My solution: don't play pubs, start a clan where no Khoras are allowed (shameless plug, currently recruiting huehue)

Thank you for pointing her out… everyone dogging on Limbo, but max ranged Khora players who never bother to use whipclaw… they are the true enemy. 

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Eh, I just brush up my parkour skills if it's gonna be a nukr bonanza. Using Chroma's double bullet jumps for more precise turns feels good when you do it right lol.

Now if I actually want to enjoy the gameplay while cracking relics, I'm doing corpus railjack. 

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On 2024-01-23 at 5:06 AM, Merkranire said:

I never agreed to join your squad, but there’s no filter to stop joining players like you aside from going out of my way to find players who aren’t taking the components this game offers and turning them into problems.


You agreed on it when you signed up for a random public run where you get what you get. If you are looking for a specific outcome with your groups there is recruiting and making a pre-made with likeminded fellows/fellases. Just as the person with efficiency in mind only have themselves to blame if they join what in their mind would be a quick capture and end up having to wait at the extract for the full duration since someone opens lockers etc.

Nither would be a jerk in this case, unless the player opening lockers only does so for the purpose of slowing it down to punish the speedrunner.

On 2024-01-23 at 5:41 AM, Merkranire said:

I know full well that going public in a game filled with inconsiderate grindheads is tantamount to asking that my gameplay not exist, though I poke in every so often to see whether I’ll match up with someone like OP instead of someone like you. I would kill for a filter or something so that we never match, and you and your buddies can fight it out amongst yourselves to try and secure something to do while you grind away at a second job

Nice superiority complex there mate. Nice conclussion jumping aswell. It's not the fault of the players that some modes are designed to be lightyears faster than others for opening relics when all you wanna do is open relics. Blame DE for making endless modes so much slower than the one-and-dones.

90 second capture, 2-3 minute exterminate, 4 minute defense or a 5 minute survival per relic cracked... hmmmm such a hard choice there if my goal is opening relics. 40 relics in an hours time from capture, 20-30 from exterminate or 12 from survival. That more than 3 hours required in survival to open the same amount that capture allows for.

If this was a matter of 1-2 relics in difference per hour, yeah the "grindheads" things would somewhat make sense but still ooze of a superiority complex based in your own gameplay approach deemed as superior and more correct.

edit: And with capture alone, the slow "you" approach would likely result in roughly 2/3 or ½ the relics per hour cracked, that is if you end up making it so people need to wait at the extract, since capture is by nature so very quick. The same would likely apply to exterminate since the clearing would be much slower. So not even within the mode does "grindheads" apply, since it would be a massive difference in relics per hour.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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On 2024-01-20 at 12:23 AM, Zinxori- said:

I sorta expected someone to make the typical argument that "the solo button?" 

There's 3 kinds of players. #1 that complain about underperforming teammates. #2 that complain about overperforming teammates and #3 the chads that just enjoy the game. Aim to be #3.

You have the one problem with the easiest solution. You see; It takes time to help underperforming players. They need mods, forma, arcanes or maybe just help understanding the content. But with the press of a button all your teammate issues are gone. It takes more effort for you to go to the forums, type up a message to complain, and argue your nonsense then just press the solo button. 

Why are you wasting all this effort, when you could have a tailor made solo experience at any time you want?

You however made the choice to play in a public match. Shame you don't respect your fellow players time, or how they enjoy playing the game. You CANNOT DEMAND to be respected when you don't respect the teammates you complain about. Did you ask them not to nuke in chat? Or did they just magically know through their telepathic powers that they were ruining your experience? 

Play with friends, or play solo. If you play publically, just like going to a public store, public area, or etc you don't control who goes there, or what they do. 

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On 2024-01-22 at 5:16 AM, SDGDen said:

AOE nukes have been an issue basically as long as the game has existed.

Its not an issue. 

You go to an ice cream parlor. They have multiple flavors. Single target and AOE are different flavors. They have their own appeal. 

Getting rid of AOE nukes is actually detrimental to warframe, as the high enemy spawn is literally built for AOE and high damage. Removing it is going to alienate people who want to farm quickly/easy, or just enjoy the playstyle. Warframe has the same draws and appeal as games like Diablo (Which is also a farming game) and removing aoe in diablo would be just as bad. 

Warframe's main draw over games like destiny is the amount of power you can wield. You don't remove one of your best selling flavors, cause somebody else only likes vanilla.

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Le 23/01/2024 à 05:41, Merkranire a dit :

I know full well that going public in a game filled with inconsiderate grindheads is tantamount to asking that my gameplay not exist, though I poke in every so often to see whether I’ll match up with someone like OP instead of someone like you. I would kill for a filter or something so that we never match, and you and your buddies can fight it out amongst yourselves to try and secure something to do while you grind away at a second job

I think you pointed one of the main problems here : the lack of matchmaking options in Warframe.

While I do not really agree with you : my opinion is that Void Fissures intrinsic goal is to open Relics. As we need to open many Relics to get a whole Prime set, it's normal that players will start to use the fastest way possible. Are they having fun with this ? I think that yes, players are having fun (I have fun opening Relics this way even if I don't kill any enemy) and the reason is very simple : there are many different ways to have fun and one of them is related to dopamine and games usually make dopamine levels to spike when we achieve some goals (get a specific Prime part in this case).

As I prefer a support gameplay, regenerating the squad Energy or giving them DR or just keeping them alive is much more important to me than killing everything that moves, so Nuke builds are not a problem to me at all.

On the other hand, I can understand players that are frustrated by nuking builds : they want to nuke, but they can't as someone else already did it.

That's why I think one great QoL change would be the introduction of matchmaking filters, to let players that have the same goals play together.

Those who want to quick farm Prime parts will be able to do it even more efficiently and those who prefer a much slower gameplay will be able to have fun together.

Of course, this will not solve all problems (specially those related to the lack of balance in the game), but at least it will prevent a lot of frustration on many players.

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On 2024-01-23 at 4:18 AM, Merkranire said:

I don’t need your life’s story to know that if you and I squad up, one of us is going to come off worse

Strange. I didn't realize warframe was a PvP game. 

Pretty sure neither of you are gonna come off worse, as the mission ends and you get rewards. Unless you are talking about the headache you are going to give other players from the amount of entitement you have. 

How do you and your squad come off worse exactly? You have to repeat a mission over at best to crack open a relic? 


On 2024-01-23 at 4:18 AM, Merkranire said:

 I just want to get out of the squad ASAP,

You should try getting out of the squad before the mission starts then. There's this button called "Solo play" Its less effort and more effective than repeating your entitled opinion over and over again, and expecting the entire tenno universe to confirm to your desires. 

You don't confirm to other's desires, so why do you expect them to confirm to yours? Didn't realize you were the god lotus.

On 2024-01-23 at 4:18 AM, Merkranire said:

I’ve got better things to do that doesn’t involve validating some player’s Warframe identity that revolves around redundant amounts of power and efficiency.

Clearly not. 

Complaining is apparently the best thing you have to do. Only peak entitled players complain about teammates doing to well. You can keep complaining forever. Or just go find a different game to play. Cause you could be playing the game right now. You could be playing with friends, running solo, anything you like. 

But here you are. You dont like twiddling your thumbs, you like flaunting your entitlement. 


On 2024-01-23 at 4:18 AM, Merkranire said:

I’ve got so many alternative builds designed for the content I’m doing that I don’t bother using loadout slots, I just build accordingly because I know how to, and when I’m doing big boy content I use big boy builds and it’s seriously nothing so special I can’t set them aside for both mine and my teammate’s sanity, because I’d go nuts if I was forced to play a cookie clicker as much as I’ve played non… cookie…clicker. It sounded better in my head; the point is I’d go insane if I couldn’t set those particular builds aside temporarily and rebuild alternatively, and thank god the game not only allows it but also expects it because it keeps giving me more things to use

Loadouts are a good way to quickly swap to alternate builds btw. They save the mods you use, so its faster then just rebuilding everything. 

But at the bottom of your message you actually talk about why people use nuke builds. "Because it keeps giving me more things to use" 

New things are fun. People who want to try out new things dont want to wait forever for those new things. Thats why they bring out the big boys, so they can actually use the weapons or items that interest them. 

Please curb your entitlement. 

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6 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

You agreed on it when you signed up for a random public run where you get what you get. If you are looking for a specific outcome with your groups there is recruiting and making a pre-made with likeminded fellows/fellases. Just as the person with efficiency in mind only have themselves to blame if they join what in their mind would be a quick capture and end up having to wait at the extract for the full duration since someone opens lockers etc.

Nither would be a jerk in this case, unless the player opening lockers only does so for the purpose of slowing it down to punish the speedrunner.

Nice superiority complex there mate. Nice conclussion jumping aswell. It's not the fault of the players that some modes are designed to be lightyears faster than others for opening relics when all you wanna do is open relics. Blame DE for making endless modes so much slower than the one-and-dones.

90 second capture, 2-3 minute exterminate, 4 minute defense or a 5 minute survival per relic cracked... hmmmm such a hard choice there if my goal is opening relics. 40 relics in an hours time from capture, 20-30 from exterminate or 12 from survival. That more than 3 hours required in survival to open the same amount that capture allows for.

If this was a matter of 1-2 relics in difference per hour, yeah the "grindheads" things would somewhat make sense but still ooze of a superiority complex based in your own gameplay approach deemed as superior and more correct.

edit: And with capture alone, the slow "you" approach would likely result in roughly 2/3 or ½ the relics per hour cracked, that is if you end up making it so people need to wait at the extract, since capture is by nature so very quick. The same would likely apply to exterminate since the clearing would be much slower. So not even within the mode does "grindheads" apply, since it would be a massive difference in relics per hour.

Oh great, Ervin’s here to tell me why playing a certain detrimental way is the only option that makes sense.

I don’t care about relics per hour (RPH), this game’s a marathon anyways, I want to have fun playing it, the things we get from relics are nice to have but not necessary and won’t make or break the fun but are nice rewards to get after playing some game, and I’m rarely joining public with the hopes of landing with either someone like OP who’s also looking for someone to play alongside instead of trail behind, or some newbie who can’t obliterate everything and we fight together instead of against each other.

You’ll note, Ervin, that I said “Rarely”; that’s right, the reason public matchmaking can be so empty at times is because solo’s right there as an option not just for me, but for anyone, and in my case I know Fissures are a hotspot for players like you, and it goes from a rare general occurance of joining Public to hopefully fight alongside someone in any mission to a vanishingly rare case of joining Public Fissures because I know how this community operates

5 hours ago, HeavyFarms said:

Strange. I didn't realize warframe was a PvP game. 

Pretty sure neither of you are gonna come off worse, as the mission ends and you get rewards. Unless you are talking about the headache you are going to give other players from the amount of entitement you have. 

How do you and your squad come off worse exactly? You have to repeat a mission over at best to crack open a relic? 


You should try getting out of the squad before the mission starts then. There's this button called "Solo play" Its less effort and more effective than repeating your entitled opinion over and over again, and expecting the entire tenno universe to confirm to your desires. 

You don't confirm to other's desires, so why do you expect them to confirm to yours? Didn't realize you were the god lotus.

Clearly not. 

Complaining is apparently the best thing you have to do. Only peak entitled players complain about teammates doing to well. You can keep complaining forever. Or just go find a different game to play. Cause you could be playing the game right now. You could be playing with friends, running solo, anything you like. 

But here you are. You dont like twiddling your thumbs, you like flaunting your entitlement. 


Loadouts are a good way to quickly swap to alternate builds btw. They save the mods you use, so its faster then just rebuilding everything. 

But at the bottom of your message you actually talk about why people use nuke builds. "Because it keeps giving me more things to use" 

New things are fun. People who want to try out new things dont want to wait forever for those new things. Thats why they bring out the big boys, so they can actually use the weapons or items that interest them. 

Please curb your entitlement. 

What entitlement are you talking about?

edit: Also, I used loadout slots once, it was a nightmare to keep them up to date with how many ways I changed things, so it ended up just being easier and faster to rebuild

Edited by Merkranire
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5 hours ago, HeavyFarms said:

But at the bottom of your message you actually talk about why people use nuke builds. "Because it keeps giving me more things to use" 

New things are fun. People who want to try out new things dont want to wait forever for those new things. Thats why they bring out the big boys, so they can actually use the weapons or items that interest them. 

I’m using the new things I get while getting new things. They don’t start off max-rank for one, and they need some leveling, so that’s an excuse to bring them, and I’d like to be able to use them while they level

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Seriously, we’re not even at the point yet where different playstyles can come into existence in the first place in order to be a point of contention, because the game doesn’t exist thanks to one player intentionally removing it while insisting that’s a good thing in what could be a shocking display of cognitive dissonance if they’re also the same players complaining that there’s no game in general. So for everyone who’s like “This is an equal problem for either side”, I call bullS#&$; there’s nothing equal about this, and you guys are just trying to justify your actions

Edited by Merkranire
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27 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Bait GIF

Oh sorry, I meant:

Why don’t you complainers scurry back on to your Solo gameplay. Public is for fast grinders and efficiency-chasers, you’re an extra relic if you’re not a hinderance, so get used to it because DE forces us to do this and there’s nothing we poor souls can do about it.

If only these complainers could see it from our perspective, they’d understand and agree with us! Isn’t that right, my fellow …. um…. can’t really say gamers since there’s not much of a game left….. 🤔 Will need to think of an adequate word for us

edit: Heroes. We’re heroes, deserving of respect since we’ve saved players from using their garbage gear and rescued others from monotonous gameplay. Hold your heads high, Public is our land and it works as we please!

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hace 1 hora, Merkranire dijo:

Oh sorry, I meant:

Why don’t you complainers scurry back on to your Solo gameplay. Public is for fast grinders and efficiency-chasers, you’re an extra relic if you’re not a hinderance, so get used to it because DE forces us to do this and there’s nothing we poor souls can do about it.

If only these complainers could see it from our perspective, they’d understand and agree with us! Isn’t that right, my fellow …. um…. can’t really say gamers since there’s not much of a game left….. 🤔 Will need to think of an adequate word for us

edit: Heroes. We’re heroes, deserving of respect since we’ve saved players from using their garbage gear and rescued others from monotonous gameplay. Hold your heads high, Public is our land and it works as we please!

Stop victimizing yourself, your style of play is not the only true one, do you really think that people have nothing better to do than cause problems for you personally? Maybe you should avoid public games so that players avoid your complaints, the only one who is proving to be an inconsiderate idiot is you.

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8 minutes ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

Stop victimizing yourself, your style of play is not the only true one, do you really think that people have nothing better to do than cause problems for you personally? Maybe you should avoid public games so that players avoid your complaints, the only one who is proving to be an inconsiderate idiot is you.

This isn’t a personal problem, this is a problem that’s well documented as affecting multiple people, causing the developers to lament what they’ve created, and you are the problem.

How much better do you think the Public domain would be if you went solo instead, eh? Your much-vaunted kindness extends only so far as someone doesn’t complain when you step onto the scene and take the game away, not even giving a chance for alternative playstyles to breath in the first place nevermind being a point of contention.

I’d be perfectly willing to accept alternative playstyles; I sometimes play alongside another human being after all and we get along just fine. They need to exist in the first place to be accepted though, and you being so grossly unable to even identify what you’re built for when you jump into a squad doesn’t give you an out as being an inconsiderate jackass

Edited by Merkranire
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hace 1 hora, Merkranire dijo:

This isn’t a personal problem, this is a problem that’s well documented as affecting multiple people, causing the developers to lament what they’ve created, and you are the problem.

How much better do you think the Public domain would be if you went solo instead, eh? Your much-vaunted kindness extends only so far as someone doesn’t complain when you step onto the scene and take the game away, not even giving a chance for alternative playstyles to breath in the first place nevermind being a point of contention.

I’d be perfectly willing to accept alternative playstyles; I sometimes play alongside another human being after all and we get along just fine. They need to exist in the first place to be accepted though, and you being so grossly unable to even identify what you’re built for when you jump into a squad doesn’t give you an out as being an inconsiderate jackass

The only problem is people who believe that their style of play is the only one that should be respected. Just because you feel intimidated by players with faster styles does not mean that they are idiots, your slower playing style simply clashes with theirs, they are not idiots who want to bother the other (surely there will be some case like that, there is always one for everything) , you should deflate that huge ego balloon.

hace 1 hora, Merkranire dijo:

How much better do you think the Public domain would be if you went solo instead, eh?

you should ask yourself that question.

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1 hour ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

The only problem is people who believe that their style of play is the only one that should be respected. Just because you feel intimidated by players with faster styles does not mean that they are idiots, your slower playing style simply clashes with theirs, they are not idiots who want to bother the other (surely there will be some case like that, there is always one for everything) , you should deflate that huge ego balloon.

you should ask yourself that question.

There is no intimidation when some bull-in-a-china-shop player comes blasting through, there’s only eye-rolling and either accepting that I’m not going to be able to do anything and to make myself as small a problem or to drop out in order to find something to do.

You know why you’ve built the way you do, and you know what that build does to the mission you’re choosing, and you still elect to do the mission in multiplayer knowing full well your teammates are going to be superfluous because of how you’ve intentionally built them away: you know you’re going to cause problems and you do it anyways and then act like you’re not at fault!

This isn’t a “Oh, we just have different playstyles”, this is you actively choose the build and mission knowing what it results in and that the result is that anyone else sits around with their thumb up their ass while you act like we’re all on equal footing and deserve equal consideration while you remove the game because that’s what you wanted to do in the first place because it’s why you chose that build and mission combo

Edited by Merkranire
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hace 45 minutos, Merkranire dijo:

There is no intimidation when some bull-in-a-china-shop player comes blasting through, there’s only eye-rolling and either accepting that I’m not going to be able to do anything or to drop out in order to find something to do.

You know why you’ve built the way you do, and you know what that build does to the mission you’re choosing, and you still elect to do the mission in multiplayer knowing full well your teammates are going to be superfluous because of how you’ve intentionally built them away: you know you’re going to cause problems and you do it anyways and then act like you’re not at fault!

This isn’t a “Oh, we just have different playstyles”, this is you actively choose the build and mission knowing what it results in and that the result is that anyone else sits around with their thumb up their ass while you act like we’re all on equal footing and deserve equal consideration while you remove the game because that’s what you wanted to do in the first place because it’s why you chose that build and mission combo

So is it the fault of those who go fast and want to farm as efficiently as possible? Or the ones who go slower and take their time to complete the mission? Faster styles could reduce speed and skill spam and slower styles could increase speed and dps, but why would one have to sacrifice their fun to make the other happy? The answer is simple: if someone is bothered enough to want to abandon the mission, they can always do so alone or with like-minded players in the recruitment chat, when you do a public mission with randoms you accept the gameplay of others. But what YOU want is for them to fit YOUR style or go to hell, YOUR enjoyment is more important.

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Just now, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

So is it the fault of those who go fast and want to farm as efficiently as possible? Or the ones who go slower and take their time to complete the mission? Faster styles could reduce speed and skill spam and slower styles could increase speed and dps, but why would one have to sacrifice their fun to make the other happy? The answer is simple: if someone is bothered enough to want to abandon the mission, they can always do so alone or with like-minded players in the recruitment chat, when you do a public mission with randoms you accept the gameplay of others. But what YOU want is for them to fit YOUR style or go to hell, YOUR enjoyment is more important.

The only reason you aren’t worse off is because you’re hogging all the game! This isn’t a fair comparison, you’re being told right now that what you’re doing is causing problems and you can’t stop doing the problematic thing despite all your preaching of adapting, whereas if I were to play like you we’re still not playing together, we’re fighting over scraps of things to do!

How are you so convinced that you’re not some jackass when you’re so clearly being a jackass?? It’s not just me, it’s anyone you squad with that’s going to have problems!

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hace 22 minutos, Merkranire dijo:

The only reason you aren’t worse off is because you’re hogging all the game! This isn’t a fair comparison, you’re being told right now that what you’re doing is causing problems and you can’t stop doing the problematic thing despite all your preaching of adapting, whereas if I were to play like you we’re still not playing together, we’re fighting over scraps of things to do!

How are you so convinced that you’re not some jackass when you’re so clearly being a jackass?? It’s not just me, it’s anyone you squad with that’s going to have problems!

Do you really think that only those who play slowly can have a bad time? You couldn't be more narrow-minded. You can ask DE for a better matchmaking system. In the meantime, the solution is simple: can't tolerate playing with someone fast or slow? Do what I and many others mentioned and at the same time you won't have to act like a victim. By the way, my playstyle is not fast, although I use Volt, I don't spam his 4 and try to use his 2 out of reach of other players, especially if they are Titania and Nezha.


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