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I just discovered Nyx


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in a move to try keep warframe more interesting for me I have been cycling though different frames like crazy while doing netracels

I kinda figured a Cirtine build that I don't hate which revolved around replacing her energy economy making her feel better! also discovered an alternative playstyle for wisp helped by the companion rework that I can RIP archrons to shreads using, there are a handful of frames I found I kinda like that work but don't feel great surviving hard content which got me thinking .. maybe I should try find some warframe that is or can be made functionally immortal, didn't require a lot of button presses to maintain like kill streak or high micro to becom nigh immortality and most importantly look good while doing it! (fem frame required)

first thing I tried was Valkyr, knowing she had an immortality on her #4 while cool in theory is only immortal while melee with her talons and exalted melee has no arcane adapters = less fun, then I saw I had nyx prim sitting there no build or nothing ! I forced a potato in her potato slot, squeezed in a forma too but wasn't really sure how to build so threw a bunch of stuff together and ended up with something like 95% duration, 135% efficiency, 145% range 259% str (too much str maybe?)

I drop in assimilate omg yes this is almost exactly the playstyle I was looking for, a fun lazy nothing can kill me so long as I keep energy economy ticking build but .......

why is the movement limitation 50% of her BASE speed? it makes her extremely frustrating to play having to just weld her to the spot, can't jump can't nothing just stand there moving slowly, no matter how many speed mods or effects you stack nothing makes this any faster at all!

would it really break the game if it were 50% of her MAX speed ? that way you could helminth a speed spell like the on from nezha, dedicate mod capacity / slots to building for speed,

"but but but you can't just mod for 200% speed to get 100% and be immune to everything that's op" I hear ya say ? well I took nyx out of a spin on steelpath and wow.. the amount of times I am just bubble up casually aoe a room down while moving slowly and suddenly BAM my energy instantly drops to 0 an pulls me out of immune, it's the same issue I had while trying to make ivara my goto, some enemies just omgwtfpwn you by stripping your energy and there isn't anything you can do about it.

tldr would it be ok if Nyx got a 50% of MAX speed instead of base speed while using the assimilate augment ? she could still be welded to the floor

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So last time I played Nyx (which was god knows how long ago), her big thing was actually using Chaos and pretending to be a pacifist while enemies were busy ripping each other apart.  Psychic Bolts used to be pretty solid as an armor strip, although the problem was that it was random target.

Absorb even then was kinda never used because it was just taking your energy load and pouring it on the floor.

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58 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

nothing makes this any faster at all!

That's not true anymore. You can use Kullervo's Wrathful Advance helminth to teleport around the map and I would assume Saryn's Molt and Dispatch Overdrive (melee exilus mod) increase the walking speed, but I need to test that first. Both things DO work for Ivara's Prowl (her invis ability) though.

You could also use some of the zariman incarnon melee's with the movement speed evolutions.

For the energy economy/getting your energy sucked away, I'd suggest Equilibrium and a sentinel/Helstrum setup (which you can look up on yt) to get energy back rq.

Edited by Hejirah-Umbra
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hace 3 minutos, Hejirah-Umbra dijo:

That's not true anymore. You can use Kullervo's Wrathful Advance helminth to teleport around the map

That's even worse hahahaha.

Simply put, nyx is bad in general and even in its niche it is poor and if you're wondering what Nyx's niche is, it's to disorganize enemies and mitigate some damage... and well, she's not good at it.

Chaos + absorbs combo is the most salvageable in her, but then loki radial disarm + invisibility is like 10,000 times better.


The End.

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22 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

That's even worse hahahaha.

Simply put, nyx is bad in general and even in its niche it is poor and if you're wondering what Nyx's niche is, it's to disorganize enemies and mitigate some damage... and well, she's not good at it.

No, her appeal is a decent armor strip (not best, not worst), slight cc and most importantly, awesome skins.

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1 hour ago, Raarsi said:

So last time I played Nyx (which was god knows how long ago), her big thing was actually using Chaos and pretending to be a pacifist while enemies were busy ripping each other apart

basically the subsume from Qorvex, except Qorvex version lasts 60 seconds base line and effects all enemies that walk into the area and it deals damage also adds status and it covers 2 areas at the same time, and you can put this on ANY warframe... Oh god nyx has it bad lol

1 hour ago, Raarsi said:

Psychic Bolts used to be pretty solid as an armor strip, although the problem was that it was random target.

yeah I did find this at the str level I have + corrosive projection was good at taking difficult targets BUT I found more than once a single cast would strip defenses ...  then defenses would mysteriously be back a second later and I would have to cast it again, it seems bugged ?

1 hour ago, Raarsi said:

Absorb even then was kinda never used because it was just taking your energy load and pouring it on the floor.

I just cheesed jackal steel path with it having some efficiency but i feel like maybe I need a higher pool / energy battery or higher efficiency, it seems pretty solid for steelpath with the exception of units that can turn it off

1 hour ago, Hejirah-Umbra said:

That's not true anymore. You can use Kullervo's Wrathful Advance helminth

I did just a few hours ago feed my only Kullervo into helminth for this ability, though I personally don't count teleporting as increasing movement speed, there are also mods that teleport on heavy attack that have been around a while but outside of the teleports you are still super slow moving, I did however find a glitch where you can enable sliding while in her bubble that made it less painful but I still think it could use it being adjusted to make stacking speed modifiers not useless!

1 hour ago, Hejirah-Umbra said:

I would assume Saryn's Molt and Dispatch Overdrive (melee exilus mod) increase the walking speed,

the wiki says Dispatch Overdrive works but its at cost of breaking a weapon build and needing to keep heavy attacking to keep this up, it has no mention of molt, interesting though

1 hour ago, Vilmera said:

I replaced her fourth ability until it get rework - too obsolete as today's ingame pace is too fast for it

honestly , I could replace her #1 I am literally wiping rooms with my gun / melee, I don't need some npc with a 3000% damage buff that I can't tell if its even killing stuff / helping me or not, I did kinda work on the enemy mechs which might have been awesome but they always break out after a few seconds.

I could replace her 2 its only a defense strip, my cat does defense strip better than this skill.

I could replace her 3, I can get the same effect with a radiation based aoe weapon

her 4 is the only thing I see if value, the only thing that stands out since it provides her with flat damage immunity, I dont even need the break effect or the buff from this

its kinda a shame most of her kit is easily overshadowed by other stuff and none of it seems to have any synergies ?


46 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

massively disagree with that take on Citrine.

why? I can get energy and health orbs from dethcube with energy generator and synth set (that allows any frame to collect health orbs at max health) The companion build will supply ample amounts of energy / orbs and if you still need more energy add in duplex bond, this makes her 1 completely replaceable imo

edit: you can even add mystic bond if you need even more energy economy from your companion, allowing you to keep 4 intact for juicy red crits, also you can disagree but I am not wrong when I say It's a build I don't hate, because it's for my own enjoyment and I have fun playing her this way.

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The reason she's so slow while in Absorb is because sprinting is disabled entirely. This is why she doesn't benefit from any sprint speed buffs, she's unable to sprint at all. As @Hejirah-Umbra correctly stated, only movement speed buffs will have any effect as these increase your speed regardless of whether you're sprinting or not, although the increase isn't anything to write home about. There are... less than legitimate ways around this but I generally go to one of two options for mobility:

1.  Rolling with amalgam barrel diffusion and arcane agility (which can be activated even while in Absorb) or

2. Reave or Vial Rush

But yes I too am of the opinion that allowing her to sprint at 50% would hardly be game breaking.

Efficiency is the way to go if you want to easily sustain Absorb. The energy drain goes as low as 1 per second with 175%. The problem is that every 1000 damage drains an additional 8 energy. Even though this is affected by efficiency as well, going as low as 2 per 1000 damage, at very high levels the enemies do enough damage to instantly wipe your energy pool as you said. Also, as far as her base kit is concerned, I wouldn't recommend going above 125% strength in most cases. This is the minimum strength required for Psychic Bolts to full strip. Anymore strength is kind of wasted as her 1 and 3 don't have strength scaling and the strength scaling on her 4 is largely irrelevant.

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hace 5 minutos, _Anise_ dijo:

Why ?
I can get energy and health orbs from Dethcube with synth set (that allows you to also pick up health at max health) and energy generator will supply ample amounts of energy orbs and if you still need more energy add in duplex bond, makes her 1 completely replaceable

Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF

Why would you replace her 1 for a Deth🧊?
Yes it has Energy Generator, but with the exaggeratedly high amount of health orbs you can produce with her one or any sentinel, not Deth🧊 exclusively, mostly those that can attack many targets in little time as can Diriga or a Helstrum Nautilus, just by adding Equilibrium you don't need to rely on energy orbs at all to have pretty much infinite energy on her all the time, or any warframe.

As a matter of fact it's immensely better than to rely on energy orbs.

It also makes sense to keep her 1 from a priming perspective since she's a status-enhancing frame and her Prismatic Gem not only increases status chance but also status duration which makes it so dropping it + a flick of her 1 has 6 different statuses on your targets. It also provides a nice quick CC on a cone in front of you, moreover when paired with her 3 as it'll slow down enemies with the cold procs while they are staggered.

I have a semi-minmaxxed Citrine with 5 archon shards, 2 (regular) for more corrosive stacks, I think 2 (regular) for duration , 1 (regular) for energy max, 3 archon mods - Continuity, Vitality & Stretch - and some forma + I subsumed off her 4 for Nourish (for obvious reasons if you put 2&2 with the aforementioned), and she's insanely powerful and comfortable, with 0 energy issues even before Nourish while running Blind Rage so am only at 45% efficiency.
I'm not sure why are you having energy economy issues on her prior to removing her 1, or struggle to make a build that makes you not-hate her (?)
Want tips?

Before you mention it too, yes, Nourish is OP, it's incredibly unoriginal to put it on any frame, and on Citrine with Archon mods it just happens to be insanely busted so might as well be the best Tank + DPS + Support + Primer + Passive armour strip in the whole game.

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1 hour ago, _Anise_ said:

basically the subsume from Qorvex, except Qorvex version lasts 60 seconds base line and effects all enemies that walk into the area and it deals damage also adds status and it covers 2 areas at the same time, and you can put this on ANY warframe... Oh god nyx has it bad lol

Pillars also have a slow effect.  It's weak-ish, and not affected by ability strength, but it also works through Eximus Overguard. 

Chaos does have a major, major strength versus Pillars though:  It doesn't need LoS.   (And 3x the base range, which makes up some for being limited to one Chaos instance at a time and the higher energy cost / lower duration.)

But I agree that Chaos is a little lackluster these days.  It's just that it has been for longer than Qorvex has  existed.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

Why would you replace her 1 for a Deth🧊?


1) I don't enjoy the playstyle of running around spamming her #1 before I kill stuff, its like an extra step that doubles the time my weapons take to clear rooms

2) equilibrium synergies really well with her #1 like almost auto include ? but now frees up a mod slot for something else.

3) I actually like her 4th ability, pared with xatas whisper and tenet tetra with bouncy bullets mod which xatas makes repeatedly hit the crit enabled target = fun! (this is what the game is about right?)

4) dethcube is a consistant source of energy generation (it works I never run out of energy and I spam skills all day)

1 hour ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

Yes it has Energy Generator, but with the exaggeratedly high amount of health orbs you can produce with her one or any sentinel, not Deth🧊 exclusively

"deth 🧊 " only has to get 10 kill assists for a 100% chance at dropping an energy orb, it can also be built for 100% status (verglas) and AOE with either electric or gas?

while "any sentinel" can generating energy orbs is via duplex bond it specifically requires a companion to kill a target for 50% chance, so just NUKING an entire room with a warframe you might not see any energy drop at all from duplex

I don't always use the Synth mods either but when I did it was mostly for Cirtrines passive, again don't run equilibrium but agree it can be used here, but I am not sure what argument you are trying to make here, there are viable alternative energy economies ? yeah I know and its why I don't keep her #1 ability

tldr dethcube for consistency / overkill energy generation? and if I am being completely honest I don't even have to run that, zenurick + arcane energize with any companion build is enough for me to make do without her first ability

tldr tldr it is fun for me and that is the whole point of being able to build things in different ways ?

1 hour ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

I'm not sure why are you having energy economy issues on her prior to removing her 1, or struggle to make a build that makes you not-hate her (?)

ok sounds like their might been a misunderstanding, I didn't have energy economy issues, I just disliked her play style surrounding the energy economy enough to want to remove it and that finally made her fun to play for me.

Edited by _Anise_
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1 hour ago, _Anise_ said:

yeah I did find this at the str level I have + corrosive projection was good at taking difficult targets BUT I found more than once a single cast would strip defenses ...  then defenses would mysteriously be back a second later and I would have to cast it again, it seems bugged ?

The defence strip from Psychic Bolts isn't permanent, unlike a lot of newer defence stripping abilities. When the duration ends the enemies regain their defences. Additionally, only one instance of Psychic Bolts can be active at any given time. If you recast it, any enemies previously affected will regain their defences.

As if that wasn't enough, the ability is also rather unreliable if you're not the host, often failing to strip anything at all.

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I wouldn't even begin to know what to do with Nyx to fix her.

Only idea I can think of is Psychic Bolts jumping to new targets after their current one is killed (up to a limit), Mind Control feels like it will never not be a meme, Chaos isn't that consistent these days (especially with Eximus being immune to it) and Absorb just doesn't really do anything.

I think of all of the frames in the game Nyx is probably in the position of being closest to being flat out remade rather than reworked.

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"The defence strip from Psychic Bolts isn't permanent,"

ah that explains it, I maybe cast it on a different target by accident, that is really weird ! specially when you compare it to something like pillage or thannos does a lot more, even my cats defense strip feels better! maybe just another symptom on her being an old frame that got left behind

1 hour ago, AERO5MITH said:

2. Reave or Vial Rush

I might try that, though I did find a way to enable Sprint (it was mentioned on the wiki) but even getting her sprint modifier to 1.97 still makes her feel slow while in Absorb, though sliding in absorb is fun !

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3 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

I might try that, though I did find a way to enable Sprint (it was mentioned on the wiki) but even getting her sprint modifier to 1.97 still makes her feel slow while in Absorb, though sliding in absorb is fun !

I know someone on the wiki mentioned that Dispenser lets you slide, which means you can make use of  minus friction mods. A bit cheesy but it works. I think Dispenser also technically allows you to sprint, although in my testing it doesn't seem to factor in any bonus sprint speed so it's a little pointless. At least Dispenser is really good for sustaining Absorbs energy cost.

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Nyx was about aggro range manipulation.

Play her enough and you know exactly how close you can stand to enemies. Mixing this with her Rad proc Psychic Bolts against Disruptors and Nullifiers insured there were no gaps in her room wide CC manipulation. The Disarm passive was also useful for getting rid of esp nasty enemies like Napalms with their 14m radius AoE.

Her 4th ability was more of a panic button or prevention if you weren't sure you had control of a Nullifer across the room.

Now with her rework and Overguard she can't do any of that. She was my most played frame and I haven't played her since that rework.

There's a few tricks you can or could use to move with Assimilate on. Rift Strike for Twin Basolk lets you teleport to enemies.
There was a sword and shield trick I don't remember and obviously Void Dash.


2 hours ago, Aldain said:

I wouldn't even begin to know what to do with Nyx to fix her.

Letting her Bolts remove Overguard would be the only thing to even begin saving her kit without turning her full meta.

Making her only function by sitting in Assimilate is criminal to what she was.

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41 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

the wiki says Dispatch Overdrive works but its at cost of breaking a weapon build and needing to keep heavy attacking to keep this up, it has no mention of molt, interesting though

fyi, I checked and molt does increase the speed significantly

also, arcane agility/arcane consequence (as suggested) also helps

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6 hours ago, Xzorn said:

Letting her Bolts remove Overguard

 I doubt either would happen, but if she had a way to counter Overguard, I'd prefer if she'd bypass it using Mind Control. This way you can pick eximus with no risk of them dying after losing OG, and could also be used to safely kill them by debuffing first, then controlling and stacking damage afterwards.

 Not that I think they'd do this, but it makes a little more sense since Mind Control is a single target skill that can affect a maximum of one enemy (and you could have just killed them with your weapon instead of casting).

 Removing overguard would only kinda make sense if it's a full dps frame with no cc or utility. And even then, you could just helminth CC into your build, so it'd still not really make that much sense.

 What I think she really needs is a rework to that horrible 4th, and then just nice buffs to her base kit to reinforce her role as debuffer and controller and revitalize her into a modern control frame. No target cap on her 2nd, Chaos could count as a status or provide a small factional damage boost (if enemies are fighting their own allies and at least within x distance of each other, damage boost applies (and lingers for a few 5s after either one dies), Mind Control gets a speed multiplier after N of its former allies die in it's vicinity, Mind Control's teleporting trigger on recasting instead of on it's own, a way to refresh Mind Control duration, Absorb's bubble can be 'escaped' by Nyx to bypass it's long recast animation and the sphere lingers drawing enemy fire (with no damage to energy penalty but she loses the invulnerability) etc etc etc.

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1 hour ago, Venefik said:

 Removing overguard would only kinda make sense if it's a full dps frame with no cc or utility. And even then, you could just helminth CC into your build, so it'd still not really make that much sense.


I doubt it too. I'd rather see Overguard swapped out since I feel it limits frame design concepts.

DE is the one who kinda went off theme though. They tried to meta her by taking away Psychic Bolts Rad proc and infinite targets then making it remove defenses and auras. If it can shut down an Ancient's aura, I don't see why it can't shut down Overguard outside cherry picking.

I did a rework concept of Nyx long ago before they messed her up and I put a "Mark" function on Bolts for Mind Control enemies. Mind Control also played the old Seeker look both directions animation when it ended. A momentary "Where am I?" stun animation. Her 4th has always been either hardly used or entirely OP.

Back in the day Mind Control used to be quite useful. Immune to Toxic, Fire, 90% DR, Shield Regen. All types of enemies for support. Global game changes have rotted away her kit which is exactly why I'd rather see Overguard swapped out instead of trying to work Nyx around a questionable design choice.

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1 hour ago, Tiltskillet said:



Nyx is one of the last room wide AOE CC frames. They never made frames like that after like 2014.

DE has said they don't like "Shutting down the AI" to fight enemies but I don't see much difference when they don't get to shoot either way. Nyx is at least interactive CC. Unlike old Blind which went through walls at 40m radius. I've been wondering how people even play Limbo these days with Overguard just trampling his kit.

It's why I'm so against Overguard as a mechanic. I think DE is just causing limitations on creative concepts for frames.

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