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Caliban Forgotten even more


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im not sure is posible be even more forgotten by devs...

so on the last dev steam we got 10 new arguments... so apart from the 2 newest warframes, all warframes have some kind of argument, right?. AHAAHH No, 4 newer warframes from Caliban have augments and it's not even like we're talking about an unplayable warframe after level 80 like inaros, no, he has 1 useless skill (1) and one skill that is supposed to deal damage, distract enemies and regenerate shields, and the first part of this skill (3) doesn't work... so we have a warframe with epic 4 which is visually and gameplay-wise very strong, with lifting enemies and increased damage to 2, and from 3 which is still useful, and on top of that the most powerful passive in the game and everything is closed for a slightly too hard method of obtaining... that's why devs ignore this warframe... and even if dvs are planning a rework here, half a year usually passes between telling the players about it and releasing it and nothing has been said about it yet we know... it's not difficult to make a modifier for 1 or 2 skills, so get your lazy asses to work because those who like Caliban are furious and there are more and more of them (mainly thanks to a few YouTubers)


I personally like to throw money at this game, but for now, until I get 2 players and a sin for this warframe, I have no intention of giving anything to the developer and I recommend doing the same to anyone who likes this character (of course, also inform about it somewhere) maybe it will encourage the devs to do something about it

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 It sucks but is undeniably a possibly good sign that DE might have something bigger planned for him, which would most likely be infinitely better than getting band-aid augments just for him to do the most obvious things (cough Merulina cough but at least we have the option now so I'll take it cough) like conjuring combat focused, scaling sentient drones, something he should be able to do by default.

 Also, dev bashing is really ugly.

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2 hours ago, Venefik said:

 To jest do bani, ale niezaprzeczalnie jest to dobry znak, że DE może mieć zaplanowane dla niego coś większego, co najprawdopodobniej byłoby nieskończenie lepsze niż zakładanie mu plastra tylko po to, by mógł robić najbardziej oczywiste rzeczy (kaszel, kaszel Merulina, ale przynajmniej mamy opcję teraz, więc przyjmę to kaszlem), jak przywoływanie skupione na walce, skalowanie świadomych dronów, coś, co powinien być w stanie zrobić domyślnie.

 Poza tym atakowanie deweloperów jest naprawdę brzydkie.

ok but rework even minor who change his 3 and 1... change his 2 and 4 and pasive will be like delete him and replace sooo no we not wana that even if it make him better. it still take a lot of time so make augument evne for skill who wrok arledy well will make us feel not like some forggoten dust. and im not evne a caliban mein mien, i like him i play him but he is not my top 1. do it realy that hard for them to make his 2 i dotn know make evry enemy hit by it share % of damage  like kullervwo link but for eche enemy and only minor %, whne combo it to his 4 insane base damage it can work even for steal to lvl 400.  alos is not like devs not know how it al lend give so many auguments and end up have 2 warframes who have 0 of thme... whne tow uf thme was new and one of thme are forggoten... what they except ?  is they problem, they want make good game but alos make money, so meyby not make caliban fan angry whne they areldy sad. bcs how many time people tell me i play trash frame bcs is not popular i not even wana think abat it... whne that trash carry they ass, and most of this time it was trinity or oberon but caliban games and not very smart people happends too. 


we not wana much. ok we wana much like meyby caliban sentient weapon who boost his 3 and 1 so he join to tema archon mods strip armor on toxsic :D 

but just one agument make calibans happy fro like a two yeras 


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Doesn't help that he's an insufferable pain in the arse to farm...I'd rather Farm Citrine over him simply because he needs both that damn Narmer Isoplast (40 of the freaking things in total) and 9 Anomaly Shards from Murex...which involves Railjack which is annoying.

So on top of being a pain to farm he's also staggeringly mid at best and a joke at worst is it any wonder even DE doesn't care about him?

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13 hours ago, Aldain said:

Doesn't help that he's an insufferable pain in the arse to farm...I'd rather Farm Citrine over him simply because he needs both that damn Narmer Isoplast (40 of the freaking things in total) and 9 Anomaly Shards from Murex...which involves Railjack which is annoying.

So on top of being a pain to farm he's also staggeringly mid at best and a joke at worst is it any wonder even DE doesn't care about him?

that is they job to fix and care sooo yes i can be wonder why they do like nothing...  alos i not see even one mission type where he is a joke, he is good at evrything but just good nothing more.   so in the end is DE problem they add that frame make some people like him and now they need do something abaut it and there is like 999 ways and i talk only abaut easy ways. one simple is to move him to railjack likee full on anomaly so you clear sentients ship and have some of his parts and to build you need only shards from anomaly and standard resrocrs, bcs i not see problem abaut shards or even this red stuff from fortuna i see here problem on how much difrends things it need at the same time, something from eidalon, a rare alloy ect ect. 

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Its ok, the longer it takes to rework Caliban, the stronger he'll have to be when they finally get around to it. 

If we trash his name enough, we can turn him into laser-beaming commander of a Sentient Army. It'll be like the Narmer occupation all over again, but Calibanarmer!!

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33 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Too far.


17 hours ago, Aldain said:

I'd rather Farm Citrine over him

Citrene's easy to farm, I don't know what's with this thread. If you can reliably get to Rotation C you're looking at about three or four hours total with average luck

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