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Opinion of Loyal Merulina, from a disgruntled Yareli main (with tl;dr summary)


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I just wish k-drives in general felt better to use, especially on consoles.

They've done a lot to make Yareli not just useable, but actually good. Like Titania and Zephyr before her, with enough iteration we can get the movement feeling better (incidentally those two are my favorite frames).

Like skooma said, it just seems like a signal that they're done trying to fix up her few remaining issues, and that's a tad disappointing for such a cool frame.

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12 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

her 4 can be really fun if you stack a lot of range, I planned to replace snares allowing Muerlina to cast them instead (if it works) and its an expensive ability baseline to cast

try dual ichor incanon with her 4th and it will make a mushroom cloud of toxic


those "were" level 165 (steel path) corrupted heavy gunner

every day we create new ways to commit war crimes

biological weapon + drowning/waterboarding 

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29 minutes ago, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

Main concern is that is the merulina DR still there?

That is true… they didn’t specify. I would think not considering the ability says she has to be on Merulina for DR. 

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4 hours ago, Aruquae said:

That is true… they didn’t specify. I would think not considering the ability says she has to be on Merulina for DR. 

Literally on the first page, my dude:

On 2024-02-25 at 10:02 PM, Hexerin said:

It's not an assumption, we can literally see that the 90% damage redirection is happening in the devstream.


In other words, if something worked before, it still works now.

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

As somewhat a yareli main myself the augments is ok, I'll whip up a new build for since it let me use my primary and melee i have on my yareli loadout finally. Main concern is that is the merulina DR still there?


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On 2024-02-25 at 5:00 PM, Skoomaseller said:

What the introduction of Loyal Merulina tells me, is that at best, DE is still holding off on fixing and improving Yareli, and at worst they've given up. 


Fixing Helminth interactions with her is apparently too hard, for one. So this is what they're going with.

Maybe they will learn the lesson not to base frames off of vehicles.

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18 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:


Fixing Helminth interactions with her is apparently too hard, for one. So this is what they're going with.

Maybe they will learn the lesson not to base frames off of vehicles.

Considering they keep repeating this mistake, unlikely. They seem to keep losing sight of reality, instead getting caught up in the "man, this is such a cool idea/concept" part. Which, to be fair, basically all of the "body replacement" frames (from Titania, to Yareli, and even Grendel) are all pretty dope conceptually.

Edited by Hexerin
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Imagine DE had to rework every map tiles to fix merulina I don't blame them covering the problem in this way.

Mirage get rework to make her no longer the special kid who need special care, here Yareli get no exception.

I mean what good for DE to put big effort on fixing merulina if most people just don't buy it(don't get new content for long period of time cus DE is busy on fixing the map tiles etc).


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On 2024-02-26 at 1:00 AM, Skoomaseller said:

What the introduction of Loyal Merulina tells me, is that at best, DE is still holding off on fixing and improving Yareli, and at worst they've given up. 

I'm going to hand over my two cents about Yareli.

Whoever decided that a literal kawaii Warframe was a good idea, seriously needs to be checked, her design in Appearance and Kit is absolutely atrocious in every single way and this is why she is nothing more than a subsumable frame to Helminth, the only good thing that came out of her was her Aquablades.

Also, we know how DE works, if the frame is very unpopular right out the gate, then there is no need to Fix or Improve the frame and this is why augments exist to bandaid the problem, when she came out I used her as MR Fodder and a Free power slot.


If they want to fix or improve Yareli, they need to go back to the blueprints and start again.


Also Lore wise, I like to think that Ballas made Yareli either because he was high as a kite that one day or one of the Tenno got hold of Ballas's computer 

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9 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

I'm going to hand over my two cents about Yareli.

Whoever decided that a literal kawaii Warframe was a good idea, seriously needs to be checked, her design in Appearance and Kit is absolutely atrocious in every single way and this is why she is nothing more than a subsumable frame to Helminth, the only good thing that came out of her was her Aquablades.

Also, we know how DE works, if the frame is very unpopular right out the gate, then there is no need to Fix or Improve the frame and this is why augments exist to bandaid the problem, when she came out I used her as MR Fodder and a Free power slot.


If they want to fix or improve Yareli, they need to go back to the blueprints and start again.


Also Lore wise, I like to think that Ballas made Yareli either because he was high as a kite that one day or one of the Tenno got hold of Ballas's computer 

counterpoint: we need more kawaii frames like yareli

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I’m going to say my hot take. Helminth not working on Yareli is not as big of a problem people are making it out to be. If you have a problem with DE’s practice of making “bandaid” augments to avoid addressing underlying issues with a frame’s kit what do you think Helminth is/for? You even see this with most of the player base, how it doesn’t matter if a frame has a wonky kit, just Helminth whatever ability is in vogue and stop caring.

Yareli could use some work. And I honestly have been racking my brain if there’s an efficient way of doing it in the same vein as Grendel’s and Inaros’ updates. Cause it appears that’s the level of work DE is comfortable of doing with these passes. Maybe 1 new ability like with Hydroid but whole kit changes? Highly doubt.

If anything I would want her to become more like Titania and become a true caster WF. Decide what role she plays and make it where she can just be ok with ability casts. And tbh secondaries only isn’t that big of a deal. A lot of good secondaries exist and they have some nutty arcanes.

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11 hours ago, PR1D3 said:

I’m going to say my hot take. Helminth not working on Yareli is not as big of a problem people are making it out to be. If you have a problem with DE’s practice of making “bandaid” augments to avoid addressing underlying issues with a frame’s kit what do you think Helminth is/for? You even see this with most of the player base, how it doesn’t matter if a frame has a wonky kit, just Helminth whatever ability is in vogue and stop caring.

Yareli could use some work. And I honestly have been racking my brain if there’s an efficient way of doing it in the same vein as Grendel’s and Inaros’ updates. Cause it appears that’s the level of work DE is comfortable of doing with these passes. Maybe 1 new ability like with Hydroid but whole kit changes? Highly doubt.

If anything I would want her to become more like Titania and become a true caster WF. Decide what role she plays and make it where she can just be ok with ability casts. And tbh secondaries only isn’t that big of a deal. A lot of good secondaries exist and they have some nutty arcanes.

hot is an understatement you literally burned the kitchen with your 2nd sentence

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22 hours ago, PR1D3 said:

Helminth not working on Yareli is not as big of a problem people are making it out to be.

It would be if she was the only one. But there's a lot of frames that can't use Helminth while having certain abilities active. I think Titania is the rare few that can, which I wouldn't be surprised to see nerfed some day. Because that's what happened to Hildryn if I recall correctly.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't be excited if they go the other way and let frames use Helminth anytime. I wanna call down acid rain as Voruna while she's got her Ult activated like some sort of Sleep Token song.

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On 2024-03-04 at 3:01 AM, Circle_of_Psi said:

I'm going to hand over my two cents about Yareli.

Whoever decided that a literal kawaii Warframe was a good idea, seriously needs to be checked, her design in Appearance and Kit is absolutely atrocious in every single way and this is why she is nothing more than a subsumable frame to Helminth, the only good thing that came out of her was her Aquablades.

Also, we know how DE works, if the frame is very unpopular right out the gate, then there is no need to Fix or Improve the frame and this is why augments exist to bandaid the problem, when she came out I used her as MR Fodder and a Free power slot.


If they want to fix or improve Yareli, they need to go back to the blueprints and start again.


Also Lore wise, I like to think that Ballas made Yareli either because he was high as a kite that one day or one of the Tenno got hold of Ballas's computer 

Yareli is fun though, and in her current iteration shes one of the best CC caster frames out there. Mod for duration and range, then spam her 1... Or mod for power and spam her 3 on a melee build. 

People hyper fixate on the K-drive part without fully realizing yareli is more than capable and always has been. The biggest issue with her is that her 1 has to low a limit, though. 

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This augment is a symptom of a bigger issue at DE as they have lost their creative edge and have moved into the homogenization phase. They are changing frames slowly to do omni buffs and armor strips. They made all these new enemy types without bothering to think about the frames themselves individual but instead as a whole.

Like the murmur enemies. Can't use Loki Disarm on them at all. But NOW they plan to rework Loki and make him homogenized too. No thought will be put into the rework and he will probably get some armor strip ability and lose disarm which has been great cause of wanting to get grineer and corpus enemies to move in closer instead of running away to find cover cause their AI has gotten weird.

I don't trust the Loki rework. I don't trust the Yareli Augment. (I don't have trouble riding Merulina like others)

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On 2024-02-25 at 8:00 PM, Skoomaseller said:

tl;dr at the bottom

I wanna start by saying no, I won't ever knock anyone who'll end up liking Yareli as a result of the augment. This is unnecessary gatekeeping, which is stupid. I'd use a stronger word but I already have 2 warnings, so stupid it is.

And don't worry, this isn't a post about the augment going against Yareli's core theme/identity or whatever (it does, but I'm not making that point here. Besides, there's more to love about her than just her main gimmick).

On the latest Devstream DE showcased a new augment for Yareli, Loyal Merulina.

What it does is it turns Merulina into man's best friend (an AI companion), yet gives you the benefits of Merulina without any of its K-Drive aspects. You get the 90% DR and the damage redirection, but also get full access to your arsenal, and you're free to use Helminth abilities. It also casts its own Sea Snares, presumably for free! As a trade-off, you lose access to Merulina Guardian, since you cannot use 2 augments for the same ability (an assumption based on observation as seen with Nyx's Assimilate and Singularity, and Atlas' Rumbled and Titanic Rumbler).

Now, what I predict is that many more people will start using Yareli with this augment installed. Most people, as proven by the 2023 usage statistics, don't use Yareli, and understandably so since K-Drives suck. This is not a secret, and even a Yareli main like myself can recognize this. Not to mention, the many bugs that still have not been addressed.

Now, Loyal Merulina seems like a "true" augment at first: it changes completely how the ability functions and opens up an alternative playstyle. However, what this augment also does is cover up the mess and jank that is Merulina. By eliminating the need to be on Merulina, the augment hides the bugs and glitches that come with it. 

In short, Loyal Merulina is a bandaid.

You may think "oh but like you said, K-Drives suck, they weren't meant for indoor use, bugged to hell, etc, so why not have this augment?" and I won't blame you for that, because it is true.

What I'm worried about is the extended period of radio silence from DE with regards to improvements for K-Drive/Merulina mechanics, bug fixing, until her inevitable Prime Access, or worse, indefinitely.

You see, I've not been silent about asking for improvements to Merulina. I've made a whole post about her bugs here:



And not everything on that list has been fixed. Mind you, Yareli is almost three #*!%ing years old now, and still many of these bugs still persist. And these are just the ones I, and members of the community, have found. The radio silence that is already happening, is truly deafening. 

What the introduction of Loyal Merulina tells me, is that at best, DE is still holding off on fixing and improving Yareli, and at worst they've given up. 

This doesn't bode well for long time Yareli mains like myself, since it could mean that going forward, if Yareli becomes more popular as a result of the augment, they won't bother fixing base Yareli/Merulina, since most people (the very same people who asked for Merulina to be a hat or a backpack or whatever) won't encounter the bugs associated with Merulina. They'll see even fewer reasons than now to tackle them, because why put in the painstakingly arduous effort into debugging Merulina, when most people are on the augment? 

Mind you, this is merely a prediction of future events. Given the radio silence already happening today with regards to Merulina bugs though, I don't think I'm too far off.

tl;dr: I welcome more people finally playing Yareli (though a little sad it'll be without actually using Merulina as originally intended), even if it's through the augment's introduction, but the fact that the augment will be introduced at all tells me DE may have given up on trying to fix Merulina, which doesn't sit right with me. 

On the plus side, the katana loving weebs will be able to use them on the anime frame without needing helminth...

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1 hour ago, Lancars said:

This augment is a symptom of a bigger issue at DE as they have lost their creative edge and have moved into the homogenization phase. They are changing frames slowly to do omni buffs and armor strips. They made all these new enemy types withouof a bigger issue at DE as they have lost their creative edge and have moved into the homogenization phase. They are changing frames slowly to do omni buffs and armor strips. They made all these new enemy types without bothering to think about the frames themselves individual but instead as a wholet bothering to think about the frames themselves individual but instead as a whole.

Like the murmur enemies. Can't use Loki Disarm on them at all. But NOW they plan to rework Loki and make him homogenized too. No thought will be put into the rework and he will probably get some armor strip ability and lose disarm which has been great cause of wanting to get grineer and corpus enemies to move in closer instead of running away to find cover cause their AI has gotten weird.


I mean, Loki technically doesn't need the ability to disarm every enemy because he can just go invisible. 


However I do agree that DE is beginning to go the Minecraft route where they'll rather play everything "safe" instead of being innovative.

It's sad we went from frames like Lavos, Sevagoth, and Protea who all had really good ideas and simply *needed more support on what actually made them unique* and instead we have multiple frames in a row that are mostly the same. 

However I will say, good job DE on Qorvex and Dante, although I would've wished they gave Dante more than four possible outcomes for his book abilities

Edited by Lord_Chibi
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17 hours ago, Paroe said:

The biggest issue with her is that her 1 has to low a limit, though. 

technically unlimited, when you catch an enemy with sea snares, that particular globule is considered destroyed. the limit of 15 only applies when they've not exploded (when they're still floating proximity mines).

7 hours ago, Lord_Chibi said:

On the plus side, the katana loving weebs will be able to use them on the anime frame without needing helminth...

me personally I'm gonna use the kuva shildeg. magical girl with a huge #*!%ing hammer

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