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DE shuld make a warframe movie

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Thumbs down. As mentioned, just invest those resources into the game instead. Also, the track record for game-to-film movies should scare anyone off from that.

Advent Children was pretty good I guess, even though it felt more like an epilogue than a movie. Hm what else? Can't think of any other adaptations at the moment, I feel like there might be one or two more, but for every one there are like 10 that totally sucked.

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I think a series would be more appropriate. I just started watching The Avatar series on Netflix and it is a significantly better version than the movie attempt. Halo and The Witcher are also great conversions. 

Warframe has one of the deepest stories in gaming, IMO, and could very easily create a successful series. Plus, knowing how DE loves to spread lore breadcrumbs across every aspect of the Warframe brand, I could see a live version of Parvos Granum story and the Ordis story, keeping the warframes and Tenno basically as out of it as possible.

The cool thing here is that we get to see justice done to great characters in the game...however that would also mean that the game takes a content hit by not having that same story unfold as an update.

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52 minutes ago, Neon_Fennec said:

Just look at all the trailers and cinematics for this game Thay are beyond amazing. I'm sure they can make a AAA box office movie.

Trailers and cinematics do not a movie make.

Just doing something flashy for a few minutes or conveying a quick idea is not the same as a plot. Yes the game has bits of story but that's not the same as a longer continuous story that will be entertaining and well paced the whole way through. You can't just cram a bunch of little scenes together and make them work as a movie without a lot of work to make them fit together.

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Not sure why TC wants a full length 2 hour plus motion video of warframe. We can have a visual novel instead where the player actually has some input for immersion and engagement. Splash with some mindless slaughter for good measure.

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I do not get this notion that everything needs to be a movie. When have you heard lately about good and succesfull full cinematic movie? Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 2001? Was not that great or that successfull. Resident Evil series are just CGI cartoons. And both titles (FF and RE) are based on much more successfull and known franchises than WF, starring extremly recognizable and beloved characters out of those, while being totally irrelevant in box office.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil:_Vendetta Vendetta did a little better.


Edited by Zakkhar
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just because a game is successful and beloved doesn't mean it'll make a good movie. anyone who has seen any movie based on a videogame in the last 10 years will tell you that. go back 20 years and it's even worse, then you're in Mortal Kombat territory..

if you want a more current example, Borderlands is getting a movie. I love Borderlands, I've sunk thousands upon thousands of hours across the franchise over the years and I can tell you just about anything you want to know about it... but the movie looks like it's gonna be absolute garbage. it's not out yet, but even the casting decisions seem incredibly off: Kevin Hart as Roland? Jack Black as Claptrap? (he sounds nothing like either of the voice actors for Claptrap), are you mucking kidding me?

Warframe: the movie would be yet another weird sci-fi in a market already saturated with them, which also makes it harder to stand out, and considering how the actual game's lore itself is written, I definitely wouldn't trust an outside producer, who has likely never played the game, to come up with a faithful, well written and engaging recreation of Warframe's universe on the big screen.

maybe I'm becoming a cantankerous old fart before my time, but I think IPs should just stay in their lane, because it's a major gamble to go from game to movie, and 9 times out of 10, it just doesn't work, or worse, it flops, which not only annoys the fans of the game, but also tanks any interest from outside parties who were looking to get into the game, because now it's associated with a trash movie. it's a lot of work and a LOT of money for a very, very slim chance of a payoff.

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Judging from how they usually make content, this could go two ways.

The movie would probably be a half arsed buggy mess. Then it would be forgotten 


The movie would be a cinematic masterpiece with deep intriguing lore, and emotional trauma

There is no in between

Edited by Aruquae
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I wouldnt mind a WF movie. I would however like to see it based on The Old War and things prior to that. Things we dont play through in the game. However I wouldnt want to see a WF movie or TV-show created now in this day and age. Too many things these days risk getting turned into political fuel, since creating things just in order to be enjoyed seems to be an alien concept right now. Scripts, direction, editing and acting gets sacrificed on the altar of pandering.

I'm still worried about 40k even if Cavill is behind it and assurances have been made.

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Warframe wouldn't work as an adaptation, but a movie set in the universe could work. But it'd definitely need to be all CG, and making something at the quality of the CGI trailers and the intro cutscene at feature length would dwarf the budget DE has to throw at a studio. And I don't think investors would like the fact that the Tenno are, all things considered, pretty quiet and stoic. I mean, they can and do quip, but the Operator writing has gotten a LOT better, and they're usually fairly sarcastic if they're making jokes. Big movie studios want Iron Man - irreverant, 'witty' (huge air quotes for most movies these days) and A******s who are still somehow white hat heroes.

The Tenno are fairly consistently depicted as kind, empathic and gentle with a sharp, wry and cynical sense of humour to those they consider friends, whilst being cold, merciless and brutal to those they consider enemies. Like, the 'nicest' thing you can do to the Elder Queen isn't sparing her, it's forcing her to die slowly from disease and rot, and they consider violent stabbings and broken necks 'mercy kills' - and their right since the alternative is immolation, radiation poisoning, mind control, being eaten alive by maggots... Y'know those things heroes do.

Somehow I don't think a big budget studio is going for the huge budget needed without heavily sanitising Warframe - and probably ruining it in the process.

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