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Whats wrong with Tenno´s? Or am I the a***ole?

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2 hours ago, Paroe said:

As someone who, prior to account merging, played exclusively on PS4... What youre saying is a **lot** of PC elitist bullcrap and brush painting. Playing on PC now i see dramatically more people being negative or rude - because PC players use the chat. 
Often on console the worst youl find is players chronically in narnia for survival missions, force missions, or ones who hit terrain a lot.
On PC though?
I got harassed for using a non-meta amp (flamethrower) in an eidelon mission by a volt prime and his rhino prime duo both with rubico primes and offensively named kitguns. I get PC players who will argue when i tell them to stop dying in narnia. Ive failed void fissures because the zoomers refuse to slow down. EVERY sortie ive done in the last month ive left at least once on principle because some PC player will force the mission instead of waiting or leaving. Heck, i did a ropalyst with a low MR friend of mine who was gifted a nekros prime and ripkas and they were badmouthed by a wisp prime with a kuva brama for being low MR and not knowing how to cheese the fight... After they used all their lives because their min-maxed build clearly relied on shiwld gating and they never fixed it after that was nerfed. On the lighter side, i can count on one hand the number of times a rando has revived me since i started playing on PC.  

PC is way more toxic than console. 


Everything you just said validates both of my claims:  i.e. that console players play the game in a more relaxed, less min-maxed fashion and that crossplay causes a lot of problems by mashing those playstyles together.  You just did it from the other side of the mirror.  I'm glad you agree tho.

Also I never made any claim about which community is more toxic anyway... not that I actually believe just because one community effectively mutes themselves by playing via gamepad that means they WOULDN'T BE toxic chatters if they could type.

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19 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

You will not run thousands of missions and just magically always hit the toxic players or never hit them.

But you can. That's the point

You've literally explained how, as a player plays more, they trend towards the average, because that's how an average works. Until they play enough they can deviate from the average and have experiences that are not the average.

This is literally how averages are formed.

18 hours ago, quxier said:

That are extremes.


Yes, they are.

That's the entire point I'm making.



Averages are not ironclad rules for data sampling when taken in isolation.

You both are just doubling down again and again on ignoring this basic part of it in the hopes that you'll somehow argue me round when I'm right.

The extremes exist, and they're only possible to exist in the way described (for reference, after the expansion of the data set to include way more data points, the result found of a single source encountering numerically more of the adverse data) because of numerical availability that allows them to exist.

The lower the numerical amount in a data set, the less possibility for a single data source to encounter extremes of data deviation.

The higher the numerical amount in a data set, the more possibility for a single data source to encounter extremes of data deviation.

That's literally how this works.

You cannot argue this function does not exist.

You cannot argue that my statement is wrong.

It literally walks the exact line of what happens when you expand a data set numerically, and that happens regardless of whether the data set was expanded in proportion or not.

There could be a million more toxic players online completely skewing the data and being disproportionately more present in the game, and guess what? A player could not notice at all, because their experience of the games they play does not extend far enough for them to come into contact with those toxic players at a greater frequency than before.

It works both ways. It works whether proportional or disproportional increase happens.

That's the entire point.

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1 hour ago, Birdframe_Prime said:
20 hours ago, quxier said:

That are extremes.


Yes, they are.

That's the entire point I'm making.



Yes those exist but they are small so they are ignored.

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1 hour ago, quxier said:

Yes those exist but they are small so they are ignored.

Unless? You are the extreme.

Unless you're OP who has a deviation from the norm.

Unless they aren't actually all that extreme and just represent a deviation, rather than an extreme.


I say this because, in case you forgot, I'm answering OP's question. This whole argument about averages and proportions has been over the answer of me saying, in summary, 'OP, you're just a deviation from the average.'

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4 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:
1 hour ago, quxier said:

Yes those exist but they are small so they are ignored.

Unless? You are the extreme.

You know why they are ignored? Because they are not worth DEVs time.

You get one extreme were new player get lots of 'bad guys' (more than proportion). Yeah, it happens. However those are small percentage of potential users. They haven't managed to do more missions so they are not worth spending time. Of course it's good to make new player (or all player) experience good but sometimes it's too much work for too little gain.

On other point of extreme are people that have played with all players. That's very unlikely. For example new player won't be able to play content that I usually do.

18 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Unless you're OP who has a deviation from the norm.

Unless they aren't actually all that extreme and just represent a deviation, rather than an extreme.

But those are not extremes you were talking about. We honestly don't know what ratio of good/bad guys OP has.

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8 minutes ago, quxier said:

You know why they are ignored? Because they are not worth DEVs time.

You know why they're not ignored? Because I'm not the Devs and I'm answering the actual player's direct question on the Forums.

You're literally arguing for the sake of arguing now, quxier.

You've joined this entire discussion to make a point (specifically to me, not even to OP, just to me) about something that didn't need the point making and isn't even the correct point, because what I said is correct under the stated theoretical situation.

Just let it lie. You don't have to keep arguing this, it's so far off the topic. My point was made, was valid, and does help explain to OP why they are experiencing what they're experiencing. Even if the explanation turns out to not be correct, because the basic theoretical was wrong and we're just filling up with toxic people, it can help OP go back out there and hope that there's lots more good players that they can go find if they keep looking.

I'm not wrong. And OP's question was answered.

And you're just arguing something that doesn't need to be argued.

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45 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Unless? You are the extreme.

Unless you're OP who has a deviation from the norm.

Unless they aren't actually all that extreme and just represent a deviation, rather than an extreme.


I say this because, in case you forgot, I'm answering OP's question. This whole argument about averages and proportions has been over the answer of me saying, in summary, 'OP, you're just a deviation from the average.'

Except no, that isn't what you said.  You have changed what you said several times with every post.  It's all there for anyone to see, and you were rightfully corrected, but you're just going in circles at this point because you enjoy this.  That's why I hid you in the first place, but I thought your comment to Grav was trash, so I responded for him,  and others you are confusing, not to entertain you.

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On 2024-03-08 at 9:05 AM, Sir_Basti said:

Sorry for this header but I really don´t get it.

So straight to my topic: When running Relic-Exterminate or Capture, especially on "higher" LVL missions like Neo and Axi, Tenno seem less and less able to, for example, wait at elevators for the squad. Some like to breath and moan into their microphones. IDK this seems to be more of a thing since the console players joined in.

I play a Thermal Sunder Titania myself but it must be really hard to wait for some Tenno for the enemies to convert, it happens more and more that Tenno don´t give a frick about that, ending in not enough reactants at the end of Lith or Meso missions.

Now my question: Is it just me (maybe I slept not enough or so), or is this a thing that really gets bigger?

Due to greater and greater power creep and the game becoming easier, the need for teamwork diminishes to a greater extent, with players getting used to being able to both kill enemies faster and being able finish missions quicker. This forms a habitual playstyle that carries over to relic missions, where applying the same playstyle can and does lead to the frustrations you've mentioned regarding players not having patience.

I can't speak to the microphone usage.

Overall, I've found the Warframe community to be pretty good over the years, but anecdotally it seems to be in decline.

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On 2024-03-08 at 2:50 AM, Graavarg said:

It is not something new, rather it is a trend that has been ongoing for quite some years.

Initially a lot of Warframe was about playing "together". It was a co-op game, clans had meaning, helping your fellow Tenno was both "a thing" and "the right thing". And many got into Warframe through "playing with friends", because friends wanted more to join their clans and missions. This was something you could call the "Space Ninjas lift together"-phase.

Over time Warframe has morphed into a more single player power fantasy drop efficiency-driven game. It is a lot more about achieving "your" power, showing off "your power" and getting what "you" want or need. This reflects in how the game is played, and it might actually even reflect what kind of gamers now like to play Warframe.

As a "gaming enterprise" the transition to "your power fantasy" has been successful, but on a philosophical scale it might be considered back-sliding. This is why you now can have three players standing on extraction and letting the clock tick down, instead of going back a few meters to rez a lower-MR player. It is why some players abort missions immediately if there are "too many" low-MR players onboard. You hardly ever see higher-MRs giving out advice, or even acting as silent mentors in missions by allowing the new guys more playing space (and helping them as needed). An organized push to extort DE by threatening to down-rank Warframe on Steam would have been a "does not compute"-thing back in the day, so far out it would have been incomprehensible. But a few years back that was what happened, due to a changed playerbase (that honestly seemed to believe they were in the right to demand what they felt they personally needed and wanted).

So I would say that your conclusion is spot on, and yes, this is a thing and it has been getting bigger. But it is more of a trend that has been going on for quite awhile.

- - -

Soulframe's "to be or not to be" will, for me personally, come down to if DE can manage to restore that helpful, friendly atmosphere that initially made Warframe stand out among all the other online games. Back then, it really felt as if Tenno did lift together. I do hope DE still have that in them, to stand up to the selfish, shallow horde and not give in to all these egocentric "me first", "I have a right to get what I want", "it is all about me (and my feelings"), regardless of how much money they are willing to pay to feel "special". Which, incidentally, would fit nicely into Soulframe's overall thematic. 

100%. Take my upvote. 

Maybe with Deep Archimedea DE is revisiting the concept the game used to have, but things have just shifted into people playing as if their teammates are NPCs in the index. The only reason people care to public Void Fissures is their reward structure. The same with the "No-Death" mechanics of Arbitrations and Netracells.

The slow death of roles-based gameplay, the complete death of clan content (Kingpins/Liches were the last shred of hope towards that) and additions such as Helminth have eroded the multiplayer experience outside of intentionally playing with friends.

There's a good reason Helldivers 2 gets so much positivity for making cooperative strategy and community completion required for the core experience. The best thing we get in Warframe is scripted "community goals". Even then, just last Tennobaum the date had to be extended so we could actually reach the final milestone. Any semblance of the cooperation that's been lost over the years has been fabricated to feed players of the illusion that we're still in that "lift together" phase that's long dead at this point.

There's still many helpful players out there in this game, but most players are just keeping to themselves and just focus on their own progression, ignoring the entire point of multiplayer. And don't get me wrong, I play this way now too. If the game encourages this behavior and even rewards favorably for it, then that's what I'm going to do. It's not rude to blitz a Fissure, it's rude that the game encourages you to ignore your entire squad.

I wouldn't ask to slow the game down, but there are some outlier mechanics that should be removed or brought in line. Self-revives, Helminth, Primed Sure Footed/Status Immunity and Razorwing Blitz are my main points of concern. Just look at how many people got upset over Eclipse changes when Eclipse is Mirage's ability, not Volt's, Xaku's, Gara's, or any other Warframe. Razorwing Blitz should be looked at in the same way Itzal was looked at for being a tremendous outlier for player movement. Titania should still be fast, but not so fast that she far surpasses Nova's Wormhole in most cases (exceptional Nova players can keep up, but in general there's just no contest), Void Sling, Mach Rush, Speed, etc.

Edited by Voltage
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Since I started in 2017 not much has changed. I also havent ran into that many toxic players. Maybe a handful or a few more over the course of 7-ish years. The main thing that has changed is simply going from missions where I (and others) leveled gear, to doing actual missions I need for the most part. So having my power with me that I once leveled in the game. And when I leveled those things it was nice to have other people with me that had alot of power. Which made leveling those weapons/frames less tedious and cracking relics faster.

So I think alot of the nostalgia comes from leveling mastery being a big focus for many earlier on, where people ended up with others that either leveled a full loadout or ran a single frame plus a single weapon. It surely resulted in more multiplayer activity, but I cant say I found it considerably fun. Nowdays alot of people level their items elsewhere so you dont run into the full leveling loadouts as often while also leveling your own things.

As to the elevators. It happens, but most probably not due to ill intent. I can only go to myself. I might play a bunch solo and then jump into some public missions for a chance at better relic cracking or to knock some otherwise tedious objective out. And I do at times end up being that guy flipping the elevator button waaay to early. But it is due to simple muscle memory with no actual thought or intent behind it whatsoever. Then as I go up or down with that elevator it strikes me "oh crap I was in a group".


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On 2024-03-07 at 11:05 PM, Sir_Basti said:

Sorry for this header but I really don´t get it.

So straight to my topic: When running Relic-Exterminate or Capture, especially on "higher" LVL missions like Neo and Axi, Tenno seem less and less able to, for example, wait at elevators for the squad. Some like to breath and moan into their microphones. IDK this seems to be more of a thing since the console players joined in.

I play a Thermal Sunder Titania myself but it must be really hard to wait for some Tenno for the enemies to convert, it happens more and more that Tenno don´t give a frick about that, ending in not enough reactants at the end of Lith or Meso missions.

Now my question: Is it just me (maybe I slept not enough or so), or is this a thing that really gets bigger?

1. You aren't the A-hole for being bothered by it. It's luck of the draw. If you run up on a good group try and keep running with them if possible.
2. It's a very not new behavior and is not necessarily console specific as it's driven be player behavior.
3. PUGs are PUGs so temper your expectations accordingly. When they added Relic missions they made it statistically inefficient to run them solo if you are hunting specific items.
Sadly, the mission parameters can easily call for members to show strategic restraint and humans are notoriously poor at showing restraint in groups.

Think of it like this... You likely have seen someone literally race to a stoplight for no other reason than to be the first to have to stop at it.
It doesn't make an ounce of sense to do this but you will still hear someone try and justify the behavior. 

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It's always amusing to see gamers think the things that are inherent to gaming and have been since gaming began are 'brand new' simply because they just discovered them.

Kind of like teenagers always seem to think they invented sex.

1 hour ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

... PUGs are PUGs ...

Perhaps the most wise quote in the thread.

It's always fun to watch people that seem to have this idea that anyone that plays a game will play that game the way they do, when they learn other people play differently.

It's especially fun and inspiring to watch someone mature past thinking they have to play a game the way everyone else does, and/or learn that just because a loud portion of the player base demands a certain playstyle, there is no reason one has to 'obey'.

I don't see the point in spending my time with a bunch of random people I don't know, much less listen to their lives and for mom to yell at them to take out the trash.

I realize that many people think playing with other humans is the fun part, but I am not an extrovert. Extroverts cannot seem to fathom fun without other people.

So, like with so many things in life, it all boils down to where you are on the introvert-ambivert-extrovert rainbow, in my experience.

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20 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

Except no, that isn't what you said.  You have changed what you said several times with every post.  It's all there for anyone to see, and you were rightfully corrected

Original statement: The player base has expanded, you are able to encounter more of the bad players than before.

Argument from you and quxier; That's not how proportions work.

Explanation: The statement is correct because one person's experience does not match up with the averages or proportions, because that's how deviation from the norm works.

Repeated argument from you and quxier: But proportions...

Explanation: Proportions are not ironclad rules of how one person experiences the game, and the original statement is correct in how it allows for the experience OP has stated.

Repeated argument from you and quxier; We're talking about proportions!

Explanation: I'm not. I'm talking about, and have always been talking about, how numerical increase allows for deviation from the norm.

In the absence of being able to claim 'proportions' anymore: You've changed what you said, that isn't what you've said, it's there for anyone to see.

Counter question: Is Drod seriously illiterate? Or are they just trolling?

I have been nothing but consistently and patiently explaining the actual function described by my original statement, trying to put it in ways you can understand and then move on from with a better grasp of how statistical mathematics functions. Your inability to grasp something so basic has embarrassed you so much that you're going to pretend that you've won the argument by claiming I'm inconsistent.

Slow. Clap.

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On 2024-03-12 at 2:25 PM, Birdframe_Prime said:

Original statement: The player base has expanded, you are able to encounter more of the bad players than before.

Argument from you and quxier; That's not how proportions work.

Explanation: The statement is correct because one person's experience does not match up with the averages or proportions, because that's how deviation from the norm works.

Repeated argument from you and quxier: But proportions...

Explanation: Proportions are not ironclad rules of how one person experiences the game, and the original statement is correct in how it allows for the experience OP has stated.

Repeated argument from you and quxier; We're talking about proportions!

Explanation: I'm not. I'm talking about, and have always been talking about, how numerical increase allows for deviation from the norm.

In the absence of being able to claim 'proportions' anymore: You've changed what you said, that isn't what you've said, it's there for anyone to see.

Counter question: Is Drod seriously illiterate? Or are they just trolling?

I have been nothing but consistently and patiently explaining the actual function described by my original statement, trying to put it in ways you can understand and then move on from with a better grasp of how statistical mathematics functions. Your inability to grasp something so basic has embarrassed you so much that you're going to pretend that you've won the argument by claiming I'm inconsistent.

Slow. Clap.

"While the proportion of your games will still contain just as many nice players, more games overall, statistically, will actively contain an unpleasant player. Especially when there are shades of 'unpleasant' players, ranging from the simple un-mannered, all the way up to the outright toxic. "


This is what you said originally, unhiding graav, and talking down to him like a first grader with a stupid example.  If the proportions stay the same, and the player pool increases, you will not run into more games overall "statistically" actively containing an unpleasant player as you play thousands of games.  You're saying proportionally there is an increase of toxic players by that very statement.  Then in subsequent replies you tried to dial back from that saying it was a single point sample, or it was just his point of view and his biases (also irrelevant in statistics).

You did not say, anything about deviation from the norm in the original post, nor was is a good example of what a player would experience as the player pool increases and proportion of toxic players stays the same.  We're talking about long run, not short term variance of running into more toxic players.  Not one of us has said you are going to hit perfect distributions of toxic players all the time and you can't encounter some variance that is off.

It's right in your quote, "more games overall statistically".  It does not say, you might experience some higher variance of games IN THE SHORT TERM, due to an influx in players.  It says, "more games overall statistically".  That means, overall,  after a bunch of games, a big sample size, you're going to see more toxic players in your games because the pool increases.  Hey, maybe you don't understand what you write or meant something else.  It is obvious you understand it, but just want to be condescending and argue for the sake of it.  This isn't even higher level statistics.  Everyone understands this.  I'm sure Graavarg does as well.

You were basically saying a 2% shot is more likely to hit in a player pool of 100k than 50k.  The 2% being a toxic player.  It isn't though.  You won't have anymore toxic players in your games playing a game with 50k players, vs 100k over long run samples.  In short term, they can both have deviations.  When you say "overall statistically" that means - long run, and implies an increase in toxic proportions.

Whatever you were trying to say with your initial post, it was a terrible example, and said nothing about short term variance, which is what any higher influx of toxic players in your games would be, assuming the actual "overall" (see how I use it) toxic players is unchanged.  It said nothing about deviation from the norm.  It said nothing about eventually falling back off towards the proportions.  The only way your original quote would be correct is if there was an increase in squad sizes.

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On 2024-03-08 at 8:50 PM, Graavarg said:


Maybe it's a region thing... 

Cause in oceanic regions, people are really helpful in general here. I'm a high mr personally and I always try help and answer questions to newer players and let them go ahead and kill things. 

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2 hours ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

Somebody get this Tenno some black socks, flip flops, and a lawn to keep kids away from...

So because I think it's interesting and amusing to see gamers mature and the extrovert-ambivert-introvert scale of human nature repeat itself in video game settings, and I choose to avoid the drama of PuGs, you think passively aggressively calling me an 'old boomer' makes some kind of 'points' with your cohort?

It's hilarious that people think calling someone like me old is taken as an insult. On the contrary, it just shows me how successful I am at life (and how others envy that success).

Ageism from the young is truly funny to me, when they use all the tools and infrastructure people like me built for them in the first place to sling the insults.

Who do you think built the internet for you?

Perhaps one day you will create of original insults and think for yourself, not just use what others have shown you in memes.

Good Luck!

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29 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

So because I think it's interesting and amusing to see gamers mature and the extrovert-ambivert-introvert scale of human nature repeat itself in video game settings, and I choose to avoid the drama of PuGs, you think passively aggressively calling me an 'old boomer' makes some kind of 'points' with your cohort?

It's hilarious that people think calling someone like me old is taken as an insult. On the contrary, it just shows me how successful I am at life (and how others envy that success).

Ageism from the young is truly funny to me, when they use all the tools and infrastructure people like me built for them in the first place to sling the insults.

Who do you think built the internet for you?

Perhaps one day you will create of original insults and think for yourself, not just use what others have shown you in memes.

Good Luck!

Don't wound so easy... You breeze onto these forums and spew your high-handed and embittered commentary regularly whilst claiming folks who take offense don't understand you.

Take a page out of your own book Tenno 😀

You just assumed a whole bunch of extra stuff into one simple sentence and none of them are right— That said, It does sound like you have a number of glass walls in your house that are taking up head-space though...

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1 minute ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

... You just assumed a whole bunch of extra stuff into one simple sentence and none of them are right ...

Then by all means enlighten me as to what your prose implies, if not a passive-aggressive 'old boomer' insult.

Happy to see you clarify, always happy to understand someone when I have mis-understood, so please, explain to this poor old man what 

3 hours ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

Somebody get this Tenno some black socks, flip flops, and a lawn to keep kids away from...

means, if not an attempt to insult me for not being one of the cool kids?

Happy to admit I got it wrong if you can explain what it might mean...

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8 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

Then by all means enlighten me as to what your prose implies, if not a passive-aggressive 'old boomer' insult.

Happy to see you clarify, always happy to understand someone when I have mis-understood, so please, explain to this poor old man what 

means, if not an attempt to insult me for not being one of the cool kids?

Happy to admit I got it wrong if you can explain what it might mean...

Allow me to point you at the portions of my reply you didn't quote for that illumination.
It's understandable, given that the bulk of your commentary tends to be varying degrees of embittered and high-handed that you might not find those labels illuminating.

Still, given your post history, I'd have thought you were made of sterner stuff...

Likewise, I do find your need to apply a mention of age to a concept that has more to do with being territorial and abusive enlightening.

Was it the black socks or the flip flops that set you off?

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19 minutes ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

Allow me to point you at the portions of my reply you didn't quote for that illumination.
It's understandable, given that the bulk of your commentary tends to be varying degrees of embittered and high-handed that you might not find those labels illuminating.

Still, given your post history, I'd have thought you were made of sterner stuff...

Likewise, I do find your need to apply a mention of age to a concept that has more to do with being territorial and abusive enlightening.

Was it the black socks or the flip flops that set you off?

So, you have no explanation, just more vague innuendo you think makes you look like you 'win'.

Too funny.

It's obvious you simply don't like the style and content of my prose, oh well, these things happen, so sorry to trigger you.

Again, if you can think of a way to retcon/spin

3 hours ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

Somebody get this Tenno some black socks, flip flops, and a lawn to keep kids away from...

into something other than an obvious 'old boomer' dig, I'll be happy to read it.

If you are trying to imply 'out of touch' over 'old', then it's really just a passive aggressive version of the same thing, you are trying to diss me for not being 'cool'.

I am well aware your goal at this point is to troll me to respond so you can feel better about yourself, it's OK.

You are enough. I am here for you. What can I do to make you feel better?

Edited by Zimzala
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34 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

What can I do to make you feel better?

Thanks for asking :

Growing some skin that's as least as thick as your general commentary, is derisive, would be an excellent start.
Letting go of the notion that you might actually be special as a mature Tenno on the forum as many of us have long since been caught by AARP.
Not crapping on new players asking innocent questions would also be nice.

Alternately, have the good sense to not quote me— That dramatically reduces the chances I'll feel a need to reply back 😀

43 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

I am well aware your goal at this point is to troll me to respond so you can feel better about yourself, it's OK.

I'm not trolling you Tenno, I'm humbly inviting self reflection and perspective.
Likewise, only one of us is a self-admitted troll and that one isn't me...

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47 minutes ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

Thanks for asking :
Growing some skin that's as least as thick as your general commentary, is derisive, would be an excellent start.
Letting go of the notion that you might actually be special as a mature Tenno on the forum as many of us have long since been caught by AARP.
Not crapping on new players asking innocent questions would also be nice.
Alternately, have the good sense to not quote me— That dramatically reduces the chances I'll feel a need to reply back 😀
I'm not trolling you Tenno, I'm humbly inviting self reflection and perspective.
Likewise, only one of us is a self-admitted troll and that one isn't me...

So, yet again, you just don't like my prose. How tragic.

The whole point of replying was, and still is, an attempt for you to explain what 

5 hours ago, Rakosta_Kai said:

Somebody get this Tenno some black socks, flip flops, and a lawn to keep kids away from...

means, other than a meme-based diss on me not being one of the 'cool kids'.

It's just silly in my opinion for you to think the quoted post is anything other than a trolling insult.

I am not special, I have never thought of myself as special, I am just another gamer, nothing to let go. I am generally average in pretty much all ways. It's great, as most all car seats fit me well. Just another gamer with opinions.

I was not and did not crap on anyone with my post in this thread, that's in your head, beyond making a joke about teenagers thinking they invented sex, if one is sensitive to such humor.

I directly conveyed that is it very amusing and interesting to see the same topics occur over time and people treating them as if they are new topics, added to my enjoyment of gamers learning how the world works. no 'crapping on' intended. 

Are you not here for discussion? If I do not respond to you, there is no discussion.

I stated my point of view on topics like this that reoccur and seem 'new' to many gamers for discussion, you choose to insult me and then try and say I am the troll...it's really funny but still kind of sad.

So, to conclude. I get it. You just want me to follow your world view when posting or stop posting.

Neither is going to happen.

Happy Gaming!

Edited by Zimzala
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4 hours ago, Zimzala said:

you choose to insult me

On the contrary, you chose to take insult—Which anyone familiar with your post history would find rather ironic.

Next time, I would suggest you avoid quoting me if you don't want me assessing what you've said— Alternately, as I found this exchange rather amusing, feel free to...

Apologies for the minor derailment @Sir_Basti.  Looks like I have some miles to go on my own tactical restraint 😀

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On 2024-03-08 at 3:14 PM, PollexMessier said:

I got annoyed at a thermal tsunder titania the other day when we loaded into a gift of the lotus alert with an MR 2 player. Dude acted like it'd kill him to take an extra minute to let the new player actually experience the game.

Keep in mind a gift of the lotus mission will be hammered with players who want to get it done, quickly. An attitude to experience the game in other regular missions is more appropriate.

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