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I'm very positive that Lavos Augment isn't what we're all thinking.

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As much as I hate it, this augment description is misleading, and I'm very sure it's going to be the same case with Gara's shattered Lash augment.

let's analyze the description shall we? On ability cast: Grant 250% elemental damage and damage type lingers as a status effect to your weapons for 20 seconds.

First of all, do you really think DE will give all your weapons 250% elemental damage of ANY element type you infused as long as you have still have it with no cooldown? and then make it linger further for 20 seconds? 

all elemental infusion augments like shock trooper start at 100%, Gauss' thermal transfer start at 75%...what Makes you think DE will just give Lavos something this powerful?


what I think it's actually doing is instead of infusing 100% of the element onto your next ability cast, it's infusing 250%...and after casting the ability that same element lingers to your weapons as a status effect.

that sounds much more like an actual plausible augment in DE's standards.


it also doesn't make sense to have an augment give an elemental damage buff, then the same element as a status effect after, it sounds redundant. 

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The confusing thing is the word "grant" in the description. As it's a passive augment and the passive already adds bonus element damage to his abilities. And since his passive doesn't grant elemental damage on cast but is adding elemental damage to said cast it'd make more sense if the wording was "gains additional" instead if it is just buffing that component.

Also I don't think it'd be too odd if it was a full on weapon buff when similar augments have less than half the value. Since all those other augments also grant the damage to allies while the Lavos augment makes no mention of buffing allies... that is unless the word "grant" here is actually meaning that being hit by one of his abilities is granting the elemental damage. In which case maybe the massive base value is in reflection of Lavos' play rate.


Yeah they probably should look over the wording again. Either way it sounds like the augment will range from just good to complete overkill anyways.

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From the wording it just sounds like you're getting +250% elemental damage to everything + the element you used on cast goes to your weapon.

Best way to find out the answer is getting the augment itself so I'll see what it is when it comes

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Upon second read it is indeed somewhat suspicious...
If it works as I believe, your status effects will deal 250% more damage (that'd be so cool), and you get an equal amount of the used element upon cast to all your weapons for 20 seconds. This last part is just a copy-pasta of an Alchemy's buff you can get upon completing a crucible, but for 250% instead of 100%, and if it scales with strength... heat here I go.

Given Lavos is not the most popular of frames, giving him a "hype" augment to try and elevate his numbers seems a logical move, though his issues will remain the same. At the end of the day the buff is for him alone, not the rest of the team, so maybe this will make him a really good weapon platform given his kit is too slow and clunky to nuke comfortably / efficiently.

But, we'll see, I believe there are cool things coming with the update that DE hasn't spoken of, yet.

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1 hour ago, Qorvex99 said:

what Makes you think DE will just give Lavos something this powerful?

Maybe that they want more than 3 people playing Lavos?


Besides, DE has a habit of either massively overdoing something with no foresight of consequences and immediately walking it back upon realizing their mistake or massively underdoing it and eventually walking it back upon realizing it flopped.


Even if the upcoming augment is INSANELY OP... it will still not be enough to make me wanna use that clunky tedious anti-controller frame.

Edited by (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn
Pushing around the parse-ly on the plate.
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I don't know. My initial and secondary interpretation of what the Augment means, was a bit different than a lot of others interpretation and speculation. Then how much people invest in their interpretation can vary greatly as well, for some its just fun speculation whilst waiting to see what it actually is, for others its a prediction with high stakes and uf they are wrong, its because everyone everywhere is stupid, dumb and wrong, and so is reality for not conforming to their expectation and assumption. With many somewhere in the middle or if possible, to either side. 

I might be wrong, but I initially interpreted the 250% elemental damage as being for powers cast, which wouldn't be as powerful as if it were to be added to weapons, especially the way, Warframe maths/application tends to be, and how Lavos powers tend to operate. Like a lot of Lavos ability to deal damage, especially later on, is more on his 4 and the other abilities functions and ability to prime for his 4. Not necessarily doing a lot of outright damage on their own. That being said it could be great in certain situations. 

Now the weapon element, even without any sort of 250% buff, I think is pretty potent by itself. In the sense, the ability to add elemental status type... any... even for 20 seconds. Yeah for some, its like, "only" one element, but for others, its a pretty potent buff, we already have Augments that exist without the 20 second limitation, but just for one element... Some people also like to create creative and or counter certain specific enemy weaknesses. 

Again though, just my speculation. Its also vague enough on certain details, that I am looking forward to getting hands on, and getting to test it thoroughly.

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I think it will work like @(PSN)slightconfuzzleddescribes, +250% elemental damage on the skill cast and then the elemental status procs on your attacks for 20sec after that. With the proc damage likely based on your modded weapon damage. So if you cast 4 you get heat procs, if your weapon already has heat on it, it will deal damage based on that per tick. If not it will only be based on the base damage of the weapon plus crit stats etc. but not other modded elements.

So it will likely be a good replacement for a current strength mod in your build since it will add +250% damage to every skill you use. Potentially also multiplied on the modded base damage of the skill, so it will scale with strength mods in that way.

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I'm just sitting here reflecting on how it's totally normal in Warframe for the in-game text that explains functionality to be so ambiguous that nobody knows what it actually does until players do their own scientific testing and write a wiki on their results.  It does seem like with a tiny amount of additional process this could be greatly improved upon, increasing the game's legibility and accessibility.

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I too am curious ,

I personally feel the linger on weapon will be limited to the base effect of the ability (toxin , cold , electric or heat) and the bonus damage will also only be for the base elements ,

And considering lavos needs cooldown before casting the same ability (or casting a completely different ability first) it may not be as OP as some think as you can't just keep up the same element indefinitely.

But I can only speculate , it may be interesting and complex on an already complex frame.

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32 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Maybe it'll let you have electric status that doesn't combine with anything

I seriously am hoping for this more than anything. If it mixes and jumbles my elemental mods it's DOA for me.

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