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Uncapped way to spend Riven Slivers.


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Palladino is the only way to spend Riven Slivers. You can spend 35 a week and no more.

  • 10 for a Riven, purchasable up to 2 times. (20 total)
  • 10 for 35k Kuva.
  • 5 for 150k Credits.

This is fine and all, but most players will have already surpassed the original 35 they've spent that week over the course of a week.

So, the solution to that?
Add literally ANYTHING else to the shop that isn't capped.

Here's some examples:

  • Additional Riven purchases that dramatically cost more, but are unlimited.
    • Think somewhere in the ballpark of 50 to 150. Yes, it'd be a lot-- but it's not supposed to be a reliable purchase.
  • Aya, preferably with the option to buy it in bulk.
    • Guesswork conversion of 2 Slivers for 1 Aya.
  • Endo, preferably with a weekly version akin to the Credit bundle and a more expensive uncapped version.
    • 10 Riven Slivers converts to 25k Endo.
    • Uncapped conversion is 5 Riven Slivers to 1k Endo.
    • Alternatively, Ayatan Sculptures or Ayatan Stars could be a nice item to buy as well.
  • Riven Ciphers, which are also thematically fitting.
    • First purchase is weekly capped, costing 10 Riven Slivers.
    • Every purchase after costs 25 Riven Slivers.
  • Samodeus Decoration. Just a little extra something.
  • Riven Sliver decoration. May as well?

And even some examples for some more limited items:

  • Forma Blueprint, self-explanatory.
  • Nitain Extract, as a way to get it outside of Nightwave.
    • Making it expensive or not is not my choice, but it'd be nice.
    • ESPECIALLY when Nightwave isn't active. Any way to get it outside of Sabotage Caches at a stupidly low rate would be appreciated.
  • Randomized assortment of basic resources.
    • Morphics, Orokin Cells, Neurodes, etc, etc.


Most of the time, I forgot Palladino exists because I have no interest in Rivens themselves.
Especially two random Rivens that I may not even be able to sell or be bothered to open.

The only reason I care to visit is because what the hell else am I going to buy with all these thousands of Riven Slivers I pick up?
So something to spend those on would be nice. Doesn't even have to be complicated, just something.

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1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Palladino is the only way to spend Riven Slivers. You can spend 35 a week and no more.

  • 10 for a Riven, purchasable up to 2 times. (20 total)
  • 10 for 35k Kuva.
  • 5 for 150k Credits.

This is fine and all, but most players will have already surpassed the original 35 they've spent that week over the course of a week.

So, the solution to that?
Add literally ANYTHING else to the shop that isn't capped.

This is great and all but it assumes that the player will get 35 slivers also next week and next week and the week after and will spend them all. Honestly I do not know what fraction of players do that, but surely not a big number. 

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

The only reason I care to visit is because what the hell else am I going to buy with all these thousands of Riven Slivers I pick up?

Maybe a pat on the back for 10.000?

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Interesting,  but...  

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:
  • Nitain Extract, as a way to get it outside of Nightwave.
    • Making it expensive or not is not my choice, but it'd be nice.
    • ESPECIALLY when Nightwave isn't active. Any way to get it outside of Sabotage Caches at a stupidly low rate would be appreciated.

It's already there.  


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1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Additional Riven purchases that dramatically cost more, but are unlimited.

  • Think somewhere in the ballpark of 50 to 150. Yes, it'd be a lot-- but it's not supposed to be a reliable purchase.


No, we don't need to saturate the market even further...

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Aya, preferably with the option to buy it in bulk.

  • Guesswork conversion of 2 Slivers for 1 Aya.


Could be a decent idea, but going to Palladino for it and then going to Varzia seems so roundabout.

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Endo, preferably with a weekly version akin to the Credit bundle and a more expensive uncapped version.

  • 10 Riven Slivers converts to 25k Endo.
  • Uncapped conversion is 5 Riven Slivers to 1k Endo.
  • Alternatively, Ayatan Sculptures or Ayatan Stars could be a nice item to buy as well.



Maybe if it was 15 slivers for 10k Endo.. But beyond that is overkill

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Riven Ciphers, which are also thematically fitting.

  • First purchase is weekly capped, costing 10 Riven Slivers.
  • Every purchase after costs 25 Riven Slivers.


I can see this being a thing, but only for 1 per week. And it would most likely be in the ballpark of 25-50 at minimum. 

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Samodeus Decoration. Just a little extra something.

Deco in general sounds like a good idea, but I don't know what kind of deco would be fitting?

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

And even some examples for some more limited items:

  • Forma Blueprint, self-explanatory.
  • Nitain Extract, as a way to get it outside of Nightwave.
    • Making it expensive or not is not my choice, but it'd be nice.
    • ESPECIALLY when Nightwave isn't active. Any way to get it outside of Sabotage Caches at a stupidly low rate would be appreciated.
  • Randomized assortment of basic resources.
    • Morphics, Orokin Cells, Neurodes, etc, etc.

... Do I need to explain why this is such a horrendous idea?

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Most of the time, I forgot Palladino exists because I have no interest in Rivens themselves.
Especially two random Rivens that I may not even be able to sell or be bothered to open.


Then why bother complaining about it? Just have fun collecting a resource that you can show the number of to other players.


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1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Riven Ciphers, which are also thematically fitting.

  • costing 10 Riven Slivers.



7 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:
1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Palladino is the only way to spend Riven Slivers. You can spend 35 a week and no more.

  • 10 for a Riven, purchasable up to 2 times. (20 total)
  • 10 for 35k Kuva.
  • 5 for 150k Credits.

This is fine and all, but most players will have already surpassed the original 35 they've spent that week over the course of a week.

So, the solution to that?
Add literally ANYTHING else to the shop that isn't capped.

This is great and all but it assumes that the player will get 35 slivers also next week and next week and the week after and will spend them all. Honestly I do not know what fraction of players do that, but surely not a big number. 

5 Slivers per day? Doable. I'm not sure how much more you can get without specific farm (e.g. booster). However that's all depends on RNG. I heard that Slivers drops like candies in SP survival yet I rarely get it.

Still you don't have to use all Slivers. I'm not going to buy credits (got 17M for doing nothing). I'm buying 2 rivens. I have only bought Kuva once. I buy Kuva from Nigwave. It's just rolling is horrible. 35k kuva and you can get nothing.

I am (was) at ~190 Slivers. However I only do some random missions, Netracells and Archon hunts. SP Circuit rarely give you Slivers (as rank rewards only).

6 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

It's already there.  

Everyone that farm Nitain there I wish good health. They need it.


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Just for simplicity's sake, I think they could just add uncapped kuva and credit options at lower efficiency.   Or even simpler still from a UI standpoint, but maybe more problematic, uncap the current kuva and credit options, rejiggering the values as needed.

Out of the other ideas suggested, I don't have strong opinions on most of them, but I'd welcome another source of ciphers, and my instinct is that more rivens isn't a great idea.  But related to that, riven transmuters would be cool.

5 minutes ago, RPColten said:


Feed them to the Helminth in the Orbiter.


Even simpler still!

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31 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

This is great and all but it assumes that the player will get 35 slivers also next week and next week and the week after and will spend them all.

42 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

Maybe a pat on the back for 10.000?

I mean...

The alternative is that we keep it going the same way and only keep piling up Slivers we'll never use.
I only really pick them up because they have a dedicated icon that only goes away after I pick them up.
Just having a worthwhile reason to pick them up makes them a lot less annoying on that part alone.


29 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

It's already there.

... as I said: "Any way to get them outside of Sabotage Caches".

Yes, technically Ghoul Bounties exist. However, they're also a similar situation involving RNG.
Also they have to even be active, so it's not even a guarantee they'll be of use when you need them.

Otherwise, every drop here is a very low chance. Be it from Caches or a time-limited Ghoul Bounty.
Being able to drop a few Riven Slivers to grab some every week should at least be an acceptable source, if all else.
If you need more beyond Nightwave and Riven Slivers? Maybe than, but I doubt most would push their luck on that.


20 minutes ago, xXDragonGodXx said:

Could be a decent idea, but going to Palladino for it and then going to Varzia seems so roundabout.

I didn't make the system, though you can access Varzia directly from the Market so you can cut down on a bit of a trip that way.
The alternative was adding Relics in manually, but that would mean DE would have to manually cycle those Relics whenever Primes cycle.
Adding Aya instead is simply a much simpler way around it.

20 minutes ago, xXDragonGodXx said:

Maybe if it was 15 slivers for 10k Endo.. But beyond that is overkill

Numbers are just guesswork, I don't make the final verdict.
Personally I think Endo in general is super scuff-- considering everything drops it in droves.
If all else, Ayatans are a better use but c'est le vie...

20 minutes ago, xXDragonGodXx said:

I can see this being a thing, but only for 1 per week. And it would most likely be in the ballpark of 25-50 at minimum. 

Ah yes, because everyone loves running 5 minute Survivals where you do nothing...

Call me old-fashioned, but I'd prefer a "challenge" to be... well... challenging. Makes it have some merit.
Most """"Riven Challenges"""" are more of a chore than a "challenge".
Very little difficulty in hitting headshots 75m away when we have Archwings and Snipers.

Being able to spend some resources to bypass it doesn't kill the people still running them without it.
It just means they put a bit more elbow grease for it, tends to be how it works.

20 minutes ago, xXDragonGodXx said:

Deco in general sounds like a good idea, but I don't know what kind of deco would be fitting?

Riven Sliver Decoration just uses the Riven Sliver's drop model.
Samodeus Decoration uses the Riven Icon (Cephalon Samodeus) as a floating emblem.

Nothing fancy, but it's something if people want it.

20 minutes ago, xXDragonGodXx said:

... Do I need to explain why this is such a horrendous idea?

  • Considering Forma is in the form of Blueprints? I'd say it's not too bad.
    • Acrithis sells Orokin Reactors/Orokin Catalysts as is for Pathos Clamps.
    • I think an extra (limited) source of Forma Blueprints is not asking for miracles here.
  • Nitain Extract would be nice to have a source outside of Sabotage Caches.
    • Since Ghoul Bounties aren't always active and Nightwave tends to have a lot of wares for newbies to catch up on anyway.
    • It'd be locked behind a weekly limit anyway, it's merely just an extra source should the OTHER sources not be enough.
  • Randomized Misc. Resources are really just the bare minimum of extra.
    • Again, Acrithis already does this.

What is the problem here?

20 minutes ago, xXDragonGodXx said:

Just have fun collecting a resource that you can show the number of to other players.

I may be some eccentric and estranged player in that case because numbers mean very little to me.
"Big number" stopped being impressive several dozen updates ago. Be it resources or damage.

I'd simply like the resource that has a FORCED ICON FOR IT'S DROP to have a slight bit more use.
Hell, at this point? I only pick them up to get them off my screen. It's more "get off my screen" than actual use.


6 minutes ago, RPColten said:

Feed them to the Helminth in the Orbiter.

... Eh, I can see that being useful too. No complaints here!


5 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Just for simplicity's sake, I think they could just add uncapped kuva and credit options at lower efficiency.

I was debating requesting a "Unlimited Kuva" thing, but DE forcefully added a cap to the Steel Path ones so I doubt that would get anywhere.
So I was looking into alternative options that make sense still. Adds a bit more to discussion as well!

7 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

But related to that, riven transmuters would be cool.

I actually completely forgot about those, yeah! That would be extremely nice to have, especially since the current ONLY source is the Eidolon Hydrolyst.
As someone who used to run an incredibly shoddy laptop barely passing enough FPS to stay connected? A way around the Eidolon would be nice if all else.

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I agree mainly because I'm not a fan of unrealized currency tied to shops with no selection. There is simply too many examples to draw from like plumes (the shop where you get the weekly kuva from), Focus, Riven Silvers, and Kullervo's Bane but somehow we have decent shops for way more annoying to acquire ones like corrupted holokeys, Pathos Clamps, and crystal fragments.

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I'll take any of these options honestly, if you happen to be matched with anyone who has a drop chance booster, you're going to see a whole lot of these. Or at least more than you can ever spend per week. Just playing casually and doing just your steel path dailies is enough on average that you'd encounter a sufficient amount of eximus units to rack up more slivers.

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On 2024-03-17 at 12:29 AM, Binket_ said:

2 Slivers for 1 Aya.

That would be too cool to be true, I'd get 3800 ayas in one click.

I like your idea, though. It would be fair with proper conversion numbers. And for sure I would be buying resource boosters more often if it happened. Besides, resource drop chance boosters would finally get a purpose beyond arbitrations and toroid farms.

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16 hours ago, ChaoticOrderly said:

There is simply too many examples to draw from like plumes (the shop where you get the weekly kuva from), Focus, Riven Silvers, and Kullervo's Bane but somehow we have decent shops for way more annoying to acquire ones like corrupted holokeys, Pathos Clamps, and crystal fragments.

  • Void Plumes are mostly used for standing, which can THAN be converted into stuff. (Usually decorations once you've gotten everything else.
  • Focus is a big one. While yeah, there's some more you can get AFTER fully maxing a school?
    I've gotten everything in that and all I have left to buy are more Focus Banners or Vosphene Glyphs.
    • The ability to buy Aya or even small amounts of Kuva would make it more worthwhile.
    • It even encourages players to get those Convergence Orbs even AFTER they've maxed all their schools.
  • Kullervo's Bane, Citrine Fragments, Lua Thrax Plasm, etc. tend to be a bit more specific since they come from a dedicated source.
    • I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of them getting some extra bits in there to make them still worthwhile, but I wouldn't bank on it.
    • Still, it is nice that those respective materials can be used in Helminth I suppose...
  • Corrupted Holokeys are ONLY used the Tenet Weapons.
    • ... but they're enough of a pain to most players and are a rare enough source that the average player probably won't have too many stockpiled.
    • Would be nice to get something else out of them, yeah.
  • Pathos Clamps can be traded with Acrithis and are the main reason I make this article.
    Clearly DE can do this, they just... don't want to? Weird.

Though, I'm mostly focused on Riven Slivers at the moment, since they're the biggest offender in how many you get versus how many you can spend.
Barring Focus? All of these can either be expended super quickly or are just oddities that don't stockpile up too much unless you're actively farming them.
So it make sense for those other ones to have somewhat less stock. (Though again, I wouldn't be opposed to the option of "more stuff" being available.)


Granted, if I had some time to add something to the game of my own accord?
I'd make an eccentric masked figure in the docking bay of Relays where he's clearly something only the player can see. Fidgeting frantically and looks panicked.
Chittering and murmuring about how "the denizens of this world can't appreciate what they have" and "there will be hell to pay if I'm caught here."
It will trade all sorts of junk (I.E. everything listed above and some extras) for various cosmetics that seem like decrepit junk.

But if you bring him them and "donate" tons of random items (with more variety boosting the overall effect), the cosmetics will get more regal and more bright.
Kinda like Helminth except with every Resource and it's purely for cosmetic purposes. Unlike Helminth, the stored charge will fade over time.
Bonus points if the being reacts to what level your cosmetics are at.

Anyway, that's just my mind being too creative for it's own good.


13 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

if you happen to be matched with anyone who has a drop chance booster, you're going to see a whole lot of these. Or at least more than you can ever spend per week.

Especially if they have a Drop Chance Booster and True Master's Font (also known as Blessings), since unlike multiple boosters of the same type?
Blessings stack their values, not duration.

Steel Path giving +100% Drop Chance, Booster giving +100% drop chance and the TMFont giving +25% means you're effectively rolling in these.
This isn't even counting the boosts from Endless Relic Missions either, which can also grant even further boosts.
(These cap at +100% again at Round 19, see also: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/851627-what-happens-after-you-max-out-the-boosters-in-an-endless-fissure/)

... and as someone who often prefers to run Endless Relic Missions? I tend to find a LOT of Slivers.


10 hours ago, VibingCat said:

That would be too cool to be true, I'd get 3800 ayas in one click. I like your idea, though. It would be fair with proper conversion numbers.

Yeah, these numbers are purely speculative. If I were making the game myself, I'd certainly put a lot more thought into what exact numbers I'd be doing.
It's merely just to fill space, since it'd look weird otherwise.

Though, in hindsight? Yeah, that number absolutely is off.
Didn't really think much on it since I don't exactly value Aya much.


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You know, you can farm ~1000 slivers per hour from eximus modifier missions.  Making a sink for that would be quite difficult. Gotta love 2 for aya lol

But yeah, having something more to spend them on would be good.


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Saw someone mention this in the Region Chat. (Horrifying, I know.)

Gonna be blunt? Maybe not the exact number of "10", but I can see this ALSO being a decent way to help with rerolls.
Kuva is a pretty annoying resource to farm, but Slivers could serve as a decent alternative since they're found pretty much everywhere.

If anything? It alternatively could work as a way to help skew the odds in your favor for an ideal roll.
Maybe spending some extra Slivers along with Kuva would allow you to keep a specific stat while rerolling the others.


... eh, food for thought.

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Overall, I like 2 of these idea quite a bit. An ever increasing cost for more and more rivens seems great, and applying the same thing to ciphers and adding them to the shop also seems great. The rest I kinda shrugged at, I wouldn't be too interested. However, I think there are other interesting and new ways to use riven slivers that DE should look into for sure.

On 2024-03-16 at 6:29 PM, Binket_ said:

Here's some examples:

  • Additional Riven purchases that dramatically cost more, but are unlimited.
    • Think somewhere in the ballpark of 50 to 150. Yes, it'd be a lot-- but it's not supposed to be a reliable purchase.

The main change I'd suggest is that the cost doesn't just jump once but increases after every purchase. So your first 2 rivens are 10 slivers, your next 2 are 20, your next 30 , your next 40, etc, and same for ciphers.

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52 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

The main change I'd suggest is that the cost doesn't just jump once but increases after every purchase. So your first 2 rivens are 10 slivers, your next 2 are 20, your next 30 , your next 40, etc, and same for ciphers.

Don't get me wrong, I was thinking that too. It's a good idea 
The only issue I find is two things on the developmental side:

  1. DE may make a mistake and players could possibly exploit that mistake.
    Clearly DE doesn't want this and that may pose a problem.
  2. It takes a little extra time for them to code this because I don't think they currently have a system like this in other Vendor.
    If such a vendor exists however, pulling code from that would alleviate the strain from BOTH issues.

So that's the reason I came up with the idea that I did. (Numbers subject to change, obviously.)
For a small change like this? It needs to be reasonably worthwhile to both DE and players alike.

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