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PC Dante Unbound: Deep Archimedea: Hotfix 35.5.3


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Remove Los From Dante. This breaks the him in old locations and sanctuary. He was not strong at high ranks, and now he becomes absolutely useless. No one has problems with other frames who destroy the entire map, but for some reason Dante can’t do this now. 

Edited by __sHVeD___
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Let's nerf Dante to the ground!!! Wasted forma, shards and plat were bought into the frame. Let's also nerf Arca Triton with barely any damage from slam attacks. You guys made it viable of slam attacks, and it's the only weapon that makes it viable for slam attacks. Finally, let's nerf Nezha to half with its augment instead of just 25% or 30% NAH Let's do it 50 %.

How in the world did you guys get these stats at? The people who got the frame in day one? The people who got the frame in three days barely got it??? Why would even get an augment of Nezha? Did the people who play this game causal players told you guys DE to change it because they got made over with the mod RAGE OR HUNTER ADERLINE. 

Please change how Dante works. The frame went to a very good state to a very garbage frame. Dante was a good frame before the nerf and it didn't change the pillars that you guys suggested. Do a full length workshop right away on this as well other issues I have told like The Nezha augment, should get looked at, please. 

Thank you I love you DE but this was the first time in a long to reply in this forums  

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13 hours ago, Ciordales69 said:

The nerfs on Dante are straight stupid. You added the line of sight change when the line of sight for his 3 should have been removed. The overguard changes were not needed but it won't affect him much. But removing his 2's interaction with Archon Intensify? That's like saying you hate the archon mods and want them removed. The archond mods are even more situational now, which makes them even less wanted. I had sold my Archon intensify because it was literally useless on all of my builds, but bought one again and maxed it just because it works on Dante. At least give us back the endo we wasted because you can't help doing the same thing Riot Games does. Release a new good/op thing then nerf it to the ground because a week has passed and you got your player retention rate maxed out of it. TBH i feel like you guys don't even play this goddamned game and want us to feel bad for playing it despite the constant bs you're throwing our way... Shame on you

bro is definitely correct, they never play their own game and just literally did all decision based on game datas.  That's how I feel. :)

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Good changes overall, thank you for the patch.

In my opinion the nerf of Dante went into the right direction. Even with 40% of the original overguard applied from Final Verse's Triumph he's still a very powerful support capable of generating overguard with enough protection to make things quite easy.

Unpopular opinion or not, I believe Warframe needs more of such rebalancing applied, especially amongst the more powerful warframes like Kullervo and such. A frame-wide pass could allow for enemy rebalancing and would allow for a more tactical gameplay introduction rather than endless level & value scaling of enemies and damage.
I've been here since Founder packages were in shop and honestly Warframe was somehow more enjoyable back in the day when it was more tactical. Sure, it lacked in all of the shiny, new content we have today, but everything was full of various challenges (ammo management, enemy difficulty, no OP skills...) across the entire game.

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19 minutes ago, Siri_pirate said:

bro is definitely correct, they never play their own game and just literally did all decision based on game datas.  That's how I feel. :)

Funny thing is, dante was out for 5 days before they decided to gut him so they didn't even HAVE meaningful data to know he needed a nerf, they don't even balance based on data they balance based on these forums which are dominated by like 10 angry people who whine about everything and constantly ask for nerfs

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Why, after all the years and after all the backlash..
Why do you still 'Balance' stuff by nerfing it by literally 50% without EVER thinking about it again?!


Balance is going down for like 5-10% and checking if it needs more tuning. If so, tuning it further down/up.
You don't balance, you make stuff useless and forget about it because people stop playing and talking about it.

It's unreal.
The DMG 'nerf' for Dante, for example, would have been more than enough. The LOS, single handedly, trashed him.
Having no LOS on his 4 was what people wanted him for. Nuke in exchange for high energy-cost and low survivability.
I mean.. Who complained about a warframe being useful and strong for once, after all the borked tutorial frames we got lately?
Who still plays Gyre, or Styanax.. Or Citrine, Voruna or Dagath? All useless AF. If they would be funny at least, but they're don't even fun to play!

Now, in lv 100+ matches, dante dies within casting his 2.
like, try it. They shoot down the 3-4k shield within seconds.
Which brings me to so many people, arguing this'n that - People that never play missions 'harder' than archon-hunt, for example.
Why do you listen to people like that for when it comes to endgame and balance when they don't even use thought-through builds?
When they don't even play the 'whole' spectrum of the game and only the 'easy and fast' parts?
This confuses and angers me greatly.
And that's just dante.
Limbo get's even less useful now, even tho he's been used only in very specific missions already.
This meta-favorite BS is really getting to me lately. I don't want to play the same meta-tank frames every other mission.
After all the time a frame you wouldn't throw in a corner after maxing it and bam, useless just like that.
If it would have been just a balance or a slight nerf, alright.. But that's just baffling. It's a PVE Game.

People have to wake up and realize that DE doesn't play warframe - They never did themselves.
Because nobody playing this game would come down with decissions like that.

Edited by VoyrenTV
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LoS checks on an ultimate ability that he depends on for damage..? Really? That's your idea of "slight nerf"..?

Into the trash he goes with the rest of them. Good job, I guess..?

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Just want to add that reactionary changes like this to a recently released warframe makes me incredibly wary of investing in any future new warframes. I think the most reasonable course of action now is to listen to community feedback and revert the changes. Building up hype and then tearing it down again conditions us as consumers to be more wary of when we open our wallet, even if we still enjoy the game.

Just my 2 cents.

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18 minutes ago, nordgust said:

Just want to add that reactionary changes like this to a recently released warframe makes me incredibly wary of investing in any future new warframes. I think the most reasonable course of action now is to listen to community feedback and revert the changes. Building up hype and then tearing it down again conditions us as consumers to be more wary of when we open our wallet, even if we still enjoy the game.

Just my 2 cents.

Honestly makes me not want to touch the new content for atleast a month so i can know where things will settle. Not a good look when you set a mentality, that effectively says yes theres not content, but don't waste your time on it because we will make it worse and negate your time investment 

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I really don't understand the nerfs in this game.. it's a pve game, you are supposed to have fun clearing hordes of enemies, you can already do it with some weapons and some frames why not with all the frames? :D I mean what could Dante or Nezha do that you can't do with a glaive or with torid for example? I don't get it.. u can already clear the room the thing is I wanna clear it like a ninja or I wanna clear it like a wizard or dancing and hiding in a corner somewhere or whatever, why nerf? Nerf all or buff all this doesn't make sense..

Not fan of the random selective frames and weapons, I understand the logic behind it, I believe is to make ppl explore all the frames and weapons or they will play only meta youtube builds :D still don't like it..

I really love the new level design, really really nice job!!!

Peace ✌️

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7 hours ago, MuonNeutrino said:

Well that's disappointing. I spent most of this past week farming up and messing around with Dante, so I didn't even get to use the interesting new augment for my favorite frame Nezha before it was effectively removed from the game. Slapping a 50% (multiplicative!) range penalty on it makes the ability basically worthless unless you build for so much range you can't build for anything else, and range is a stat that Nezha otherwise has no use for. Note that this is a 75% nerf to area covered! The ability becomes essentially pointless for crowd control *or* the new effect with that short of a range, so putting on the augment is arguably a downgrade now unless you cripple the rest of your build for range or are subsuming on a gathering tool or something like that, which is not what an augment should be.

If the problem was that this ability with high range was too problematically strong and letting people nuke entire tiles, why not just do 'range is capped at 100% of base' instead of this giga nerf? That would prevent tile-nuking, and at least that way you aren't self-nerfing the ability into the ground (for everyone not building for infinite range) by choosing to put on the augment. Because right now I see absolutely zero reason to ever equip it, and if I could I'd ask the steel meridian vendor if they could refund my standing and endo.

This is particularly sad because, while I love the frame to bits, he's mostly just a weapons platform. His 1 and 4 are his most flavorful abilities, but they're also normally his least impactful - I subsumed off his 1 eons ago, and I never actually need his 4 in like 95% of missions. I was looking forward to actually having a reason to use his 4 and gratuitously impale things on spears, but I guess it'll just go back to gathering dust.


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Dante was the first Warframe since Xaku I really enjoyed playing.


A lot of people playing a Warframe (especially on a long weekend and being easy to farm) isn't a sign you messed up.

It means you actually made a new warframe people wanted to play.

That's a good thing!

The new shiny will always have higher pick rates than anything else.


I get the overguard nerf, it was easy to give your team 50k Hitpoints, even if I think you should never just reduce something by 50% (or in this case even more, how is that a slight tweak??).

His nuke required setup, that already made it worse in lower levels compared to other nukes that cast faster and cost less.

With LoS it's just a mediocre and unreliable damage ability.

"""Fixing""" his birds to stop amplifying DoT status is another nerf to his damage side.


Dante was great because you had a weaker version mesmer shield while still being able to deal damage with some setup.

Now I have to deplete my energy bar to max out overguard, and have to cast it more often to keep it up, while the damage side of him is hardly worth the energy anymore.


I'll just go back to playing Revenant if I want to make sure my team stays alive, it's a much cheaper and faster cast and I 100% know my team will withstand anything thrown at them.


(I didn't forget about wordwarden, but as long as the tome mods don't work on it, I don't even want to cast it, it's as useful as Titania's team buffs.)


When you pour hundreds of manhours into designing, modeling, coding and making all the sounds for a new Warframe, are you happy when people drop it completely a few weeks after release?

Would you not want the players to enjoy your collective creation? Are you fine that Calliban, Qorvex, Gyre and several other newish Warframe received so little attention?

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16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additional Search Pulses for week of Deep Archimedea’s launch: 
We have given players an additional 5 Netracell Search Pulses for this week with Deep Archimedea’s release to ensure anyone meeting the requirements can participate in Deep Archimedea for its debut! These are in addition to the usual 5 weekly Pulses, so 10 in total if you haven’t used any yet on Netracells this week. These additional Pulses will expire at the next reset on Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC. 

But I only have 3 extra Netracell Search Pulses not 5? is it just me or are others seeing 3 only?

16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additional Search Pulses for week of Deep Archimedea’s launch: 
We have given players an additional 5 Netracell Search Pulses for this week with Deep Archimedea’s release to ensure anyone meeting the requirements can participate in Deep Archimedea for its debut! These are in addition to the usual 5 weekly Pulses, so 10 in total if you haven’t used any yet on Netracells this week. These additional Pulses will expire at the next reset on Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC. 

But I only have 3 extra Netracell Search Pulses not 5? is it just me or are others seeing 3 only?

16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additional Search Pulses for week of Deep Archimedea’s launch: 
We have given players an additional 5 Netracell Search Pulses for this week with Deep Archimedea’s release to ensure anyone meeting the requirements can participate in Deep Archimedea for its debut! These are in addition to the usual 5 weekly Pulses, so 10 in total if you haven’t used any yet on Netracells this week. These additional Pulses will expire at the next reset on Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC. 

But I only have 3 extra Netracell Search Pulses not 5? is it just me or are others seeing 3 only?

16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additional Search Pulses for week of Deep Archimedea’s launch: 
We have given players an additional 5 Netracell Search Pulses for this week with Deep Archimedea’s release to ensure anyone meeting the requirements can participate in Deep Archimedea for its debut! These are in addition to the usual 5 weekly Pulses, so 10 in total if you haven’t used any yet on Netracells this week. These additional Pulses will expire at the next reset on Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC. 

But I only have 3 extra Netracell Search Pulses not 5? is it just me or are others seeing 3 only?

16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additional Search Pulses for week of Deep Archimedea’s launch: 
We have given players an additional 5 Netracell Search Pulses for this week with Deep Archimedea’s release to ensure anyone meeting the requirements can participate in Deep Archimedea for its debut! These are in addition to the usual 5 weekly Pulses, so 10 in total if you haven’t used any yet on Netracells this week. These additional Pulses will expire at the next reset on Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC. 

But I only have 3 extra Netracell Search Pulses not 5? is it just me or are others seeing 3 only?

16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additional Search Pulses for week of Deep Archimedea’s launch: 
We have given players an additional 5 Netracell Search Pulses for this week with Deep Archimedea’s release to ensure anyone meeting the requirements can participate in Deep Archimedea for its debut! These are in addition to the usual 5 weekly Pulses, so 10 in total if you haven’t used any yet on Netracells this week. These additional Pulses will expire at the next reset on Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC. 

But I only have 3 extra Netracell Search Pulses not 5? is it just me or are others seeing 3 only?

16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additional Search Pulses for week of Deep Archimedea’s launch: 
We have given players an additional 5 Netracell Search Pulses for this week with Deep Archimedea’s release to ensure anyone meeting the requirements can participate in Deep Archimedea for its debut! These are in addition to the usual 5 weekly Pulses, so 10 in total if you haven’t used any yet on Netracells this week. These additional Pulses will expire at the next reset on Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC. 

But I only have 3 extra Netracell Search Pulses not 5? is it just me or are others seeing 3 only?

16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additional Search Pulses for week of Deep Archimedea’s launch: 
We have given players an additional 5 Netracell Search Pulses for this week with Deep Archimedea’s release to ensure anyone meeting the requirements can participate in Deep Archimedea for its debut! These are in addition to the usual 5 weekly Pulses, so 10 in total if you haven’t used any yet on Netracells this week. These additional Pulses will expire at the next reset on Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC. 

But I only have 3 extra Netracell Search Pulses not 5? is it just me or are others seeing 3 only?

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16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Missed Notes from Update 35.5.0:
Observant Tenno may have noticed some Abilities are no longer interacting with Crowd Control immune foes the same way. This is due to a change that went out with Dante Unbound, but was unfortunately missed in Patch Notes. These particular interactions fell outside of the intended design of CC immunity, so we have removed these outliers to restore expected behaviors. 

Enemies with Crowd Control immunity (ex: Overguard) have had the following interactions removed: 

  • Frost's Ice Wave Impedance Augment (specifically the frozen trail that slows them)
  • Rhino’s Stomp (slow effect)
  • Primary Obstruct (weapon jamming)
  • Exodia Epidemic (enemy suspension)
  • Zenurik Temporal Drag (slow effect)
  • Wisp’s Breach Surge (blind)
  • Halikar (disarm)
  • Mesa’s Muzzle Flash (blind)
  • Proboscis Cernos (stun and pull)
  • Mag’s Counter Pulse Augment (robotics disabling and disarm)
  • Mag’s Fracturing Crush Augment (immobilization) 
  • Malicious Code (immobilization) 

Player Overguard Changes:

  • Players with Overguard will no longer be pulled towards Trauma Clamps in the Undercroft. 


Why not just remove any cc abilities from the game entirely and get rid of the annoying overguard.  Lets be honest - it was really y'all just sticking another toe in the water of localized game modifiers in yet another pathetic attempt to shortcut any real game balance.   Localized game modifiers apparently being the new catchall for "difficulty" with a full barrage of them in the new game mode. 

The obvious design flaws with overguard aside, there is one action against them that should be allowed: disarm.  What, their weapons have overguard too now? come on.

Primary Obstruct, Halikar, CounterPulse, Shooting Gallery (not mentioned in above), radial disarm (just not the IRRADIATING effect of the augment) should still work on them and there should be more gun-jamming/enemy disarming made available via unique weapons, arcanes or something.


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5 minutes ago, -DarkenPrime- said:

But I only have 3 extra Netracell Search Pulses not 5? is it just me or are others seeing 3 only?

DId you try the new archimedian game mode before you looked at your pulse count (thereby consuming two of them?)


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1 minute ago, tucker_d_dawg said:

DId you try the new archimedian game mode before you looked at your pulse count (thereby consuming two of them?)


OMG I'm stupid I activated it last night but haven't started mission tho. TY mate Sorry DE


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I'm just here to voice my displeasure over the Dante LoS nerf. I understand you are going to try to make it better, but any LoS restriction on his 4th ability will just make him feel clunky and not fun. Casting 3 consecutive abilities and having the payoff be denied by wonky LoS is going to make Dante incredibly not-fun to play. I urge you to consider a different path if you want to reduce his power (though I don't think that is needed either)

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15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


We're testing a change to Dante's LoS that both effectively hits ragdolls and does the increased number of checks per enemy to improve the reliability of marginal hits.

Are you looking at Dante's LoS? or everyone's LoS?

As far as I know, every single ability that has a LoS check is buggy as all getout.  Even simple things like Kullervo's first ability: I can be standing directly in front of an enemay and it refuses to target/lockon - Often requiring walking in circles around the enemy spamming the ability until it takes. Or just giving up entirely on it.
Or Khora's LoS check on whipclaw
Pillage often feels flaky - but is harder to be sure.
Fire Blast is def. flake with minor decorattions, perhaps bodies, and terrain level changes.

Its like LoS requires 100% visibility of the enemies from every hair on its head (if they have hair) to every fungal growth beneath their toenail.   For clarity, as a player, Line of SIght to me means I can see some part of the enemy, It does NOT mean I have say "excuse me sir, could you step through this full body scanner I borrowed from the airport TSA checkpoint and let me see if I can use my ability on you". 


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hace 35 minutos, 16Bitman dijo:

Dante was the first Warframe since Xaku I really enjoyed playing.


A lot of people playing a Warframe (especially on a long weekend and being easy to farm) isn't a sign you messed up.

It means you actually made a new warframe people wanted to play.

That's a good thing!

The new shiny will always have higher pick rates than anything else.


I get the overguard nerf, it was easy to give your team 50k Hitpoints, even if I think you should never just reduce something by 50% (or in this case even more, how is that a slight tweak??).

His nuke required setup, that already made it worse in lower levels compared to other nukes that cast faster and cost less.

With LoS it's just a mediocre and unreliable damage ability.

"""Fixing""" his birds to stop amplifying DoT status is another nerf to his damage side.


Dante was great because you had a weaker version mesmer shield while still being able to deal damage with some setup.

Now I have to deplete my energy bar to max out overguard, and have to cast it more often to keep it up, while the damage side of him is hardly worth the energy anymore.


I'll just go back to playing Revenant if I want to make sure my team stays alive, it's a much cheaper and faster cast and I 100% know my team will withstand anything thrown at them.


(I didn't forget about wordwarden, but as long as the tome mods don't work on it, I don't even want to cast it, it's as useful as Titania's team buffs.)


When you pour hundreds of manhours into designing, modeling, coding and making all the sounds for a new Warframe, are you happy when people drop it completely a few weeks after release?

Would you not want the players to enjoy your collective creation? Are you fine that Calliban, Qorvex, Gyre and several other newish Warframe received so little attention?

I agree.

Now Styanax is back in the menu, just 1 press instead of 3 to generate OG. So Dante's OG amount was justified, more energy, more clicks, more OG, it's logic.

I'm a solo player of only 1 year old here (except when I play with my son) so I will continue with Revenant. That's sad, cos DE seems to not want us to enjoy other frames.

They don't need to nerf anything in a PvE game, their job is keep the players happy, let us play like we like, not like you would want, DE.

But the fact you DE killed a nnew frame that people was really enjoying (at last!), says much (and not good) about you guys,

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You nerfed Dante that weren't actually overpowered. You didn't seem to nerf any other frame that is actually OP. I don't want you to nerf it or me and many others will leave this game. You just killed that fun that Dante bring in the game. Bad job, DE. I am dissapointed

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