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The mods need to stop merging threads.


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Completely separate discussions and people that want to speak their own part are just getting slapdash stapled together based on the age of the thread, which not only looks insanely stupid because now there's like 10 different discussions going on that have nothing to do with each other, but it completely buries every individual opinion within a mountain of feedback that no one is going to read.  The mod responsible for this is VERY clearly not even reading the threads they're slapping together out of spite because my thread about the Arca Titron got moved into a thread about Dante.

There is no good reason for this to be happening.  It looks and feels spiteful, and it helps literally no one, other than people that don't want there to be feedback in the feedback forums.  And there's no recourse for this because only 1 mod ever even checks their messages, and there is zero recourse for anyone who has an issue with a mod.  There are zero repercussions for them for any action they take.  Stop turning my threads into comments.  If I wanted to make a comment on someone else's thoughts, I'd have done that.  I'm speaking for myself, not speaking on someone else's ideas.  If everyone is wanting to speak on the same thing, then you should take that as a sign of a serious problem within the game that should be fixed by addressing the problem, and not the symptom.

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I've got comments that I made on other people's threads, where the thread got merged.  People that respond to the OP of a thread don't usually have quotes from the OP in their reply.  Which means that those comments lose all context and become meaningless once they're in the merged thread.  Just random comments in a massive thread full of random, contextless comments.  Completely stripping the value of any discussion being had for no reason at all.  This is what the haphazard, spiteful thread merging is causing.  Whichever one of you is doing this, you're helping literally no one.

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13 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

One huge topic is easier to ignore than 500 smaller ones

Oh, I'm aware.  I've already said the same, multiple times.  

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Agreed! There are numerous issues with them. I've had my thread acting as a De-Facto megathread before and while it was okay for me since I made the effort to generate a reasonable top-level post for it that sufficiently explained the issue, it still didn't sit right that as the author having to unfollow it because it has over a dozen pages of derailed posts merged into it with a title change every 5 minutes that wasn't at my discretion.

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Numerounius said:

Agreed! There are numerous issues with them. I've had my thread acting as a De-Facto megathread before and while it was okay for me since I made the effort to generate a reasonable top-level post for it that sufficiently explained the issue, it still didn't sit right that as the author having to unfollow it because it has over a dozen pages of derailed posts merged into it with a title change every 5 minutes that wasn't at my discretion.

I just need for one of the OP's to change their pseudo-megathread title into something stupid, just to spite whoever is merging everything.  Title "rahetalius4.2.0CE is a Caliban main" and then it's 75 pages of angry, derailed, zero-context complaints about Dante nerfs, and my Arca Titron thread that got merged into it for no reason.

Edited by MrDugan
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People just need to stop posting 500 posts on the same topic. If you want to share your opinion on a topic and there is a post on the topic, you can just contributre to the existing post instead of making your own. Then comments won't get merged weirdly. 

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2 minutes ago, K4RN4 said:

People just need to stop posting 500 posts on the same topic. If you want to share your opinion on a topic and there is a post on the topic, you can just contributre to the existing post instead of making your own. Then comments won't get merged weirdly. 

Nah.  500 posts on the same topic lets the people that SHOULD be reading the feedback forums know something is wrong.  If someone has specific complaints and arguments about an issue, and I have the same overarching issue with different points of discussion and different priorities then those are different discussions.  Showing up to someone else's thread and making my own post within that thread is derailing and rude.  

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2 minutes ago, MrDugan said:

DESteve is a Caliban main

I think pointing at him isn't really the right thing right now, I know you're just saying that as a jokey title thing, but genuinely, he's in a separate team working on another game, which is shaping up nicely.

Honestly, my take is, there's gonna be constant 'generations' of balance design as people go "well I don't like steve!" eventually it'll hit "well now I don't like pablo!" then so on and so forth, and it'll shift each time, but no one'll be really 'happy'.

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1 minute ago, rahetalius4.2.0CE said:

I think pointing at him isn't really the right thing right now, I know you're just saying that as a jokey title thing, but genuinely, he's in a separate team working on another game, which is shaping up nicely.

Honestly, my take is, there's gonna be constant 'generations' of balance design as people go "well I don't like steve!" eventually it'll hit "well now I don't like pablo!" then so on and so forth, and it'll shift each time, but no one'll be really 'happy'.

It wasn't even a jab at Steve in any way.  It was literally just a joke.  There was zero thought put into who got picked from DE for the joke, other than the fact that he seems like he can take a joke.  There was zero malice or ulterior motive like you're implying.  I'll change it though, just for you.

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6 minutes ago, MrDugan said:

It wasn't even a jab at Steve in any way.  It was literally just a joke.  There was zero thought put into who got picked from DE for the joke, other than the fact that he seems like he can take a joke.  There was zero malice or ulterior motive like you're implying.  I'll change it though, just for you.

just wanted to say that because theres alot of stuff going around from people who aren't happy with the update to warframe, and I'd rather a name not associated with the update that much getting thrown about, from a joke being taken too serious, you don't have to edit your post.

I even said in the post that I know you were saying it as a jokey title, 

Edited by rahetalius4.2.0CE
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I agree, especially in this matter and this crucial time there is a lot of feedback/suggestions being given and so many of them is being lost in the hundreds of comments

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Please add the word “unnecessarily” between “stop,” and “merging”

There are cases when merging is good as multiple people want the same answer, but then there are OTHER cases where the mods merge two completely different threads that share a common topic (which is not the same thing). 

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2 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

Please add the word “unnecessarily” between “stop,” and “merging”

There are cases when merging is good as multiple people want the same answer, but then there are OTHER cases where the mods merge two completely different threads that share a common topic (which is not the same thing). 

No, I argue that is never good if there is no indication that the threads are being merged.

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5 minutes ago, Numerounius said:

No, I argue that is never good if there is no indication that the threads are being merged.

Well in that case I disagree, in some cases, merging threads is necessary to avoid spam 

You know full well people would rather make an ENTIRE post for a question rather than looking at all of the OTHER posts with that question already stated/answered


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12 hours ago, Aruquae said:

Well in that case I disagree, in some cases, merging threads is necessary to avoid spam 

You know full well people would rather make an ENTIRE post for a question rather than looking at all of the OTHER posts with that question already stated/answered


While the majority of the reason I disagree with merging threads is because individuals that have their own points to make should get to have their own threads, rather than being forced into the thread of another person just because they posted first, there is a small percentage of the hate for merging that is BECAUSE I think spammed threads should be there.  It is a far more accurate depiction of the state of the community to have a wall of threads that all say the same thing, rather than one or two contained threads with a bunch of comments.  The wall itself is a form of a feedback.  I love it when I make a post, then go to the subforum to see what others are saying and see a wall of threads that look similar to mine.  I don't care that it's harder for me to navigate through.  

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I don't necessarily disagree, but also don't necessarily agree, depending on the context and situation. I also think some people in general, just don't have any decent self awareness, and the ability to have good faith exchanges with others. As in a lot of interactions they have with others is antagonistic, either because they view people having different takes or perspectives as combative, and to be taken personally. Then usually the blame, responsibility also lays with the other person. As in they also can't really accept or consider other possibilities beyond whatever take, best benefits whatever best suits them, whether thats other people being dumb, corrupt, lazy, lacking common sense, trying to run or hide from criticism... and so on. 

Not that ist ever impossible for such claims to be accurate, just that people in general tend to be more complex and nuance, or at least the possibility is there. For example, is it possible that DE is some hive mind monolith entity that is extremely sensitive to criticism, and they lack the ability to separate a game they work on from their own ego, and identity and value as a human, and so when criticism arises, they need to downplay it, run away from it, and so merges it all together so its easier to hide from? Or... is DE a company with a bunch of different people, employees, with different specialities and tasks, and a few of them are tasked with taking feedback and sharing it internally, and maybe some of them requested mods, or just used tools themselves to merge threads they considered similar, so they and or others could better read all feedback, or more of it more conveniently shared in fewer places? Like a few mega threads. 

People with jobs acting in an official professional capacity, usually behave differently from random anonymous forum dwellers. Then even then, both types of those groups will have sub groups and different ways of communication and expressing themselves. If you disagree with me, then you actually have a secret ulterior motive, thats prompted by your constant need to sniff other peoples socks. Frankly, I didn't want to say this earlier, but its a bit weird. See, now my post can't have anyone disagree or challenge it, otherwise they will be revealing themselves as some freaky sock sniffer. That means, on the internet I win. Subtle rhetoric eh? Thing is, its not always obvious or simple as to why others do the things they do.

There have been instances where a thread was merged, where i thought it wasn't right. For example, if someone made a low effort post, but made it earlier than someone who made a similar post, with more information and context... For example both referring a video external to the website, but person 2 actually giving links, time stamps, and a short summary, but the first person saying "That guy on Youtube said Wukong sucks lol", its a bit weird when the two are merged, and the better thread is folded into a thread that devolves into arguing... That being said, maybe when threads merge, the earlier thread automatically just becomes the main thread, and their are other such limitations. Either way I don't think DE is allergic to criticism, more forum people are way way more sensitive to criticism and people disagreeing with them, just obviously we have the nature of business trying to sell a product and the nature of consumers having preferences. Sometimes consumers take things more personally, because in a way thats a right afforded to them, its their time, energy and money, and the business wants some of, if not all of those things from them. It would be bad business if they were as sensitive and prone to bad faith arguments as your average forum user, and that usually reflects in decisions made as well (including why and when threads might be merged), excluding of course moderator discretion, but on top of that, moderators are probably given some sort of instruction and or preferences given over treating such situations. Like how many times have DE repeated they are still taking in feedback, and to please keep it coming. We'll probably get more than a few more tweaks and explanations in coming weeks. Again, another difference between working somewhere and something being your job, is often having to communicate with others, agree on details and specifics, consider your wording and phrasing... they can't just be fast and loose with any random thought and expression they have, like someone on a forum can with random posts. Not to imply that people don't have merits or thoughts with their forum posts, some are well considered, I specifically mean, we don't have to, if we don't want. They usually do. Again for good and obvious reasons, company versus consumer, but a lot of players easily fall into projecting behaviour on to each other let alone people who are usually just involved because its their job (or something they volunteer for). 

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16 hours ago, MrDugan said:

Completely separate discussions and people that want to speak their own part are just getting slapdash stapled together based on the age of the thread, which not only looks insanely stupid because now there's like 10 different discussions going on that have nothing to do with each other, but it completely buries every individual opinion within a mountain of feedback that no one is going to read.  The mod responsible for this is VERY clearly not even reading the threads they're slapping together out of spite because my thread about the Arca Titron got moved into a thread about Dante.

There is no good reason for this to be happening.  It looks and feels spiteful, and it helps literally no one, other than people that don't want there to be feedback in the feedback forums.  And there's no recourse for this because only 1 mod ever even checks their messages, and there is zero recourse for anyone who has an issue with a mod.  There are zero repercussions for them for any action they take.  Stop turning my threads into comments.  If I wanted to make a comment on someone else's thoughts, I'd have done that.  I'm speaking for myself, not speaking on someone else's ideas.  If everyone is wanting to speak on the same thing, then you should take that as a sign of a serious problem within the game that should be fixed by addressing the problem, and not the symptom.

I dont think its a matter of spite i think its a matter of burying criticism.

Because first of all, it makes negative sentiment regarding a thing much less visible overall in the forums.

But more importantly then next thing you know maybe 1 or 2 people cant be civil in what WAS 2 or 3 or more threads and rather than putting those people in time out or pruning their comments they'll just go and lock the whole thread. 

And we all better shut the hek up because:

We cant make duplicate threads or complain about it.

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9 hours ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

I dont think its a matter of spite i think its a matter of burying criticism.

I'm not going to say that I'm specifically being targeted, but the first thread I made about thread merging, that wasn't about Dante, just semi-Dante adjacent, got merged in less than 5 minutes from being made.  My original thread about the Arca Titron got merged into a Dante thread as well.  I make threads that have separate discussion points than other threads, then they get merged almost instantly.  Spite or not, perception is often seen as reality, and my perception is that there's a mod here that hates my guts.  I am SHOCKED that I haven't been modded by them yet for "dev bashing."  

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Most of it is ranting and relieving steam. 

Reading the different feedbacks isn't the issue, it's some players accepting that their changes aren't implemented. 

Everyone's free to make their voice heard, but no one's obligated to enact every piece of feedback.

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