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Petition: Make enemy kubrows smell invisible frames

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34 minutes ago, stormy505 said:

I mean, the operator has a body that can't get sick, dying from unnatural causes is just really, really hard to do unless their Oro gets destroyed. So catching illnesses probably isn't a worry. Also specifically for deimos, the infestation is depicted as being very afraid of the void, and tenno/operators so they aren't worried about "catching" the infestation.

They aren't particularly hygenic, otherwise you'd think they'd clean up the helminth room in their own ship to have less leaks and growths everywhere.

Even assuming they do clean after every mission, in mission you'd still go thousands to tens of thousands of dead bodies before the frame gets washed.

The teenage operator was put into the dream to stop their aging, so yeah, they're technically centuries old but they haven't been consciously alive that long. And they aren't immortal (normally) otherwise Rell wouldn't have done the permanent transference into his frame. He had to do it cause his mortal body was deteriorating. Drifter is the exception cause of void timey wimey stuff slowing their aging process, but tenno DO age overtime.

Also explains lore actions. Drifter acts mature. The operator acts naive and coked up on hormones, which they are when you look at how long they've been consciously alive.

Warframes also die within a few minutes without oxygen. When time on a survival mission runs out, the oxygen gets cut off they start dying. The speed depends on game mechanics but your average warframe dies pretty fast. Mag's entry talks about the archwing having life support in it. It's also the game mechanic behind survival, we kill enemies for oxygen to stay alive cause the enemies shut off the oxygen on their ships. 

People die in the vacuum of space without oxygen, lack of temperature, and the pressure difference between the air in their lungs and space would cause it to expand if someone tried to hold their breath to live. If you have an insulated suit for temperature, were in an environment where the pressure difference isn't there (like on a sci-fi ship) you could hold your breath and survive in that situation for a decent period (depends on the person a lot.)

I could totally believe they have improved lungs cause of how they still move well in low oxygen environments, but it's still functionally lungs breathing O-2.

Regarding Decontamination, you go on Rescue Missions fairly often, you have your own Railjack Crew, and you interact with people face to face on Cetus and Fortuna. Whether you're carrying a disease or not is definitely a concern, unless you think the Tenno don't care if the last remaining humans get wiped out.

The infestation is indeed "afraid" of the void. But nobody mentioned anything about "getting infested". Diseases come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes even born from each other. COVID only mutated in good/bad ways because it spread so quickly. Hell our actions, or inactions, have helped create and strengthen Autoimmune Diseases Worldwide. Point being, I wasn't talking about simply being infested by the infestation, Deimos' mere existence means there's a high chance there are brand new diseases floating and dripping around there.

I mean the helminth seems happy enough confined to one room. Theres no real telling where the helminth begins and ends or if all of that goo is part of it, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

According to the Lore there was a significant amount of time between when the Zariman was rescued and when the Tenno were stored on Lua. And we're not talking days, weeks or months. Ballas didn't crack the code on how to make Warframes work overnight. There was also a significant "old" war to fight too. On top of that came the betrayal and the crumbling of the Orokin Empire. I'll trybto find it later but there's something in the game alluding to the idea that the Tenno were in and out of pods for hundreds of years before the big nap on Lua.

Warframes don't actually die without Oxygen. Their HP is reduced to 1. And you can stay like that for a fairly long time too.

I'm not really sure how to respond to the explanation of why we'd die in space, considering that was my point in the last reply. Probably best just to leave that one be.

Well again, we don't know they even have lungs. Could be something else. Warframes may only require Oxygen because the only Organ that survives Helminth Mutation is the Brain, which needs Oxidisation. All other Organs could be goo as far as we know. And we can't know either, not unless the game ever tells us, which it hasn't so far. So both are equally true and false.

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If it means adding more mods to appease players then I'm not for it we have enough mods/augments now to add onto frames mod slots without adding some other augment, I run two different ones as it is now don't need a third, don't try and use Ivara in Orb Vallis you will get wrecked out there when certain enemies rock up that can see you through the cloak, been there and tested it in the early days of Fortuna for giggles. :laugh:

I like full stealth at times when I'm solo only because I might want to just explore a node while on a mission or when I'm over having to dart around like a frog on crack dodging everything being thrown at me, it makes it more relaxing, I can do crazy but not for a long time, though it doesn't come close to my Assassin Creed games with stealth but it's what we have so I like it.

You'd also have to change the riven challenge to finish a mission without being detected.

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29 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I think one of the pet mods could do that , territorial agression , comes to mind immediately.

Yeah. Or something a stealth pet might have. Or even a basic Warframe one that can be applied at any time

Just something to give an option to be untraceable if someone needs/wants to be, and then the game by default has counter-invisibility mechanics that can be engaged with or built away as per usual (looking at PSF and its nullifying of a punishment system effect; people relying on it as a crutch is very much a them problem, but I can’t deny that sometimes I just want to blast away without concern as well and would like an option to do so when inclined, so I’m glad it exists)

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20 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I think one of the pet mods could do that , territorial agression , comes to mind immediately.

Pretty sure the moment you touch down you start acquiring the smell of where you landed , when you cut open an artery and let the blood cover your weapon that smell is going to stay for some time , when you shoot weapons the gunpowder/ ionized air/ infested farts needed to launch your projectile will have lingering scents. When you slide across a landscape you get stuff stuck into your nooks and cranies , some of them may be smellier than others.

So yes , there are ways and means that frames can still have lingering effects that can alert enemies to their locations if they know what to look/smell/hear for.

That's of course just to highlight it as a possibility , some frames may have their own counters to it , like oberons old passive that just made animals allies. Or silent thrown weapons that leave no trace on the frame itself. 

This is all during a mission , there may if course be various things happening between missions for maintanence and cleanup.

So just to be clear, you're trying to apply real-world well-known facts, to a game where you're an Eldritch Empowered Immortal Teenager who can shoot beams of Unknowable Energy from their Palms (and later their Amp) at crowds of Decaying Clones, Augmented Human-Robotic Hybrids and Self Aware AI Beings made from resources from a Star System we don't know the periodic table contents of while we inhabit Mutated Braindead Husks of Humans and Puppet them around to kill and be killed for us.


Counterpoint. In the real world blood and all that other goo you just mentioned doesn't randomly clean itself off of weapons. You usually have to do that manually. So unless a "dripping blood" hotfix gets released, it's equally as plausible that our advanced weapons self-clean. "The smell of where you landed" likely wouldn't cause us to be detected either. The dogs that are supposed to pick up the scent of where you landed, are.... where you landed. The same area. The patch of grass in the east of Plains shouldn't smell different than the patch of grass to the north.

So at this point we've covered why the Orbiter would have to decontaminate. It's not even a question at this point, otherwise the Tenno would become the worst Vector the Origin System has ever seen. Konzu is still alive and kicking so its safe to assume that isnt happening. And above discusses "where you land". Talked about assumptions about scents in general regarding the meat-grinded metal-enclosed cadavers we call Warframes. I think that covers it all?

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Oh, as far as the topic goes, I'm all for enemies having a few more (and more focused) counters to invisibility.  I've been thinking for a long time that a new mode could be packed with a fair bit of this stuff--Hard Mode Spy Missions basically.  

That's highly unlikely though, and I think making Drahks and some sort of Corpus drone a threat to invisible frames would be fine in regular missions.  Not ignoring invisibility completely, but within a certain range, and a longer range when alerted.    Most players will still just blow stuff away, but people who  enjoy playing more stealthily have something to watch out for. 

Anyway, if it's done reasonably, I'd find it to be engaging.


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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

So just to be clear, you're trying to apply real-world well-known facts, to a game where you're an Eldritch Empowered Immortal Teenager who can shoot beams of Unknowable Energy from their Palms (and later their Amp) at crowds of Decaying Clones, Augmented Human-Robotic Hybrids and Self Aware AI Beings made from resources from a Star System we don't know the periodic table contents of while we inhabit Mutated Braindead Husks of Humans and Puppet them around to kill and be killed for us.


Counterpoint. In the real world blood and all that other goo you just mentioned doesn't randomly clean itself off of weapons. You usually have to do that manually. So unless a "dripping blood" hotfix gets released, it's equally as plausible that our advanced weapons self-clean. "The smell of where you landed" likely wouldn't cause us to be detected either. The dogs that are supposed to pick up the scent of where you landed, are.... where you landed. The same area. The patch of grass in the east of Plains shouldn't smell different than the patch of grass to the north.

So at this point we've covered why the Orbiter would have to decontaminate. It's not even a question at this point, otherwise the Tenno would become the worst Vector the Origin System has ever seen. Konzu is still alive and kicking so its safe to assume that isnt happening. And above discusses "where you land". Talked about assumptions about scents in general regarding the meat-grinded metal-enclosed cadavers we call Warframes. I think that covers it all?

You can explain most things with a decent imagination backed by some reference logic ,we are of course talking of possibilities. So there is no right answer only probable ones.

Also did you miss the gunpowder / ionized air/infested fart smell and focus solely on the melee aspect? We also land from our landing craft coming form space usually that has its on ionization and burns.

Its equally as plausible that no cleanup happens until the mission is completed thats why most missions are quick , and the few that keep going have enemies rising in levels not because they get stronger but cause our gear starts wearing out in comparison.

Decontamination is a possibility but as you have yourself highlighted "you're an Eldritch Empowered Immortal Teenager who can shoot beams of Unknowable Energy from their Palms (and later their Amp) at crowds of Decaying Clones, Augmented Human-Robotic Hybrids and Self Aware AI Beings made from resources from a Star System we don't know the periodic table contents of while we inhabit Mutated Braindead Husks of Humans and Puppet them around to kill and be killed for us.", so decontamination is as optional as weapon self cleanup during missions.

So no , you havent really covered it all.

Edited by 0_The_F00l
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I can sort of understand the appeal and idea, but it also seems like one of those things, that could have quite a negative impact on quite a lot of different peoples Warframe play styles and activities. Like lets say that you want to do some Conversation in Orb Vallis or Plains of Eidolon for standing or to get Floofs? Or do some Fishing? Well ivara is a great choice... well was, now the animals can smell her, so goodbye perfect captures, and that Nightwave challenge becomes much more annoying, and so does getting standing, or Son tokens, or quite a few other things. You ever want to do a chill solo Archon Spy for that week? Well, now some Kubrows will somehow manage to locate you in one of the Vaults, and now the alert is sounded and... 

I am just throwing out random hypotheticals, worse case scenarios, I am not personally inherently against the idea, it could be implemented in an interesting way, but at the same time, when I think about Warframe being easy and some Warframes being too powerful... Loki, Ivara and Ash don't spring to mind. Saryn, Mesa, Revenant, Styanax, Dante etc do. I mean, yeah they do (all of them) also can trivialise content, but usually their is some sort of price or balance to their kits. 

I mean, I suppose we can make enemy Eximus Elite Kubrows that have toxic + viral true damage teeth that can bite right through Overguard, Shields, and Armour to one shot all Warframes, as well as being immune to CC, DPS, Damage, Status, Elements, and they can sniff invisible Warframes and also steal Platinum from you directly (and they can also fly for some reason), but some people may think thats a bit too far... Not me though, do it DE you cowards!! 

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5 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

You can explain most things with a decent imagination backed by some reference logic ,we are of course talking of possibilities. So there is no right answer only probable ones.

Also did you miss the gunpowder / ionized air/infested fart smell and focus solely on the melee aspect? We also land from our landing craft coming form space usually that has its on ionization and burns.

Its equally as plausible that no cleanup happens until the mission is completed thats why most missions are quick , and the few that keep going have enemies rising in levels not because they get stronger but cause our gear starts wearing out in comparison.

Decontamination is a possibility but as you have yourself highlighted "you're an Eldritch Empowered Immortal Teenager who can shoot beams of Unknowable Energy from their Palms (and later their Amp) at crowds of Decaying Clones, Augmented Human-Robotic Hybrids and Self Aware AI Beings made from resources from a Star System we don't know the periodic table contents of while we inhabit Mutated Braindead Husks of Humans and Puppet them around to kill and be killed for us.", so decontamination is as optional as weapon self cleanup during missions.

So no , you havent really covered it all.

I think I might have, yeah.

Also I'm refering to the fact that if I'm standing in front of a grineer soldier and chop him down, there's no blood or ooze or goo or anything on my sword. It's as spotless as when I first got it. Considering you wanted to introduce real world comparisons, that situation should literally be impossible. With the only plausible explanations being that our weapons self clean, leaving no scent, or they're coated in a material that won't allow any substance to stick to it, also eliminating the option of there being a scent.

I didn't miss any of your examples either, no. That was covered by the paragraph that you actually copy/pasted into your reply. The one pointing out the futility of trying to apply real world rules to a fictional universe. Which backfired for you above when the same logic was used to explain the impossibility of our shiny swords.

I am interested in one thing though. You replied to me to try to use real world rules to argue against the points I brought up, but now you're suddenly talking about how "there is no right answer, only possible ones". But if that's true, mine was as possible as anyone else's and didn't warrant a reply. The problem is, they're opposing views, and one needs to be chosen. So which one do you believe right now?

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22 hours ago, Slayer-. said:


I cant say that worries me. You're probably busy trying to find family members that have gone missing... again. Might be time to implant some subdermal trackers of the wifey and daughter? :clem:

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Am 11.5.2024 um 07:19 schrieb blackstraykitten:

Ever since grineer kubrows were introduced i expected them to attack me even in invisible mode. Did i expect too much?

edit: im fine if concensus didnt like to have invisibility be nerfed by specific units. i just thought the game is too easy(most of the time) for inivible frames specially since even boss units cant see or has not anti invisiblity moves

actually a lot more. because that alone is not enough. The animals stand somewhere afk for almost the entire mission. Even moas with aimbots can't do any damage because they get stuck in some room...

So it's essential to finally install sensible AI and offer more capabilities. something like "spot" from enemies so that owner is not attacked. and much more. Maybe even mass slow and other abilities to make switching from permanent DMG Sentinel more attractive.

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32 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I think I might have, yeah.

Also I'm refering to the fact that if I'm standing in front of a grineer soldier and chop him down, there's no blood or ooze or goo or anything on my sword. It's as spotless as when I first got it. Considering you wanted to introduce real world comparisons, that situation should literally be impossible. With the only plausible explanations being that our weapons self clean, leaving no scent, or they're coated in a material that won't allow any substance to stick to it, also eliminating the option of there being a scent.

I didn't miss any of your examples either, no. That was covered by the paragraph that you actually copy/pasted into your reply. The one pointing out the futility of trying to apply real world rules to a fictional universe. Which backfired for you above when the same logic was used to explain the impossibility of our shiny swords.

I am interested in one thing though. You replied to me to try to use real world rules to argue against the points I brought up, but now you're suddenly talking about how "there is no right answer, only possible ones". But if that's true, mine was as possible as anyone else's and didn't warrant a reply. The problem is, they're opposing views, and one needs to be chosen. So which one do you believe right now?

I already mentioned that anything can be explained away with enough imagination and reference logic.

I never claimed your answers were incorrect , only that they are equally probable as mine , as both are based on opinions and game mechanics /visuals which can change over time. 

We do not have Gore/blood splatter  on weapons ,but it does exist in select frames if you equip the right sigil and you can see splatter on walls and environments by default (unless you turn it off)

It's less about real world rules and more about what the Devs allow to happen. The potential is what we explore through such discussions.

There is no reason weapons would need ammo either but that also is a real world rule that is applied , there is no reason for  weapons to have bullet spread if they are so advanced   all weapons could be made to have perfect accuracy. These rules and limitations are placed to make things interesting. 

I still haven't gotten a reasonable enough response as to why you think weapons with traditional ordinance style bullets, ionising lazers or biochemical weapons would not leave any traces to be picked up by specific units.

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59 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I cant say that worries me. You're probably busy trying to find family members that have gone missing... again. Might be time to implant some subdermal trackers of the wifey and daughter? :clem:


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Only if you make a chart accurately describing the smell of every Warframe in the game.

But really I would be down with it if it means DE brought in invisible enemies that our companions can ping and attack if they're in enemy radar range.

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4 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I already mentioned that anything can be explained away with enough imagination and reference logic.

I never claimed your answers were incorrect , only that they are equally probable as mine , as both are based on opinions and game mechanics /visuals which can change over time. 

We do not have Gore/blood splatter  on weapons ,but it does exist in select frames if you equip the right sigil and you can see splatter on walls and environments by default (unless you turn it off)

It's less about real world rules and more about what the Devs allow to happen. The potential is what we explore through such discussions.

There is no reason weapons would need ammo either but that also is a real world rule that is applied , there is no reason for  weapons to have bullet spread if they are so advanced   all weapons could be made to have perfect accuracy. These rules and limitations are placed to make things interesting. 

I still haven't gotten a reasonable enough response as to why you think weapons with traditional ordinance style bullets, ionising lazers or biochemical weapons would not leave any traces to be picked up by specific units.

You see the problem here right? Once again you reiterate the idea of "its all fictional so anything is possible", and then you ask me to explain why something is happening based on how it works in real life. This is exactly why you can't have your opposing views. And it's exactly why you were asked to choose one. I'll gladly answer any question once the rules have been determined. My apologies but the idea of you being able to cherrypick from both at any moment isn't going to fly.

So is it all based solely on real life examples, meaning there are Grand Canyon level plotholes in that version, or is it based on the Universe being fictional, making most of your replies redundant?

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39 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

You see the problem here right? Once again you reiterate the idea of "its all fictional so anything is possible", and then you ask me to explain why something is happening based on how it works in real life. This is exactly why you can't have your opposing views. And it's exactly why you were asked to choose one. I'll gladly answer any question once the rules have been determined. My apologies but the idea of you being able to cherrypick from both at any moment isn't going to fly.

So is it all based solely on real life examples, meaning there are Grand Canyon level plotholes in that version, or is it based on the Universe being fictional, making most of your replies redundant?

The only problem I see is that there seems to be a misunderstanding , as if you think your opinions are any more relevant than mine and I need some sort of a justification from you , as if your validation is more important than anyone else's, mine included. The only reason I quoted you earlier is cause it's the one I read earlier which was interesting but also which i felt was not logically complete and gave reasons for the same and I like to respond to anyone quoting me.

I have no expectations of you as such , or of anyone else for that matter to explain themselves on matters of opinion if you don't want to. Nor do I need to make any arbitrary choice based on certain assumptions but I would like to understand better of why you think certain arbitrary mechanics are acceptable but others are not.

Your opinions are just as valid as mine as to why certain game mechanics can or cannot exist , it will depend on the merit of your ability to argue in a logical manner beyond "void magic so anything goes except when Dev's say so" as that can go both ways.

At the current topic the point is if DE can add enemy units that can detect invisible frames , I say there can be such units with a reasoning that is sound to me.  

I am not sure if you think this is some sort of a competition where you need to win an argument. And the winner gets ... A prize of some sort? I am more interested in having a debate with those able to understand the context and actually have their own logical reasoning (within the context of the universe of course) to hold their ground and not hide behind incredulity.

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50 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

The only problem I see is that there seems to be a misunderstanding , as if you think your opinions are any more relevant than mine and I need some sort of a justification from you , as if your validation is more important than anyone else's, mine included. The only reason I quoted you earlier is cause it's the one I read earlier which was interesting but also which i felt was not logically complete and gave reasons for the same and I like to respond to anyone quoting me.

I have no expectations of you as such , or of anyone else for that matter to explain themselves on matters of opinion if you don't want to. Nor do I need to make any arbitrary choice based on certain assumptions but I would like to understand better of why you think certain arbitrary mechanics are acceptable but others are not.

Your opinions are just as valid as mine as to why certain game mechanics can or cannot exist , it will depend on the merit of your ability to argue in a logical manner beyond "void magic so anything goes except when Dev's say so" as that can go both ways.

At the current topic the point is if DE can add enemy units that can detect invisible frames , I say there can be such units with a reasoning that is sound to me.  

I am not sure if you think this is some sort of a competition where you need to win an argument. And the winner gets ... A prize of some sort? I am more interested in having a debate with those able to understand the context and actually have their own logical reasoning (within the context of the universe of course) to hold their ground and not hide behind incredulity.


Anyway, Logic still suggests you pick one, otherwise none of your questions can be answered because your whole point is based on opposing views, which is both contradictory and paradoxical.

This isn't hard, and nowhere did I say anyones opinion is better or worse than anyone else's, A or B, 1 or 2. If you want to live in a world where you're allowed to have opposing views you're going to do so very very alone. Back in reality though, you have to choose. So for the last time, which one?

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34 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:


Anyway, Logic still suggests you pick one, otherwise none of your questions can be answered because your whole point is based on opposing views, which is both contradictory and paradoxical.

This isn't hard, and nowhere did I say anyones opinion is better or worse than anyone else's, A or B, 1 or 2. If you want to live in a world where you're allowed to have opposing views you're going to do so very very alone. Back in reality though, you have to choose. So for the last time, which one?

I have already made clear what my opinions are.Do let me know if you are unable to understand it and I will explain again. But for making it simple , there can be units in the universe that can detect invisible frames by different means including but not limited to scent and sound - that is my stance.

As to the rest of your statement , I am perfectly capable of having opposing views where I am in the minority or even alone, my reasoning is not so weak that i crumble at the first criticism i recieve , it is not new to me and i have no interest in jumping on a bandwagon if I see it as not making sense.

I am also not sure of what you mean by contradicting and paradoxical statements just because views are opposing does not make them so. Please do explain how having units that can detect the presence of invisible frames is either of those. 

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1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I have already made clear what my opinions are.Do let me know if you are unable to understand it and I will explain again. But for making it simple , there can be units in the universe that can detect invisible frames by different means including but not limited to scent and sound - that is my stance.

As to the rest of your statement , I am perfectly capable of having opposing views where I am in the minority or even alone, my reasoning is not so weak that i crumble at the first criticism i recieve , it is not new to me and i have no interest in jumping on a bandwagon if I see it as not making sense.

I am also not sure of what you mean by contradicting and paradoxical statements just because views are opposing does not make them so. Please do explain how having units that can detect the presence of invisible frames is either of those. 

You....don't know what opposing views are, do you?

Opposing, opposite, a positive vs a negative, stating that you believe something is true and then stating you believe it is false, a view of a subject from polar opposite ends. You're perfectly capable of having Opposing views lol?

This is done pal. You haven't a clue what you're even saying. You're not perfectly capable of having Opposing views, nobody is lol. Besides you finally chose real world, which means everything you've talked about has such gaping plotholes in it that it's unsalvagable.

Just for future reference, if you don't know what a term like Opposing Views means, it's better for you just to admit that. Or even take 10 mins to go and look it up. What you just did here couldn't have possibly been more embarrassing to be blunt.

"I am perfectly capable of having Opposing views".... Christ lol.....

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16 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

That's highly unlikely though, and I think making Drahks and some sort of Corpus drone a threat to invisible frames would be fine in regular missions.

Regarding the Corpus, there's a very old player concept that would be extra cool:


Corpus special forces! Which could have special equipment or tactics for sniffing out the Tenno.

I guess Grineer special forces could exist, too. Maybe an anti-invisibility Ghoul would make the most sense.

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb PublikDomain:

Regarding the Corpus, there's a very old player concept that would be extra cool:


Corpus special forces! Which could have special equipment or tactics for sniffing out the Tenno.

I guess Grineer special forces could exist, too. Maybe an anti-invisibility Ghoul would make the most sense.

looks like an aggressive AI that can also add serious damage ?
will probably never happen. because it doesn't fit baby easy mode content otherwise

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25 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

looks like an aggressive AI that can also add serious damage ?
will probably never happen. because it doesn't fit baby easy mode content otherwise

People’d figure out ways to build the problem away, especially if there’s a mod for it. The way the game is at the moment, DE can introduce anything to the standard game and it won’t really be a problem if someone really doesn’t want it to be (and yet people still complain)

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Merkranire:

People’d figure out ways to build the problem away, especially if there’s a mod for it. The way the game is at the moment, DE can introduce anything to the standard game and it won’t really be a problem if someone really doesn’t want it to be (and yet people still complain)

So you're saying that there's a mod that stops my Inaros + Armor Skill + Adaptation from becoming a 1-shot-victim after round 14 in SP Circuit???

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

So you're saying that there's a mod that stops my Inaros + Armor Skill + Adaptation from becoming a 1-shot-victim after round 14 in SP Circuit???

The #*!% kind of standard game is that? Steel Path is where you go to die because nothing else kills your build as per its intended design and any sort of balance went out the window ages ago

Edited by Merkranire
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