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The Tenet Glaxion is such a let down.


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You really let me down with this one. You made it so... boring. A magic bouncy beam? Is that really all you could come up with? That's it? All this time and that's it?

Couldn't do a secondary fire called Polar Vortex that fires like a slow swirling cloud? Couldn't do some kinda Arctic Void that can drop a below zero sphere that when enemies walk over it siphons all the heat from their body and can instantly freeze them?

Couldn't come up with anything more creative and fun then a Generic Corporate Brand Boring Bouncy Chain Beam? Something with more fun gameplay impact? Is this the future of all beam weapons that get upgraded versions? Boring Bouncy Beams?

I guess it was my mistake to hyper myself up over it, trying to keep myself interesting in the game I didn't abandon like a lot of other people did. I'm just really let down because i allowed myself to look forward to something and hyper myself up. Now I know to be pessimistic with everything this game has to offer.

Honestly if I keep it and not toss it I'll have to rename it Generic Corporate Brand Boring Bouncy Chain Beam. The GCBBBCB.

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29 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

Need more infinite body penetration beams. Team Ignis/Phantasma.

Maybe. But i still like the idea of turning frozen enemies into ice grenades and NOT as an augment.

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2 hours ago, Lancars said:

You really let me down with this one. You made it so... boring. A magic bouncy beam? Is that really all you could come up with? That's it? All this time and that's it?

Couldn't come up with anything more creative and fun then a Generic Corporate Brand Boring Bouncy Chain Beam? Something with more fun gameplay impact?

I mean, what else did you expect from DE?

like, come on Lan, you should know better xD

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31 minutes ago, Lancars said:

Maybe. But i still like the idea of turning frozen enemies into ice grenades and NOT as an augment.

I quite like this idea, especially since DE is planning to change Cold to be able to freeze enemies solid. I know they won't, but I'd like if they added this feature to Tenet Glaxion once the Cold rework is live.

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31 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I quite like this idea, especially since DE is planning to change Cold to be able to freeze enemies solid. I know they won't, but I'd like if they added this feature to Tenet Glaxion once the Cold rework is live.

Yea but the explosion can only come from targets hit by the beam to avoid it getting nerfed into the ground where they nerf the ammo pool into nothing.

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Gameplay wise the tenet glaxion is definitely so much better than it's previous versions, but I do agree they could've done something a bit more unique then just "do what the atomos, amprex and nukor does". 

Same goes for the Kuva Sobek. That weapon is an absolute direct upgrade to the Sobek but it's basically just a better Sobek. Not like every single tenet and kuva weapon should get unique alternate fires or whatever, but it'd be interesting to see new upgrades of weapons coming in with some unique passive or alternate fire to spice them up a bit.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb crimsonspartan1:

Gameplay wise the tenet glaxion is definitely so much better than it's previous versions, but I do agree they could've done something a bit more unique then just "do what the atomos, amprex and nukor does". 

Same goes for the Kuva Sobek. That weapon is an absolute direct upgrade to the Sobek but it's basically just a better Sobek. Not like every single tenet and kuva weapon should get unique alternate fires or whatever, but it'd be interesting to see new upgrades of weapons coming in with some unique passive or alternate fire to spice them up a bit.

There isn't that much of a difference. and that's just a case of trash content for forma+plat sales. because the other weapons have similar performance.......

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3 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

There isn't that much of a difference. and that's just a case of trash content for forma+plat sales. because the other weapons have similar performance.......

I mean they mainly just have bigger stats compared to their older variants, while the Tenet Glaxion has that linking effect which is pretty unoriginal considering how many beam weapons link to nearby enemies, but at least it feels better to use, especially against crowds. 

Definitely could've had more to them, and it's likely hard to make new weapons that are as good as weapons with incarnons unless you make something with completely broken stats.

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I think the weapon is great. I did 60% magnetic and build with corrosive.

So my damage is innate cold + corrosive + magnetic.


Its a great weapon and fun!

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It sounds like you had an idea in your mind of what it should be and that if it wasn't that it would just be a disappointment. Your ideas sound cool, maybe another weapon will have them incorporated. But the Glaxion does seem interesting and I'm looking forward to trying it.

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Sobek and glaxion was always just gonna be a freebie to tide us over til jade drops. I agree the weapons arnt as good as i hoped. Its gonna be a tough job to follow any incarnon weapon anyway. At least with these versions the weapons are useful and modding them fully only requires 5 forma as opposed to 7+ for normal weapons. With the coming augments for them they will be really strong though, especially sobek. Its just kinda sad and weird that a new kuva wep starts with 0.5 riven while torid still sits a 1.4. How does that make any sense at all? DE needs to look over starting riven stats. Should start at 1x. If Torid can stay at that ridiculous power level, what could possibly be a justification of starting a comparatively subpar wep at 0.5??

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