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1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

There was a time I would be inclined to agree with you but I actually put in a lot of effort into being sure I'm understandable, up to and including asking others to review what I post before hand. 

7/7 people agree, you've misunderstood what was typed. 

Or they’re just upvoting you because you’re on their side. Strength in numbers, right?

23 minutes ago, C11H22O1 said:



There’s literally nothing to be confused by what I said.

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1 minute ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

Or they’re just upvoting you because you’re on their side. Strength in numbers, right?

...I don't have 7 upvotes on any of my posts?  Also how can I get upvotes on something if I'm asking for review before I post it?

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16 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

Except all those women protested IN AMERICA!

Except they didn't. Women's suffrage I was referring to was a worldwide movement, with its most prominent part having its origins in the UK.

16 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

Rosa Parks didn’t wanna move IN AMERICA! 

And yet she influenced civil right movements in other countries.

16 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

But my your logic. Misgendering is hate speech. So it does punish misgendering.

My logic doesn't get to decide what is considered hate speech under Canadian law.

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Just now, MagPrime said:

...I don't have 7 upvotes on any of my posts?  Also how can I get upvotes on something if I'm asking for review before I post it?

Ok wait now I’m confused. Who’s reviewing your posts for you? Do you just have 7 people in a room with you. Looking over your shoulder. Approving what you post?

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5 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

There’s literally nothing to be confused by what I said.

Yeah but what's so difficult about calling someone how they want to be called or just treating them like any other person

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2 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

Ok wait now I’m confused. Who’s reviewing your posts for you? Do you just have 7 people in a room with you. Looking over your shoulder. Approving what you post?

You know the internet is a thing, right?  People don't have to be in the same room to have rapid interaction. 

I take screenshots and send them out to individuals or groups on Facebook, text message or Discord asking for opinions. 

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Just now, Genitive said:

Except they didn't. Women's suffrage I was referring to was a worldwide movement, with its most prominent part having its origins in the UK.

And yet she influenced civil right movements in other countries.

My logic doesn't get to decide what is considered hate speech under Canadian law.

So it still only effected countries where they actually protested.

Didn't Rosa Parks go around and give speeches after the bus thing? If so then it wasn’t just the bus thing that influenced Civil Rights movements in other countries. It was her actions following it.

But you could also be deliberately misrepresenting information.

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1 minute ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

Didn't Rosa Parks go around and give speeches after the bus thing? If so then it wasn’t just the bus thing that influenced Civil Rights movements in other countries. It was her actions following it.

You're almost there. Now, guess what caused her to go around and give speeches.

1 minute ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

But you could also be deliberately misrepresenting information.

A person who has been misrepresenting information for the past hour isn't going to school me.

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2 minutes ago, C11H22O1 said:

Yeah but what's so difficult about calling someone how they want to be called or just treating them like any other person

Because if it conflicts with objective reality then it sets a bad precedent. How much are you willing to deny to feel like you’re in the right?

Also, I find the expectation that people should call you what you want to be called when you have done nothing to earn it inherently disrespectful. It would be like me expecting you to call me “Lord”. I’ve done nothing to earn it. I don’t have any physical proof that I deserve to be called “Lord”. So you’re not going to call me Lord.

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Posted (edited)
45 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

I don’t think you can really cry discrimination anymore when Corporations, Media, and Governments support you.

Ok, and how does parading around in places you’re already accepted help further your interests in those other countries?

As a queer person living in America, I want to clarify that queer people still lack safety in America.  We're still discriminated against, we're still attacked, we still face economic and systemic repercussions for just being who we are.  In many places in the U.S. we have no legal protection against discrimination, and even in places where we do have those protections, discrimination still occurs at a statistically significant rate.

So yeah, we're unfortunately still at a place where queer activism in America is needed.

Feeling like you have to hide the fact you're in a committed relationship with your spouse in order to keep your job and housing and bodily safety really really sucks, especially when the straight folks around you can talk about the weekend they spent with their spouse without worry.  I'm hoping you see that kind of disparity as something that's worth changing.

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
Responded to more relevant quotes
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Corporations, Media, and Governments support you.


Corporations, Media and Governments are just arrangements and structures of people. Complicated arrangements and structures. Generally many often what a few certain things. Power, wealth, and ways to maintain power and wealth, so you know, control. Generally speaking. Its probably more accurate to generally say that Corporations, Media and Governments support Corporations, Media and Governments. Not you. 

Thing is, you are likely a person too (hopefully!). You also don't exist in a vacuum. You exist as an arrangement in different types of structures as well. Like maybe a neighbourhood, family, nation, etc. Different people can move around different arrangements and structures, and different people, can well, be different in lots of different and interesting ways. 

So even though Corporations, Media, and Governments can be large and complex, because they involve so many working parts and variables, they can sort of be simplified in certain ways, for certain purposes. For example, some people can be dishonest and deceptive and manipulative towards you, because they want something specific for you, and if they can make you think they are supporting you and acting in your best interest, to get something from you, like apathy and complacency to some of their worse actions and ideas, "literal" brownie points so that you feel good about yourself and so feel good about them, so that you don't try to eat them, and hopefully maybe a vote towards them, or their friends, or I suppose their rivals as well, if you must, but if you do vote for their one rival... maybe just consider voting for one of their friends in either 4 years or 8 years, when you get disappointed with their rivals performance.

Oh well thats more Governments. Corporations won't necessary care about the same things, they like your money much more specifically, and to be fair? You can know this, but... can you really disagree with them, when their tasty Freedom Fries are so delicious? Oh, you aren't a patriot? How about a Rainbow Shake? How about out MLK Burger? Yes they are one of the worst polluters on the planet, but people do have to eat... and to be fair, you don't really recycle as much as you should, so is it really their fault? Or is it your fault? Media will inform us of all this its not like you actually know stuff or do your own research. 

That being said, not all people are the same, not all people want to be dishonest deceptive, manipulative. Look at some healthy interactions, like between friends, loved ones, family, neighbourhoods. Though important disclaimer... Not all those relationships for people will be healthy. Some can be abusive. Regardless, some systems structure will actually reward manipulative, people who can be dishonest and deceptive. Aggressively dishonest and manipulative people. This is why corporations aren't your friend, and you need to be critical of power structures, in general, and why people continuously seek to improve them, and why they also do actually improve slowly over time (well they can also regress in certain ways too, its a bit of a complicated dance). Its also why some countries will get disproportionately wrecked by pandemics, where others will hold up much better. Also why its no coincidence that a lot of countries with superior laws and legalisation around LGQBT issues, in recent times, and those that continually look to refine and improve on them, also tend to score relatively better and well in other regards, like education, reform, freedom, media freedom and reporting, happiness, socioeconomic mobility, opportunity, lower recidivism, public scientific literacy, and all sorts. Then you have some countries who have some pretty inhumane laws, and well... Thats complicated. Then you have some countries in the middle or to be fair, in the like upper quarter, but they also have other things going on, but they have a lot of money and are pretty influential. 


Ok, and how does parading around in places you’re already accepted help further your interests in those other countries?

Stonewall, Lavender Scare. Compton's Cafeteria riot. Don't ask, Don't Tell. Pulse Nightclub Shooting. Some people are just going to roll eyes at the preconceived notion of acceptance. For those that are genuinely curious why? Being able to legally marry isn't the same as acceptance, bigotry, and discrimination can be large and complex. Overt, obvious, subtle and insidious. Personal and intimate, systemic and overarching. In general, its complex. 

How does parading help? Well its obviously not in a vacuum. Its a part of other stuff. How does farming for Prime items I already have help? Well duh, because that doesn't exist in a vacuum either, you can sell them for Plat or Ducats obviously. Parades are also nicer than riots. Riots often precede parades as well... I mean not directly before, I mean by years and decades. Parades can happen when public favour starts to tip, and a minority group starts to be given a bit more decency, respect, tolerance, rights, and the needs for riots feels less needed, but its also not thats simple. Riots can and will still happen when people feel like things are being taken for granted, things are getting a bit too unfair, and oppression is happening again, but thats a whole other set of complications too. 

Parades are also representative and demonstrate a societal change of attitude. Raise awareness. Give support and unity. let isolated people not feel so isolated. This is a literal Forum for a sci fi shooting free to play game. Its so people who have views about Warframe can talk to other people about the game Warframe. Why don't we all just talk to actual people in real life about the game? Well yeah exactly, a Forum is nice. 

Plus other countries can often follow suit, because when some countries start seeing benefits, in certain ways, well other countries like to get in too. This can be complex though, because well its complex and my post is already long. 

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1 minute ago, Genitive said:

You're almost there. Now, guess what caused her to go around and give speeches.

A person who has been misrepresenting information for the past hour isn't going to school me.

You’d have a point if she only did the bus thing and literally nothing else.


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13 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

You know the internet is a thing, right?  People don't have to be in the same room to have rapid interaction. 

I take screenshots and send them out to individuals or groups on Facebook, text message or Discord asking for opinions. 

So you literally argue by committee.

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2 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

So you literally argue by committee.

...no, thats not...my sibling in nonsense, will you please use the internets free resources and put more effort into your education?

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you have done nothing to earn it inherently disrespectful. It would be like me expecting you to call me “Lord”. I’ve done nothing to earn it. I don’t have any physical proof that I deserve to be called “Lord”. So you’re not going to call me Lord.


Names and honorific and titles aren't the same thing. Otherwise Lorde would be shaking in her boots. 

No trans person is calling themselves King and expecting you to bow to them and treat them like a monarch of a country. Nor are they expecting you to treat them like a Jaguar mask wearing Lucha wrestler. Its not that complex. 

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1 minute ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

You’d have a point if she only did the bus thing and literally nothing else.

You know how one thing can lead to another, and then another thing, and then to a bigger thing. Like Rosa Parks "bus thing" can lead to speeches, and those speeches can inspire other people to do similar things in other countries. I don't think I can simplify it more.

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Just now, Genitive said:

You know how one thing can lead to another, and then another thing, and then to a bigger thing. Like Rosa Parks "bus thing" can lead to speeches, and those speeches can inspire other people to do similar things in other countries. I don't think I can simplify it more.

Yes, but the Speeches ultimately did more than the bus thing.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

It was a joke……..

Yeah my comment wasn't.  In our interaction and the ones you've been having with others, there are glaring gaps in your rebuttals that would be fixed by utilizing free classes that numerous prestigious colleges offer.  I've used them, people I know have used them, Hek, half of my teenage nephews are currently using them to get a leg up over their classmates. 


Go forth and learn.

Edited by MagPrime
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Posted (edited)

Hey there fellows and allies, I genuinely love the effort y'all are putting in.  Because I respect your time and energy, I have a short, contextually relevant video to recommend.  I hope you enjoy it <3

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
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Posted (edited)
On 2024-06-03 at 11:20 AM, Genitive said:

I focused on the first part because you clearly made a distinction between good and bad portrayal of homosexuality. You say you don't have a problem with one, but the other is bad for whatever reason. Why? Because Seven of Nine had relationships with men, and then with a woman? Would you have this problem if her latest partner was a man? You do realise some people are bisexual, or discover they're not straight later in life, right? If there is another reason, do tell. 

Yeah and grabbed things out of context that way. I made that pretty clear aswell, the part you ask what makes one acceptable and not the other. Simply it comes down to bad writing and implementation. Just as 7of9 having a relation to a man clearly, since it was such a forgettable thing I can remember that she had one, or whom it was with or what it added to either character in Voyager (or was it in an earlier part of Picard?).

And again you are trying to -splain something even though nothing I said indicates I'm unaware of that or anything else regarding sexuality. Are you seriously sitting with a straight face and try to claim just because something is LGBTQ+ (or any other minority) it cannot suffer from poor writing or other negative things? If so it might be time to start considering suiting up in a brown shirt...

On 2024-06-03 at 11:20 AM, Genitive said:

A simple google search shows it's not true. And don't start with the children, we both know that's a poor excuse. Pride marches have been happening for decades now, the kids who attend the seem to be fine.

That is an extremely ridiculous approach, to write something off as untrue due to google.

We've had people in gimp suits and strap ons walking on all 4 in the pardes here over the last couple of years. We've also had people riding flat beds wearing BDSM suits and mimicing sexual acts aswell as performing light (but real) spankings etc. Last year we even had people with things "inserted" while attending the parades. This all while marching through regular neighborhoods and having children as spectators of the parade.

How BDSM has anything to do with the parades is a big question mark, and it is insane that it isnt stopped. The parade is about being able to love whom you want, not about what kinks we might have beyond that point when we engage in sexual activities with those we love.

You also miss the whole point. Since this isnt about me saying there shouldnt be pride marches, this is me saying there are things in the pride marches that shouldnt be there, and those that organize them should take their responsibility and screen out those people. Since what they do has nothing to do with loving someone in a non-heterosexual way.

Edited by Letter13
That final comment of yours? Yeah, don't do that.
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On 2024-06-02 at 7:56 AM, Zimzala said:

People have also gotten tired of being discriminated against for being non-cis-gendered and having cis people to tell them to be quiet while they produce far more cis oriented media that is in everyone's face, all the time.

It has nothing to do with what happens in the bedroom and everything to do with what happens in the boardroom.

Pride month is about having the courage to be who we are in the face of a group of people that want to silence us, if not outright kill us.

If it makes people think about the topic, that's the point. There are new people everyday who have to learn new things.

If you are already aware of these things, great, but you might want to try and understand that knowledge is not universal and that hate and bigotry are alive and well in 2024.

pretty much, sad that people still don't quite understand this in 2024 

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Asking others to celebrate other people's sexual preferences is weird, people are getting fed up.

A whole month, no less, orders of magnitude more, than the time to celebrate mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

It is simply virtue signaling and pandering from the usual corporations.

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3 hours ago, carecaplatonico said:

A whole month, no less, orders of magnitude more, than the time to celebrate mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

Mothers, fathers, sons and daughters haven't been categorically persecuted for the majority of recorded history, up to and including the present day.

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