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The new status and enemy resistances rework seems to have made Slash basically awful now, with or without armor. Weapons that would once create massive Slash procs now do little to no damage with said procs. I remember reading over the status changes dev post a while ago and not really coming across anything about Slash - is this intended? I basically need to rework so many builds and many weapons that I once loved, like Reaper Prime, feel like wet noodles compared to how they used to be. Heavy attack builds especially feel terrible since they often relied on a guaranteed Slash proc. And no - armor strip doesn't seem to help, nor does adding on a more relevant damage type for the enemy.

On a similar note, Hunter Munitions basically adds no damage anymore. Not sure how I feel about this update overall when I was initially very excited about it if this is all intentional, especially since that dev post didn't seem to really point out this kind of change.

Note: This is on using against high level enemies (low level ones can and should die to just about everything).

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If this is ultimately intended it's a pretty bad change in my opinion. Katanas, scythes and pretty much any bladed weapons are essentially useless now outside of just building them for corrosive and or blast or electric/influence, not to mention the frames that can proc slash have practically no benefit from even pressing their abilities that can proc said slash rip dante gamers.


Edited by Grimlourn
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IPS are specifically excluded from the status changes, so the slash change should be a bug and not a nerf. In theory, it makes sense that it would be slower (bleed does true damage, so more HP means it has more work to do), but not to the extent it sounds like it is.

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from my testing it looks like it doesnt bypass armor anymore which is the crux of the issue. statistically slash is the weakest DoT in the game and only kept its place in the meta because of the armor ignore. Overall slash was nerfed this update tho because of the extra health and the significant reduction in enemy armor and all, but nerf to this extent has to be an unintended bug that mustve happened do to the enemy armor change, like they might have forgotten to change how slash interacts with the new armor type is my guess.

On the bright side the other DoTs feel great especially gas, but yea slash is basically useless now and hopefully gets fixed if it was unintended or reverted it it was.

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After some testing I have concluded that my Dante now deals less than 10% of the damages he used to deal before the update against heavy gunners.

Before the update, Roar + Dark verse x2 + Tragedy = 700k.

Now, 50k. And this is an endgame build. This is ridiculous.

I hope that was unintended because I thought that the update was supposed to bring more options and make things simpler, not nerf slash to the ground.

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I dont know, if it was nerfed, but slash build was allways annoying for me.

Slash builds were allways bad from design perspective. It was a dot dmg, which i dont like and very limited in building weapons or where i can use it. If i went slash build vs grineer i dealt very low dmg vs grineer machines. I needed a backup weapon which was already reserved for rad/magnetic usually.


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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Forgek:

The new status and enemy resistances rework seems to have made Slash basically awful now, with or without armor. Weapons that would once create massive Slash procs now do little to no damage with said procs. I remember reading over the status changes dev post a while ago and not really coming across anything about Slash - is this intended? I basically need to rework so many builds and many weapons that I once loved, like Reaper Prime, feel like wet noodles compared to how they used to be. Heavy attack builds especially feel terrible since they often relied on a guaranteed Slash proc. And no - armor strip doesn't seem to help, nor does adding on a more relevant damage type for the enemy.

On a similar note, Hunter Munitions basically adds no damage anymore. Not sure how I feel about this update overall when I was initially very excited about it if this is all intentional, especially since that dev post didn't seem to really point out this kind of change.

Note: This is on using against high level enemies (low level ones can and should die to just about everything).

I'm also testing. And yes... 10x viral + slash is a terrible combo at the moment.

I don't see much difference between heat+viral and cold+corr(2 green shards). Although I would go for cold+corr.
And Saryn still kills everything in seconds because of secondary arcane status spam.

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I dont know what you guys are talking about. First of all  i saw some people ran slash build without heat, which is of course a mistake(i never understood why they do that). I allways did viral+slash+heat whenever i could. Plain Viral+slash was allways weaker. I just did a mission vs murmur now, they melt faster than before. So i dont know what nerf you gyus are talking about.

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5 hours ago, Faultron said:

I dont know, if it was nerfed, but slash build was allways annoying for me.

Slash builds were allways bad from design perspective. It was a dot dmg, which i dont like and very limited in building weapons or where i can use it. If i went slash build vs grineer i dealt very low dmg vs grineer machines. I needed a backup weapon which was already reserved for rad/magnetic usually.


Well DE made it that way. Slash was not the end all be all before the previous status changes.

They changed very nearly every pure elemental Melee weapon to have Slash. Despite those melee having low Crit at times they scaled better than most anything else since it was easier to amp damage than status rates. Then they made Viral just stupidly strong for no reason.

Sicarus Prime was the top pistol for a long period and it's mostly Impact. Akstilleto and Marelok before that.
It was the cap on Armor strip and changes to enemy scaling which ruined them. Slash just about never out performed other options high level.

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I need to test out things but as far as I am seeing

1) There is a bug in simulacrum for specific abilities that do slash status/bleed  which should get fixed.

2) Enemies now have more base HP which indirectly needs stronger slash procs to achieve similar damage.

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I thought it’s just me, but yes, slash procs on my Azothane with 11x crit multiplier went from 200k to like 20k, which is a bummer!


Well I liked slash as far as it lasted. RIP Garuda.

Edited by SpiritTeA
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2 hours ago, SpiritTeA said:

I thought it’s just me, but yes, slash procs on my Azothane with 11x crit multiplier went from 200k to like 20k, which is a bummer!

That sounds like armor is applying. Since armor is now capped at 90% damage reduction you'd see exactly those numbers. Was this happening outside of the simulacrum?

Edited by Vahenir
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It's not just in the simulacrum slash is being nerfed in missions as well. My Noctua which normally hit like an absolute truck is now just tickling, my Dante has over 300% ability strength and I'm now hitting at less than 10% of what I  was before jade update.

I have had to temporarily remove hunter munitions form all of my weapon builds because of this, which absolutely sucks!


DE please sort out this bug.

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22 hours ago, Vahenir said:

That sounds like armor is applying. Since armor is now capped at 90% damage reduction you'd see exactly those numbers. Was this happening outside of the simulacrum?

Well so far on missions I saw more or less big numbers as slash procs, much bigger than in simularcum

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I was testing the glaive prime 
and it doesn't do any damage against enemies with armor,
it doesn't do anything to them, a 205 heavy gunner on a steel path I killed him with 8 
explosions with all the mods

Edited by Darkpaladin13
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On 2024-06-18 at 6:50 PM, Faultron said:

I dont know what you guys are talking about. First of all  i saw some people ran slash build without heat, which is of course a mistake(i never understood why they do that). I allways did viral+slash+heat whenever i could. Plain Viral+slash was allways weaker. I just did a mission vs murmur now, they melt faster than before. So i dont know what nerf you gyus are talking about.

pure viral + slash is better. slash ignores armor so heat's armor strip is irrelevant, and heat's DoT does not ignore armor so you'd rather have those be more slash procs.

viral/slash is only worse than viral/heat/slash if the weighting is too lopsided in viral's favor, since after 10 stacks it stops being useful to proc.

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vor 6 Stunden schrieb Malurth:

pure viral + slash is better. slash ignores armor so heat's armor strip is irrelevant, and heat's DoT does not ignore armor so you'd rather have those be more slash procs.

viral/slash is only worse than viral/heat/slash if the weighting is too lopsided in viral's favor, since after 10 stacks it stops being useful to proc.

it depends on the weapon. because viral+heat without slash performs well. I only needed slash when enemies didn't go down fast enough. which apparently isn't the case in normal short SP missions.

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I did notice slashes i got with my epitaph while playing ivara were /very/ weak. Before the nerf they would typically one shot pretty much anything with slack procs that ticked in the hundreds of thousands. Now they tick for a tenth of that. In this case im using the hemorrhage mod so i suspect that slashes applied by mods are still reduced by armor in some manner. Either by the slash in question being based on the actual damage dealt after DR rather than the base damage or by armor applying to the slash procs in these cases.

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