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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.4

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Every time you leave the pilot's seat on the Railjack, the cursor moves down and to the right. Please pay some attention to Railjack because it is completely abandoned, and that is very sad. The only content that it was something different, unique and very promising, the only content that makes you feel like a real space ninja is completely abandoned. I know this is happening because many people hate Railjack, but also there are people who they love it as much they love and the rest of the content.


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So...this is disappointing.  It's been about two weeks.  It's time for review.


1) This should not have released.  About 3 days after launch I said that it was two weeks too early...and you've managed to prove that was too optimistic.

2) Match making for your event sucks.  Click on "join team" and I get "could not join team, full."  Great.  I would suggest that instead of just kicking me you try to find a new team...like match making should be.

3) Rewards suck.  46*21 = 966.  966/14 = 69.  69 runs * 7 minutes/run = 483 minutes = 8 hours Joy.  To earn one full arcane at the highest level I need to grind a mission for 8 hours.  Only 3 of them...but I can grind out extra copies for trade....so your "don't burn-out plan" is 48 hours...2 full days...of grinding this one mission over 30 days, in order to get two sets of legendary arcanes.  That's not preventing burn out, it's telling us "we're planning for super grinders."


4) Speaking of match making...what happened?  In the last week I've gotten multiple instances where host sucked despite low ping...meaning either a VPN or console that can't keep up with the calculations.  Nothing sucks worse than an archon hunt where you do 3% damage because your host sucks so bad that you suddenly die by damage that comes literally out of nowhere when it calculates you "haven't moved" for 30 seconds and the enemies have simply unloaded on you...5 rooms behind where you are now.

5) On the subject of hit detection, what is up with Mesa?  In one build peacemaker shoots cameras, in the next it doesn't.  Sometimes it shoots jade light bubbles...but often not.  You guys really can't get your crap together on whether or not things work...and it's frustrating to have to jump out of one mode, to shoot one camera, to then continue back when you can get through the door.

6) Your "fix" for reassigning the polarities blows.  I want to change my weapon exilus from a v to a -, but I can't.  Something that has literally been a thing since the slots were introduced.  Joy.  So, you fixed a problem that wasn't really significant by disabling my ability to do something that means once I spend an unlocker I may simply not be able to afford using the slot because of cost.  Wow....slow clap.




Top all of this with the fact that you cannot even link your latest update properly on your own website...and I have to ask who's asleep at the wheel?  Let me further that with some simplistic math.

If I get just one of each legendary arcane I need 69 runs.  In those runs statistically I get at least one of everything...meaning 5% drop chances give me 3 of everything at 5% drop rates (1/20, three times over).  I then purchase one Jade BP at 450 to feed to the Helminth.  25*69-(450) = 1275.  Cool...that means I have 69 of 21*5=105 arcanes that I need...and normal distributions would have none of them at 21 by the time of only 69 runs.  (105-69)*10 = 360.  1275-360 = 915.  OK....that means:

1) On average you need to run this 69 times.

2) In those 69 times, if you buy one extra BP to feed the Helminth, and round out all new arcanes, you wind up with 91.5 extra arcanes.  

3) If I plow those 91 arcanes into arcane dissolution, at 24 a pop, that's 2184.  Let's fudge a little, because 91.5 arcanes will round...and call it 2200 arcane dissolution points.

4) 2200 points makes 11 new arcane packs...or 33 new arcanes from 91ish.  

5) What is my point?  Well...this is a really screwed up reward.  It isn't a "pity" system, because the Jade BP doesn't drop.  It isn't about choice....because 46 motes versus 5 for a single rarity step down really means you don't care about anything but the most expensive stuff.  The "we don't want you to burn out" limit of 42 arcanes per type is really not true....when to earn the maximum YOU NEED 2 FULL DAYS OF GRIND to earn it.  Yep...a lie by obfuscation of math behind a multiple tier rewards system that makes precious little sense.  Combine all of this with the clan rewards for a basic clan requiring only like 3 runs...and I don't get it.  This was a badly planned out, poorly executed, buggier than usual update that two weeks later is driving me nutty because after 120+ runs of this thing I think somebody there said you needed an event for super grinders and casuals...and instead of tiers you made a limbo stick and the Sears tower.  Everybody gets that golden participation award...but to get anything good you're going to need to spend 1/15th of the month grinding.  Yikes.

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DE are there some computer video specs that affect us for how the Jade Light mechanic works?

Jade Light just spawns in with no warning straight on top of me or teleports straight to me at a fast pace, when I get away from it the Jade Light chases at a fast pace, with multiple beams chasing me I'm spending all my time looking for eximus or trying to shoot the ball/s which is very hard when they're clipped into the ceilings and cannot be targeted.

I run high/medium video settings at 2560x1080 75HZ refresh rate, I'm on a W10Pro 64-bit operating system i5 CPU @4.2 Hz with 16 gig of RAM and a Gforce 1660 super gaming OC 6gig.


I've been seeing posts where players say the jade light moves slowly and you're meant to see a visual hint that it's spawning in, I don't.

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New accessibility feature for semi-auto weapons does not work on controllers. (Edit: It does, but for some reason it needs to be toggled on twice: Once on mouse and keyboard and once and controllers. This doesn't sound particularly intuitive.)


(Side note: This feature could have already been done with Steam's controller software, if Warframe didn't fight it to death by being mostly incompatible with those settings. C'est la vie.)

Edited by Sloth45
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On 2024-06-29 at 12:36 AM, Rigtis said:

This is an unpopular opinion, but personally, I feel like people is overreacting to it. It's not like there aren't other traumatic events and quests in WF and they focus way too much on rising up controversy instead on the symbolic meaning on it. Those events were quite common in war times and any mature person would realize that what is being portrayed in the quest is far from offensive but actually a token of hope for someone like the Stalker, who has lost everything he had, including his humanity. Many people I have asked their opinion about the quest in my clan (which is composed mostly by adult people) have gave me positive feedback and they don't take it as "uncomfortable" at all because we catch what it is telling us, not what modern society takes from it. About the frame, is not like pregnant characters are new to videogames in general and having a badass mother fighting to protect her unborn child reminds me to Angharad in Road Warrior who also fought bravely while pregnant to secure a better future for her incoming baby.

I wasn't talking about the quest itself - I, personally, liked it, because it was touching. But when I saw pregnant warframe, I just couldn't hold myself from laughing - it's just so absurd, that it makes me feel a lot of fun, and now I sincerely wait for wheelchair warframe. It felt odd when I found out that my copy of Jade was still pregnant, but I'm adult and mature enough to be ok with that. But, anyway, recently I found out that in noble stance Jade rubs her belly gently, when in idle animation, and it made me feel very strange, since I have a male operator, so it really looks not... sane

But I agree that some people overreacting to it, but not a lot of them, mostly it's understandable feedback, but the ones, who is treatening to leave game because of it - it's a little bit over the top


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On 2024-06-30 at 10:29 AM, master_of_destiny said:

3) Rewards suck.  46*21 = 966.  966/14 = 69.  69 runs * 7 minutes/run = 483 minutes = 8 hours Joy.  To earn one full arcane at the highest level I need to grind a mission for 8 hours.  Only 3 of them...but I can grind out extra copies for trade....so your "don't burn-out plan" is 48 hours...2 full days...of grinding this one mission over 30 days, in order to get two sets of legendary arcanes.  That's not preventing burn out, it's telling us "we're planning for super grinders."

This is really funny because when they said "we are capping the rewards to avoid burnout" the Legendary Arcanes went for only 12 Motes, but on release they increased it to 46 Motes, I guess their definition of avoiding burnout is by making stuff 50% more expensive (on average) than last event lol

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18 minutes ago, iSiawPrime said:

This is really funny because when they said "we are capping the rewards to avoid burnout" the Legendary Arcanes went for only 12 Motes, but on release they increased it to 46 Motes, I guess their definition of avoiding burnout is by making stuff 50% more expensive (on average) than last event lol


My personal opinion, they looked back at the cost...and figured out that people could do the mission in about 8-10 minutes.  They had to have increased rewards for steel path...and a regular path progression, but couldn't just give out 1 per run because they also decided to pack a sister in there too for giggles.  Once you add in the poisoned reward factor, with sufficient overlap, you wind-up with 2-4, 6-9, and 9-12.  That's cool...but you also have the alerts worth 10-15...so you've got to assume that everyone who has access to Steel Path can get about 45 per hour...because FOMO is a thing...and you don't want everyone to earn all of the rare arcanes because that'd kill resale value along with basically killing any new player post event from a huge power grind of 5% drops...so they gave us a semi-plausible garbage answer and dramatically increased the grind.  It's an opinion I cannot support with facts....but considering that the jump is as substantial as it is I think that DE still wants our platinum from player to player trades...so they poisoned their own rewards table at the last minute.


I base most of the above on the "loot cave" that they left in...because it seems like they got down to the wire and released what they had with band-aids, rather than any real thought.

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I am once again POLITELY ASKING you to UNDO this INCREDIBLY STUPID CHANGE, I am beginning to lose my patience, and I am also getting annoyed at the lack of ANY recognition that DE is aware that A LOT OF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THIS CHANGE!

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On 2024-06-26 at 8:03 AM, KADRACOLA said:

Greedy Pull still doesn't work 100%.

Does it not work at grabbing anything or just not like it used too?  I did notice that pull does NOT work like it used too before one of the latest Hot Fixes was implemented. I have a decent range of 2om on my Pull for my Nekros, even with the reduced Helminth range, and with Greedy Pull, I could not pull enemies or resources from 13m away with no obstructions in my line of sight.  There is something fishy going on for sure but don't know if it's a DE "fix" or an actual bug.  Pull was one of my favorite Powers as it  was immensely useful during Survival Fissures to grab the air, loot and reactant from far reaches and with minimal LOS issues.  Now it's trash and not reliable at pulling much of anything so I do hope it was a bug and will be returned to its former glory soon!

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Posted (edited)
On 2024-07-05 at 3:34 PM, nicolajtheking2 said:

I am once again POLITELY ASKING you to UNDO this INCREDIBLY STUPID CHANGE, I am beginning to lose my patience, and I am also getting annoyed at the lack of ANY recognition that DE is aware that A LOT OF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THIS CHANGE!

Unfortunately we likely won't see this addressed until after Tennocon, if at all.

Gotta put all their attention toward the big reveals before they can start listening to the community. It's the annual ignorance phase.
Which is why we are continuing to ask for the revert.

Really starting to lose hope that it will be addressed at all, which is concerning for my continued interest in the game.

Edited by FaraTenno
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23 hours ago, FaraTenno said:

Unfortunately we likely won't see this addressed until after Tennocon, if at all.

Gotta put all their attention toward the big reveals before they can start listening to the community. It's the annual ignorance phase.
Which is why we are continuing to ask for the revert.

Really starting to lose hope that it will be addressed at all, which is concerning for my continued interest in the game.

Same thing with me, I literally can't play the game without my custom colours, my brain just say "Y'know what cool right now? un-aliveing yourself" like, I NEED to be able to see what I am doing to the enemies, due to my handicap, or I get thoughts of self harm, it's the same for every other game I've ever played.

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Posted (edited)
On 2024-07-07 at 10:29 AM, FaraTenno said:

Unfortunately we likely won't see this addressed until after Tennocon, if at all.

Gotta put all their attention toward the big reveals before they can start listening to the community. It's the annual ignorance phase.
Which is why we are continuing to ask for the revert.

Really starting to lose hope that it will be addressed at all, which is concerning for my continued interest in the game.

They absolutely should have made it a toggle at the very least, I do understand that there was another side of the issue that needed those effects turned off (SO AGAIN, THEY SHOULD HAVE MADE IT A TOGGLE), but instead they just yank it away completely with no further input hence a truly baffling decision that spits in the face of almost all the other much more intuitively designed accessibility additions they have historically made

Edited by DeeDeeLyla
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Am 30.6.2024 um 17:13 schrieb Slayer-.:

DE are there some computer video specs that affect us for how the Jade Light mechanic works?

Jade Light just spawns in with no warning straight on top of me or teleports straight to me at a fast pace, when I get away from it the Jade Light chases at a fast pace, with multiple beams chasing me I'm spending all my time looking for eximus or trying to shoot the ball/s which is very hard when they're clipped into the ceilings and cannot be targeted.

I run high/medium video settings at 2560x1080 75HZ refresh rate, I'm on a W10Pro 64-bit operating system i5 CPU @4.2 Hz with 16 gig of RAM and a Gforce 1660 super gaming OC 6gig.


I've been seeing posts where players say the jade light moves slowly and you're meant to see a visual hint that it's spawning in, I don't.

I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. I was wondering what's up with that, I hope they're working on it. (All experience as a client)

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Im glad that DE has seen fit to release jade shadows, **** everything up,  hotfix a couple times and then not update for TWO WEEKS. TWO WEEKS!! Not even another hotfix, just "welp, you're on your own, tenno"

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Having no updates is a good thing if everything works perfectly.

(Meanwhile, I have broken timers on Lavos' powers, missing melee animations for Zephyr on Corpus tilesets, I had to actually kill the game to leave the Circuit, and I am way too often unable to finish archwing exterminate mission even though the mission tells me there are up to 4 (!) separate exit points. ...and those are just the issues I noticed after the recent updates, skipping all leftovers from the previous.)

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On 2024-07-13 at 3:43 AM, kadlis12 said:

Having no updates is a good thing if everything works perfectly.

(Meanwhile, I have broken timers on Lavos' powers, missing melee animations for Zephyr on Corpus tilesets, I had to actually kill the game to leave the Circuit, and I am way too often unable to finish archwing exterminate mission even though the mission tells me there are up to 4 (!) separate exit points. ...and those are just the issues I noticed after the recent updates, skipping all leftovers from the previous.)

The current state of warframe isnt even remotely close to being "works perfectly"

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On 2024-07-15 at 10:33 PM, YouTubeLove said:

When will it be fixed that changing equipment on the star map is displayed as polarity position exchange? kor



This icon is not specific to polarity swapping, it is just a generic "swap" symbol.

Therefore, this is not a bug that needs fixing.

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On 2024-07-08 at 7:04 PM, nicolajtheking2 said:

Same thing with me, I literally can't play the game without my custom colours, my brain just say "Y'know what cool right now? un-aliveing yourself" like, I NEED to be able to see what I am doing to the enemies, due to my handicap, or I get thoughts of self harm, it's the same for every other game I've ever played.

You have more than just a handicap. Do not play warframe, if it literally does harm to you, mentally. No one can be this obvious stubborn. No matter if you like the game or not, again: do not play games which set you in pain.

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