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Teralyst Fight: WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON.


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If I could make the caps bigger I would. I have watched videos and read the wiki. Since the videos are all of people one shotting limbs and using abilities so quickly I can't even tell what they are doing and bypassing entire sections of what an Eidolon CAN do under 'normal' fighting conditions, they are not very helpful but only somewhat.

Mainly, with the Vormalysts. I have just started on the Terry's and gotten it a couple times without much incidence. Soloing with Oberon. But I just tried it and I was simply overwhelmed by Vormalysts which did not happen the other times. I go into operator to get rid of Terry's shields. I pop back into warframe. My warframe's health is halved... OKAY? Viral proc maybe? I pop back into operator and take out the shields again. I pop back into warframe. My warframe's health is now half of THAT (quarter of my health now?). I die. WHAT??? Is happening.

Was I super unlucky picking up a bunch of random Vorm adds from the map? I had three lures with me, I think this time though two of the lures were randomly destroyed even though they were fine on my other runs. Is that why there were so many Vorms, not enough lures to keep them contained? The constant eye bleeding and screaming in your ear and regular adds doesn't really give you much room to get any perspective on what's actually going on.

In all tutorials I've ever seen for this game, there is always a wide gap of intermediate information that is left untouched. It's either beginner friendly, explaining the very basics (as in this case, depleting shields with amp and taking out limbs with regular weapons) and then there's advanced (terms for weapons and abilities I don't even know what they are and don't have access to even if I did) but something as simple as 'what do you do about the Vorm adds' is largely ignored. I've heard to "just kill them all" while I'm also having meteors incessantly rained down on my head by Terry. They never seem to stop coming, the meteors or the Vorms, so that doesn't seem to work that well. I've also heard to just ignore them, but when there's 12 of them and a meteor shower, that doesn't go so well either.

Bonus question, is there anything, amp or not, that simply1 shots Vormalysts? I just want these things GONE. Thanks for any information on any of this.

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29 minutes ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

Soloing with Oberon

It seems like a good idea to solo things in order to learn them, but in this case it is not. 

29 minutes ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

But I just tried it and I was simply overwhelmed by Vormalysts which did not happen the other times.

On Terry, there are pink portals spawning that make Vorms immune to damage, they need to be killed asap.

29 minutes ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

I go into operator to get rid of Terry's shields. I pop back into warframe. My warframe's health is halved... OKAY? Viral proc maybe? I pop back into operator and take out the shields again. I pop back into warframe. My warframe's health is now half of THAT (quarter of my health now?). I die. WHAT??? Is happening.

Your Warframe still takes damage during transference (just a bit of damage reduction) and can still be affected by status procs (mostly magnetic), unless standing in the Oberon's 2.

29 minutes ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

Bonus question, is there anything, amp or not, that simply1 shots Vormalysts? I just want these things GONE.

You do not want them gone. You want them to attach to Lures. Best way to get rid of those is get more lures. 

29 minutes ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

In all tutorials I've ever seen for this game, there is always a wide gap of intermediate information that is left untouched. It's either beginner friendly, explaining the very basics (as in this case, depleting shields with amp and taking out limbs with regular weapons) and then there's advanced (terms for weapons and abilities I don't even know what they are and don't have access to even if I did) but something as simple as 'what do you do about the Vorm adds' is largely ignored. I've heard to "just kill them all" while I'm also having meteors incessantly rained down on my head by Terry. They never seem to stop coming, the meteors or the Vorms, so that doesn't seem to work that well. I've also heard to just ignore them, but when there's 12 of them and a meteor shower, that doesn't go so well either.

Youtubers are great and all, but they do not beat just reading about this stuff on Wiki (most of the time).

If you are getting overwhelmed by Vorms it simply means you are taking to long to kill the Eidolon. 


If you are still into youtubers, you should try this guy.

PS: Disable "Screen shake" in options asap.

Edited by Zakkhar
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30 minutes ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

Mainly, with the Vormalysts. I have just started on the Terry's and gotten it a couple times without much incidence. Soloing with Oberon. But I just tried it and I was simply overwhelmed by Vormalysts which did not happen the other times. I go into operator to get rid of Terry's shields. I pop back into warframe. My warframe's health is halved... OKAY? Viral proc maybe? I pop back into operator and take out the shields again. I pop back into warframe. My warframe's health is now half of THAT (quarter of my health now?). I die. WHAT??? Is happening.

We are going to need to see your stats to see why you are struggling here

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19 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

On Terry, there are pink portals spawning that make Vorms immune to damage, they need to be killed asap.

you're confusing Terry with Harry, the pink vom portals only spawn during the Hydrolist battle

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I think you should ignore the videos and take a distance look at all three Eidolons to learn their patterns, abilities and tricks. Warframe is always chaotic when fighting enemies up close, but retreating and observing is actually one of the game's best methods of learning, since the bosses still tend to slowly pursue while tossing out their abilities. 

The frames still take damage and the corrosive rain and lightning hit pretty hard against low armored frames. I advise four things to help with protecting yourself:

- Take Arcane Nullifier (Magnetic resistance) and Arcane Guardian (at R5, 15% chance for +900 armor for 30 seconds when hit). These two will make sure you don't lose energy and can take a LOT more hits.

- Use the Vazarin focus school. Dashing through your warframe and allies will grant 5 seconds of invulnerablilty while also greatly restoring both health and shields. Great for obvious reasons 

- Mod your frame for the highest eHP all around stats as possible, especially health and armor. Also boost ability duration and range in case you're using protection/strength boosting abilities. Your team will thank you!

Since you don't really need most abilities against the tridolons, subsume (if you are able) an unneeded ability for Parasitic Armor to have a significant boost in armor in place of shields. Again, being able to brush off hits means that you can now focus on getting clean shots and/or navigate as the operator without fear of returning to a dying frame. 

Of course, others will have different approaches, but these work great for me. Best of luck Tenno!!

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Soloing is great .. best way to learn about the Eidolons and how each one operates.  My advice, solo a Terry (the first one) but dont kill him, just learn how to take down his shields efficiently...then start learning how to get and charge lures, again efficiently...then learn about shooting the joints.. dont fret about all the extra stuff like special helminths abilities.. just learn how each eidolon works.. watch there movements and when they use their abilities.. you will learn alot about staying in your operator/drifter until you need to use your warframe to shoot limbs etc.. its really easy if you learn about them rather than just charging in .. 


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Hello there! 

The first thing I want to say is... it gets easier with time and practice. Which may be a basic and obvious thing to say, but a lot of peoples experiences are similar, including my own. There can be a lot going on in Eidolon fights, and it can be a little bit overwhelming, between the sounds, the visual effects, staying alive, getting lures, charging lures, doing damage, so on. From the sounds of it, you are making good progress. 

The funny thing about Vomvalysts, is that when you start to do Teralyst and then Gantulyst and the Hydrolyst runs, the more Vomvalysts around you, the more convenient for charging Lures. In this specific regard? What weapons do you use to kill Vomvalysts to charge them into Lures? Also what Amp combination do you use? Since I am assuming, correct me if I am wrong, but you want to kill some Vomvalysts that may be around permanently? 

Personally, I like a good Secondary Beam weapon for killing Vomvalysts for charging Lures. I usually use either Kuva Nukor or Tenet Cycron. The beam will link between multiple Voms, and so can charge multiple Lures at the same time. I also like using Stropa as well, because its a mid range melee option, and sometimes I just pick them off faster that way. If my Lures are already charged, the amp I use, is the 427. So Rahn Prism, Shraksun Scaffold, and Certus Brace. If you have watched some videos around Eidolons, I assume you already know what numbers are, and what Amps usually get recommended? Its also good to know why and how they get recommended and to consider your own personal play style and preference. Like I know many people who prefer and consider the Propa Scaffold the best for Eidolons, and I agree its really good and probably more "meta", but I just personally prefer the Shraksun, as far as positioning, timing and ease of use. It can also usually one shot Voms too, however, there may be other factors to consider with that. Like Arcane Amps (I have two), Focus Schools (I have all my passives maxed and all my Madurai Nodes maxed), and stuff like that. 

I just wanted to put a disclaimer there in case you were hoping to grab a 427 and start one shotting them right away. Though another strategy you could use? Well, a big reason Voms exist are to charge Lures... When you start to run Tridolons, you start to need more lures. Starting to practice knowing where Lures are, so you can fly around in a Archhing fast, picking them up, and taking them to the Eidolon, will be good, and if there are excess Voms around? Thats even better. Getting one charged so the Eidolon doesn't relocate or teleport, and then having a bunch around? More Voms equals convenience in charging. the rest. 

That being said, without knowing exactly whats happening in your runs... The other issue that might be happening, is time? Voms on the map are attracted to, and will start to head towards the bigger Eidolon. If you are a bit on the slow side (like we all are when we begin), we might start to get overwhelmed. The solution there is easy to say and obvious, but to be clear, I know its not as easy as just "going faster", but yeah, thats essentially the solution. 

Like I am personally at the stage of doing Eidolons, where I can comfortably solo 3 or 4 Tridolons in a night, but... I am nowhere as fast as the people who can solo 5x3, or 6x3. I am comfortable with where I am at, not really looking to be a speed runner or anything, but the thing that tends to slow me down? Is finding enough Voms to charge my lures. So I wish I had the problem you did. 

If I had to guess about your situation? I would assume at the moment, you are just gear checked. Like what Amp do you have? Do you have two Arcane Slots on your Amp? Are you using Madurai School? Warframe is one of those games, where progression and tackling certain content, will make content easier... including the content you are tackling. Since like obviously doing Eidolons will help you get more gear too... There might also be other gear that might help out as well too. 

I am also not sure why you are soloing exactly, but I do think thats good practice. Its what I did too, and I think soloing does help you understand the fight better. That also being said, if you would like? Now that crossplay is a thing, I would be happy to do some duo Eidolons with you, that way it can be easier, you can take it a bit slower, and observe the fight more, but also still get a lot of rewards and resources faster so you can upgrade some of your gear (Focus, Amps, etc). 

Either way though good luck and feel free to ask more questions about anything you are unsure about. 

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Like others said, take the time to just go look at it and test. Watch the eidolon walk. Shoot your amp and see the blue numbers, then test a sniper on the limbs. 

Nowadays new people use mech for limbs, but as a vet, just use a sniper, please lol.

Then, just do teralyst pub runs to gain standing and loot to work your way to a new amp.

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6 hours ago, GEN-Son_17 said:

Take Arcane Nullifier (Magnetic resistance)

🙄 This is not a good advice I think, as the arcane is Teralyst’s drop. Unless you meant, platinum involved.

8 hours ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

I go into operator to get rid of Terry's shields. I pop back into warframe. My warframe's health is halved... OKAY?

Make sure to turn off all chanelled ability, as one with chanelled ability active won’t get full invulnerability during operator mode. Also, don’t die during operator mode, if you don’t want additional damage to warframe.

8 hours ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

Since the videos are all of people one shotting limbs and using abilities so quickly I can't even tell what they are doing and bypassing entire sections of what an Eidolon CAN do under 'normal' fighting conditions, they are not very helpful but only somewhat.

Means you only watched speedrunners Eidolon hunting.
Certain step can be done to skip phases during the fight, making the fight shorter.
However, in short

  • If you see thread linked to the Vomvalysts, kill them, as they protects the Eidolon.
  • If the HP bar is colored during Operator mode and grayed out in warframe, use Amp (it’s the shield).
  • If the HP is grayed in Operator mode and no thread, hit the Synovia (best with Radiation damage), the only hittable object on the limbs (4 Teralyst, 6 other 2).
  • If all Synovias have been destroyed, Kill it or Capture it (Killing it with 2-3 fully charged Lures linked).
8 hours ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

is there anything, amp or not, that simply1 shots Vormalysts? I just want these things GONE.

Unfortunately, Vomvalyst is the very fuel of Eidolon Lures.
Without Vomvalyst, it’s still possible to kill Teralyst (mainly for Arcane Nullifier), but it’s impossible to fight the other 2, as each of them requires capturing the weaker Eidolons (Hydro need Gant, and Gant need Tera).

That said, specters with strong damage will be able to handle Vomvalyst. Not killing, as it requires hitting the spectral body with Amp, but enough to prevent being stormed by Vom.

My advice.

  1. If you suffers more with Dying, use Amesha (Archwing), due to its invulnerability. This is useful too against Gant and Hydro (annoying Sentient blood).
  2. Use Madurai Void Strike if you want to strip its armor fast.
  3. Use oncall crewmate / Frame Specter (preferably Vapor, due to the cheapest among all 4).
  4. Practice killing Teralyst first. It serves 2 purposes which are letting you know the pattern (Hydro and Gant won’t have much different pattern, just hit harder and extra hazard) and getting some drops (Arcane Nullifier).
    The only difference between killing and capturing method is fully charged lures so it’s worth trying if you’re not used to.
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Thank you all so very much. I'm too overwhelmed with good eye opening advice to call out each piece individually, but let's just say I had a solid understanding of the basics but there were a lot of very very helpful hints here that will be a game changer.

I'm not even bothering with the other Eidolons yet; I just wanted to get Terry down pat for starters. So I was only grabbing three lures and just charging them along the way during the fight. But between that slowing down the fight having to worry about the Vorms, me dorking up and letting two of the three lures die that one time, and now knowing that they pull the Vorms from all over the map, I can do the math and understand why I got so overwhelmed on that run.

I'm thinking, grab several lures. Charge at least one (or three?) before I even go after Terry. Let the lures nab up the Vorms that are collateral damage as I just focus on Terry. Further input is still welcome.

Curious if anyone has the patience; do the Vorms ever stop coming? If I decided to really really take my time and just use Terry as bait basically and keep popping all the vorms and leave Terry relatively untouched until the very end, would they eventually stop coming after I get rid of all the ones that were drawn to it from the map? Do more spawn regardless? Or during the 'heal' phase where additional spawn in, will they just keep spawning in until I brute force through it and get Terry to the next phase of the fight? Is there a limit to how many will spawn or be drawn over from the map, but more spawns will come if you kill some of them? I don't know if anyone has info that technical but would be interested if anyone knows.

But for those that were curious, sure I am a bit gear checked. I have a decently modded Fulmin Prime for rad damage and I pop in archwing to get close enough (primary fire) to the synovia. I don't have any helpful arcanes and don't feel like dumping plat on them. I'm rocking a pretty basic-bish Schwaak/Pencha/Juttni. I'm not decked out for this, but I am geared decently enough to struggle through it a bit, die once or twice but get the job done in 15 - 20 minutes while still stumbling through and learning. It's more my tactical approach than anything that's making it tough and I know that it will only get easier the more familiar and better geared I become.

 The responses I already got are really great and will probably turn things around for me. Thank you all! Also, just realized there was a players helping players section so I should have put this there. Next time. Again, again, much appreciation for you all!

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Dear OP, as much as I loathed the eidolon, and I believed they belonged to a bygone era and should stay there, it was nice seeing new players engaging them.

Surely there are many people more experienced than I do, but if you are focusing on Terry and struggling with vomy and survival, let me introduce Rhino and redeemer (+/- prime).

Rhino iron skin should be sufficient to keep you safe, and redeemer heavy attack build should be strong enough to pop Terry. One of the trick I used was to keep doing normal attack on Terry until you reach 12x combo and then one shot him with heavy attack (+/- roar). You can build combo even when it was invulnerable. At least that's what I did several years ago.

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37 minutes ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

Curious if anyone has the patience; do the Vorms ever stop coming?

No. They respawn forever specifically to charge up new lures in case your old ones die -- and also, because later Eidolons have a move where the become invincible until three random Volvalysts nearby are killed. You will be fighting the Voms FOREVER, or at least until Terry is down

38 minutes ago, Fiddlestix357 said:

But for those that were curious, sure I am a bit gear checked. I have a decently modded Fulmin Prime for rad damage and I pop in archwing to get close enough (primary fire) to the synovia. I don't have any helpful arcanes and don't feel like dumping plat on them. I'm rocking a pretty basic-bish Schwaak/Pencha/Juttni. I'm not decked out for this, but I am geared decently enough to struggle through it a bit, die once or twice but get the job done in 15 - 20 minutes while still stumbling through and learning. It's more my tactical approach than anything that's making it tough and I know that it will only get easier the more familiar and better geared I become.

Alright that sounds about right for an early player. And you said you were using Oberon? That's decently tanky, he shouldn't be having trouble with Vomvalysts alone

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1 hour ago, RichardKam said:

Dear OP, as much as I loathed the eidolon, and I believed they belonged to a bygone era and should stay there, it was nice seeing new players engaging them.

Surely there are many people more experienced than I do, but if you are focusing on Terry and struggling with vomy and survival, let me introduce Rhino and redeemer (+/- prime).

Rhino iron skin should be sufficient to keep you safe, and redeemer heavy attack build should be strong enough to pop Terry. One of the trick I used was to keep doing normal attack on Terry until you reach 12x combo and then one shot him with heavy attack (+/- roar). You can build combo even when it was invulnerable. At least that's what I did several years ago.

Great suggestion Richard; thank you! I subsumed my Rhino a while ago. I could farm another, but I also like the idea of Oberon healing the lures if I can get the knack down for that. I'll figure it out :P

1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:

Alright that sounds about right for an early player. And you said you were using Oberon? That's decently tanky, he shouldn't be having trouble with Vomvalysts alone

Thank you for the clarification on the Vorms; that helps a whole lot in prioritizing threats. I know Oberon can tank very well when properly tooled. He's decent-ish tooled currently, it's more just figuring out the proper technique (Hunter Adrenaline, Quick Thinking, Umbral set not maxed but there, Primed Flow, strength mods, Smite Infusion, no arcanes yet). It was the AoE raining down on my head phase while also having 8-12 Vorms and more constantly coming and not realizing they never ever stop and no lures to contain them, that's what did me in. I think it's just a lot to manage; making sure I'm on the grass when I need it, healing lures and myself, not leaving Frame too close to Terry while I'm in operator with Renewal on so he doesn't get beat up by the AoE (just learned about that one...) I feel like I'm armed with enough information to get through it now and actually understanding what is going on better. I just need to get a better feel for what to do, when and where. Thank you for the info!

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Glad to hear it OP. 

I think if you are struggling with Voms, then it might be the better strategy to only charge one Lure, and then have a few other uncharged Lures. Just to explain it, even if you might be aware already, but if you have uncharged Lures, and you see a wire/line connection to Voms, when you kill those Voms, that are attached, you only need to destroy their physical version. As in you do not have to deal with their spectral ghost form. Therefore you have one charged Lure to keep Teralyst from disappearing, but any Voms that are generally in the way, as you kill them, they should get soaked up by nearby uncharged lures. 

For example, in more advanced strategies, where people will be catching all 3 Eidolons, a lot of players will charge one lure, and grab a bunch of uncharged Lures, because Voms will often spawn near by and during the final stage of an Eidolons near death/near capture, and so its convenient to just charge them at that point. 

I am not personally sure about some of your questions around Voms, how many, whether they keep on spawning. I just know there can be very very many. The final and largest Eidolon, the Hydralyst, has an ability where it will create small purple portals, that if left unchecked will spawn Voms. Quite a few. I also remember when I first started, at one point fighting the second Eidolon, there were so many I couldn't actually complete the fight. Since they were healing the Eidolon faster than I could find and kill them (since there is a mechanic where they can make the Eidolon's shields immune to damage, unless you kill certain Voms linking to it). 

Generally though the way to bypass a lot of that, is just to be fast. Voms can't build up and overwhelm you if your pace is just faster. Also to be clear, I say that as someone who also started off in solo, and my first Eidolon, took me like 40 minutes to kill, so the whole night, and it was a struggle. So again, I know its not actually that simple to "just be faster", but yeah. Also speaking of my first struggles, if you do feel like it is a bit too much of a struggle, and your progress is slow, its never a bad idea to try and make progress elsewhere in the game. Like the Fulmin is a really solid weapon, but a Rubico Prime can be so much more convenient, and easier on you given the range of the fight. There are Arcanes from certain other areas, later in the game, you can earn by playing without spending Plat, that will make things easier. There may be Mods that will help your Oberon become more tanky or strong. Potentially even companions that may assist you as well, with surviving or doing more damage, per your preference. 

Thank you for letting us know what Amp you use. I am not too familiar with Schwaek, Pencha, and Juttni. If I recall, Schwaek is kind of a medium range projectile. Pencha is a beam? Generally speaking as far as making the shield phase faster, Certus (and if you can't get that yet, Lohrin) are good because they increase your Amp Crit Chance. Juttni does give you faster Amp regen, but not sure whether it may make up the difference. Of course I also know that you may not have the resources to so easily create new Amps either. I can also recommend Shraksun, but the specific trick with that, is that its super effective if you can be a bit under the EIdolon and shoot up its leg. As its the kind of weapon that has punch through and it will, ideally with the proper positioning, cause multiple instances of damage. So even if your Focus School isn't complete, its a good strategy to dealing with the shield phase fast. Its also sold by the Quills. I am not sure about the range on Schaek, but if you feel its lacking, Raplak is great as far as long distance. Its got good relative damage too. I personally prefer a different Prism, but its a good starter. Though If you find Scwaek is better against Voms, that can be good, since arguably you can use your Scoffold for damage against the Eidolon. 

Also remember to use Focus Lens on your fav gear elsewhere to keep your Focus building. Later in the game, you will have a lot more Lens, so don't feel like you need to hoard them. Increasing all your Focus schools, especially the Waybounds, and especially Madurai can make a huge difference in how easy and fast Eidolons are! 

Good luck once again! 

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35 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Like the Fulmin is a really solid weapon, but a Rubico Prime can be so much more convenient

Maybe unpopular, but I like having back to back battery weapon, as it recharges when holstered.
Especially since Amesha can mitigate damages well. (Plus extra firepower from RJ 😏)

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31 minutes ago, drakefrostex said:

Maybe unpopular, but I like having back to back battery weapon, as it recharges when holstered.
Especially since Amesha can mitigate damages well. (Plus extra firepower from RJ 😏)


All good and yeah, I understand. I think Fulmin is my 4th most used weapon. Maybe 5th. I'm mostly going off ways to ease and or help a person get through Eidolons easier and faster. Definitely prioritise enjoying yourself, having fun and your own comfort though. What's the point of playing the game if not having fun right? 

Granted I personally happen to like the Rubico as well as the Fulmin, so no sacrifice was needed on my part. 

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