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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


Submit original concept art for a melee weapon that you’d like to see in Warframe.  All submissions become property of Digital Extremes and the winning submissions will be interpreted by our artists for implementation.




Your submission must be in the following format:


Faction: (Clearly label faction this weapon belongs to)

Brief Description: (Include grip-type and description of weapon- 100 words max)

Original Artwork: (Include a maximum of 2 images)


- Must include original Artwork.

- One Submission per user.

- No Reserving posts.

- Any submission of artwork that is not your own immediately disqualifies you

- Only post submissions in this thread.


Call for submissions closes on January 3rd, 2014 @ 23:59 EST



Why Melee?


We're starting off this type of user-concept contest with melee because these weapons are generally made more quickly, we are eager to see how the process of community concept to integration will work. This is the first type of contest like this we've done, and we hope to continue doing them, and we wanted to use melee as a starting point.


What's Grip Type?

How is the weapon held? Is it wielded like an axe? Like a dagger? Let us know!


Where did my post go?


If it's not a submission, it will be hidden.

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Faction: Tenno

Description: Single-hand Sword that breaks into 5 pieces when you use charge attacks. Pieces fly radially outward, impacting up to 5 enemies before returning to the hilt and building themselves. Sword is based on magnetic principles, and does natural magnetic damage.



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Dating back to the time of the first Tenno, the Scuta is a simple two part shield that is used to protect and shield the tenno. The Sucta are two sperate pieces of a whole, both strapped to the Tenno forearm and with a simple boxing mechanic of a 3 hit combo (left jab, right jab, upper cut), the Scuta is used to punch close range enemies. The Power attack is a powerful slam of the two pieces into a boxing guard held up in front of the Tenno that stuns opponents and sends them flying. when blocking with the Scuta the Tenno place both pieces side by side creating an impenetrable shield similar to the grineer shield lancer. Knockdowns are still possible, but bullets cannot pierce the tenno shield, however explosives will still knock you down.  




Edited by TrainerMaroon
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I never drew a weapon on the computer...EVER

So,this drawing will look like something a 3 year old would draw.But since I desperately wanna see this ingame,consider it,Im sure DE´s art team can make it look amazing:


TREMOR-A ceremonial Grinneer twohanded Sledgehammer,it was awarded to the heroes of the Gradivus Dillema.Unfortenately for them,while this was going down,The Lotus had stole the blueprints of its design.This weapon was made against the Greedy Corpus.Focusing on Impact and Puncture,it smashes foe´s heads with the front,and can cleave the rest with the axe-like back.

For its manufacture,it requires ONE of each of the rare materials,plus some standard salvage,ferrite and Alloy.While slow,it can hit like a truck.

In short,a Grineer variation of Fragor,with Impact AND Puncture damage being the main damage types.

Edited by SniffYoBunnies
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Faction- Tenno

Description- A sickle and chain (sorry animators) uses both one and two handed maneuvers to slash crush and strangle enemies. 


this also contains my idea for a dojo room :D, and yes I realize the animations are stiff and bad. 



Edit- added image

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Faction: Infested 

Brief Description: Name: Illunomon Grip type: Attached to a hand. Description: A red and white cocoon thats attached on a hand, killing enemys grant a DNA % to a meter that decide what kind of bioengineerd "infested" pokes its head/arms out when activated. Depending on what "infested" pops out it does diffrent elemental and physical damages. Mods equiped on it is needed for what pops out and how it accually attack.

Original Artwork:




Edited by loliraver
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Faction: Tenno

Description: The Katar is a type of push dagger, a weapon characterized by its H-shaped horizontal hand grip which results in the blade sitting above the user's knuckles.


I Think they should be crit-based weapons with high attack speed and puncture damage. Think about a physical damage Dual Ichors.

Art: This is a "Traditional" Katar but there were many many variations. The Artwork is obviously not my own, its just a random image i googled for "katar".


Edited by RexSol
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Kind of like these 2 mashed together, so that the blade goes along the forearm and wrist and past the hand.




I tried to link the picture with Silverbones' picture bb code, but the forum said I wasn't allowed to, so ah well.


It would be on both arms and would deal mostly slash, some puncture and not much impact damage. This would be a Tenno weapon and be relatively fast, and good normal attack damage.

Edited by VDPrime
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Faction: Grineer

Brief Description: Single Fist - GRINEER PILE BUNKER

- Simple, crude, compact. This offshoot of a common mining implement has become commonplace around Grineer mining sites as a proven and "effective" terror tool in the subjugation of unwitting nearby colonies.

The GPB is a single fist, thrusting/punch weapon.

Normal attacks are typical puncture strikes.

Charging the weapon deals horrific pneumatic drill assisted punch-through damage, delivering force in a forward column.


Original Artwork: *edit! added action an action shot just to give some more semblance of what she does! Thanks for all the kind words everyone!*



Edited by Vandre
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Name: Stinger

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: Wielded like a shield, this ancient Tenno weapon is used for both stabbing and slashing whilst granting a small shield to block damage. It's purpose is mainly for stealth assassination though it can be used to extremely deadly potential when coupled with either a pistol or a skilled weapons master.

Original Artwork:




Weapon Design Inspired By: GN Sword + GN Shield from "00 Gundam" anime.

Edited by matrixEXO
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well heres a idea well this is a corpus melee/shield due that i can not draw here is a basic idea i had in mind i think this would be cool to have on the right  is the shield mode when you press the key for block for the melee and on the left is the mode that is for melee well the shield design can be chance thought skins and the energy  color well of course thought the energy option

how its welded it will be on the arm kinda like the valkyr but with out the bolts going though the arm the shield size can be increase though mods the black part is the weapon its self the blue part is the energy that comes out when not in use it will only be the black part unlike the other melee weapons blocks this will block incoming fire and melee attacks but will drain stama maybe have a small chance to restore some energy when using block the charge attack will be ether your normal charge slash or launches the energy blade for 20m or so this will also can be increase though mods well the DE can change this if this is chosen but it would be cool to see it in warframe from the DEs work on it



Edited by junkbot2014
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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: Dual wielded, Elbow-forearm Claw. Varying range, changes forms mid swing. puncture attacks when blades thrusted. Slash attacks when blades spinning. Uses elbow to deliver 1st impact. Unholsters fully on second attack. Charge attack spins blades. Charging unholsters weapon to full range. Stealth attack is dual stab in the back, blades extend through enemy, sharp mantis embrace. Then unholsters leaving enemy lying on their back. Note ying-yang symbolism in colouration of blades. Particularly visible once the blades are holstered. Used Ash forearm as example. Red is blade storm object. insect like, swung like an extension of one's arm.


Original Artwork:




Edited by NetSlayer
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Forgive my amateur art, I still need practice for fine details:





Weapon name: Tunguska, Grineer uber-hammer.


Weapon grip: The brown spots in the lower half. It's a heavy hammer weapon. 


Details I couldn't quite put on the drawings: Cables that run from the grips to behind the hammerhead. The hammerhead sports 3 mini-rockets in the red-ish spot between the orange head and black arm. Yes, I am submitting a rocket hammer. Yes, I am shameless about it. This is the Galantine of Impact weapons, and as such is comparable in size to the Galantine. (The rockets are meant to be used only for the charge attack)


Flavor text description: Born from a reckless Grineer scientist's unstable mind, the Tunguska is an enormous warhammer, fit only for the strongest Grineer. Few are the warriors that try to wield it, fewer still wield it again. Go on, Tenno. Break some bones with the Tunguska.

Edited by Kinperor
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Faction: Grineer


From an old era comes the Chainfist.

A single fist-mounted saw of crude Grineer design, the Chainfist cuts through enemies with brute efficiency while making lots of terrifying grinding noises, making sure the next victim know what is coming for him.



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Faction : Tenno

Description : Kettle, whip-like style heavy chain blade that has unique graceful design and deadly spiky chains .
















Edit : holy god thanks for the upvotes! here is better detailed version(maybe)






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Faction: Tenno


Brief Description: A three-bladed twin tonfa. Each part  have blade attached on its right and left side, and one on top side. Its normal melee attack is like usual tonfa (I can't really describe it, just search it on youtube about how people use tonfa....) while the charged attack will spin the tonfa and attack enemies repeatedly with the blade parts. They also can be used for defense; the user will use them in front of him/her (just like people defending his head in boxing) or spinning them in front of him/her.


They're twin, because one isn't enough.


Original Artwork:

I use ms paint only, so please bear with me


May the best win!

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Faction - Tenno
Name - Scuta
Description - Small dual shields on robot arms mounted on the shoulders that will automatically move around to block any projectile damage which can be intercepted. The shields normal attacks deal very low blast damage with a very high status chance. The charge attack decreases the intercept delay for a short period of time and the jump attack sends out a wide area blast with knock down effects.

The automatic blocking does not hinder gun or skill use. The use of the normal melee does however hinder the automatic blocking for a short period.

Edited by hs0003
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Faction : Tenno

Grip : I'm pretty sure this would require a variation of the Ankryos animations or its own animations.  Otherwise it functions pretty much like a punching weapon.

Added second picture, glad people like the idea!
Edited by Datareaper
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Faction: Corpus

The Corpus heavy hammer was designed as a direct response to the uprising of grineer heavy weapons, while being a vast improvment to the simple, bulky grineer technology. The Corpus heavy hammer is folded on a warframes back while not being used to attack, thus making it compact and easy to carry. Once a attack/swing is executed the hammer will be unfolded to full length.

Grip: Two-Handed(Scindo/Fragor Animations or own animations)
Weapon type: Heavy weapon, Hammer, able to hit multiple targets
Damage: Physical Damage + Electrical Damage
Reach/Length: ~1,5 times the reach of existing heavy weapons(eg. Scindo,Galatine)





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Faction: Tenno

Grip: Dagger/Axe


Axe in right hand, dagger could be in reverse grip.

Auto attack - fast, multitarget, moderate damage. Charge attack - single target, fast charge, high damage. Charge animation could be one-two combo, or a lunge.



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Faction: Tenno (Ether Technology)


Brief Description: The ‘blade’ pulls from the gauntlet revealing rows of high-energy Ether emitters. The same emitters rest on the weapon ‘edge’ itself. When drawn, the housing of the gauntlet separates, joined by Ether energy. The weapon portion generates a blade of this energy, while the shield guards the Tenno.


Tapping Melee would use the Machete animation grip, whereas a charged attack would bring the shield to bear and move forward in a charge. When released, the Tenno would shield slam (a la Grineer Shield Troops). Blocking would require a custom animation to use the shield to defend the Tenno behind it.




Update 12/14/13: New Images added! 

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Faction: Infested

Brief Description: Hands wrapped in cloth, dipped in honey(space honey), then surrounded by infested bees. Harnesses the power of BEEEEEEEEES! I updated my art to give it some actual infested appeal. 






Added an image of your enemies after striking them with Winny the Pow

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