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New Hud Feedback


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The hud scaling option is a great idea!  What we need next is to have additional options for refinement:


-Scaling for draw damage+experience number size OR an option to turn draw damage+experience numbers off.

-Crosshair size/color/type options.

-Map Size scaling.


On a seperate thought:


Could you replace the 4 dots under the crosshar with a bar that shows how much energy we have left?  I don't think the 4 dots are necessary but the energy info is.

Edited by PROteinxstack
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I think what would make nearly every complaint dry up would be custom location and size of elements, since you can hardly make everyone happy with one layout I'm fine with the current setup, but hell, if someone's thing is having everything stacked on the crosshair in the middle of the screen, they can have at it. The HUD scale option was a great step towards this, but true customization would be fantastic.

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You chose to make it easier for controller users to select and activate abilities on a platform where such a feature is only relevant to a small number of users.


In PS4 you mainly use the touchpad for powers, you can switch to toggle and cast mode if you want to. But the blue dot for current powers is mainly for users that use mouse wheel to select powers and press it to cast them.

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I'm a fan of the new HUD personally, but there are a few improvements that could be made even in my opinion. 


-Scaling size - lo~ve this. I do wish that when I scaled the size the Mod pickup size could be changed separately - at half bar, those things take up a huge chunk of the screen now.

-I'd love to have it add a highlight to characters from your clan so you can more easily identify fellow clan members you are playing with - alternatively, changing the highlight color of other tenno to each have a unique one (maybe based on the power color?) would really help easily identify people on the fly. Even if this was just applied to the "through walls" highlight already in-game it would be helpful - could also always make an on/off toggle in the menu so as to not burn down lower-powered rigs.

-Multiple layouts / ability to move elements where you want is a nice idea - I'm generally fine with where things are, but it's a nice feature at any rate.

-Having the health/Energy bars drain from the outside-in might make it easier at a glance to tell how hurt/in danger a person is. With the current way it works (uneven bar sizes depending on which has more), it can get a bit confusing as to if a person has taken normal damage or shield damage in the middle of a battle when the empty space for each connects where the two meet.

-Possible idea: change/allow the lower rungs of the targeting reticle (the outer circle) to show your own health/shield remaining over the white bars. When I look at it and see how it's broken up, I feel it would almost be perfect for that. 

-I also agree with the idea of throwing enemies back to being simple red dots - to better differentiate them from the objective icons and the likes. It also seems as though it's a little harder at times to find the objective marker on the minimap - as though its just off the map's screen or something. Might just be me though.

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the dots under the crosshair are really redundant, to be honest. I've played for a while with it now, yet I don't see any real use in them ( I know they represent the skills, which are available, etc)


how about making a skill duration timer pop up THERE and not tucked away in the corner with the other skills, on top of the skill icon?

blue on blue in a corner makes it a bit too easy to forget it's there


In the next hotfix these dots will disable when the skill is in cooldown as well.

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-Multiple layouts / ability to move elements where you want is a nice idea - I'm generally fine with where things are, but it's a nice feature at any rate.

-Having the health/Energy bars drain from the outside-in might make it easier at a glance to tell how hurt/in danger a person is. With the current way it works (uneven bar sizes depending on which has more), it can get a bit confusing as to if a person has taken normal damage or shield damage in the middle of a battle when the empty space for each connects where the two meet.

-Possible idea: change/allow the lower rungs of the targeting reticle (the outer circle) to show your own health/shield remaining over the white bars. When I look at it and see how it's broken up, I feel it would almost be perfect for that. 

-I also agree with the idea of throwing enemies back to being simple red dots - to better differentiate them from the objective icons and the likes. It also seems as though it's a little harder at times to find the objective marker on the minimap - as though its just off the map's screen or something. Might just be me though.

that would help so much...

tried to adjust the HUD borders, but then it moves everything...and that looks even more weird...

i wnat to move my energy to the top, next to my health.

Health next to your crosshair would also help. a small bar, a small number, soemthing like that.

just to have the new HUD more in your field of View

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I love the new HUD. It's very slick and streamed. The only complaint I could really have is that when the HUD shakes or moves around, my energy bar is obstructed so I have no idea on what my energy levels are. It's not that big of a deal because it shakes back instantly but if I'm lagging on a long mission, then it can be very catastrophic with the shake back time. All in all though, the new HUD is very awesome and I love it.

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My feedback on the new HUD:


Read this several times and understand it. It is very urgent.


The most important information on the screen should not be the smallest item on the screen. I NEED to know how much ammo I have and how much energy I have MORE than any other information. It should NOT be the smallest information on the screen.

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Guest CrimsonCrown

One thing I have to say.

The crosshair not to scale with the hud, and the numbers not to scale with the hud[damage numbers, resources, etc].

And the energy colour line to be our energy frame's colour.

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I'd just like the energy and stamina bars integrated into the crosshair. Wouldn't mind them replacing the round bars in the crosshair.


In Planetside 2 I always use the centralized HUD mode. I'd really love an option like this for warframe although not too obstrusive so I can still actually seem my warframe.

Edited by Liandra
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Probably covered already but scaling makes everything bigger which definitely isn't great. We need to be able to select what parts we want bigger or smaller. I'm not sure if it's possible but even being able to move the HUD pieces around and choose where we want everything would be great too. Main thing is the scaling. 


I posted a topic about this already but the '# Power Used' notification needs to be removed and changed so it reflects the proper figure. Plus it looks out of date now compared to everything else. Maybe add it to the bottom right where it pops up above the abilities field? Ensure it's distinct though.  

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Reposted from a previous thread:


Feedback on scaling/moving HUD:

  • Crosshair gets absurdly huge
  • Pickup text is too big
  • Mod pictures are too big
  • HUD is now bowed in the center and looks very odd when moved closer
  • Chat messages get in the way



Basically, the HUD was designed with the energy, shields, hp, and mission-critical info too small and too spread out.  Everything else is in its proper place.  Any maneurvering of the HUD can help with current issues but cause problems in other, more well-designed areas.


A few points of feedback on the new layout:

  • Make the HP bar larger
  • Put the shields around the hp instead of on the same bar as a %
  • Change the color of HP numbers based on % (green/yellow/red)
  • Put a mini-energy bar below the crosshair
  • Increase the size of mission-critical information on the left
  • Float the target hp bar slightly above the crosshair
  • Increase the size of target's name



I think if the above was done, manipulating the HUD wouldn't have to be done unless you were using an unorthidox setup.

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So Megan told me there was a main feedback thread here. So I decided to put my things together an come over here, and dump my 2 cents here.



I thought I could cope with it, and I really did try. Even with my ADD I can't focus on them. I have to constantly focus on my enemies, and the environment ALL THE TIME. When you make enemies harder, or more dangerous you force the player to focus on the enemy, and I have to do exactly that. STARE AT THE ENEMIES!!! The HUD looked cool in the pictures, but after first hand experiencing it I find it difficult to look WAY UP IN THAT CORNER just to see my health, and shield while I am getting shot at, and then force my eyes back into the center again to focus on the enemies. The HUD feels even further out of the way, and difficult to focus on due to it being see through, and out of the way.


I mean I know you have all seen it, but really its far away...



I just can't focus on something that is out of the way, an has no background for my eyes to focus on. We really need a way to revert the HUD back to the old settings if we want to. Even the energy is hard to find in the middle of a battle. I find myself looking all over for the energy bar, and its so tiny in that bottom corner. Infact it be nice if in the future we had three ways to switch between the HUDS. The old way, the current way, and maybe a wrap all the stats around the center crosshair way. A lot like this...



I am just throwing it out there maybe someday you can just wrap the stats around the crosshair for players who play the game in a fast paced tactical manner. I am not a rush rusher... I am a tactical rusher, and I need eyes on everything at the same time.


Also still need that ammo count on both weapons showing at all times... That would be VERY USEFUL!

So then Megan gave some advice on moving the margins, and using the options. Well after doing that this is what came of such...


Oh it worked... a little bit... till this happened...



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In the next hotfix these dots will disable when the skill is in cooldown as well.

Please let me disable them permanently. I've never used the mouse for powers and those small dots are annoying as hell when I focus on my cross-air. As others have already pointed out; an option to remove, re-scale and re-position all the pieces of the HUD would be optimal (colour, size, basically everything)

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I still feel that the old hud had right positions for everything. I like the layout but not the positioning. It would be handy if users could arrange the hud parts themselves. Or if we could get multiple hud looks and we'd be given the option to pick.

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I don't like the new font - the numbers are too close together and it's very hard to read health, shield or energy numbers at a glance. It looks like it's perpetually stuck on bold as opposed to normal.


The bars indicating shield and health levels are not very useful, either. When they're next to each other and at least one of them is depleted, it's hard to see where one begins and the other ends. I'd personally stick them one above the other and both full length.


The squad health list is much less readable than on the original UI. The previous HUD's squad health display is a very good example of how to do things right. Firstly, it had a dark background and bright text - this gave you the contrast needed to read it with only a brief glimpse - very important in a fast paced game. It wasn't far from the centre of the screen, so I didn't have to take my eyes away from the action for long. Health and shield numbers were given, with health also given as a bar - this is important for health, since it's the stat you need to look out for the most (in case you need to hit a quick Blessing or Renewal).


I'm also not fond of the tilted text. It's not much of an impact, but it does slow down reading by a very tiny bit.


And finally, the minimap icons are far too large.


To summarise: information is hard to read (bad font, low contrast between text and background) and are spaced too widely from each other and from the easily reached screen centre.


One tweak I would personally like to see is having the magazine/total ammo count for your primary weapon in small font near the crosshair... with the option to resize, move and disable it.


(repost from https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/173837-hud-adjustments-huge-image-included/#entry2043856)

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my two major problems with the new hud are the size of the popups when you pick up mods or when lotus or similar contact you and that horrible U shaped thing that passes for a reticule its too damned big an option to go back the the old style reticule would be nice or failing that the ability to scale it separately to the rest of the hud

Also do we really need an animated lotus? it just seems a rather silly thing to spend time on it does nothing to add to the game and once you have seen it once you do not need to see it again. I much prefered the old static images to be quite honest

Edited by evafan002
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As much as i appreciate the option to shift the margins of the new HUD and the size of the fonts and bars, the following problems listed below is still bothersome to me compared to the old HUD.


1. Minimap indicators requires re-working, I prefer the old ones with just a coloured dot..


2. Energy number is shafted to the bottom right corner of the screen as a small number is inconvenient.


3. Weapon/ warframe level up screen is too 'glamorous'. The whole screen turns white and i thought i failed the mission every single time. (Just a simple glow on the weapon like the past is good enough)


4. Too many bars suspended in the air. (offering players to keep/ switch back to the old HUD would be good)

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What about feedback... most problems might be solved if we could compose our own hud, place all bars exactly where we want, and scale them as we want. I would want to be able to place all elements where I want them to have. I think most ppl would be satisfied. There is also one more thing....it'd be even better if we could change colors of shields/health numbers. for some ppl, these colors paired make them feel uncomfortable.

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My dream HUD.


Nonessential information still at hand, but not in your face.


Own HP is centered and less distant from the reticle. Also it's on the opposite side of the screen as enemy HP, which is cool. Reticle displays stamina and energy, (disappears when full) which is always useful, but that goes away when you're aiming and is replaced with ammo, which doesn't need to be omnipresent since no one ever runs out of bullets anyway.

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The hud is cluttered and too many important things are separated by the entire screen. Warframe is a fast paced game and as such the player should be able to glance easily at just one or two very nearby points much like how fighting games use the top middle of the screen as their glancing point( hp drains to the middle, the timer is in the middle, notifications are in the middle, unimportant things like character name or input actions are along the sides of the screens ).


Warframe needs to decide on a single point where you can glance and know EVERYTHING that's important, your health,shield, energy,stamina, and powers cast-able/timers till cast wears off. Many things can be cut right out of the hud as they lack any sort of importance to the player. First off warframe name and level are pointless ( your HP and energy bars already show your hp and energy we do not use our level to tell how much we have even if our frame levels up ).

Edited by Lorane_Airwing
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