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Update 12.2.0: Castanas!


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Most crap changes from closed beta, now every noob can buy stuff he need for 1p and no need to  farm voids/derelicts, keys will going to become more useless ,now so many people have legendary cores, less people will going to buy plat, cant believe its like a free gift, whats next, u wil lgive everything for everyone for free maybe, armies of clones will infesting game now, same geared maxed peeps but nothing to play, there is no endgame content.

Stop this elitist BS guys.

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Though Prime trading might appear controversal at first glance I admit it's a welcome addition - it's not like players with money couldn't get the stuff that way anyways so not much change there. I'm actually surprised. With the expected prices of prime parts on the players' market, even with rushing them, the overall cost will most likely severely undercut the prime access'.

Kinda surprised by this move DE. As a player I like it. As someone who have seen the money-grabbing policy of most companies, I'm astonished - obviously in a positive way.


A different (though not new) idea to solve the problems around Void, Derelict and drops:



The reward pool on T3 void runs is getting more disappointing by every find. Most void exclusive mods are not worth the tedious work to get them while the reward table is pretty boring for those that have the primes. Sure we get new primes but they either get obtained (and people lose interest right away) or won't even after a long time (thus people losing the will to continue grinding in the same enviroment).
But if the void runs were more profitable to begin with, more would play them.


Actually on void runs I noticed that most players flat out ignore lockers. They can't even drop resources (prior to u10, now they can at last - but they are still nothing more than a normal locker) so everybody goes for the destructable containers only which might hide a mod that can be good by a very slight chance.

Of course DE could redesign some mods (or make some new) that can be(maybe only?) found in void missions but even that might be too shallow - especially if their droprates would be around u11's Fever Strike and pals.

Maybe it would give more value to Void missions if the lockers could drop consumables (or the reward table as packs of random consumables) that are only obtainable from void missions' lockers or for platinum at the market, maybe from the merchant (I will talk about her later).
Consumables like
- health or energy regen (similar to the artifacts but stronger for a limited time - for 30 seconds you get 5 hp/sec)
- lockpicks to open 1-5 locked containers per pick (could use the current "puzzle" mechanic to make it more exciting :)
- temporary pickup radius bonuses (like you get all pickups in a 50meters circle for 5 minutes)
- timed resistance bonuses to counter stuff like frozen/half shield maps (like 3minute immunity to a specific enviromental effect - sounds better for me than constantly using a mod for that purpose) maybe overall damage restance like 20% damage absorbtion for 1min
- damage bonus for 1min
- attack speed bonus for 1min
- temporary max energy bonus (like 300 but only for 5min)
- stealth generator (30seconds of stealth for anyone or until broken by attacking/attacked)
- X-ray vision - seeing enemies (and/or drops) for 5min through walls like you see your teammates
- bigger health and shield packs
- 10 sec invulnerability
- rifle/sniper/shotgun or pistol ammo packs providing munitions for whole team on consumption
- placable autoturret that cannot move - lives 1min and shoots everything that isn't wearing pink shorts
- grenades (HE, Cluster/AntiArmor, EMP, incendiary, cryo, poison gas, stun/knockback/ragdoll like slide attack kogake etc.)
- throwing spear, 5 pieces per pack etc.
- teleportation marker - it comes in pairs, you put down the arrival marker first then either teleport there on next activation or put down a second marker for anyone to use... maybe even make it 2-way and active for 5 min or so making farming faster, like Nova's wormhole, only it's a bit better but costs credits/resources (or plat if you buy it instead of building it) as any consumable
- steroids, increased stamina regeneration for 5min or complete immunity to stamina drain for 10seconds
- key that for 15seconds, opens a gate to Hell
- expandable turrets, basically you activate it and you put down a turret that cannot move from that location, has limited ammo/energy/time (there could be different turrets, flamers, autoguns, shield generators like a weak snowglobe that has health but heals overtime even after getting down to zero, one that amplifies tenno damage if close, or dampens enemy speed/damage similarly, etc. - idea born from here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/110492-suggestion-turret-sentinel/#entry1280153 originally)
Some/most of these partially exist within the game already so implementing them shouldn't be too time consuming while they could provide a nice boost to anyone and maybe even open up a new market for platinum. Continously needed as these are consumables, you ought to buy new ones at some point. This could go well with harder maps - making it possible to raise the bar even higher.
Some, like the grenade or turret would benefit from aiming so first of all we would need a fast and dynamic inventory UI - we saw plenty of these in games before, like one that appears around center so you don't have to move your cursor half a mile to get there and it uses the item you click or leave your mouse on when you release inventory button. Anybody who ordered an airstrike in recent BFs knows what I mean.


Of course in case of grenades a "weapon-switch" mechanic like in case of the Scanner might do well too.


- q86d.png -


Now, with the first part updated to be relevant even with recent patches, back to the void:


As of now, players explore voids less and less, the parkour/treasure rooms lost most of their significance since we either already have the mods within or they were not really coveted to begin with. By the latter I mean the resistance and countless common mods dropped in there. Also, even though some resources do drop in void, since the resource pool is always the same, players rarely have any incentive to open lockers either.


First of all I would take all parts out of reward pools for voids and leave only main blueprints and forma in it, taking care that forma is equal or not significantly higher in drop chance than the bps. This would mean that bps are essentially easier to get since we have a ton of mission types and 3 tiers in every type - so enough space for new bps, etc. (for a while).


As for lower tier missions, where getting the bp would be too easy, I would add an extra item with high chance to drop, something like a consolation prize.

I would make it into a package that contains 3 things that are chosen one-by-one from a reward pool:

- Common/unc/rare mods with 30/15/5% chance

- Extra credit sum, 7500 credit/tier of mission, 30% chance

- 30% chance to get a consumable (if possible I would tier consumables like mods)

- 10% chance to get something... nice. Special bps that only be obtained from these packs, maybe mods. Not highly powered or rare mods but a family of mods only obtainable through this package. Like elemental mods for Warframe that slightly alter their powers - a flaming or viral Snow globe is always nice (of course I know that because of the needed effects this would need brutal amounts of time but at least let it be a dream of mine for now...).


Overall something like this:


T1 missions:

5% BP

5% Forma

70% Consolation prize

20% 2 Consolation prizes


T2 missions:

25% BP( for mission type like glaive for survival etc.)

25% Forma

40% Consolation prize

10% 2 Consolation prizes


T3 missions:

40% BP( for mission type like glaive for survival etc.)

40% Forma

12% Consolation prize

8% 2 Consolation prizes


Thus making the low tier voids into consumable/mod and credits farming centered instances with a slight chance to still get the coveted bp. This would also mean that higher tier "consolation prizes" are harder to get thus they could raise in value, contain more precious items, mods.

I would move the parts into the mission itself as drops but not as the old blueprints were, more like the artifacts during raid missions (or vault artifacts in Orokin Derelict vaults), the parkour rooms would drop mods and maybe other stuff (like consumables :P) as usual but bigger ones would have a "prize" item within.

At the end that the first player getting to it can obtain and transport to exit and providing everyone with the item in likeness of OD vault artifacts. I can imagine it as a floating or highligted crystal or small container, that you have to use or touch. This would make people explore the maps (hopefully forcing rushers to play as a team and explore the map properly, even if doing it fast).

Of course at least one treasure room would be necessary but T3 maps could have more than one - causing them to be highly valued yet trusted sources of such equipment (as of now we start T3 maps with a depressed attitude, knowing that nothing useful will drop) and the time spent on them to increase dramatically.


Players would still only know what they've found when they reach exit - but as a player myself I would make sure that never 2 pieces of the same item-part can appear during one mission (preferably applying the already mentioned system of losing dropchance on things that appear more frequently to a player).


Survival needs little help, only things like taking the crazy small sum of credits out of the drop tables. I mean getting 1-2500 credits seem... unworthy as a reward for surviving for 5 minutes against ever strengthening enemies. I would simply use forma, prime parts and the above mentioned consolation prize in the reward table. With the already mentioned drop system using diminishing returns, there should be no problem - no more 3 latron prime recievers in a row etc. Of course fine tuning might be necessary from time-to-time, like making the "consolation prize" more frequent but that would still mean good stuff.


As for defense, that needs rework a bit anyways in my eyes. With survival missions giving all rewards (which seems logical) one can ask why do defenses give only 1. I would make defense mission drop the same things survivals do and in the same way, giving every reward to the players at the end. The two missiontypes are pretty balanced in difficulty with survival forcing you to kill fast (so you get support drops) while defense missions promoting a steady foothold so you can protect the fragile pod.

Of course we all know that defenses have a tendency to "need" a Frosty globe to be done efficiently but Frost and his only useful skill is detailed at his own section below.


Kinda like this.


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I'd rather have the rank 10 Steel Charge than the 2 Legendary cores...


I'm also rather annoyed about the Prime part trading.  Some of us have sold tons of unneeded Prime parts for a relatively tiny amount of credits, but now you change it so that they can be traded for plat.

Edited by Telogor
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People that payed plat for Steel Charge wanted it there and then.

Not their fault that we (the community) put a price on something that is subject to change at a moments notice.

Yes it is their fault because in last stream they confirmed it was intentional and would not change and for that specific reason i maxed it 

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Prime trading just ruined your game DE good job. You just removed all the work people put in to get those weapons, love it.


Yeah, those 50-60 fruitless runs I did and still don't have Braton, Boar, Fang, etc Primes means I didn't do my share of the work, eh?


*rolls eyes*


Get off your high horse already.


Some of us put in our time. A LOT of time.


This trading change will let us FINALLY get our parts that we rightfully earned without the RNG gods screwing us over.

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I'm not terribly fond of Prime part trading because, yeah, it stops being something you work for to have as a prestigious trophy and starts being something you can just buy.

However, I do like seeing steps taken to address how frustrating it was to try and get the prime parts you needed. It took months to get those Orthos Prime blades...

I hope you get rid of prime trading in the future and replace it with a token system. Maybe you trade your prime parts for tokens? Maybe the rewards for void missions ARE tokens? It'll need some work establishing an economy for them but it seems a better solution for both sides of the debate.

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"- All Prime Parts found in Void are now trade-able."



Seriously DE?


You say that after i sold over 50+ prime parts for credit?


whats next? Making everything in the game tradable with platinum as a tax? I think this is getting out of hand.

It's part of the efforts to reduce grind, what are you crying about?

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I hope you get rid of prime trading in the future and replace it with a token system. Maybe you trade your prime parts for tokens? Maybe the rewards for void missions ARE tokens? It'll need some work establishing an economy for them but it seems a better solution for both sides of the debate.


Several ideas for that.

1. Weapon/Frame "Schematics/Material", can be "synthesized" or "decrypted" inside the dojo (new lab for this procedure) into any piece of said frame/weapon in a short amount of time, at no extra cost (aside of building the Dojo facility). Just throw the material in, select which piece(s) you want to generate, let it do it's job and collect the pieces when done.


2. Replace the various pieces with just "Orokin Tech" materials granted at the end of a mission or found throughout the level, so they're more akin to normal crafting, with you only requiring the BPs to craft. This cuts down the reward list (as no pieces drop, only a small selection of BPs) and thus easier to obtain a weapon instead of getting PO'd about the RNG more than necessary.


3. Allow the players to select their reward(s) when the mission is over. Have a screen with all the "spoils" collected, and the Tenno is able to select one, while the rest are being put inside the Lotus' vault. (or whatever excuse you come up with to not give them everything and force a choice).

This goes well with the idea of having several rewards in missions with multiple objectives (8 Data-Mass Spy missions, I look at you)

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Several ideas for that.

1. Weapon/Frame "Schematics/Material", can be "synthesized" or "decrypted" inside the dojo (new lab for this procedure) into any piece of said frame/weapon in a short amount of time, at no extra cost (aside of building the Dojo facility). Just throw the material in, select which piece(s) you want to generate, let it do it's job and collect the pieces when done.


2. Replace the various pieces with just "Orokin Tech" materials granted at the end of a mission or found throughout the level, so they're more akin to normal crafting, with you only requiring the BPs to craft. This cuts down the reward list (as no pieces drop, only a small selection of BPs) and thus easier to obtain a weapon instead of getting PO'd about the RNG more than necessary.


3. Allow the players to select their reward(s) when the mission is over. Have a screen with all the "spoils" collected, and the Tenno is able to select one, while the rest are being put inside the Lotus' vault. (or whatever excuse you come up with to not give them everything and force a choice).

This goes well with the idea of having several rewards in missions with multiple objectives (8 Data-Mass Spy missions, I look at you)

A synthesis of the first two ideas there might be interesting.


An Orokin Tech BP can be bought from Tenno Dojo, and each one uses Weapon/Frame Material to produce Orokin Tech. This can then be traded in to Lotus for another Prime material.


DE could even use this to control saturation of materials by scaling the relative prices. Ie, Orokin Tech BP needs 2/3 Prime materials and an Orokin Cell, and Prime materials themselves need 2/3 Orokin Tech. Plus there's the time wall of building the Tech and Prime pieces, it'll act as a throttle on production of Prime items while still rewarding hard work and patience, retaining their value as prestige items.

Edited by Varzy
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- All Prime Parts found in Void are now trade-able.


This. You're literally destroying the game. 

We had to farm this S#&$ty parts all over the void mission just for 1 petty equipment. Now you allow all prime part into trade-able system? Wow.


1 week farming Burston prime part VS 2 minutes Pay-plats and Buy-Prime.

2 weeks from now, we can see some lazy &#!, walking around with prime stuff.

Yeah, all hail platinums.

All you guys gotta do is fix the goddamn droprate of void mission instead allowing the stuff able-to-trade. 

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Some people will hate me for this but.. in my opinion the prime parts trading was a bad idea .. I spend so much time in the void to get the things I want, farming keys for tower run, exploring secret areas in the towers.. and now it doesnt matter couse i can get all of that in a minute of trading.. this aint fun and for me its geting booring having all the weapons and all the frames this easy.The fun is lost... when u give people what they want...let them earn it.Prime weapons and frames lost there value.

And you should see the trade channel ....

On a side note I do agree with (Acerola_Orion).

Edited by WinterBornX
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Tradable parts? This is the end of Warframe. Thanks devs for the last months I had fun FARMING my stuff and being proud of my work instead of my real money. This is only my opinion.. free-to-play slowly becoming free-to-pay



I would saved this for the 1st april


ppl who replied "yay" "thx de!!" I am sure didn't actually read the thread

Edited by ColdWavE89
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This is probably first dissapointing patch, at least for me.

No zephyr fix. I mean Tornado glitch and gravity loss not applied, those are major ones. I didn't even noticed turbulence buggin, I thought it should be that way. And items gluing to the roof. I am forbidden to use my ults. I'm under pressure because i play my fav (right now) frame and everyone don't allow me to use my skill. C'mon.

Tradeable Prime Parts are taking away whole fun from farming them. Primes should be mainly about prestige. Now it will be so common everyone will be walkin around with em. Rank 2 players with Ember Primes. While I farmed over 1 month for mine. Never even wanted trade to come. Because I knew that once I'll get her it will mean something. From now on, It wont.
Also, its P2W thing, we dont liek P2W. I was supporting the game. Really. Just because you cannot buy yourself an endgame
Noooooooo :(

I also think that only the ones that ranked up Steel Charge to 10 should get 2 legendaries. 6-9 should get one. Cause it's extreme diffrence in money between rank 6 and 10.

My lil heart is broken right now, You just ruined whole game's economy with single patch. And I never thought I would ever be dissin you here :(((((

Before anybody say that I'm heartless: I'm aganist buyng primes for plats. I would love to see "prime for prime exchange only thing". But now, It's just P2W. Edited by PyongyangPrincess
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Took me 30 minutes to buy all the prime parts . I didn't payed more than 5pl for any part...

But what's the point...Everyone has them now. like I said before ,one only has to wait for a coupon discount,buy 4 euro worth of plat ,and get him/herself all the primes...

And now for the fun part...mag prime complete set sells for about 20pl.Frost for 30. ember is 40 -50.

Who in the right mind would buy an Ember frame from the shop(225pl) , when the prime part can be bought for a fraction of the cost. Of course I'm referring to the people who rather buy their gear than grind for it.

Now ,people will start doing void missions,to get stuff ,to sell for platinum,witch will lower the prices even more.

now the prime gear only purpose ,will be to rank them once ,no formas ,no potatoes, just enough to get the mastery points.

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Ya know.... On the live streams, when they first mentioned trading, they said they wanted prime parts to be tradeable from launch of trading, but they weren't able to implement it at that time... And I don't think its that big of a difference from trading a friend a mod that they can't seem to get. Friends help friends, and those selling them will end up rich and alone, or poor and alone because they're not worth the plat... The prime frames aren't notably better than non-primes (at the moment), its mostly the weapons, but even then there are some better non-prime weapons depending on your play style.

I don't think it'll be all plat. I for one benefitted from a friend's extra reaper blade that I would have gotten if game hadn't crashed as I stepped into extraction. Though tier 2 capture still appears broken... And I'd gladly trade a hells chamber, pathogen rounds and perhaps something else for one Orthos Prime Blade.

To those that say it ruined the economy: no? I would argue that by the very nature of the game, we aren't supposed to HAVE an economy. We did fine without it and we'll do fine with it. Tenno helping tenno... We are all on the same side against the Grineer and Grineer (what's a corpus?) So our place is helping each other. Like taking a lower rank friend on a void run for mass mods and pieces so they don't have to start alone and modless... So what if you have a rank 3 running around on a prime frame, they still have to level the frame and find their groove as a good player. They still have to acquire the others for mastery. Just because some small thing changes about how items are acquired, doesn't change the gameplay in missions unless the player is grasping at straws.

It was us, the players, that asked/pushed DE to add trading... So do not get mad at them for giving us exactly what we asked for.

+ Edited for mobile spelling.

Klies : Warlord of Clan "Frequency" - no trade tax.

Edited by Klies
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