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February 21St: Community Hot Topics!


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My experience with Warframe has completely tanked since this latest fiasco. I find that I can no longer enjoy the game, knowing that there are people out there with a bunch of maxed out rank 10 mods that they didn't have to work for.


Wait, no, it turns out that I am completely and utterly unaffected by any of this. Get over yourself and your persecution complex.

So you're fine with DE allowing even the most obvious exploits then? Even the easily preventable ones? Even when they know exactly how to prevent it, and how the exploit will be done? Should DE just ignore all exploits from now on? I mean, they're not affecting you directly, so obviously no harm is being done (/sarcasm in case you missed it).

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My experience with Warframe has completely tanked since this latest fiasco. I find that I can no longer enjoy the game, knowing that there are people out there with a bunch of maxed out rank 10 mods that they didn't have to work for.


Wait, no, it turns out that I am completely and utterly unaffected by any of this. Get over yourself and your persecution complex.

Though I do not care for other people

I still feel a negative way about this exploit. I would hope that something like this doesnt happen again. As stated, 2 Legendary Cores per account would be fair enough. Most people only went out of the way to rank one steel fiber to 10 (who needs more than one I dont even) unless they did it for profit or something.

I did take advantage of this, I wont deny it, I like to have collectables and I have nothing more to level at this time. 2 is all you need and this wasnt the best way to "reimburse" people.


But what is done it done, I can only hope that something like this doesnt happen again.


On other topics: I hope that it isnt put into the circulation of primary and secondary. The block button or binding it to something else would work just fine. In the fast pace of this game, having to rotate between other weapons it not time efficient (though if you have your melee and you want your secondary but you had your primary on previously, still doesnt work out in out favor)


I hope that they release the new Primes on monday or tuesday. It will give people time to determine if they want the prime and gather the money together to buy it (hopefully if it is Loki Prime *crosses fingers)  It is just a thought.


As for prime trading, even though I do not care about what other players have, I still feel the accessibility to these weapons and frames should be like for like. Even though it is a crazy deal, Prime weapons should be something.. special. I do support trading but the lower prices kinda devalues them. The only reason I can see why not having them like for like is good is because some people want to have contests and give away things or clans want to keep trading within their own walls.

Edited by Anatolius
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Well, extractor is kinda meh, and Misa only in 3tier. My point is if u want just sicarus and glaive, or +ember - u may consider acquire 1 or 2tier of prime access, but now, why would u? couple vault runs, sell mods and u have enough plat to buy all needed bp's and parts. And if 2tier have extractor at least, 1tier is absolutely pointless.


Again.. its only in 3tier, like Misa. You should read carefully.



edit: and about platinum in prime access pack, dont mention that, cause login reward discounts beat that in every discount tier..

Login rewards are not something you can rely on. They're totally RNG based.

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Seems DE doesn't want this picture circulating.

If my last post was deleted due to profanity, well it's gone now.


I don't understand the logic behind this latest fiasco.

The whole point of a reimbursement is to award those who put effort in prior to it taking place.

Not for people to get a four hour window to exploit it.

Did not a single person at DE say "Why don't we make it so any mods ranked up after the announcement do not count"?

Or "2 Legendary cores per account"


Where is the downvote button when I need it

This actually irks me and to think about it, I could have easily exploited the system as well but I knew it was a mistake so like a good guy I am, I waited the fix. Now I see that my good guy Harris attitude was more like a punishment over the players who exploited while they could. Really teaches to exploit at every point possible in the future since it is encouraged and awarded apparently and being fair isn't. Edited by BETAOPTICS
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Well, extractor is kinda meh, and Misa only in 3tier. My point is if u want just sicarus and glaive, or +ember - u may consider acquire 1 or 2tier of prime access, but now, why would u? couple vault runs, sell mods and u have enough plat to buy all needed bp's and parts. And if 2tier have extractor at least, 1tier is absolutely pointless.

Tier 1 is budget, Tier 2 is average, Tier 3 is "I'm filthy rich. Bow to me, peasants."

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Seems DE doesn't want this picture circulating.

If my last post was deleted due to profanity, well it's gone now.


I don't understand the logic behind this latest fiasco.


The whole point of a reimbursement is to award those who put effort in prior to it taking place.

Not for people to get a four hour window to exploit it.


Did not a single person at DE say "Why don't we make it so any mods ranked up after the announcement do not count"?

Or "2 Legendary cores per account"




Where is the downvote button when I need it

Just my luck, I have a few days away and come back to find I've missed out on some free legal exploitin'.


In fairness, by now we should really know that since DE doesn't believe in Quality Assurance (or common sense) that when they screw up, they go for the BIG screw up.

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the easiest solution to the whole steel charge fiasco would have been no announcement at all.

those who really were using ranked steel charges would have gotten a nice compensation, while everyone else having no use for it would have gotten nothing.

obviously after the announcement, more than 90% were created for the exploit purpose alone.

which is why i'm having trouble to believe that it was unavoidable to let it happen like that, let alone the intention of the whole fiasco anyway.

it's a nice easy "reward" for those people were having trouble maxing out a mod, but also a very dirty feeling to anyone who was farming mods before, or is trying to farm em now.

i honestly can't shake off the feeling with every mod i pick up now, knowing this whole fiasco can happen anytime again.

what's the point of picking up thousands of fusion cores if we gonna get more legendary cores anyway, without knowing how easily obtainable/exploitable they gonna be?

pretty much the same can be said about the prime trading.

nice for those who busted off their asses trying to get that one last piece they wanted since months, yet a kick in the teeth for those who obtained it the hard way, while watching others getting the whole set with 25 plat right away.

easy prevention for that would have been trade prime for prime as it was once mentioned in an early livestream before trading ever came to life.

the plat way however was a very ugly quick solution to the whole void table fiasco, including the very weird attempts of orokin cells, core, key rewards, and the ever lasting problem of having ridiculously low, uneven chances for specific prime parts.

one can argue that a token system would be nice, but might be too much effort to code, however, evening out the chances for every part should have been possible to realize ingame since update 8.

the really bad ones happening so far were usually with a chance of 0.6-1%, comparable to getting a complete forma from a t3 void run other than survival:

update 8: latron prime receiver, reaper blade

update 10: mag prime systems, bp, boar prime receiver

update 11: ember prime bp (the low t3 cap reward chances weren't making the fiasco in update 11 any easier either for anyone trying to obtain systems, and bp)


the pattern is getting frustrating, annoying, and simply sad for anyone who is putting too much effort into playing this game.

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I think you guys should change prime trading so that it is like for like only (like you guys originally promised trading would be like). You can only get a prime part from someone if they offer a prime part. And maybe have them tradable for credits as well instead of plat. Let plat trading be only with mods.

:O SO you mean to say, I can trade Plat for Plat??? :O and that should be it???


Pfft please.

Edited by AbsolutionZero
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I like the fact that melee will get new mods, but can we expect new mods for guns too? We already have some nice customizability with warframe mods, to make yourself more versatile, plus the coming of generic powers. Guns on the other hand are very one dimensional, you know the whole you can't make a build without serration, hornet strike, point blank thing. When will we get new weapon/weapon type exclusive mods? For example; weapon velocity mods, shotgun effective range mods, multi-shot pattern mods, burst speed increase mods, just more utility. I'm sure people dream of shooting a semi auto rifle and have if fire five shots horizontally at the same time, or shooting a charged bow shot into the air initiating an arrow rain attack! The reason people think the mod card system is bad, is because there aren't many different kinds of mods. Plus some are under powered. 

Edited by Halisi
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I'm still waiting for some word, any word, on DE fixing the rampant host migration issue with regard to Dojos. I made my threads, they got buried, I gave up.


1) You have a trading system that relies on Dojo access. For this reason tying Dojo access to rank is completely not feasible. If you have a large clan, this is basically telling members at that "no host" rank that they cannot trade, or that someone has to sit in the Dojo all day and host. Well, even that doesn't work because it is entirely possible for players to not wind up on the same host, no matter how many times they try, and even if both find the Dojo empty when they go there. This has happened to me several times. Totally unable to get on the same host as another member. Inviting doesn't work, and coordinating who goes to the Dojo when doesn't work. So really, NOTHING works as a solution.


2) You don't allow the online settings that apply to all missions to also apply to Dojo visits. Even ping settings don't change anything. It's a free swim all host mess, in other words. Why? Why aren't players allowed to set a Dojo visit to private, invite only or solo?


Setting it to solo >  a player simply wants to go use the labs etc and doesn't need or want company. A player would like to decorate or build without constant interruptions and host migration making consoles and elevators inactive. There are many situations where there is no reason to have others in the dojo as well. Solo = no host migration issues.


Setting it to private or invite only > allows players to very easily invite others for trade, dueling. Much more manageable hosting, less having your trade, duel or obstacle course run completely messed up by a host leaving. Add in any clan chat message or warframe pm you might have been typing before the migration. That goes poof too. Doesn't this seem like common sense?


Worst in all of this is the times someone will be in the Dojo and the host leaves. So they sit and wait at a frozen screen for 20 seconds while a black box tells them host migration is in progress. They are then sent to loading screen for twenty seconds. Then the loading screen is interrupted with a message that the connection to the host has been lost, another 20 seconds of loading and they are dumped back at the main menu. Experience may vary, 20 seconds is being very kind or conservative in each case of how long it takes.


Attempt to go back to Dojo, pray the same thing doesn't happen again.


Can someone please, please tell me what DE's explanation for this is? Is there any intention to fix it? Or is it a general liability for a clan to have large membership and a busy Dojo? I refuse to believe this is the way it was planned to work. And frankly, it doesn't.


If it was "hosting was supposed to be managed by ranks," then you shouldn't have added the trading system to the game, because that totally runs in opposition to restricted Dojo access. And again, sometimes it simply is not possible to get two players on the same host, no matter how many times it is attempted, so....?


DE, is this the way it's going to be?

Edited by (PS4)MatangoMushrooms
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Legendary Core
A large number of players voiced concerns that the Legendary Core was a poor solution to the Steel Charge change, and that it would ultimately hurt Warframe. For the past few days, I watched the selling price and trade rates for the Legendary Cores. So far, there has not been a significant impact on the in-game economy.
We did our best to inform everyone about the Steel Charge as soon as possible. Some players felt that the advanced notice was used to exploit the change to get as many Legendary Cores as possible. Unfortunately, we could not offer a solution that would please everyone, so we decided that allowing some players to acquire extra Legendary Cores was worth the risk if it meant we could communicate the change earlier.



Sorry Drew, I have a real problem with this whole statement and in particular the part I have bolded. Your solution didn't please everyone becuase the announcement led to significant abuse and because the reimbursed cores did not bear any resembelence to the cost people incurred.


Let's deal with those two elements. First the announcement. Please explain why it was necessary to prewarn people? Yes people complain when things are changed without warning but only when it's for the worse. You were (and did) planning to give people massive rewards for having steel charge at rank 6 or higher. Noone was going to "lose" anything. You could have just applied the script and explained afterwards. If you really had to announce it first for whatever reason, you could at least have prevented newly leveled mods being eligible for reward. You could also have limited it to one reward per account because who on earth has too leveled auras???


Question: Why give the compensation per mod?


Question: Why two cores as opposed to one?


You say there was no solution that would please everybody but that is simply untrue. I've offered a solution that sould not have been disputed in the megathread that you guys are completely ignoring. A solution which precisely refunds the cost of leveling stell charge. A solution that is actual compensation not a reward. A solution that could not have been abused. A solution that was infinitely better than this legendary cores rubbish.


Question: Why not reimburse the precise cost?


You might say there has been no impact on the economy and I cannot argue that either way. I choose not to partake in trading right now so this doesn't affect me in that way but the economist in me doubts it has no impact and understands why people are annoyed. For me, the real kicker is the power of these cores. The power to bypass hours of gameplay and hard work. I'll use a WoW analogy. In vanilla I'd see people in epic gear and be impressed at their achievements. I'd wear mine with pride knowing that it took me many long hours running a 50-60 man guild to acquire those items. I've quit WoW now and in part that is due to watching every player capable to turning on a computer wandering around in epic gear within 2 hours of reaching top level. The purple item colour is simply so common that it is meaningless.  Well, you've just done that to Warframe. Sure it isn't so obvious but if you bumped into someone and found they were running a maxed out Heavy Caliber, you knew they'd put the hours in and earnt it. Now I'll know that they were either online to exploit your naivity or bought it.


DE used to apologise to screw ups but it seems those days are gone. Brush everything under the carpet and hope thay'll forget. Make promises that we can't keep and distract them with new weapons and frames to farm.


Sad day.

Edited by Teorina
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Seems DE doesn't want this picture circulating.

If my last post was deleted due to profanity, well it's gone now.


I don't understand the logic behind this latest fiasco.


The whole point of a reimbursement is to award those who put effort in prior to it taking place.

Not for people to get a four hour window to exploit it.


Did not a single person at DE say "Why don't we make it so any mods ranked up after the announcement do not count"?

Or "2 Legendary cores per account"




Where is the downvote button when I need it


And this is proof if proof be needed that the abuse of this stupid announcement and reward was very clear. I'd like DE to argue why this mystery tenno had 19 Steel Charge at rank 6. I'd like to see if they can come up with a single argument to explain this behaviour other than "to get 38 legendary cores".


I'll give you a hint, there is no reason. None whatsoever other than abusing the reward.

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Woops a daisy we gave 38 legendary cores to exploiters. At least we told the community about this exploit, don't we get some thanks for that?


Please DE, in future when you plan to release exploits and make an announcement about it. At least give Europe a chance to get in on ruining the equality of the game.

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Oh boy, lots to say here:



* Counterattack on timed parrying - Sounds good!

* Combos - Meh, is ok I guess

* Passive melee weapon bonuses (such as dagger = faster sprint) = COULD work out ok, but I have a feeling this is gonna be really imbalanced and biased towards certain weapons (when have you ever implemented something balanced and unbiased huh?), so I already dislike it...

* But this part, "Melee 2.0 is likely also going to introduce some new mods that will allow melee attacks to compete with other damage systems. These new mods will give a substantial damage bonus based on special combos, like jump attacks and slide attacks - your gameplay skill determines the success of the mods. The mods can also change the animation behaviour of your melee weapon, so you can really customize how you use it." - WHAT?! NOOOO! This is a HORRIBLE idea! We already have enough annoyances with Pressure Point/Spoiled Strike contra Killing Blow/Corrupt Charge/Rending Strike (and the lackluster Finishing Touch as a sidenote)! If anything, with Melee 2.0 I was having really high hopes you would have LESS mods that affect specific melee attacks! That you would streamline them to become more easily modded, like the primaries and secondaries! This is just a big NO! Shame on you for even considering MORE mods like this! BLEH! >_<


Some more stuff from the Devstream 23 summary:

* This one in particular: "There will be changes to melee that will take some getting used to like you’ll need to have melee equipped to do blocking/heavy attacks." - ... Honestly, are you... what were you... I just... *sigh* Ok, maybe heavy attacks are acceptable but BLOCKING not being useable on the fly?? What the hek guys? Blocking (and modding for it, with stamina mods and such) should be an alternative / complement to modding for shields/health. But if you don't make blocking a quick-access-thing, it's gonna be really pointless! Blocking should be all about reacting with reflexes and rewarding skillful playing. If you have to take the time to EQUIP melee weapons before you can block, you are ruining the whole point of it!


So, as I thought, Melee 2.0 sounds like a failure already and from the info we have gotten, I'm seriously disappointed. Sure, you might do SOMETHING right with it, but some parts already sound like a massive failure. Are you guys REALLY thinking these ideas through thoroughly?




Once again, I can see you are not the brightest bunch of people... It could have AT LEAST been done as simple as this: Anyone with a Steel Charge above rank 6 gets 2 Legendary Cores. You cannot gain more than 2 Legendary Cores per account. This, while still being SLIGHTLY abuseable, would had been FAR less abuseable than the way you guys handled it. Yikes!


And the fact you are introducing MORE legendary mods... Well I'm not looking forward to it. It's not like Rare mods were rare enough already huh? -.-




Meh, lazy "fix" for hunting prime parts. Token system is still the superior option, by far. As it is now, newbies can get Prime weapons far too easily for far less effort than others. Either way, I don't really care about this one so much, it isn't the worst of your changes. In all honesty, I think people's complaints regarding Prime trading is very exaggerated.



The other stuff I have already talked about enough in other threads, such as

* Clantech and enemy weaponry here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/179161-labtech-enemies-weapons-and-making-sense-of-it-all/

* And your plethora of inconsistencies in here (a list which is a WIP!): https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/173629-list-of-des-new-and-old-inconsistencies/


And I hate repeating myself to your seemingly deaf ears, so that's the end of my feedback for this thread.

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I just agree with this entire post. +1


Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't guests to a dojo purchase blueprints too? I think this is true. If it is, what's preventing an 'established player' who somehow lacks his own clan from just visiting some other clan's dojo and grabbing the parts, then going back to their solo existence? I'm sure there's clans out there who'd be willing to do this for people. Heck, mine probably would since it's not like you lose anything.


You are wrong. In order to visit a dojo you have to have a clan key. To get a clan key you have to join a clan. So clan members can visit other dojos, but the clanless cannot. Also, visiting the void for the novelty of it is nice, but it has no drops and outside of prime parts is just a quick credit grab. 



Honestly, I find all this to be a big over reaction. It's beta.


Emphasis mine. I knew it would be somewhere. This game is beta in name only. They have product packages, are a dozen major updates in and have been advertising as a free to play for a year. If this is a beta so is League of Legends, Tribes: Ascend or Path of Exile. As far as I'm concerned this stopped being beta the day the killed the founders packs. 


Sounds to me like nothing is going to be done about the Steel Charge/Legendary Mod fiasco.


And that's the sad punctuation on the whole thing. 

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I am not convinced by melee weapon switching, right now on PS4 you switch between primary and secondary by pressing triangle, and that's a binary switch. How are you going to address that now? Cycling through 3 weapons is really not acceptable.


That's the same way it works on PC.


1 key, 1 swap.


I suspect that they should make your melee weapon take its own called-upon swap.

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