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March 21St: Community Hot Topics!


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Topics still hot: Buffs to Primes

Giving Rhino Prime a small boost in speed has provoked the question of whether we will buff stats on previous Primes. We know it’s being discussed in our community, and when Dev has no plans at this time to revisit older Primes at this time.

Need consistency.

Either make all primes slightly better or no primes slightly better.

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Oh hey.... I'd like to cast in my vote for the following already-mentioned ideas.


1) Make frame and sentinel precepts buyable. The unique ones, not the shareable ones, of course.


2) Attach credit caches to the other rewards. Say, 1000 or 2000 (I think a fixed amount, but how much exactly will need balancing) per 5 minutes or waves, in addition to whatever you randomly get from the table.

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So... Another "Community Hot Topics" eh?

Broken Lights vs Arc Traps

In Hotfix 12.4.5 we tweaked the Broken Lights to lessen the FX/damage due to large amounts of player feedback. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough of a change for players to feel happy about the Lights still being in the game after requesting us to remove them completely. They were reconceptualized and reintroduced as “Arc Traps”, which deal DOT and are visible from far away for better targeting.


So far the feedback has been better with some noted suggestions. The need/want for more challenge is clear, but Arc Traps aren’t offering what players seek. Yes Arc Traps require a level of awareness but with a more frustrating/tedious vibe.


We’re still looking for improvement tweaks and reading continuous feedback!


Ability Mods

Our Dev team is aware of the request to remove Ability Mods from the Drop Table. There have been some good suggestions floating around, and this topic may see dev activity as we add more mods to the pool.. Ability Mods can easily be ranked up with Fusion Cores alone and players don’t see the need to constantly obtain these Mods after 100+ hours of gameplay - but some builds require ‘underclocked’ mods so having multiples is still desired. More suggestions on where these Mods could potentially go and what to do about the growing pool of ability mods are welcome.


Alt Helms revisited

With Rhino Prime being released, and people lining up to get a Vanguard Helmet on the Prime frame, there have been increasing reports in errors with mixing cosmetics with Primes. This an ongoing issues, you can see Scott discuss it at the 55:00 minute mark of Devstream #25, with a ‘we will likely allow it moving forward’, but it’s still being discussed with a lot of parties.



Steve dropped into Prime Time chat last night and stated that Helios scanning items/enemies you’ve already fully scanned is being looked at.


Helios has also been reported to have a tendency to scan items of low priority as opposed to higher priority targets like enemies. Our team is looking into this as we speak!



Topics still hot: Buffs to Primes

Giving Rhino Prime a small boost in speed has provoked the question of whether we will buff stats on previous Primes. We know it’s being discussed in our community, and when Dev has no plans at this time to revisit older Primes at this time.


Void Drops: Still Bugged?

There’s no doubt that receiving 2500 Credits after 40 minute Void Survival is frustrating. Sheldon has immersed himself into the Void Drop Tables and is testing them without Credits being a reward. This is just a path that we’re exploring and further testing will be done.

Broken Lights vs Arc Traps

Finally something written right! Arc Traps are far better than Broken Lights, that's for sure. Now just make them a bit less frustrating. How about having a "windup" time for the traps before they start shooting, which is audibly very noticeable? Just so we have some time to react and run away / destroy them before they can attack us at all, ya know? That would make them less cheap by far!


Ability Mods

Make them purchasable with Credits on the Market! HUGE problem solved!


Alt Helmets revisited


Cosmetics is not the (biggest) problem with alt helmets. It's their stats and the newest position you have on them: Old players get to keep stats on them, new players can only get statless helmets!

THAT is by FAR a bigger exclusive bonus than any other ones before. Lato/Braton Vandal, fine, there are far better options than them and only grants you some bonus Mastery Points. Same with Founders gear. But the helmets having the bonuses remaining for old beta players only? Wow, that's a HUUUUUGE benefit! In particular the Vanguard helmet and all Power Efficiency helmets (Essence, Vespa, Chorus) have a HUGE impact on actual gameplay.

Just remove ALL stats on ALL helmets, new and old. It's the simplest and most fair solution to this dilemma!



Thorough feedback here

In short:

* The Deconstructor weapon has far too many issues: Unable to upgrade base damage, misses too much (always misses on ducking targets and MOAs that are shooting, due to having a slight crouch when shooting) and shoots FAAAAAAAR too infrequently

* While I don't like Investigator as its unique precept, I'll at least give feedback on it: It shouldn't scan Codex-completed targets (with the exception of the Earth plants imo! They are always useful for the health potion), it needs to have far longer range, should be close to instantcast and no cooldown (or almost none) on its max rank and to give it some (even if minor) use in combat; It could do the Orange scanner hue thing whenever enemies are within its scanning range (even if they are behind walls), to help you with visual perception. Would be kinda like an Enemy Sense alternative.


Buffs to Primes

No buffs to the old Primes? Ever, or at least for now?

If not for now: Then I say hurry up with it. Rhino Prime is the #1 go-to frame due to its stats and abilities.

If not ever: That would be complete and utter bull excrement, frankly >: (


Void Drops

How hard is this really to fix? Remove them, or at least, scale the credits gained with time. Just do SOMETHING!

Edited by Azamagon
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no stealth kills bonus, so no it isn't a loki, is a slightly faster heavy unit which kinda ignores damage.

It's not slightly faster.  Rhino Prime with Vanguard helmet and a Rush mod becomes one of the fastest frames in the game, only slightly beaten out by Loki with a similar setup.  That's completely ridiculous for the game's main "tank" frame.

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When are PC users going to be able to play and get live fee from the PS4 users? 

I'm guessing if that happens it'll be when the game is out of beta and doesn't get updates as frequently.  From what I understand the main thing stopping them now is that they can release PC updates whenever they want, but any time they want to update PS4 version they have to send it to Sony and wait for them to do their thing.  So the versions between PC and PS4 are pretty much constantly mismatched due to how often they release updates.

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It's not slightly faster.  Rhino Prime with Vanguard helmet and a Rush mod becomes one of the fastest frames in the game, only slightly beaten out by Loki with a similar setup.  That's completely ridiculous for the game's main "tank" frame.


It's not slightly faster; it's just as fast. Rhino Prime has 1.0 sprint speed, a 10% upgrade from the original Rhino. Toss in the Vanguard Helmet, and you've got a Warframe as fast as Loki...with far better stats.

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Need consistency.

Either make all primes slightly better or no primes slightly better.


This. Please DE don't be wishy-washy about these decisions. Go for one or the other in these cases. Megan wrote in the previous H.T. that you guys thought the Prime were worthy of a buff, so why does the fact that they came before Rhino means they won't be getting a buff as well?


Excal's buff is negligible and hardly noticeable as a whole, and has a polarity;

Frost and Mag only has one more polarity;

Ember doesn't even have one more polarity nor a buff, just different ones that can be worse for some player builds.


There's no reason that the one Warframe who did not need a buff gets a clear one for the first time, while the older ones are left out intentionally (with Ember still needing lots of work and not as "ready for Prime" as Scott promised).



Edited by Casardis
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Orokin Derelict Survival Missions

Some more claustrophobic OD maps would be nice, with rooms almost entirely made up of / covered by whatever the rampant crystal tree growths are. Heavily Infested OD tiles, or even OD missions where the Infested have been cleared (/are being cleared) by another faction setting up shop would be cool to see.


Ability Mods / Void Drops: Still Bugged?

I think of these two topics as somewhat similar symptoms of the same issue, which might be solved by asking the same questions - where are people going to get specific rewards, and can acquiring different rewards be refined into specific areas?

Themes exist for each faction already - Orokin tech, Corpus credits, Grineer weaponry, Infested biotech. Is the void really the place to go for hard currency? Why not create equivalent Corpus missions for that? Splitting rewards between groups could be worked on further.


Broken Lights vs Arc Traps

If anything, arc traps are worse than broken lights - smaller, more random, and less visible in the dark is not an improvement. If anything, you should be taking notes from Orokin Tower traps in terms of placement. From the new name, I'd expect them to operate in pairs, (set up on opposite walls) and imagine destroying either end of the arc trap could make the other end unstable. (prone to exploding if activated, only work intermittently, or able to target enemies)

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How about what's been suggested a million times:


Allow us to manually underclock mods. Even if it's just for ability mods this would be a step forward. If we have a maxed Radial Javelin [why? who knows...], and it costs to much for the current build, when we try and put it in have the game ask us something like:


'This mod costs too much power, would you like to lower its level?'


And allow us to lower it to 0, 1, or 2.

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Ability Mods

Make them purchasable with Credits on the Market! HUGE problem solved!


You'd have to disable using them to fuse then, or it would break the dev's desired rate of progression in the game with respect to mod leveling.

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What the hell were they thinking with Rhino Prime? Lets give the frame with the best survivability and high damage/cc the speed of the fastest frame if he uses an alt helmet. It's not like they don't know how broken rhino prime is.

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To tell the truth, I'm okay with the arc trap and it was a splendid idea, imo. but, the thing that don't like is, the traps are everywhere. they are really annoying and very disturbing...I really hope the number of the traps will be decreased

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Arc Traps: A slight wind-up time as suggested before and lower numbers. Currently they are in every second corridor.


Primes: Buff all of them. Rhino Prime is currently No#1 Frame thanks to it's stats. If you do not buff other frames you say that every other frame is useless. And please decrase Rhino Prime's speed. It equals Loki's for God's sake with that helmet.

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Void Drops: Still Bugged?

There’s no doubt that receiving 2500 Credits after 40 minute Void Survival is frustrating. Sheldon has immersed himself into the Void Drop Tables and is testing them without Credits being a reward. This is just a path that we’re exploring and further testing will be done.

Wait, someone actually tested these missions with the credit rewards?


How the hell did this idea even make it off the brainstorming whiteboard?

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Ability Mods

Our Dev team is aware of the request to remove Ability Mods from the Drop Table. There have been some good suggestions floating around, and this topic may see dev activity as we add more mods to the pool.. Ability Mods can easily be ranked up with Fusion Cores alone and players don’t see the need to constantly obtain these Mods after 100+ hours of gameplay - but some builds require ‘underclocked’ mods so having multiples is still desired. More suggestions on where these Mods could potentially go and what to do about the growing pool of ability mods are welcome.


Have you considered simply implementing an under-clocking system? There was a pretty significant suggestion, complete with well done images, on how it would be done. It had a huge amount of support, and should really be brought back up.

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Why not attatch credit caches to the rest of the rewards in the void, instead of keeping them as independant rewards or removing them?


So for example, in a void survival mission, every 5 minutes would have a fixed value credit cache reward, in addition to an appropriate random item from that mission's drop table (Like a blueprint, key, or prime part, but NOT another credit cache).

Because theire is a good part of players that have already million and even more , So , Excuse me , but do we need more cash? Nop , anyways you are probably going to say "its going to help the poor guys / starter" Wrong , because this will just give more power to old players who will be able to fuse even more mods so...(to sell ofc)

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Ability Mods

Our Dev team is aware of the request to remove Ability Mods from the Drop Table. There have been some good suggestions floating around, and this topic may see dev activity as we add more mods to the pool.. Ability Mods can easily be ranked up with Fusion Cores alone and players don’t see the need to constantly obtain these Mods after 100+ hours of gameplay - but some builds require ‘underclocked’ mods so having multiples is still desired. More suggestions on where these Mods could potentially go and what to do about the growing pool of ability mods are welcome.

Are they aware of request to remove them completely to free up mod slots on warframes (and giving all frames the same amount of slots since they have different amount of usable abilities)?

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Ability Mods

Warframe Ability Mods in the loot table is definitely an issue, in my opinion. It dilutes it. 


There's a few ways to fix this. My favorite at the moment is 2ply's. Permanently attach abilities to the Warframes themselves and give Abilities their own mod slots (and, logically, Mod Capacity) for various effects and enhancements. This would free up the 10 slots on Warframes for better Modding. So instead of 8 or so only being usable, you have all 10. This would also create specialization within the Abilities themselves, making for more unique builds. Stronger Ability Mods would have higher Energy drain.


Alt Helms revisited

I think the most obvious solution would to create Prime Alt Helmets. 


Buffs to Primes

Personally, I think Primes should have scaled stat upgrades in general. So instead of one or two stats being better than it's non-Prime counterpart, it is better in general. Not by a huge margin, but enough to give Prime Warframes more incentive to farm for other than effectively being a skin.


Void Drops

I'm all for removing credit caches from Void rewards. Having them and an appropriate reward together would be just as good of a solution, too. Although RNG in general requires a look at Void rewards. A recent Defense run I participated in resulted in 5 consecutive Orthos Prime Blueprint drops.

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The best I can think of for mods, is allow mods to switch between levels as you go. Example, you're rank 4 on a potatoed frame, and you want vitality and redirection on, but you don't want to have 10 different copies, so you can change the rank of it to allow them. This would also make it feel like ranking up actually makes you stronger, instead of getting 5 ranks then getting a big boost (like adding vitality on once you hit x level)

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Survey - Rescue


Indeed, that is the most tedious and usually the most "risky" of all missions. As a veteran play I've done it a lot of times and I must say that while it would be bearable if the bugs/glitches leave you alone, people tend to believe that running ahead is the best idea - meaning they are still far away from the extraction when the rescuee is already lying bleeding on the floor.

Though many might want to throw rocks at me for suggesting this but I for one would not allow extraction without the rescuee being at the extraction zone. Of course that means it's ai must be perfectly working or at least it must have some sort of "unstuck" mechanism. Not much complication there, if it cannot move from a small area in X seconds, it gets respawned closer to us (not right at us so we still have to wait for it). Again, it would be nice if it used covers when we are not far away. Also the ai should try to follow the closest tenno instead of the one furthest away.


Broken Lights vs Arc Traps


Honestly I have found both the traps and the lights plain annoying fun-wise while illogical lore-wise. Annoying as they tend to elude my perception, especially when fighting with some units. Illogical as randomly placing mines in your own house feels weird - most military officers would want to stop the tenno from entering these areas or provide some true security instead of these harassment-mines. Also putting mines randomly in areas where your people most likely work and live (especially mines that even in "sleep mode" produce some sort of electric effect as we can easily see) feels... dangerous. I doubt the grineer, being supposedly the most powerful faction in the Sol system is that... unresponsible.




Not much else to say here.


Ability Mods


Simple - mod drops are not THAT frequent so give 1% chance for every enemy to drop an ability mod besides their normal drops, as an extra. That should solve the problem and we would have seemingly more loot too.


Alt Helms revisited


Sorry for not taking this seriously, I know it's supposedly done by a different group of devs but I still feel that while many (most) frames have rather serious balance problems on even a game-design level (frost, nekros just to name a few), it's pretty much irrelevant for me if some helmets look a bit off...




What about throwing the whole scanning idea out (of the sentinel of course) and give it an ability that is actually useful during a fight? This baby is called Helios so something related to solar powa. I dunno, like:


- Helios emits a blinding flash of energy that hinders the enemies' ability to target the tenno. - For 10 seconds, any enemy that is within 40 in-game units of the Helios sentinel suffers -25% accuracy or -25% attack speed. Latter seems more likely and useful. 30 seconds cooldown.

- Helios emits a blinding flash, crippling a single opponent's sensory perception. - The Helios blinds a single enemy for 5 seconds, it might shoot/attack towards random directions but may only target the tenno accurately if within 1 in-game units. 15 seconds cooldown.

- Helios pulses with solar energy, burning enemies around alive. - The Helios releases X (equals rank of mod) waves of energy in a 20 yard area around itself, having 2 second intervals between each wave. Every wave greatly slows enemies caught within it for 1 second, applies burning status damage and causes some fire damage. 20s cooldown.

- Helios energizes and area, causing damage to enemies venturing too close. - The Helios shoots a beam towards an area, most likely an enemy, which applies an aoe effect. The effect stays at targeted area for 10 seconds (at least), causing small fire damage and fire status effect every second to enemies who are/get inside. 30s cooldown. The area's diameter should be at least twice the width of a normal door.


Something like that.


Topics still hot: Buffs to Primes


Well, if you make one prime different from it's original, it's pretty logical that people would feel pretty offended if you don't do the same to the other primes too.


I for one still think that making it outright stronger is not a good idea - it would make their originals plain obsolete.

- Give it about 2 freely chosen polarity (you can install a little button on mod screen so the player can modify a single polarity when he/she wants to - doing so removes one of these "freebie" points).

- Give it a bit different stats. Like a bit faster Rhino prime with lesser shield. A Frost prime with a bit more energy but less health. Excalibur prime with more movement speed but less armor.



Void Drops: Still Bugged?


Credits aren't exactly the best kind of loot - neither for players nor for you DE. It's just hard to decide which amount is "just right". It would be best (if you allow credits as drops) to have a single entry of credit-reward in the drop table and that credit reward would always give credits equal to [minutes passed]*[tier of mission]*250. That should make credits a fitting reward even after 40 minutes on a T3. Or at least WAY less offending.

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I'd just like to add the ongoing issues many people have with Invasions. Specifically the speed that high reward ones are finished at and the Battle pay not being rewarded under the same conditions as Alert rewards (ie. if you're successful, you get the reward).


I made a post a few days ago just to put links to some of those threads in one place.


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Topics still hot: Buffs to Primes

Giving Rhino Prime a small boost in speed has provoked the question of whether we will buff stats on previous Primes. We know it’s being discussed in our community, and when Dev has no plans at this time to revisit older Primes at this time.

Oh well, at least that got noticed, since it's been on-going for months, and many ppl, including myself, want's to see buffs on them. I will still wait for that day, and think of changing my name during that time, when the prime gets buffed and same time, my name gets changed. 

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