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Hotfix 13.1.2


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Additions (from Devstream #27):


Added new Katana Stance - Decisive Judgment, including new Combos! (YES!)

Added new combos for the following weapons:

  • New Glaive Weapon Combos! (YES!)
  • New Scythe Weapon Combos! (YES!)
  • New Staff Weapon Combos! (YES!)


  • Roll animations will no longer play automatically after sprinting and jumping. Rolls will now only play when the player drops far enough and are moving forward. (YES!)



  • Fixed a number of projectile types ignoring Mag's Bullet Attractor power. (YES!) does this mean my glaive will work the way it used to with bullet attract???
  • Fixed an issue with the Rejuvenation Aura mod not healing Sentinel health.   (YES!)

My comments are above in bold and underline.

Edited by main_antagonist
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This will be one of my more rudish posts, sorry in advance but I have gotten tired of sugarcoating stuff.


Nice fixes but honestly, I've read the update log to my clan's members on Teamspeak and the "roll" part induced a tad depressed laughing. I mean it was bad since the day it was introduced... sorry, but it isn't exactly the most complicated thing to fix yet it does destroy your fun pretty easily when you can't even properly land on a small object because it makes you roll off... it truly feels weird to be a ninja who has to try 3 times just to jump on a pillar, or has to slide (thouch his arse to the ground) in a 20 cm^2 area... just stay stay in one place.

Kinda similarly weird for this ninja to not being able to decide by any means when to vault over railings/small objects and when to jump. Honestly, just make the vault movement trigger only when you don't run. Logical and easy to control. Seriously.


I mean I like hotfixes, since they are fixes and as most of us know the games biggest problem is not the lack of new content, nope, by no means. It is the bugs/glitches and bad design choices. We get a ton of new weapons, new frames even but (apart from droprates) their stats and actual use in game is all over the place, they are either bad, maybe even worse than most of the already existing stuff (Attica anyone?) or plain better than most stuff (ever tried Marelok? with a rank 8 hornet strike and 100% multishot it murders rank 24 grineer in one shot, even if not hitting the head, try that with Attica... or Flux actually). The weapons have some truly apparent inbalance issues, like Phage having 330 base damage listed and Flux having 14... I mean Phage has maybe half the range of Flux, and 120 ammo so it's damage should be mutliplied by 2 for the halved range and 4 for the less ammo... so about 112? By no means is phage to strong, nope, but Flux is just plain bad compared to it. While both being clan research weapons I don't see why should 2 weapons have so different DPS abilities.


Same goes to abilities. Like it or not, Nekros's ultimate is very very similar to Nyx's Chaos. At the same time, Nekros's ability costs more energy, and has limited enemies to summon (you even have to kill them first and can run out of them), while Chaos overall deals more damage (since everyone is fighting) and essentially stops the enemy from attacking you (or the pod in def). Summoned "shadows" are mostly ignored on summon so unless you step behind them to shield you, you will be attacked as if nothing happened.


It feels less and less worth it to actually come up to the forums and speak about stuff. It just doesn't feel that anyone reads it or cares. There is a ton of stuff that people were whining about since the first days yet nothing changed.

Your game, your decision, I accept that. But then don't pretend to listen.

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just stop there. Peeps be tired of hearin "X weapon is OP and needs to be nerfed" when people may have spent 3 months getting it that OP. Making a weapon OP that is weak by default is by no means a speedy process. Take your time and enjoy the game man

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And now can You add a [quick fire] option with [E] when meele equipped? NEED IT, WANT IT, HAVE TO HAVE IT. Also add a new sparring combo so I can smash downed enemies with BOTH hands...Like HULK...alongside with new clantech spiky infested punching glowes.

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 This. This alone is more than enough to put a smile in my face.

 I was making a video making fun of this. I guess it wont make sense now. I will still finish it though.

You can still do your Video about Vaulting (and how many times you unintentionally suicide jump over the cliff when this move auto-activated and your warframe jumped into the bottomless hole instead of jumping over it to the other edge)


Seriously DE remove auto-activate from this move and replace it with Press "X" button to Vault, PLEASE!!!
Edited by Alex-4
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You can still do your Video about Vaulting (and how many times you unintentionally suicide jump over the cliff when this move auto-activated and your warframe jumped into the bottomless hole instead of jumping over it to the other edge)


Seriously DE remove auto-activate from this move and replace it with Press "X" button to Vault, PLEASE!!!



I dunno if one more button is a good idea - or possible. Don't forget that they have to keep in mind that the game is on PS4 too and controllers have much fewer buttons than PC keyboards. That's why I've proposed to plain only trigger this move when the player is not running. Then it shouldn't cause problems for parkour (when you want to jump further - which this vaulting prevents - you always run anyways).

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This has been definitely one of the most surprising and astounding hotfixes, for me personally that is!

*all the love*



>> Added new Katana Stance - Decisive Judgment, including new Combos!

>> Added new combos for the following weapons:

From what I've heard on the Devstream, I hope this means that we are going to see other stance mods being introduced to make sure each weapon type has two, and I also hope that we are going to see more combos on existing stance mods instead of them simply adding a new card. Because we all know how badly diluted the drop tables are.


>> There are now separate "Quick Melee" and "Melee Attack" key bindings.

This is great news, thank you for listening to the outcry for having CHOICE :) For now, I'll still stick with the old behaviour, since I have my quickmelee on a thumb button anyways, but I appreciate this for everyone being in dire need for that!


>> Improved the performance of in game Transmissions.

Here is one of those affected by the performance loss *raises hand* And so far I did see it working better by a lot. Great :)


>> Roll animations will no longer play automatically after sprinting and jumping. Rolls will now only play when the player drops far enough and are moving forward.

HOLY MOTHER OF LOTUS! Now that one I didn't see coming. I've heard Geoff saying it casually on the livestream about "that one needs to be broomed" but I didn't expect this to be the same day. This is great freedom added to the game, though there are still a few tweaks needed for it but it is wonderful to see a start here.


>> Fixed an issue with certain forms of damage not properly destroying Orokin Traps.

Penta and Stug say "thanks" I guess? :D More curious about the melee AoE from ground finishers. Will test that later. HOWEVER; are Arc traps affected by this change as well?


>> Fixed a number of projectile types ignoring Mag's Bullet Attractor power.

I... didn't see that coming either o.o good grace. I mean, still not going to use Bullet Attractor BUT it is nice to see this brought in line for consistency.


>> Fixed an issue with the Rejuvenation Aura mod not healing Sentinel health. 

And here was me thinking, this was actually intended XD Because some other skills of Warframes do not affect Sentinels as well. Nice!


>> Tweaked a number of Dagger and Axe parry sound effects.

>> Fixed a number of missing slide sound effects for whip type weapons.

>> Fixed a number of melee finishers.

I have to check those out later but definitely not today. I'm curious what exactly those "fixes" to melee finishers are. I hope connecting better to targets on the ground and not falling through the map when on a staircase when being auto-repositioned for the correct ground finisher animation.

Edited by Khunvyel
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