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If You Hate The Sybaris



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Because its damage does not reach my requirements...

And I was for once optimistic about that weapon...

Maybe if it had an integrated silencer THEN it would be atleast good if you want to sneak and future stealth 1.0

Or maybe have a bigger zoom since it's quite accurate

Or maybe if it did radiation damage from the beginning

Or maybe if it had some nice polarities

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Mag size, mag reload time are both really bad, but the time between shots on top of the whole thing basically kills it.


I was hoping for something closer to a Latron, a mid/long range burst killer.  But it's not as good as the burston or the latron. 


IMO the Latron is the best sniper in WF atm, a mid range sniper - so balanced.

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If you don't like the Sybaris, I would like to know why, really I want to know. 





I don't think it's really worth investing to the same degree.  The Latron Prime, as you are probably already aware, can pretty much completely wreck face even into late T3.  All the theoretical firepower of the Sybaris only becomes an advantage over the Latron Prime's, when the LP can no longer explode heads left and right.  And by that time you cannot risk enemy exposure of any duration because they will kill you instantly, so the game becomes more about hiding behind frames with defensive powers and spamming explosives and antimatter drops at everything.


Sybaris suffers from the same basic problem that sniper rifles do, in that this not a game about sniping. Enemies come in hordes. By the time you actually need the damage of a sniper weapon to deal with enemies, there are too many of them for sniper weapons to keep up.  Latron Prime is more of a battle rifle with its big magazine and semi automatic fire, and will outperform the Sybaris in real world applications at any level where rifles of any kind are useful.



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I just don't like how the gun handles. It is accurate and does a lot of damage but I would have preferred it being either closer to Burston where it can shoot fast if so needed or a semi automatic one. Arguably, a burst weapon is a welcome addition as they are few in numbers but the fact is that it's pellets travel so slowly against the non predictable and fast AI that the accuracy aspect is more hindering aspect of the gun than a helping one.

I like that it has a very good ammo economy, thus ammo mods are unnecessary. Then, when we look at the guns damage. It does decently and I love that it is different from other guns because it has nearly equal values of each physical damage type. This gives it versatility in terms of modding the gun. However, it also leaves much to hope for as it's small clip size, frequent reloads, decent reload speed and single target, decent damage numbers get easily outclassed by better options.

Some of the aspects I mentioned above have to be in these types of guns, or they are hard to think being balanced if done otherwise but some of the aspects of that gun are lacking. What we have to consider however, is that it might not be meant to be the best gun in the game and within that context, it is a decent gun and a nice addition to the game. I will not be using it that much, it isn't fun in my opinion in terms of gameplay but I will keep it and occasionally use it.

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good crit and crit multiplier


perfect for those who love burston-latron-grinlock


personally it feels like soma bullets compressed in 2 successive shots

takes down things n stuff..yeah, awesome looking gun


most of all, personal preference.



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Ease of use VS theoretical DPS.

The Sybaris possesses the power of IMMENSE overkill. Using it with Banshee has gotten me 58k crits on T3 void defense... in one of the shots from its two round burst. That being said, it's hampered by its 5 shot mag. Most missions don't require that much firepower, and it's EXTREMELY unforgiving to miss with.

Its unforgiving nature is what puts people off of it. It trades usability for pure DPS, and a lot of people dislike that.

I'm an avid Burston Prime / Latron Prime user (6 forma in each), and I've just put my 5th forma in the Sybaris. I have a 76% accuracy rate with it so far, so I'm not a bad shot. I tend to beat most of the groups I'm with in kills, but honestly, every mission I was in would have gone much smoother if I was using something like a Soma or Burston Prime, just because their DPS can be spread out over more targets than the Sybaris.

Edited by HolidayPi3
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I love it. 5th forma atm. 

Vectis was my main weapon before this and the Sybaris almost has the same power per bullet (10k as opposed to the Vectis' 12k) except that it can shoot two bullets at once... 20k per trigger pull is ridiculous. The mag size is a slight pain but if you treat it more like a sniper than a battle rifle then it can really shine.

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Then you are either used to rapid firearms of you just can't aim.


If you don't like the Sybaris, I would like to know why, really I want to know. 


well, only reason why i wouldnt enjoy it is beacuse of 3 round burst, incredible punishing if you cant aim good (ive never had problem with aiming so i would use one if i had it. also, i used to have most of the 3 round burst weapons in MW2, and they were great tbh)

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Because it's not the penta, thus, damage sucks. Killing yourself is a very small downside, people may always revive you, and you don't need to aim precisely to wipe an entire spawn of lvl 100 enemies. Why would I make the effort of aiming and killing things one by one when I can just do "look up, left click, right click, next spawn"?

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Because it's not the penta, thus, damage sucks. Killing yourself is a very small downside, people may always revive you, and you don't need to aim precisely to wipe an entire spawn of lvl 100 enemies. Why would I make the effort of aiming and killing things one by one when I can just do "look up, left click, right click, next spawn"?

One track mind. Using this logic to stick to one weapon and use only one weapon. So if game gets boring due to weapon choice, you only have yourself to blame.

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Then you are either used to rapid firearms of you just can't aim.


If you don't like the Sybaris, I would like to know why, really I want to know. 

better crit than latron prime.

nice almost pin point accuracy.


these above are the reason why i hate it. :P

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The thing takes too much forma to get the unique things out of the gun.  I definitely see the appeal of shooting 4 burst fire shots at once, with either the crit or proc chances out of it, but there are many guns and bows that are as good or superior with no where near the effort and feel good as you use them, while this gun... it was a chore to get it up to 30, something i don't care to repeat.

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One track mind. Using this logic to stick to one weapon and use only one weapon. So if game gets boring due to weapon choice, you only have yourself to blame.


Why would it be boring? Have you ever played other MMOs before that one? There are always the best broken spells and gear the devs fear to outclass or nerf and you keep like forever. That's not new or specific to this game. You don't have to play with bad weapons to have fun. I could very well play with the same 2-3 frames and the same weapons for a very long time because I have fun achieving goals which aren't related at all to "new animations and skins to shoot at things". Like staying as long as I can in various survivals, doing as many defense rounds as I can, getting a better mastery rank, farming to buy my weapons and warframe slots via trade only, and so on.

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Because it's not the penta, thus, damage sucks. Killing yourself is a very small downside, people may always revive you, and you don't need to aim precisely to wipe an entire spawn of lvl 100 enemies. Why would I make the effort of aiming and killing things one by one when I can just do "look up, left click, right click, next spawn"?

Ew Penta.



One track mind. Using this logic to stick to one weapon and use only one weapon. So if game gets boring due to weapon choice, you only have yourself to blame.

Because if you use one weapon it is going to be a weapon you personally enjoy using a lot and most likely won't get boring due to weapon choice.

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