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Update 7.7.2: Hotfixes


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Steve, I have an idea for the loot tables, and I think it will be an appropriate middle ground between what the community wants from mods drops, and what you guys, the devs, seem to want.

How about splitting the loot tables significantly by mod polarity, into different planets? So, certain planets will drop certain types of polarity mod. Higher level missions will increase the chance of a rare mod being dropped, although common/uncommon will still drop too. What this means is, like resources, players know where to go to farm for the mod they want. This removes a lot of the uncertainty with players trying to get specific mods. Now, rare mods could be made more slightly rare, as a trade-off for the certainty of knowing what polarity the rare mods that drop will be, but it means if I want to get a certain V polarity rare mod, I know I have to go to the highest level planet that drops V polarity mods. Maybe planets could drop 2 types of polarity.

I think this would also fit nicely with lore you have mentioned you want to expand upon later - each polarity being from a different Orokin clan, well perhaps each of the Orokin clans had planets where most of their colonies were, so their mods drop from those planets more often?

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What about a balance of damage from mobs? Few shots from 1 Grinner and mine charged with vitality and redirection 30 rank warframe is dead.. And plz elitists and ninjas dont answer, i want a DE post about upcoming rebalance, will the game be same or even harder? Or there is any chance for me and my girlfriend and her little brother to trio-farm outer planets for blueprints? We are not virtual-pro-sport-ninjas, but we want to play not only on Earth and beyond.

I know the problem you are talking about, and it was fixed in 7.7.1. Damage distribution in higher level areas is now no longer unmanageable, and you will not get three shot by simple Grineer Marines anymore. Unless it's from a shotgun user that is right next to you and you just sit in it. You just missed the patch notes for that hotfix by about 24 hours.

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I don't have a lot of detail beyond this: we absolutely need to add more common and uncommon Mods to the core set. We're on it, when I have amounts I will share. Your numbers are pretty much bang on showing that Mod-based powers are drowning out commons for variety. Duplicate fusion helps reduce the grief of this. The conversion of alert-only 'Artifacts' to a unified Mod system is also being worked on to improve the variety of rewards. Its pretty simple: we need more to reduce the repetition!


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yeah that's great news re: faction swaps, good part of core gameplay that i was really missing the past update and a half!! :)

and will be interesting to see new contagion damage.


Keep getting "Friend not currently in a game session" while they show In-Game in the Clan list, and they are actually in-game.

this :< this make tenno sad. tenno on sofa behind me unable to join my games, and vice versa. :<

doesn't it make you pity the devs though? bug fixing a modern game must be like trying to get the air bubbles out of wallpaper

except the wallpaper screams and demands you take it back to the shop every time you press on it

Edited by FlanShark
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someone care to enlighten me on what this means?

If I am informed correctly, that means there is a chance of a different faction appearing on a mission.

For example, you start a mission against the greneer, and everything is peachy, but midway through, the ship/asteroid gets boarded by the infection.

And so begins a three-way cluster****.

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How about at least creating more variety in common and uncommon mods?

Currently there's 74 Rares, 22 Uncommons, 29 Commons. Not counting fusion cores. This leads to players constantly getting the same mods over and over again. Also a lot of the common/uncommon mods could use a buff. (Pressure Point, Crit Chance/Damage, Stun) Even some rares could use a buff (Puncture) Not like there's trading in this game atm, so getting a specific rare mod is going to be rough. (Flow for example....)

Please give us as much detail as possible on how this situation will be rectified.


Jesus Christ! There are 74 Rares and only 29 Commons? Who's idea was that? lol.

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Add support for showing active squads for alerts.

Added an option in controls to toggle wall run to a tap instead of holding jump.

New Screen to customize your Gamepad Controls.



Fixed an animation issue with interrupting a reload with a melee swing.

Fixed melee weapon sticking in hands when melee interrupted by using a power.

Fixed issue where selecting an alert directly from the main menu's alert list would host a public session regardless of what mode you were playing.

Fixed Online mode dropdown not refreshing when backing out of lobby.

Fixed per-node squad counts disappearing after selecting node with no players.

Fixed an issue with players being unable to use powers after being affected by a stagger damage type during the power cast animation.

+ Fixed "power in use bug" with Rhino Stomp.

+ Fixed drop table problems with high level enemies (was reversed, reducing variety, now is increasing drop variety properly)


Faction Swaps and Combinations will now occur again.

YES! All these.

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Jesus Christ! There are 74 Rares and only 29 Commons? Who's idea was that? lol.

That was is right....I have been farming mods all day so I can finally get some progress made and literally I've gotten at least 2 pages of just sentinel mods and maybe two or three rare mods. I'm talking farming around 6 hours.

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anyone else getting a login error? it was working fine 5 minutes ago...after trying to reset the password this occurs :/ >


Error message

MongoCursorException: couldn't determine master in MongoCollection->findOne() (line 1081 of /var/www/live/sites/all/modules/mod_warframe_auth/mod_warframe_auth.module).

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

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