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Founders Get Special Ships? Maybe?


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I think it would be cool if the council got like a special council hub or Dojo or something where we could all hang out, that being said, it's not in any way necessary I gave my money because I like the game and wanted to support it, the extra swag is cool and all but again I gave DE my money because I just straight up love this game and I like the direction that DE is taking it in.  For the most part I think DE has been fair and open with the community and really that to me is why I support this game and its devs.  I mean really the game is like a self published kickstarter kinda thing, with no kickstarter, or something.

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No thank you.

We have gotten more than enough exclusive content.

I would rather not be dealing with even more threads pertaining to 'Founders get dis, why we no can has founders?'

Perhaps Prime Access Instead. But no. No more founder stuff.

We got the plat, the weapons, the frame, the badges,the solar landmarks, the bandanna and the shirt.

We get to vote on what comes into the game, and we get our sneak peaks when they post in our forum section.

Enough is enough.

No more holding our hands out and asking for more.

not all of us founders got the weapons, and get to decide what comes into the game you know

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 well    good  yes n no but imo  it was the  FOUNDERS of all lvs  that had trully got the game to kickstart  as anny online game  where founders are  alot of times the game  keeps them in praise since  we basicly   help get the  game on its feet.....almost like  stocks ...cept one time   stocks =P  but thast my own  wacky opinion  criticize or  agree all u want if some one helped me  getta   business goin (this game)  theyl b in  my good graces like  4evr

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I agree...if you want a special ship....there should be a new special pack for it...Im a medium tier founder...(I wanted dat Excalibro) and I don't think that I need even more stuff.

I got enough out of that. And while the founder pack is justified....adding more stuff to it NOW....would NOT be justified.

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 well    good  yes n no but imo  it was the  FOUNDERS of all lvs  that had trully got the game to kickstart  as anny online game  where founders are  alot of times the game  keeps them in praise since  we basicly   help get the  game on its feet.....almost like  stocks ...cept one time   stocks =P  but thast my own  wacky opinion  criticize or  agree all u want if some one helped me  getta   business goin (this game)  theyl b in  my good graces like  4evr

warning-grammar nazi post


wtf is that. Are... are you trying to have a discussion or text a love letter to DE?

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Also a no from my side... Not for founders only.


There have been already enough complain threads about "why" and "what if"...


Future exclusives only for Prime Access packs and that's it.


The only exception I would make to that and which would have my support were if the Founders got Aklato Primes/Dual Skana Primes and therefore the masses can have the Single-variants. The only reasoning being to complete the Arsenal.

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