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Ash Clones Looking Like Holograms. Please End This.


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1) I understand if you guys don't give a damn, and I don't give a damn that you don't give a damn


2) I understand if you're against this for some "technical" reason





these holograms straight up look weird. I don't like'm, I prefer going back to the 2 solid clones of ash, it looked WAAAYYY better than this.


tl;dr- holo clone bad, real dupe good

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I never saw what they looked like since the patch. Are they like Loki's Decoy in terms of "hologram?"


If so, I think that something such as Nekros' Shadow of the Dead effect, but replacing its unique effect with smoke-like effects instead, might be better to fit Ash.

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I never saw what they looked like since the patch. Are they like Loki's Decoy in terms of "hologram?"


If so, I think that something such as Nekros' Shadow of the Dead effect, but replacing its unique effect with smoke-like effects instead, might be better to fit Ash.

yea, the same look as loki's hologram but shaped like ash. It's a cheap knockoff, it was more impressive that there were straight duplicates of ash and it looked a whole lot better. The way it is now is just crap.

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At the moment it bugs out, so in one mission highly possible to have holograms in one ult...But the rest of the mission or randomly rather, the ult has his "clone tech" and not the "made up of light clones"....I'm Ash not Loki, I use "Jutsu" not "High-tech styled skills".


At the moment though it shows how Loki and Ash are truly "close", I like it that SOMETIMES I ult with holograms, to me it means I ran out of the proper "energy/chakara/ki/chi" needed for my jutsu. And so I just use technology instead.

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Yeah I really Agree, been play both Loki and Ash


1) Holograms should be exclusive to Loki as he is a Trickster... and Its just well an illusion (not a very good one I hate to say, even hate more to use it, I DONT USE GUNS!!!! but what can one do...it has been complain like since I started playing and no changes... -_- )they don't do damage, their there to distract. It should be exclusive to LOKI, makes no sense that illusions hurt.


2) I totally and completely agree that Ash should look like clones with a Shadowy Smoke Aura similar like the Nekros Shadow of the Dead Specters... Or like the Stalkers... I rather have Nekros Shadow Smoke Aura effect on the Clones though...


OPTIONAL but worth mentioning: 3) Shuriken: Why can,t Ash through 3 stars like the number of Level Ranking of the mod instead of 2? Always wondered if it was a visual or game bug...but its been like that for so long that I just wanted to mention it... if you rank a mod 3 times, should it not scale at least like some other power do? Not even maximize strength will increases its numbers...like it does for other MORE powerful abilities... is this intended?


DE please can this be fix is this intended are simply a bug? If its intended PLEASE change it, please...its just takes away a bit of awesomeness from ASH. I will be following this post for updates, was going to post a new one but found this one already open... ^_^


Thank you for your time and hard work DE.

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yea, the same look as loki's hologram but shaped like ash. It's a cheap knockoff, it was more impressive that there were straight duplicates of ash and it looked a whole lot better. The way it is now is just crap.


This is such a ridiculous complaint I don't even know where to start. At least it reinforces the concept that no matter how DE changes things, somebody will complain. Because:


Ash's ult is too slow.

Ash's ult is too fast.

Ash's ult shouldn't be clones.

Ash's ult shouldn't be holograms.

Ash's ult is a Republican.

Ash's ult is a Democrat.

etc etc etc.


I always value these threads where somebody declares "what is better". It reminds me how some people can never see beyond their own opinions, ever.

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This is such a ridiculous complaint I don't even know where to start. At least it reinforces the concept that no matter how DE changes things, somebody will complain. Because:


Ash's ult is too slow.

Ash's ult is too fast.

Ash's ult shouldn't be clones.

Ash's ult shouldn't be holograms.

Ash's ult is a Republican.

Ash's ult is a Democrat.

etc etc etc.


I always value these threads where somebody declares "what is better". It reminds me how some people can never see beyond their own opinions, ever.

My complaint is ridiculous?? Look at what you wrote! lmao

Everyone here agrees with what I'm saying and nobody has ever stated that-

"Ash's ult is too fast" or "Ash's ult shouldn't be clones"

or any other bullS#&$ claim you just made.


Your post goes to prove that no matter how good, bad, complex, or simple an idea is pitched.. someone like YOU will be there to btch about players of a community can't pitch their own ideas.


Someone like you doesn't fit the playerbase of this game, leave.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They should be like shadow clones and before Ash uses his ult he should yell "KAGE BUSHIN NO JUTSU!" and then the clones pop up in smoke and start killing everything and after they're done and disappear, they disappear in a puff of smoke and leave a log behind.  And then an announcer type voice will yell out "LLOOGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!"




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