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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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If the sellout happens this is gonna happen


"Ninjas pay fee's"



Hotfixes become monthly instead of weekly



Devstreams stop and "maybe" happen once a year



U14 suddenly gets delayed by promising "more content" and stuff



Months pass by and suddenly we're at 2015 April



we get our U14, players notice items now cost 200% more platinum, they also notice some items come with timers....players get confused and scream in horror after they realize whats going on


New items are locked by GRINDWALL/PAY2WIN and need to get a key for a key for a key to have a chance to get said item out of others items the player already had.



Game stays alive by Chinese farm bots sucking as much items and plat as possible



Fall of 2015, Playerbase goes down 80%+



Changed name to WarFarm



Revert back to Dmg 1.0 for easier game experience 



At this point most...if not all original Founders are gone and game is full of bots



Redtext dies, Kickbot takes control over everything ingame



2016 New Play free game comes out, becomes very successful



PW abandons WarFarm and start to look at new free to play game...........................



PW = Death (Mindsblown at this point)

Edited by AngelGuardcc
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If this is true, I'm done playing. I'd rather not ride a sinking ship into the depths.


You want money? You can have either PW's or mine. Not both.

Yeah, i just didnt want to do any mission today. I just end farm my Loki prime do 1 mission and...didnt want to do anything

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OK IDC lets just say this

8=======D~~~~~~~ OX

      ^                  ^         ^

Me & DE       Telling > PWE
                    2 GTFO

                   Away from 




After seeing this all i want to do is curse at those PWE mother #@*&$@...
I'm for DE for Life    F*** PWE

Edited by --------._I69U_.--------
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This news messed my whole day up and the fact that they are hardly talking or giving any information to us its  a bit irritating. Don't know if I would be able to sleep.

Buddy its a video game.... 

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You know, chances are the Legal department of DE doesn't even know about this thread, because of PW stopping them, like every bad horror movie. We're the ones stuck behind the window that the killer is making police look away from.

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Well, my fellow Tenno, I think I may be returning to cryostasis.


The situation is looking bleak right now.


Still waiting for an official word on the matter. Its really bringing me down.


I am preparing myself for the worst, are you prepared, Tenno?

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All I see is shattered pieces

I can't keep it hidden like a secret

I can't look away!

From all this pain in a world we made!

Everyday you need a bulletproof vest

To save yourself from what you could never guess!

Am I safe today?

When I step outside in the wars we wage!

Our future's here and now,

Here comes the countdown!

Sound it off, this is the call!

Rise in revolution!

It's our time to change it all,

Rise in revolution!

Unite and fight, to make a better life!

Everybody one for all,

Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!


Tonight we rise


Tonight we rise!

Like a hand grenade thrown in a hurricane,

Spinning in chaos, trying to escape the flame,

Yesterday is gone!

Faster than the blast of a car bomb!

And when the scars heal, the pain passes,

As hope burns, we rise from the ashes!

Darkness fades away!

And the light shines on a brave new day!

Our future's here and now,

Here comes the countdown!

Sound it off, this is the call!

Rise in revolution!

It's our time to change it all,

Rise in revolution!

Unite and fight to make a better life!

Everybody one for all,

Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!


Tonight we rise


Tonight we rise!

In a world gone mad,

In a place so sad!

Sometimes it's crazy

To fight for what you believe!

But you can't give up,

If you wanna keep what you love!

(Keep what you love)

Keep what you love

(Keep what you love)

Keep what you love

Never give up, no!!!


Rise in revolution


Rise in revolution

Everybody one for all,

Sound off, this is the call!


Like we're alive

Tonight we rise


Make a better life

Tonight we rise!

Rise, rise, rise in revolution

Rise, rise, rise in revolution




You sir just got placed higher in my respect list. I really hope that this doesn't go through. It would be a very upsetting moment if it did. I won't leave just yet. But if I hear that DE did get acquired I am out. 

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Ive played the PWE games, I sat behind the walls of crap, I refuse to do so anymore. If this does go though, Im uninstalling Warframe completely. Ive spent about 500 dollars on this game with plans to buy more Access and/or Platinum, but as of right now Im keeping my debit card safely tucked away... DE, if you truly care about us and you truly care about Warframe, you will refuse this deal. PW will destroy Warframe, milking it for all the money they can before discarding it into the Trash Bin.

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700+ hours in the game. it was nice being with you all. I'll see some of you in Destiny....




Standing on the edge of the crater
Like the prophets once said
And the ashes are all cold now
No more bullets and the embers are dead
Whispers in the air tell the tales
Of the brothers gone
Desolation, devastation
What a mess we made, when it all went wrong
Watching from the edge of the circus
For the games to begin
Gladiators draw their swords
Form their ranks for armageddon
I'm nuclear
I'm wild
I'm breaking up inside
A heart of broken glass
Deep inside
The abandoned child
Standing on the edge of the underworld
Looking at the abyss
And I'm hoping for some miracle
To breakout to escape from all this
Whispers in the air tell the tales
Of a life that's gone
Desolation, devastation
What a mess we made, when it all went wrong
I'm nuclear
I'm wild
I'm breaking up inside
A heart of broken glass
Deep inside
The abandoned child
I'm nuclear
I'm wild
I'm breaking up inside
A heart of broken glass
Deep inside
The abandoned child
Edited by (PS4)RocketPunch1221
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