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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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My best hope is that DE sees this and reconsiders. We are very unhappy with this, and quick math says that at least 3 people's entire salaries this past year were paid by just responders to this thread, in the ~1 hour it's existed.


If all of your "whales" are going to beach about something, you need to think it through carefully.


Thankfully, DE does listen to us(unlike most game companies), so we may have hope yet.


On the bright side: At least we know what gets to headline the next "community hot topics" list!

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Can someone compile a page summing up how imperfect perfect world is? I don't think some people actually understand how bad they are, and might need a page with a lot of informed examples.


I only need to point to the season six to season 7 transfer debacle.


Season 7 was the first one with Perfect World involved.


When the playerbase realized what was happening and how much was being changed from the original formula (Reputation system dilithium sinks expanded, duty officer disaster, lockbox mayhem was already being introduced.) They came out en masse to try to stop it doing it the right way no less bombarding the test servers with complaints about every aspect of what they wanted to do.


Friday before season 7 was supposed to drop they took the patch off the servers and the Devs made it SOUND like they players had won they were gonna push things back and get it right.


Fast forward to the following monday, they dropped it all on us as broken and as screwed up as it could possibly be.All the smart players uninstalled.  The game recovered but mainly with sheeple and life time sub offers. PWE does not listen to its players, never has, never will. Their involvement in any game is a signal that the game's death is imminent. I found that out the hard way. And if it happens here...I may consider the gaming industry dead.

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I would like to see this option instead: DE keeps the warframe we all know and love and develop it in their own way, while PWE gets a copy of the game and develop it their way with their own freaking staff. Then we'll see how DE prosper and PWE crashes into the ground burning and sending their pay to win debris all over the place becuase that what they do best, ruins a perfectly good game. Think we can give PWE the golden poo award like how bioware got theirs from mass effect 3 ending a while back.

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Wow, didn't know PE owned Blacklight, as I've just bought a PS4 I tried and dumped Blacklight Retribution due to the emphasis on P2W and difficulty in obtaining any item.


Five bucks is worth 75 platinum here and supports Blacklight. Hell, dump $20 into Blacklight and you can have all of your bases covered. If PWE were to buy DE and change Warframe's monetization model, expect to pay $5 for one horizontal line of colors on each palette.

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Yeah, PWE involvement is basically a death sentence for fun.

I'm sure someone will play Warframe even after acquisition; I couldn't guess as to its profitability.  But from the looks of things, it won't be any of us.


They'll probably be a F2P "whale" big enough to sustain them.

Hey if there are any of you guys out there who spend loads of money on a F2P game the IOS, Android and PC market are basically calling you a whale because you're so gullible you'd buy anything and everything with no question in your mind if it's a bad deal or not.


I didn't say that. I didn't invent the term. That was the companies ripping you off that did.

So stop feeding them. You can play good games, games that don't do that.

Edited by Sutherland
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I have already advised my clanmates and alliance members(around 3000 players) to stop buying platinum until DE's official response about this.


We are very familiar with PW's capability of turning awesome games into mindless money sinks. So it is better to stop paying for a would be money-sink game sooner than later. We will resume our normal platinum purchase when DE denies PW's investment or when we are made sure PW's involvement will not affect the future development of Warframe(might take a few month).


Our clan agree with this. No more purchase until things cleared out

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So, I have tried to read that PDF posted a couple of pages ago.. Pretty hard english.


Did someone read this?


For a period of forty days from the date of the Term Sheet,

Digital Extremes agrees not to solicit offers from any other parties for any financing and
asset or share transfers without the consent of all the Purchasers


In other words, DE is not able to sell stocks to someone else without gving notice to SEMPO FOOD HOLDINGS?

Food? Are they going to bake "Loki Buns"? >>


However, I can't find public stocks of DE, so there is currently (?) no way to get one of these as some sort of "second level founder".

I would have no problems investing money into DE, as long they keep up the good work.

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Lol that's creepy I was just wtaching the samg song when you posted it



Here you guys its a sing along song for you all!



I open my eyes

I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light

I can't remember how

I can't remember why

I'm lying here tonight

And I can't stand the pain

And I can't make it go away

No I can't stand the pain

How could this happen to me

I made my mistakes

I've got no where to run

The night goes on

As I'm fading away

I'm sick of this life

I just wanna scream

How could this happen to me

Everybody's screaming

I try to make a sound but no one hears me

I'm slipping off the edge

I'm hanging by a thread

I wanna start this over again

So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered

And I can't explain what happened

And I can't erase the things that I've done

No I can't

How could this happen to me

I made my mistakes

I've got no where to run

The night goes on

As I'm fading away

I'm sick of this life

I just wanna scream

How could this happen to me

I made my mistakes

I've got no where to run

The night goes on

As I'm fading away

I'm sick of this life

I just wanna scream

How could this happen to me




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I would like to see this option instead: DE keeps the warframe we all know and love and develop it in their own way, while PWE gets a copy of the game and develop it their way with their own freaking staff. Then we'll see how DE prosper and PWE crashes into the ground burning and sending their pay to win debris all over the place becuase that what they do best, ruins a perfectly good game. Think we can give PWE the golden poo award like how bioware got theirs from mass effect 3 ending a while back.


PWE's version may cannibalize DE's, since PWE has more money to spend on marketing/advertising. 

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PWE's version may cannibalize DE's, since PWE has more money to spend on marketing/advertising. 



Too bad Warframe's on Steam, arguably one of the biggest vendor platforms in the history of ever. "Oh, sales are down this month? Announce a plat sale."

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Hey, RNGesus.

Remember the bad things we all said about you? We were kidding, right.

If you're reading this, we need you. NOW. Save us. You are our only hope. Save us with RNG. Give it a 0.00001% chance. Which means never.

Unburden yourself from this mortal coil

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So, I have tried to read that PDF posted a couple of pages ago.. Pretty hard english.


Did someone read this?





In other words, DE is not able to sell stocks to someone else without gving notice to SEMPO FOOD HOLDINGS?

Food? Are they going to bake "Loki Buns"? >>


However, I can't find public stocks of DE, so there is currently (?) no way to get one of these as some sort of "second level founder".

I would have no problems investing money into DE, as long they keep up the good work.


I laughed more then I should there... Well said, well said..

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