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Dread - The Perfect Newbie Helper


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Today I was running a private mission with my friend (rank 0). We were running towards a terminal when the lights started flickering. When Stalker appeared, I managed to kill him (barely, thank you Life Strike) and he dropped the Dread blueprint.


My friend picked it up and after I told her what she just got, she went full potato.


The Dread is one of the best weapons in the game. I understand it is really hard to get if you're a new player, but what if somebody's helping you like I was helping her? That bow doesn't have a mastery rank requirement! It's like giving a new player the possibility to assemble Paris Prime, which is on par with Dread (more or less).

That makes me question, shouldn't it be locked for rank 4 like ParisP is?


(sorry if there already is a thread like this somewhere)

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No. Noobs don't even know how to kill Stalker at Rank 4.  it should just stay that way. 


Edit: I also highly doubt noobs even know who the heck Stalker was, I didn't. I remember that horrible time. I was going up a Grineer elevator that seemed to be about 3 stories high instead of 2. I kept being taunted by who I thought was the boss of the level. Suddenly I didn't even know what was happening and got Slash Dashed, I thought someone hacked or was glitched

Edited by izzatuw
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Aren't you "immune" to Stalker's deathmark before rank4? It's sufficient to prevent newbies to drop Dread alone. 


And I think that it's just like when you are helped to drop some Warframe parts. When I start to play, my friends are high-rank acc, and I got help to drop Trinity and some weapons as soon as I can before go by myself to explore Solar System. Your friend just have the luck that the helped drops are Stalker's Dread :P

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Aren't you "immune" to Stalker's deathmark before rank4? It's sufficient to prevent newbies to drop Dread alone. 


And I think that it's just like when you are helped to drop some Warframe parts. When I start to play, my friends are high-rank acc, and I got help to drop Trinity and some weapons as soon as I can before go by myself to explore Solar System. Your friend just have the luck that the helped drops are Stalker's Dread :P

I recall there's a very low chance for him to spawn

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I'm all for it, and I do kinda agree with you. But just pointing out that Dread only becomes truly terrifying once you have high end mods, Max serration, Split chamber, element mods, charge speed mods etc. The vanilla dread is pretty bad, considering it's a single shot slash weapon with a charge speed and very limited ammo.

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its a bit weird because the stalkers Dread and Despair are MR0, yet his Hate is MR2, yeah they are powerful but thats no different to many Prime weaponry, also the brakk/detron are also MR0, the dread is nowhere near alone is its MR placement.


also if your willing to buy plat, even as a raw day1 beginner you can buy any of the "bundle/packs" on the market, if a weapon is included then you skip the mastery requirements and its added to your inventory ready to use so you could instantly gain the soma/phage/etc and use asap.

Edited by Methanoid
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Dread is powerful but not easy to use, mastery rank should be for weapons that are powerful and easy to use (like Soma).

MR should be removed altogether from the game if they're not gonna tierize the weaponry. Boltor Prime is MR2, Brakk is MR0, Supra (laughably a joke to Soma) is MR7.

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I've got to say, I had multiple instances of Stalker coming after me in public games, dying faster than you can say "brakk" and dropping dread. I usually mark his drops and I'm pretty sure I've seen obvious newbies pick em many times.

Dread is really good. Both insane damage and almost guaranteed status that can result in ludicrous damage.

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Dread is good but it's a weapon of choice, having a good out of mastery rifle would have been more detrimental, your friend still need the mods

Also it was more luck than anything



Also, stop trying to nerf your friend. 

quote of the day

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A properly built Valkyr can facetank Stalker. Still best shoot him and not melee.


That makes sense as Valkyr is nearly invincible when she activates her crazy b.itch mode, but even Stalker can dispell that still instagib with his Dread, so that still leads to the question, "How does the lifestrike help?"


I've meleed Stalker a few times and that was only because I wasn't his main target when he popped in and was thus more focused on attacking a squad mate so I was able to get up to him and wail away. 

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No. Noobs don't even know how to kill Stalker at Rank 4.  it should just stay that way. 


Edit: I also highly doubt noobs even know who the heck Stalker was, I didn't. I remember that horrible time. I was going up a Grineer elevator that seemed to be about 3 stories high instead of 2. I kept being taunted by who I thought was the boss of the level. Suddenly I didn't even know what was happening and got Slash Dashed, I thought someone hacked or was glitched


To be fair when the stalker first appeared and you successfully killed him were you actually completely solo or with a group who carried you? Because I often find that the people who use terminology like "noobs" are insecure about their own skill levels & tend to be the ones who expect everyone else to carry them. But that's just a hypothesis based on my observations, I could very well be wrong. 


As for the Dread proper it's one of the few weapons that can easily get the red crits (Which are amazing BTW), and I really like the design of it visually.

Edited by Basilisk1991
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Even with Dread around, she won't enjoy it much due to


1) lack of mods

2) lack of maxed mods

3) It's a bow.


I remember grinding all day to get my Drakgoon and Angstrum. Went as far as to Potato'd Drakgoon and added stuffs like maxed Blaze, Pointblank, elemental mods on it.

But I went back to Karka without a potato all the way to Soma because it's an assault rifle so it's a lot easier to use even with only a rank 5 serration, Quick trigger and some elemental mods..


Then I remember getting Dread and was really happy.

But I went back to Soma because it's an assault rifle so it's a lot easier to use with just crit mod, serration and one element.


MR may be used to gate stuffs but these items being accessible early is also somewhat intentional. After all, you can bypass some MR requirement using Platinum and buying the bundles.

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