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Update 14: The Mad Cephalon


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looks like my warframe is broken.... i cant do missions or go market because every time mission is loaded then i get disconnected.... also when im in market few seconds and then i get disconnected.... and now i cant even log in warframe.... yay this U14 is so much fun

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I dont like main screen ui and how connecting to matches sometimes takes hours -_-

how are we  supposed to know operations in real time like before? we cant even go to alerts directly and have to manually go to that planet..... bad work on main screen. Rest is ok, except servers at the moment

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Well, the new tutorial is pretty good, adding instructions for things like channeling, blocking and wallrunning was a good move.

The ship looks very cool, however i haven't had the chance to interact with it in any way.


The game now logs me out every few minutes after taking a really long time to log in, if it does at all, it tells me theres internet timeout(it isn't, i checked several times). and i can't access the navigation screen anymore, all i get is blackness and my warframe is silloetted against the messages.


So i'd love to know whats going on and try out all the new stuff, buuut i can't.

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Following that advice, I slept before the update came in hopes of being able to play it properly when I wake up.

I did not know the rule applied to the entire day...

Best idea or just try deal with bugs , server problems etc like me to see that amazing work . Devs should sleep now and rest we also got weekend so maybe go outside or something enjoy sunlight or moonlight depends on region xD  

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its occurring to me i need to run an orokin derelict vault run to get the mirage quest.

pretty sure im correct, so i have one big problem.


ive never been able to run anything but ODD and ODA, my game freezes and then crashes on any other OD mission.

this is the only real problem ive had and i don't know how to fix it.

does anyone i really want mirage.

hell i want to run vaults but i don't know how to make this stop.

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its occurring to me i need to run an orokin derelict vault run to get the mirage quest.

pretty sure im correct, so i have one big problem.


ive never been able to run anything but ODD and ODA, my game freezes and then crashes on any other OD mission.

this is the only real problem ive had and i don't know how to fix it.

does anyone i really want mirage.

hell i want to run vaults but i don't know how to make this stop.

you must arm with patience i think that is only the solution from  me for now

Edited by Liqier
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Although I've been in love with Warframe since the first day, it's hard not to hate this so far. I think the interface has done practically the opposite of what you sought to do. How on earth is this less complicated? I'll come to love it, no doubt, but the UI needs a lot of tweaking. 

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Hate this update so far.  I have yet to be able to login.  Yes, same credentials used to login in here.  Was working perfectly with no problems last night.  Checked and rechecked my info character for character about 20 times now and it keeps giving me the same check your info nonsense.  I did get to the choice screen ONCE but after I made my selection it kicked me back to login and giving me the same check your info nonsense.  Very irritated...


My alias...well, game wouldn't let have any Col Mustard variant which have been my handles since 2004... I put this in originally cause I was mad thinking it wouldn't take it but, decided to keep it as it reflects my opinion well about such a stupid limitation, especially on a name/handle I've been using for 10 years; I HATE, HATE-HATE-HATE-HATE making names devs!!



Ummm... did you guys forget the close button on the login screen? 8)

Edited by stupidfkingaliasrules
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I don't want to be a pain in the &#! after working so hard to release U14 on thursday (even if it taked technically one day XD) but the game is bugged as I can't log in, it keeps telling me (Well, I'm from Argentina and I don't know how to write it in english so...) "Error al iniciar sesión. Comprueba los datos." and I'm not missing in anything, even one time, that bug doesn't showed up, I was walking in my ship and then it logged out without asking anything and then kept saying the same.

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