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De's (Small) Step Toward Pw-Like Business Strategy


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 *cough* Mod Packs *cough*

 *cough* Key Packs  *cough*


Gosh, if only the community had come down ultra hard on DE back then instead of just letting them slide....

At least you are guaranteed a rare in most of those keypacks, and you know what potential selection of keys or mods you -could- get. This is cosmetic, and shouldn't be locked behind pulling a lever at 10p a pop just to have your kubrow flip between white and brown 5 times. At least with mods and keys you get to keep them regardless of how many times you buy the pack.

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 *cough* Mod Packs *cough*

 *cough* Key Packs  *cough*


Gosh, if only the community had come down ultra hard on DE back then instead of just letting them slide....


This is exactly why no one buys them. RNG based for cash is horrible. Plus farming for them would be more savory. You're better off using your plat in the trade chat, at least you have a 100% chance getting the mod you want from there when you spend it.

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Ths is fear mongering on a Fox-News level (it's an american media propoganda/misinformation machine). 


Which is funny because every other "News" station is like that as well. 


The reason this is tied to PW is because this is what PW does, also, these are not obtainable any other way ala mods or void keys. So please don't come in here with the "It's been done before argument."

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While we were making this feature the whole megathread happened, and I knew someone out there would think this was pw related. In fact I just had some test code to switch colors before the db code was ready and it randomized Kubrows, looked cool so we decided to run with it.


If you want a specific color or pattern you can always find someone who has it and trade an imprint, but we liked the idea of kubrows having a different type of customization. Giving Helios a coat of paint is fine, but no kubrow painting.


Not cool



Well I and others don't like having to pay plat to get a random pattern. I get it, you guys need money, and items costing plat encourages players to spend money to get that plat. Increase the plat cost for these fur patterns and give us these different color options in the market. That's fine. Paying plat isn't the issue But essentially making this Kubrow color selection like a PW randomized lockbox is not ok.

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I'm just going to say this:


DE, if you continue down the road of real-money for random results, your game will DIE, and dead games make little, if any, money at all.


No matter HOW much PW pays you up front, or how much you make short-term for implimenting their practices, it will pale in comparison to what you'd get if you stayed true to the original payment system you had in place (aka you know EXACTLY what you're getting for your money).


Yeah, you say the decision for how the Kubrow "customization" would work is not the result of outside influence, but that's just as bad, if not WORSE than if it was due to outside pressure.


Please, we all want to see Warframe succeed. We're trying to HELP you by preventing you from going down a dangerous path, not hurt you.

Edited by Braken
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Which is funny because every other "News" station is like that as well. 


The reason this is tied to PW is because this is what PW does, also, these are not obtainable any other way ala mods or void keys. So please don't come in here with the "It's been done before argument."


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Regarding spending plat, I think the color choice definitely should not be random, but if it has to be for some reason, maybe closer picking the color packs that are available for the frames in that you get one pallet per 10p and those pallets can be traded.


I'm assuming from the cost of getting one and upkeep, that Kubrows were meant to be endgame / veteran player content, and I'm fine with that. It's like the complaints when T4 came out and how some people found them to difficult; it was meant to be content for people who wanted a greater challenge and had the gear to meet said challenge.


DE could be better about explaining this, however, and that thinks like T4 maps and kubrows weren't intended for beginning players or those who haven't stocked up the right amount of resources.

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 *cough* Mod Packs *cough*

 *cough* Key Packs  *cough*


Gosh, if only the community had come down ultra hard on DE back then instead of just letting them slide....


oh i entirely forgot the mod and keys are random too.


But i think that for cosmetic, is worse than itens, but still think this shouldn't exist, neither random item, key or cosmetic.

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oh i entirely forgot the mod and keys are random too.


But i think that for cosmetic, is worse than itens, but still think this shouldn't exist, neither random item, key or cosmetic.


adding onto this:


At least least you keep all the keys and mods you pay for too, which you can trade.


Pay 300 plat to change your Kubrow 30 times? Still only 2 Imprints you can make, and only one Kubrow to show for it.

Edited by Shuuro
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Though i don't agree with the randomness of the kubrow patterns i think this thread is taking some very small and blowing it out of proportion...

Incorrect. If DE sees that this feature is not making players disgruntled, they will most likely add it in more places in the future. Paying real money for a CHANCE of something, is just not right.

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Incorrect. If DE sees that this feature is not making players disgruntled, they will most likely add it in more places in the future. Paying real money for a CHANCE of something, is just not right.

I did say that i do not agree with it being random. I'm just saying some of you are overreacting. 

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Dont get me wrong I hate the random color system for my kubrow. Though I prefer utility to cosmetics i understand where peoples outrage are coming from. One of the most unique things about this game imo is player choice. We can color/personalize everything from our frames to our sentinels and make it our own. Those without plat can make due with the default color pallets but i know a lot of people who purchase color pallets to customize their gear even more. You have a good system going on DE, a system that a lot if people are happy with, dont go back on it. The fact that a random lottery of sorts that you have to pay plat for to change your Llamas fur pattern was even implemented makes me worried about the future.(To people upset with their current kubrow pattern you can go to. Arsenal. Companion loadout. Appearance. And you can cycle through A-B-C loadout to change your kubrows pattern to at least 2 other options although its a little buggy. It dies not work for making imprints though as far as i know)Apologies for my bad grammar i am typing on my phone.

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C'mon guys stay on topic, what has happened in the past just let it go. Now we should all focus on and force them to change what they did with kubrow.


How dare DE putting that cute little puppy behind rng Jail. ME SAD :(

Edited by SazerTarious
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i second that request

cost would be like 50p

but if You would get exactly what You want than it would be totally worth it

50 or 40 plat in my opinion. You could even split it into two purchases, such as 20-25 for color, and 20-25 for pattern. idk just an idea
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The premise is that DE is making options in the game comprable to the heinous PW. This is false. Ths is fear mongering on a Fox-News level (it's an american media propoganda/misinformation machine). We have had mod packs and key packs for sale since U7. Guess what? They cost plat and the rewards are RANDOM. The game has had that mechanic forever. PW was put in the title to draw attention. To troll. The comparison is misplaced and unfounded. I won't spend any more time here cuz it's a hassle to typeon my vita and this thread already has too much attention. Good day.


I'm aware of what Fox News is. I live in America. We still do not want this, regardless of whether or not PW's name is dropped.


The difference is that if you don't want to pay for the pack, as most people don't, then you have the option of going into missions to farm for those items. You can even narrow down your farming because we know where to go to get what we want. If we had the option to go out and farm samples of the genetic imprints that would give us the cosmetics we wanted, and they were guaranteed to produce those results, not just up the chance of it, then your point would be valid. As it is, we only have one way of getting the coat/color we want, and it is locked behind RNG. The 10 plat random chance is a slot machine, and we all know how that ends up.


If it cost credits to run the scrambler as it is, with the option to get the specific look we wanted for a higher plat cost than it currently is to run the scrambler, I'm pretty sure everyone here would be happy.

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The premise is that DE is making options in the game comprable to the heinous PW.


No, the premise is that DE is making options in the game towards heinous PW bullcrappery.


You know, "DE's small step towards PW-like business strategy" as mentioned in the title. And, you know, the OP.


And let's be honest here, random cosmetics is something we've never seen in Warframe before, and it does not bode well. Key and Mod packs are rarely purchased anyway, but you still get something of value, even if just as transmutation fodder. Cosmetics are worthless unless the player likes them. Except the player has no way of knowing whether he likes them except spinning the wheel. And that's nonsense.

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DE Rebecca: If you are going to use real life analogies it would be more reasonable to compare it to getting your own dog in real life. You don't control what color the offspring arrive in but you actually get to pick the puppy you would like take home. It's not like they put them all in a blender and you might end up coming home with a parrot instead. Which brings me to the next point


DE Pablo: I understand your trepidations towards pink, green Kubrow but that is really easily solved. Take a look at the dog color genetics chart below:




So all you have to do is make Red, Black, Brown, Grey and White optional color pallets acquirable for 50p each. No need to add ALL colors.


Then you can also make a option for markings similar to lets say this:




These could also each be acquirable for 50p each.


All you then would need to do is sit back and enjoy the increased income. Win win


or maybe for 75p each if they really need money. 

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The premise is that DE is making options in the game comprable to the heinous PW. This is false. Ths is fear mongering on a Fox-News level (it's an american media propoganda/misinformation machine). We have had mod packs and key packs for sale since U7. Guess what? They cost plat and the rewards are RANDOM. The game has had that mechanic forever. PW was put in the title to draw attention. To troll. The comparison is misplaced and unfounded. I won't spend any more time here cuz it's a hassle to typeon my vita and this thread already has too much attention. Good day.


mmm this.


i mean if you guys want to spend your time and energy complaining about something that is purely cosmetic and by purely cosmetic i mean does not have any effect whatsoever on the game as i play it or as you play it or as anybody else does but you say "randomized chance connected to real world money = bad" go for it. I just realized i hadnt unsub'ed from this post so i will do so now, glad to see people freaking out about my post up there (i made the same face as i do at little kids when they get a paper cut and start bawling their eyes out) and feel free to do so about this one.


i mean, DE just dropped a load of stuff on the game for U14 and it takes you a few days to get bored and freak out about a non-issue?


thats a sad life.

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mmm this.


i mean if you guys want to spend your time and energy complaining about something that is purely cosmetic and by purely cosmetic i mean does not have any effect whatsoever on the game as i play it or as you play it or as anybody else does but you say "randomized chance connected to real world money = bad" go for it. I just realized i hadnt unsub'ed from this post so i will do so now, glad to see people freaking out about my post up there (i made the same face as i do at little kids when they get a paper cut and start bawling their eyes out) and feel free to do so about this one.


i mean, DE just dropped a load of stuff on the game for U14 and it takes you a few days to get bored and freak out about a non-issue?


thats a sad life.


I have a challenge for you, friend:


Select your favorite warframe and hit the random color button. Keep hitting it until you find a color combination you like. But make a note of how many times you hit random color.


Now, go buy that many packs of nanospores in the market. Each nanospore pack represents a roll on the RNG to get colors you like.


Except it's even worse because at least with that you get to keep the nanospores, useless as they are.


Then and only then may you come back and condescend to us about a "sad life" and "non-issues" and the like. 'Kay?


Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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