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Update 14.1.0: Quanta & Dendra


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  • Slightly increased the frequency of Ordis general notification transmission.

Oh god why? He was bad enough as he was. His notifications always getting in the waywhen trying to recolour or mod. 

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Uh... Okay, I have to say it even if other people already did.




No seriously, I was scrolling through the comments to see if anyone said it already lol


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Thanks for the patch guys!


Could i ask you to considere to release a real anti-corpus rifle someday please? With IMPACT damage based, a decent magazine and reload time...


Would be great!


Keep the good work going on!


May the Force be with you.

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Thanks for the patch guys!


Could i ask you to considere to release a real anti-corpus rifle someday please? With IMPACT damage based, a decent magazine and reload time...


Would be great!


Keep the good work going on!


May the Force be with you.

It's called the Karak.

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Dendra armour which shoulder is it supposed to be on?


Tenno reinforcement shows left but in game its on right.



Seeing as all Tenno are right handed and have their right shoulder back when shooting a rifle they would want the big shield on the left hand side to cover themselves more?


Having the big shields on the right seems a mistake.

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First off, thanks for the fixes.


However, I must ask, are there plans to introduce an option into the game for those to see the color pallets as they were? While many of us do like how the colors now look, equally many of us, myself included, detest the new look and would like to have an option to see them desaturated, whether it is through an ingame video option, a saturation slider in the customization screen, or something along those lines.


I think it'd be best for the community now, with regards to colors, if that is brought into the game; keeps the players that like the "new" colors happy, and keeps those of us that liked them as they were happy.

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