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August 8Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics August 8th  

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I answered a couple questions in the poll with 'Other / see explanation below', so here are my full answers for those.


Vote to Kick option

As mentioned, this could be easily abused if left uncontrolled.  The simple solution, then, is to control it.  Only allow the option to kick a player once that player has done something worth being kicked for.  This includes being inactive for a set duration of time, using racial slurs in squad chat, etc.  Once a player has met one of the conditions, the option to kick that player will be provided to that player's teammates.


Doors that Involve Multiple Players

While AFKers make this a problem, if combined with the solution above (which allows teammates to kick AFKers) that problem is basically solved.  The only issue then is non-standard doors that involve multiple players (i.e. Orokin Vaults).  For those, simply allow a player to equip more than one dragon key (up to the maximum of 4), but only when the matchmaking is set to Solo.  Voila!  You've allowed solo players to do vault runs based on skill (instead of luck), and running with a group of 4 is still heavily incentivized.

Being able to equip more than one dragon key? The possibility to run solo with all 4 keys on? There is so much glorious potential in how crazy that could get xD


I would not have any qualms having this as an option :)

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I think we should have some kind of clan kennel where we can drop off Kubrows. Kubrows sent to the kennel will be de-leveled, de-Forma'd, un-Reactor'd, perhaps even unable to be scanned for imprints, but you can pick one up if you like how it looks and take it home with you rather than farming for eggs. Perhaps you may have loyalty issues with it at first, or an extended Stasis-type illness, something to slow down the process of just picking it up... but I feel like letting unwanted Kubrows die (or jettisoning them into space) is a horrible idea, and just releasing them into the wild is a little bit immersion-breaking.


Vote to Kick


The problem to be concerned with is abuse of the system. It needs to be set up in such a way that someone can't be a troll and just kick people willy-nilly. Perhaps a limited number of votes you can initiate per day?

Of course, it shouldn't be an active penalty either, in case you're facing off someone who's being one of said trolls.


Hallowed Ground


Utility, all the way. The problem with Oberon's skills already is that they focus almost solely on damage -- in flat amounts. What he needs is some mitigation to go with that healing of his, something to feel DEFENSIVE, like a Paladin should. Perhaps even stackable, to take advantage of that facet of the skill.
You could give it some kind of crowd control I suppose, but the Radiation proc has rather become more befitting of Mirage.

The shape of it is a little weird, too. Yes the rectangle is decent for narrow hallways, but I feel it would be best to make a circle underneath his feet if it's going to have a benefit to his allies, something to show that he's standing his ground.




Too slow and too weak for its cost; it has travel time, it breaks as soon as the target hits maximum health, it costs 3 times as much as Well of Life for half as much healing... I wouldn't call it situational, just weak. Having even situational use would be an improvement.

Edited by Archwizard
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is it possible we could also discuss the idea of a mode system:


Options would be:

Normal- lvl 1-30 mobs bosses- designed with new players in mind, giving them the opportunity to unlock maps, whether solo or teamed.

Hard - lvl 30-60 mobs bosses- designed with the intermediate higher ranked player in mind, giving more challenge to the game, Increased mob counts, damage output, shields and health to all mobs and bosses. 

Heroic- lvl 60-90 mobs bosses- designed for the max ranked player/group in mind, set up like many of the MMO's instances, elite mobs, meaning very high shields, health and damage, excellent for group play, for those who have maxxed gear and mods. 


alteration of public group dynamics to sort grouping by MR and/or conclave rating, so that new players aren't thrust into matches with that MR 16 player with maxed gear. How ever still keeping the functionality of grouping with higher/lower ranked players through friends only or invite only group options.


I am often seeing a lot of debate about difficulty and I feel this sort of implementation would curb many of the issues on both sides of this argument about game difficulty and challenge older more experienced players while allowing for new players to be able to learn and develop within the game.

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For the waiting on failed mastery tests, I just feel like it should scale with the rank. I understand that many new players don't fully understand the importance of modding and bringing the proper weapons to even their first rank test, so to hear them complain about waiting 1 day, I fully get their frustation. Perhaps it could go like :


0-4: 1 hour

5-8: 6 hours

9-12: 12 hours

12-16: 24 hours


The kubrow part, to at least keep some consistency, should be a mission. imo.


Vote to kick should only be allowed on hosting a mission that requires a key. The key owner, not the lobby leader should be able to start a vote kick.


Hallowed Ground should do A LOT more damage, and perhaps have a huge stance to stun. But I'm sure other people will think of much more creative and outright better ways to change/buff HG.


Oberon's renewal is nice and all, but I'd rather not waste 75 energy waiting for the bubble to travel across the map to partially heal someone who either fell behind or ran up ahead. It should be faster, if not instananeous.

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If we're going to have the ability to kick(one idea everybody is wary of), the the to-be-kicked should know why and be able to contest somehow. Or a warning pops up on screen notifiying him what's going on, with a warning time period to shape up before the kick takes place. I think we need a reputation system alongside kick too, if it happens. Either way, this isn't going to happen in a long time.

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Vote kicking will undoubtedly be abused. People will kick just because they can. Take a minute and watch region chat. THAT is who you are empowering with the ability to randomly disrupt another persons game play experience. Take heed of that please. I think a reputation system will be much better for the community and will allow like minded people/play styles to match up easier. Do not assume that you have a player base full of responsible mature gamers. Pay attention and react accordingly please. Also if you add an auction option please do not disable/change trade chat. The option is good. That being the only means by which to trade with members is not good..


Also if renewal replenished some health AND energy ( also maybe a speed boost or some type of armor buff etc) of teammates and gave the caster a health/armor boost thats not too bad now is it?

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I just wanted to explain my reasoning for voting "No" on the Votekick topic.


Simply put, if you care enough about who you're playing with during a match that you might want to get rid of someone instead of playing the 5-to-10 minutes you'd spend with him in a match, you should have thought about that earlier and formed a group yourself.



If they're being obnoxious over the mic, mute them.


If they're abusing their powers - Switch Teleporting, Bounce pads, et cetera - then endure them for that brief time or exit the match.



We don't need anybody Dev-side spending time working on and implementing a Vote-to-Kick feature, not in a primarily 4-player Co-Op game (versus a Competitive Mulitplayer environment where misbehaving teammates could cost a team's progress or perfromance), and not when the missions are brief.


Remember also that Vote-to-Kick can be abused and become a griefing vector in itself.

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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Make the multiple-user doors something similar to a bonus objective. A thing to do that will make players engage in a thing while the rest can catch up. For example, deploy a drone that will start cutting away at the door and you must defend it for X minutes, giving any non-rushing player plenty of time to catch up and maybe snag some XP along the way as they all wait for the drone to finish it's business.


Also, don't put the doors in all missions. Keep them out of Exterminate, as those doors would then just become either a boring waiting period where no enemies spawn, or the ideal way to farm those missions. Having them be in Capture and Sabotage will be perfect, keep them there, Assassination is alright, but maybe only have them be the door leading into the boss room. All others I'll leave at your discretion without any input.

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-What do you think is the best way to remove unwanted kubrow?
A quest would probably be nice but that would take another x month(s) before DE will add it in.

-What is your opinion on the wait time between failed mastery tests?
You shouldn't really fail these test because they are not THAT hard in the first place. All together I'd say the only reason you need mastery is for extractors. I'm pretty sure you have plenty other weapons to grind to keep your leveling going.

-What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?
I replied "Remove them entirely" but it's probably the best to stay, else the team will be even more separated.

-Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?
Vote to kick is going to be bad. If 3 friends play in the same match and they are "that" type of people the 4th one is gonna be the bunny.

-Do you like the idea of an auction house that is accessible in public player hubs?
One of my biggest dreams in warframe right now.

As for the auction house, there should be some kind of trade limit, mastery rank limit, time played limit or other limit to prevent the prices from dropping and to prevent people that play on day 1 getting "endgame" tier stuff. So that's gonna be hard.


Edited by Brahmastra
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Friendship-Doors: I think they should stay, possibly that another player could remote access via another console and "hack" the other door-console.

The idea of that you could open the door by yourself but it taking some time would also work. (2 player griefer, failed joins rendering players unable to do anything etc.)


*There could also be a little more fun feature where a complicated hacking game was introduced - and if you failed you got captured - the game switches to a resuce mission for that player :P That would stir things up a bit hehe.


Vote kick: Vote kick should not kick the player that is kicked out to the multiplayer menu. That could result in his/her game being lost forever, and if abused that will be worse than ever. Possibly add a "abort mission or continue via hostmigration-copy". Possibly there could also be a log of vote kicks, who you have voted to be kicked (for what reason?) and those that have kicked you (for what reason?).


Auction house: My concern with this is the 3:rd party buy this/buy that sites and farmers, possibly bots and the effect on the warframe economy. But if that isn't an issue - something to ease the way trading works would be welcome. Also possibly makes it easier to see "the current market prize" for something.


Hallowed ground: While this goes for all damage skills I think the damage needs to be split up into a %-based portion (% of enemy HP) and a static value (what we have now). The static damage could be affected by the normal power mods (intensify/blind rage) while the %-based damage could get rare mods. (% would likely be 10-15 start and the mods increasing it by 1-5%).
As the skill has some damage right now but enemies won't stay there to take damage some CC/utility feature would be nice.


Renewal: Not sure what to be done with this skill, but a self centered healing pulse that triggers regeneration could probably make it more predictable. Likely comes at the cost of range though.

Renewal could also add "extra" life ontop of an ally's max health. Ie: a player with 500/500 health gets 700/500 health.

Edited by Lactamid
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Hallowed Ground & Renewal


As the concept of Oberon is focused on being 'Paladin', I think he needs to be more like buff/debuff caster as different type of Trinity.



You know, 'Hallowed' ground, this should be supporting field ability that affects whoever stands on the area of effect.

Strengthen allies, weaken enemies. Think what Ancient Healers do lately.


And Renewal, this better be toggle-able ability that rises healing aura around Oberon. Oberon himself get minor incoming damage reduction and aura heals teammates. The aura heals health first and if health is full, heals shield.

Edited by Discommunicator
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About the vote kick...

Generally I'd say yes, but I'm also worried that it might be abused.


and waiting 24 hours for a failed mastery rank is okay, imo.

With mr 16 by now, I remember failing 2 or 3 tests. The tests are fun and challenging - and with the right preparation you shouldn't fail anyway.



I think that these doors should be completely removed though.... Nothing but annoying.

Edited by WEREsandrock
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Kubrow Release
Make it like selling weapons or sentinels, where you get your 3500 credits or whatnot. Maybe throw a timer on it like the rest of the kubrow actions so you can choose to reverse the decision if necessary.
Mastery Rank Test Difficulty
I play on PC with 360 controller and some tests are near impossible without remapping. I got around them by using frames that circumvented the obstacles to completion instead. I imagine it is the same for PS4.
Mastery Rank Wait Time

The 24 hours would be fine if there was a way to practice the exact same tests to hone those skills between each one.
Instead of getting a warning that you have to wait to take it, having the option to run it over and over again for practice until it unlocks would be nice.
Friendship Doors
"I say put 4 panels on the doors to require 4 players to open." -- Evil Dev Voice
I like the friendship doors as is. There's a nice padding on the timing so you don't have to press X exactly at the same time, or they'd be more annoying than they appear to be.
My primary complaint is that placement of the panels is sometimes blocked or obscured from view by parts that jut out of the map on grineer tilesets. That's one of the the only things I'd change.
Maybe they can put that on a longer timer so the same person can hit both panels. That way on solo gameplay you have to hit one then the other, and it makes sense to have them there in the first place.
An alternate method would be to have to hack a console to unlock each door instead, with the console appearing where the door locks currently are.
PS. A slight affinity XP amount for bypassing the doors would be a nice way to compensate the minimal effort required to open them, too.
PPS. They also make great spots for AOE attacks prior to opening the door, and kiling everything waiting in ambush on the other side.
Auction House In Player Hubs
As long as Platinum is not involved. Make listings for credits only. Allow things not normally allowed through normal Trade to compensate. Amount of listings per player tied to Mastery Rank.
PSU had space stations with player rooms and you could set up player shops on the station where they could post items for sale as well, if you want to go toward a more PSO feel on the Player Hubs.
I'd still want dojo trades available for manual trades and platinum exchanges.
Hallowed Ground
I posted a thread 2 months ago  with ways to rebalance Oberon abilities. I wish I could find that thread again, because it had like 20 good suggestions up in there.
One of the most popular for Hallowed Ground was to have it slowdown enemies that pass through it. Often they move too fast and aren't getting the full DOT aspect.
Another popular rework of Renewal was to have it do 50% of its current heal amount immediately, and then the other 50% as the HOT portion. Otherwise, it is often a case of too little, too late.
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mastery tests should come with a baisic set of info with what you're going to have to do in them... it's all well and good going into a challange but if you're using the wrong kind of weapon for a certain test it's all going to go pretty wrong pretty fast and boom theres another 24 hours wait...

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1. About Kubrow release


I think that a quest or quick remove button is good, but you have to take into consideration the lore behind domesticated kubrows which have their DNA constantly degenerating. Therefore, releasing in the wilds mean they will never, ever survive for long and they will die a slow death. So my suggestion is a third alternative to regular releasing (which I think should still be an option):


Kubrow Sanctuary

This will be a dojo room. The component to make this dojo room will mostly consist of Earth's flora antitoxin extract. By combining those plants together and modifying them into new seeds, the Tenno will be able to make a garden where spores are constantly released by those plants. Those "healing spores" will act like a stabilizer, but kubrows will need to stay exposed to the spores to stay healthy since it's not as strong as a single dose of DNA stabilizer.


The sanctuary will be a large room with soft ground, grass, flowers, stones and ponds for kubrow to run around, play, and swim all they want. There will even be small trees and dens so kubrow can have a small spot to rest on, or simply a high place to perch (like big cats in our world). Additional fountains can be added so kubrow can play even more, or even toys like balls with physics can be added.


The purposes of a sanctuary is these:

- A safe haven and resting place for kubrows to retire without worries of their DNA deteriorating. No more stasis as if you're keeping them on life support.

- A natural-like habitat to play in instead of a small, enclosed space inside a tiny ship with cold metal floors

- A way for players to release kubrows in a "humane" way. Also a way to see your Kubrow again despite not being able to bring it into battle anymore.

- A way for the developers to allow players use more interactions with kubrows; released kubrows and regular kubrows that you bring along with you, but enter the sanctuary, may open some interactions that you can't do in the ship

-- It's also a good way to have more than one kubrow interacting with each other if such features are extended.


One sanctuary will be large enough to house a big number of kubrows, but a limit may be reached, so you may be required to build another sanctuary to house further kubrows. I suggest taking inspiration from real life sanctuaries for big animals, like Big Cat Rescue sanctuary.




Sounds like a lot of work? Well you guys made a big deal about kubrows as new companions and how you wanted to make them different from Sentinels, and not just from gameplay but as a new element to the game. Therefore, this is just an example I think the devs could take when it comes to going all the way with your premise, which I think is necessary. There's lots of potential for Kubrows





This has to be the best idea I've heard for releasing unwanted kubrow.

Edited by MariAnnette
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What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?  


Like and dislike them.. If anything a middle ground would be to put ciphers on both locks. Slows the rushers, but doesn't leave them high and dry if the other players don't come. Sure a cipher key would just unlock them quick, but it's still a momentary pause, and in case of a glitch, or bug.. Wouldn't leave the player unable to progress..


What do you think is the best way to remove unwanted kubrow?


None of the above.. Give us a room in the dojo, let us "disconnect" or "end" our bond there.. Then other members of our clan can come in and adopt/sync with them and take them into their inventory if they like..

Edited by Gurzil
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People will soon realise that voting for a "quest option" was a bad idea.

It's fine to get rid of your first, maybe 2nd or 3rd Kubrow through a quest, but it will be one hell of a chore when you're at your 10th Kubrow.


But, I won't mind if both options get implemented.

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About the Auction House: While I would prefer having a place to just put my items for sale... I don't want an auction house. As of right now you can only trade stuff with people who are actively in trade chat. If everyone could just dump their items on an auction house there would be so many more items in trade at all times that the prices we are seeing now would drop like a bomb. Let's say you have an Orthos Prime Blade for sale. Right now it isn't the easiest to get but lots of people actually have a few spares laying around. Currently you'd be able to sell it for a nice price (5-10 plat, forgive me for pricing I just make this up to explain). The reason for an above average price is that there is not much in the trade at any time. With an auction house everyone would dump their items which would increase the amount on the trading at that time. Since everyone wants to sell stuff fast they will request lower and lower prices just to sell fast which then leads to almost everything costing 1 plat aside from loki parts and the boltor bp / bo handle.


Keep in mind this might not actually happen but in my mind it is inevitable that the prices will drop to a certain degree due to an auction house. So I am voting a maybe here. If implemented correctly (let's say post items and have people offer for it instead of listing prices) then I can see it happen. Otherwise please stay away from it.

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