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August 8Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics August 8th  

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Doors that require multiple players:

Make a hacking minigame that allows a single player to open them. Or any other way to by pass the damn things.

When you've magically been paired with a MR 0 player in a mission they shouldn't have reached yet, and they are insisting on spending 200 round on killing every single mob, using only they MK-1 Braton, it gets quite dull to wait for them, and it'd be nice to just rush on and complete the mission without having to wait (I tend to rush a lot).


Vote kick:

Not really relevant for most missions, as they don't take very long to complete.

If longer missions are implemented over all, I'd say go for it.


Oberons Renewal ability is...:

The ability in itself is fine. The availability of information about player health is not.

Having all players health tucked away in the top right corner is not useful when trying to play a supporting/healing role.

Edited by BenzinNinJa
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The So called friendship doors have to go.


They were made to  stop rushers, but they dont. with only 1 rusher, he goes ahead, hits the door, paces impatiently while the others catch up, then as soon as the door is open, rushes off again.


Its even worse with 2 rushers, because the doors don't even do that.


Rushing is a problem, but you need a better reason to stick together, and a good first step would be to have all frames move at the same rate. as a Rhino there were times when as slowest person on the map all I was able to do was sprint madly though an empty level, get halfway to the objective, and be told to sprint madly to the exit.


Vote to kick, is just the worst idea. Oh it sounds good but it lends itself to a very hostile game. 

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Are you a Tenno or a Grineer Slave Trader?


That...is a secret.


I did have an idea for those random mission objective changes though. You know the ones where you've almost hacked all the consoles and carried that dumb datamass all over the map and then the Lotus is like, "Hey boys! I've changed my mind... Just kill them all..."




What I wanna see:

Rescue change into Exterminate...
Hostage: Jezuz, took you guys long enough! Gimme a gun.
Lotus: Y'know, on second thought, leave no-one standing. Kill the hostage...
Hostage: Double-U...Tee...Eff... *run*
Lotus: Good work Tenno! They won't be bothering us any more, now get to extraction...
Edited by CedarDpg
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About Kubrows: First thing I'd like to point out is that, while I'm happy release is finally on the table, the breeding system still need some tweaking IMO. I find that the "breeding" is less "careful selection of individuals" and more "mindless growth of Kubrow until one satisfies you"  as it is. Even with the imprint, it's mostly about scanning the Kubrow twice and using both imprints hoping that most traits we want passes on. Isn't it possible to get "smaller" imprints to pinpoint a specific trait? It think it would improve the system if we could, say, use more "accurate" genes collection tools, and have them be used in complement to the "main" imprint. 


I voted for the quest, but I honestly just want a way to get rid of a Kubrow under ten days. I would personally be really annoyed if the quest was really time consuming, as well. Like, it's OK to have a nice and cute "good bye" scene, but let's not get a 10-days long odyssey to the outskirt of the galaxy to abandon the Kubrow in the flame of mount Doom or whatever. 


ALSO, I'd really rather see the Incubator Power Core gone or its credit cost reduced. The Argon requirement is already bad enough, I don't want to shell out 100K for an item that was added at the last minute just "because". It honestly feels like one of the items that should be one-time-build-multiple-use. And I'm quite certain that it was a last minute addition; the damn thing isn't even acknowledged by the Howl of the Kubrow quest. If I wasn't educated, I would have NO idea whatsoever that I needed to go on the market to acquire this item, because Lotus or Ordis never mention that we need it (they actually say we are ready to raise a pup as soon as we got the Incubator segment, which is plain wrong). 


About Oberon: I really feel his kit needs more "Paladin" elements, and as such I think Hallowed Ground should get more utility. I'm also of the opinion that Smite needs at the very least the QoL improvement of having it's orbs home on enemies, at least a bit. I'm more or less OK with Renewal in it's current state. 

Edited by Kinperor
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i can see why people might be iffy about a vote kick option in mission. 


BUT there is no reason what so ever to not have the options wile not in mission and just in loby, my group of three should not have to drop and reform to get rid of an afk player inbetween missions. the ability to removed griefers and afk players inbetween mission would encourage group play.

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as for the kubrow, if you add an actual customization future to the game like youve said you guys were working on, refuse to give us any info on; then we wouldn't really need to set them free. you would never have to own more then 4, seems like priorities are backwards to me.

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Kubrow Release

I think you should be able to donate your to a shelter.


Other players can then spend 5 plat to see a selection of 3 puppies and choose one, or 15 plat to select one of three random adults.


The other option would be to donate directly to a clan-mate, who doesn't have to deal with the randomness.

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-) Way to remove Kubrow:


Make it a choice:

Either remove it immediatly (kill it, kick it out of the airlock, ...), which gives a little sad cutscene (not skippable). It also might have a little repercussion, like having lower starting loyalty in the next Kubrow, or something, if an explanation can be found.


Or do a little mission to get rid of it, which leaves it alive. If nothing negative for the immediate kick can be found, let this mission give a little something positive, for example a DNA Stabilizer as reward (of course it must be made sure that you actually get rid of a Kubrow in this mission, so that it cannot be abused)



-) Mastery tests on PS4:


Never done, so no opinion



-) Wait time after mastery tests:


Never had one of them impair me, also the tests are not many, so I think the wait time is fine.

I could win most mastery tests on first try though, so I might not be the one to judge.



-) Multiple player Doors:


I like them. There are a few reasons for this, which I posted in the linked thread. I would like to keep them, as long as no good replacement for their role is implemented.



-) Vote to kick:


That is a dangerous option. It would be better to remove most of the points that make it seem good to have the option in the first place.

It would be nice though, if we had the option to remove afk or long dead players and get a replacement.



-) Auction house:


There are many possibilities that this might go wrong, but it would be nice if what we can do now, would be able to be done without monitoring the chat for a long time.

Useful possibilities, that came to my mind:


-) Posting a mod (or anything else) with a request for others to buy it (specifying the exact reward in platinum, parts or anything else, or writing a text). The mod will get locked while it is offered, so that it cannot be used, changed or modified while the offer is online.


-) Replying with an offer to a posted opportunity (offer also gets locked down while it is up)


-) Monitored chat, if no thing like an asynchronus trading is done, so that you get informed about the things that are interesting for you, and don't have to monitor the chat all the time.



-) Hallowed Ground:


Should definitly have a utility. Utility is for most abilities the most interesting thing (for me at least). Could be a radiation proc that can affect those getting hit by the ability. I would also take a complete rework, as something good could come out of it, or any other change that adds utility with a nice purpose.



-) Renewal:


As Hallowed Ground, it lacks real utility, its just a "Anti Damage" thats not really useful in most situations, and when its useful it reaches the friends to late. I would like it to have any additional utility. Someone suggested additional armor while it lasts, that might be nice. Or that it revives downed players when used, that would also be useful. Just something besides - heals a bit. Cause that can be done by many other things too.


Also it would be nice for the upper ranks to not have reduced time if it is retaining the heailing over time. I have mine at rank 0, cause I want to cover the most amount of time with it. Since Oberon is not a dedicated healer, it is not really justified that you have to monitor the health of your fellow Tenno all the time to know when to use it exactly. When it ticks over a long time, it gives the other Tenno a little health buffer over that time. But at max rank, that time is really short.

Maybe it could create a health buffer instead, that stays with the other Tenno until used up? But that might be too similar to Iron Skin.

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There's an option to have an auction house? Jesus Christ, yes. Yes yes yes. A million times yes. This game has needed an auction house for a bloody long time. This would eliminate literally days in trade trying to buy / sell S#&$. Please implement an auction house and make it unrestricted (iE you can sell anything that you own, forma, blueprints, skins, warframe parts, components, mods of any shape and size, you name it). Also make sure everyone has access to the same inventory - the auction house spans the entire game, not just one clan or group or whatever. Finally, an option to put up things for platinum OR credits, because really if it's just plat it entirely defeats the purpose of freeing trade lanes up.


Also Hallowed Ground is currently kind of useless. I built Oberon since the parts were dropping to see how he played, and for the most part I like him, but his projectile ability is @(*()$ useless unless secondary projectiles are made to seek out nearby enemies (literally no reason to use it past the first few levels) and there's no reason to use Hallowed Ground pretty much literally unless you want to annoy the infested ever so slightly. 

Edited by Venerous
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Vote quit should be good but only implemented to kick people from team WHILE IN THE SHIP its frustrating having to disband the team to get rid of one player.


but once you're inside mission is too late for that, because it would do for easy grieving on other players that may had already earned their reward, i don't wanna imagine being kicked after minute 40 in T4 Survival.


if you want to get rid of that annoying guy that spans life support, you first tell him, if he persist you can finish that run and change to private or just don't revive him, he will eventually run out of revives or get the hint.

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Having the option to vote-to-kick at any time is a terrible addition to any game, if it's only available if someone is AFK for a while and requires all of the other players to succeed then ok.

On the auction house front, it's a good idea only if it has it's own area and chat, DO NOT put it in the social hubs as it will take over the purpose of the area. Have an auction house/market hub separately.

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"Friendship Doors":


It might be nice if perhaps the Doors themselves had a health pool. So two teammates could easily bypass it in the current fashion, but if a solo person wanted to get past without teammates they would have to damage the door to an extent that it was destroyed. Give the door an insanely high enough HP count to require a lot of effort to solo past. I like the idea of friendship doors as an obstacle, I don't like the idea of forced content that limits options of play.





It is not a matter of if it will get abused. It will. Just by observing a certain element that resides within this community IE the ones that think trolling people with things like bounce on cypher terminals if funny. We can know prior to release that if a vote kick is installed, this particular element will also find amusement in running mission such as long wave defense only to kick players late game and force them to lose rewards and bonus XP, purely for their own entertainment. If DE wants to deal with a barrage of complaints about lost XP and kick abuse than by all means they should implement the vote kick system.

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Auction House:


The Auction House option would, in my opinion, be a bad way to go in order to repair and improve the trading. As Pablo stated in the most recent Devstream, if an Auction House was added, the market would be flooded with a supply of parts and prices would severely drop for anyone in the trading circuit. Prices would go so low that farming for parts to trade wouldn't be as rewarding or worth it as it is now. As Pablo stated in the Devstream, in a couple of months every part, every mod, every blueprint would be 5p, or even less, no matter the rarity because players would be scouring the Void and Derelicts for them once the Auction House becomes available.


Some of you may be arguing that this would be a good thing, having 5p for every part and mod they want. But realize that this would allow new players to get top tier gear, that they don't even know how to work and are JUST STARTING to understand the basic mechanics of the game. They'd get a Boltor Prime or Loki Prime without even knowing how the mod system works or how to customize their gear and tailor load outs. Not to mention that they'd be ascertaining parts without having the experience of fighting in the Void or the Derelicts, it takes away the experience from new players.


Rarity of blueprints or mods wouldn't matter anymore, the tiers of keys would be pretty arbitrary to new players or players with plat to spare because they wouldn't need the Void Keys, all they'd have to do is go peruse the Auction House for the cheapest price of the item they wanted. Many players wouldn't farm for keys, they wouldn't try the Void, because for them there would be no need, they could get all they wanted at the cheapest price. Players lose the accomplishment and the feeling of victory when getting these parts because they didn't put in the effort nor time to get the parts, they just bought it for the cheapest price. The game would add in another Pay to Win feature with an Auction House.


Auction Houses come with their own problems, and DE would go from trying to fix the problems with the Trade Channel as it is now to trying to fix the Auction Houses. The slew of problems wouldn't decrease, they'd just change in nature and form.


Vote to Kick:


For this option, having the entire squad of four Vote to Kick would be a good option, if the majority Votes a player out, then they're kicked. Though, if its only two players on a map, then having that option wouldn't allow for Majority Rule. Solving this problem in groups of two would be difficult, but in groups of 3 or 4 would be a good option.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Vote to Kick is a very bad idea.

True many of us don't want to deal with leeches and people who are not contributing, but vote kick system could be exploited as an attack, here is some situations that makes me do want to kick player out but this is still a bad idea;


- Newbie join your party or someone in your party accidentally forgot to set the party private, which if the mistake on YOUR END, not the player who happen to join and getting kicked for it was very unfair.

- This system will feed the nature of trolls, as someone you don't know, or someone you don't like happen to randomly get picked into your party, you let the person keep playing until almost the end of the mission then the troll decide to kick that person out of a party.

- Even if you play with PUG and you want to vote kick someone, most people don't know and don't care enough to find out or judge another person for the reasons, the mission unless it's survival or long def, it's very short, careless one would just kick, thinking they do more good than harm, or would you rather have them not click at all and you're the one getting &!$$ed off instead?

- You want to do a long survival run with your team. someone wants to leave the game, then your team decided to vote kick him, what is the different between kicking one member out and having one member not helping through out the whole game anyway, not like new player can join or you just want to punish that person for not corporation and kick that person out and laugh about it when that person merely want to finish the game or it was too much for him/her to handle. Or if you're the only one who made it to the end, then you get voted kick instead 'cause people awnt to take their time collecting/searching for things, would you like it?

- If you say someone is preventing you from finishing the mission; to end the game, it only need half the party to be at the end of the map and only a minute to wait for the count down, but are you too lazy and selfish to wait and you just want to kick that person out?


I myself has to deal with people who invade my game on daily basis, do I like it? No, but being careless doesn't deserved to be punished this way. I may feel satisfied and amused for a sec to kick that person out and laugh about it but what other good actually come from it.


Vote kick is only a cheap and selfish way to solve problems, it'll do more bad than good. If you want to solve most problem people want this vote kick system for, find a group of friend to play with, use the recruiting channel, go solo, join a helpful clan instead. Please reconsider adding this option.

Edited by yuikami
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What do you think is the best way to remove unwanted kubrow?
No opinion.
Mine's sitting in the freezer. It's a chunky Sunika with a Lotus pattern, which is the one I wanted, so I'm keeping it just incase I ever change my mind about Kubrow.
My second slot will have whichever Kubrow I get next (for mastery) (dat egg, mang. T_T ), at which point I'll leave it out to starve.
What is your opinion about mastery tests on PS4?
No opinion.
PC Player.
What is your opinion on the wait time between failed mastery tests?
Annoying sub MR ~6, as you'll have already gotten to the next rank but still be waiting to complete the previous rank's test.
Beyond that you're not stacking up levels fast enough for it to matter.
What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?
They're speed-bumps.
They're annoying.
That said, they're fine. Squads shouldn't be so far spread out that they're much of a delay, and if they are, that's a problem with the players, not the door.
Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?
Good to have, but too abuseable.
Suggestion: Don't put me in a squad with people on my ignore list kthx.
Do you like the idea of an auction house that is accessible in public player hubs?
No opinion.
Not knowledgeable enough to have a based one.
That said, this will depend a lot on which style of auction you choose to use.
What do you think should be Hallowed Ground's primary purpose?
Depends on what the rest of its abilities do.
That said, mechanically speaking, it's only good for damage vs. melee units... and utility'd be the same.
Oberon's renewal ability is...
Both 1 & 2
From here.
Renewal's... okay. If you're in a coordinated group, so projectile travel time doesn't stillborn the skill.
(Consider Blessing. The complaint against it is that you can't react fast enough to damage.)
Renewal's not only a HoT as opposed to a heal, it has projectile travel speed.
Good for topping up, but if you need it to save someone's life, that person's pretty much toast.
It'd perhaps be better if it was a HoT for the duration, and wouldn't disable when your target hit full health, because then you could 'preheal' which would give you some wiggleroom in dealing with burst damage. *shrug*
Edited by Chroia
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Thanks again for a new hot topics post, Drew!


Releasing unwanted Kubrow:


Initially I was going to vote about the quest option...but then I began thinking about how many times I would have to do it. From what I've heard, even with imprints, you're never guaranteed any one Kubrow type. I have two currently, and am very attached, but I've no need for two of the same type, just like I've no need for 2 Shade sentinels. While A quest would do well to keep that bond you have with the kubrow, I feel it would get tedious. Especially since I imagine you won't be able to let a puppy go and will already be spending about 3 days to let it grow. While the quest is a cute idea, at the very least, I would make it an option. Maybe even get a little something extra if you do the quest, but for the sake of repetition, we just need a quick "release" button. If you requite the quest, people will start to detest it as it becomes a required annoyance every time you get the wrong breed.


PS4/Mastery Tests:


I can't speak for PS4, but as a MR 16 player, I've had to go through several of the tests and I gotta say, the 24 hour thing is simply too much. Now...I don't mind wait times. I never rush anything in my foundry, etc. The problem is, you are just dumped into these tests without having any clue what it might be unless you preview it on youtube or something. So yes, some of them you can fail incredibly easily. Which is part of the fun, but...it's so short, you can't fully take everything in. Even if you did, chances are you've forgotten most of the test after a full 24 hours. Many of the parkour challenges give you multiple tries if you screw up, which is why I enjoy those tests more because I'm not scared to make one wrong move. Likewise, the test is challenging while remaining fair. I would say maybe keep it at 24 hours, but allow at least a second try at the test if it's failed.


Multi-player Door Locks:


Honestly, I love these. There's some missions I rush, yes, but these help stop a single player from usurping the mission from the rest of the group. I actually laugh when the status message never leaves my screen because I know they're sitting there mashing the interact button impatiently. It's not a perfect solution, but I think it does well with encouraging, or at least trying, a PuG to work together more. Keep them in, they're perfectly fine as-is.


Vote to Kick:


No no no no no no no please no! It will always be more abused than useful. I don't run into many AFKers, and while I would love to kick them, I don't think it happens enough to impose something like this. Before Warframe came into open beta, I played a lot of Payday: The Heist. There was one endgame job that involved Drilling a vault for about 60 minutes on the highest difficulty. I had told a player "Hey, Stay in here with us, you're gonna get killed." He responded with "Don't tell me what to do!" and I told him "Woah, okay...just lay off the testosterone." So happened he was the host and after we had cleared everything, he kicked me from the game to make sure I didn't get the reward or achievement. I honestly haven't played the game since then because it was so frustrating it just completely soured the fun for me.


My point being, it's not as bad as host kicking, but it can still be abused grossly. You're going to have instances where someone simply trying to have fun instead of playing "efficiently" getting vote-kicked by the DPS obsessives. Likewise, I'm willing to bet that new players trying to do any PuGs are going to be singled out for simply having a low mastery rating. You would be better off setting up some kind of AFK detection like with the datamasses.


Trading/Auction Houses:


We need something like this badly. I would put my vote in for consignment of some sort, playing a % of credits or something to post an item for sale. It goes up for a week, and if it doesn't sell, it's returned to you. I doubt everyone would like this, but we need a better system than spamming "WTB" in trade channel. Especially since several people just...have no idea how to negotiate. Would be nice to just to be able to look at a list of the item you want and see offered prices like a proper market. It would also help establish economic prices for mods and prime gear instead of having to rely on outside sources and websites.


Oberon Powers:


Hallowed ground needs to be some kind of buff/debuff that's significant enough to always be useful. Even mid-level enemies aren't phased by the silly power. Maybe it can lower armor, or slow enemies down while giving a slow health or energy regen to friendly targets. I dunno, something utility would be much more useful.


My only complaint about renewal is that the healing orb travels so damn slow, and if you're really close it sometimes can't find your allies properly. Also, I know it was a bug, but maybe you should change it so renewal can raise an ally that's bleeding out. It would make Oberon unique from Trinity and provide amazing utility to the team. Keep the same heal amount on Tenno normally, but maybe raise them from bleedout with only 25% health instead of full.

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I think there's plenty of room for improving Oberon's abilities without the necessity of completely reworking them from the ground up. I do agree that Hallowed Ground should be focused primarily on utility (buffs and debuffs), while Renewal is simply too slow (projectile speed) and too weak (low base health regeneration and total health healed) to be worth its cost.


What sort of changes would be appropriate for Oberon that would improve the effectiveness of his supportive capabilities? Looking at Trinity, it can be argued that her powers focus primarily on near-instantaneous health/shield regeneration, energy restoration, and increased damage resistance (applied to health and shields). As an example, perhaps Oberon's powers could focus on persistent health/shield regeneration, purging buffs from auras (briefly) on single enemies, armor amplification (increased damage resistance to health only), and reducing enemy damage output (slows and weakening effects).



Hallowed Ground

  • Currently, Hallowed Ground is a purely-damaging ability: enemies walk over the AoE, and receive radiation damage every half second. The power has no capability of forcing the enemies to stay on the AoE: no stuns, no movement slows, and no radiation procs.

  • With utility as Hallowed Ground's primary function, the shape of the AoE (as well as its size) could be adjusted to allow teammates better access to its effects.

  • Teammates that stand on Hallowed Ground could have the 3-second shield recharge delay drastically reduced (or disabled) while increasing their shield regeneration rates. This would make standing on Hallowed Ground the only way (as far as I'm aware) of reducing the amount of time it takes for shields to begin recharging after taking damage.

  • Enemies that stand on Hallowed Ground could have their movement/attack speed moderately reduced. The slow could linger on enemies for a percentage of the full duration even if they walk out of the AoE. The slow would benefit allies standing on Hallowed Ground as damaged shields will have more time to recharge between enemy attacks. Slowed enemies on Hallowed Ground are also likely to be affected by more damage ticks in the AoE.

  • Stacking Hallowed Ground would only amplify the radiation damage. The radiation damage per tick could be reduced, and/or the duration could be reduced to balance out the buffs/debuffs without increasing the energy cost.



  • Currently, Renewal can restore 200 health over a period of 10 seconds (max rank, and no other mods). Considering that it takes time for the projectiles to reach allies, this health regeneration feels too weak for a 75-energy power. Not to mention that allies with full health reap no benefits.

  • Some basic suggestions would be to further increase the projectile speed, and to allow the amount of health restored to be a percentage of Oberon's maximum health. Finally, allow all companion types to be healed.

  • The biggest change I could suggest to Renewal addresses the situation where allies are already at maximum health. Instead of ending the health regeneration, allow it to persist for a new duration (depending on how much time was required for the target's health to reach its maximum value). Targets healed beyond maximum health could also receive a temporary armor boost from a percentage of Oberon's maximum armor.

  • As an example, we have a 925-health, 65-armor Oberon healing an ally with 250 out of 500 health. If Renewal healed allies for 50% of Oberon's maximum health at all ranks (affected by power strength), roughly 463 health would be restored over a period of 15 / 13 / 12 / 10 seconds. With +30% power duration and +30% power strength, that would yield roughly 78 health restored per second over ~7.69 seconds at max rank. The ally's health would be fully restored within ~3.2 seconds.

  • Since the ally's health was maximized before the regeneration period ended, Renewal would overcharge the ally's health and armor for 5 / 7 / 8 / 10 seconds (possibly unaffected by power duration). Since it took 3.2 seconds for the ally's health to be fully restored, the overcharge period would last only 10 x [ 1 - ( 3.2 / 7.69 ) ] = 5.84 seconds. During this period, the overcharged ally would gain 150% / 250% / 350% / 500% of Oberon's maximum armor (affected by power strength), so an additional 65 x 5 x 1.3 = 422.5 armor in this example, and would continue to have 78 health restored per second (even while taking damage).

  • Assuming Oberon was at maximum health before healing, his armor would increase from 65 to 487.5 for 10 seconds. With 925 health, Oberon's effective health would temporarily increase from 1125 to 2428. Oberon would also continue to have 78 health regenerated per second until the end of the overcharge period.


The numbers could probably use tweaking for balance purposes; regardless, this is only one example of what Oberon could gain by shifting the focus of his abilities. Smite and Reckoning could also use another look, but I'll save my suggestions for when the topic is open to discussion.

Edited by PsycloneM
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would be great if we could have a "kennel" in the dojo to release unwanted kubrow into, then we could have some sort of limitation on the kennel size and/or more opportunities to get gene prints, all of this could have its own cost/etc associated with it


the release quest also sounds good, but there would need to be some benefit to releasing the kubrow into the wild, dunno how that would work


mastery tests are fine (when not bugged), the wait time could be 12 hrs tho, i think thats plenty reasonable, maybe give an option to pay plat to eliminate wait-time


multi-player doors need more options to open, say requiring the use of ciphers for a solo person to open (not solo mission, as they already open there), or having a REALLY large cipher that is much easier with two ppl, also being able to destroy the doors would be nice, but give the doors TONS of hps/scaling to make them take a ton of work to take down (the bottom line is to give us more ways to approach them, while still incentivizing having two ppl, let a single person do it, but not easily or quickly)


IMHO vote-kick should really ONLY be a host decision and personally i think cells/squads should be 5 man teams, that way voting could be a simple majority




consignment house? maybe, City of Heroes/Villains did this VERY well IMHO, anyone familiar with them would understand what i mean, basically blind bids, and highest blind bid goes to the person asking the least for the item that was put up for sale (then next bid and next price and so on), this encourages a fair and competitive market


hallowed ground needs more slow/knockdown/slip-n-slide/CC/armor debuff/whatevs


renewal should just travel faster, otherwise it seems fine, sure its a fairly uninspiring boring/bland power, but im not here to re-design it, in general i think oberon's kit is just lame all around

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Regarding renewal: this is the place where I think Oberon should really be distinguished as being a Paladin rather than a Cleric. A Paladin doesn't just semi-passively heal teammates; he protects them. Renewal needs to be reworked so that at least one thing it does is to preempt damage (or crowd control, or death) rather than treat it after the fact. Paladins carry shields, not elixirs. 

Edited by Aryandis
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I like the idea of returning your unwanted kubrow to an egg state and use that egg for a new kubrow ...that way your previous kubrow will live on in the genes of your new kubrow ...maybe the more times you return your kubrow to an egg-state could increase the chances of producing a rare kubrow with with lotus marks on face or something of the sort .... or even a ferocious but loyal feral kubrow with glowing red eyes :)

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