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Ammo Nerf Protest


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i have tested each and every weapons viability in missions so far



and the only ones that made it through the entire mission required me to group up enemies or strategically plant them within explosion radius to kill more than one at a time.....otherwise.....i never have ammo to do a single thing beyond killing 40-50 enemies.....if im lucky and do not miss

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i have tested each and every weapons viability in missions so far



and the only ones that made it through the entire mission required me to group up enemies or strategically plant them within explosion radius to kill more than one at a time.....otherwise.....i never have ammo to do a single thing beyond killing 40-50 enemies.....if im lucky and do not miss

and the funny thing is... People think that missing with launchers is impossible... but it DOES happen... and now it is severely penalizing... more so than missing a sniper or bow shot...

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Ha. Did you even bother to play the game after the changes? Ran ODD no problem with ammo, even when I forgot to go down and pick up more every round.

^is this without ammo restores? i have run quite a few ODD to test out all the new ammo capacities and only very few lasted until wave 5-10 without ammo restores....i had to go down in order to get ammo....which weapon were you using?


this ammo capacity also pushes players away from playing solo....i have tried all of the weapons on solo mode and cannot kill all my enemies or find sniper ammo to refill it to the point of mission completion


Oh no! Balance! Run for the hills!


... Christ.


you misunderstand the word balance if you believe that dropping ammo capacity more than 90% is calling it balance....also without properly testing the viability of these weapons in a non-modded perspective, in a solo perspective, and in a very low ammo drop perspective:


-you will probably not be able to rank up the weapon much or use it too much in a non-modded perspective...i ran through using these weapons unmodded as well or with low ranking mods and it was not a viable weapon to use in many situations


-solo perspective - i have run out of ammo plenty of times and its quite frustrating


-low ammo drop....i have yet to see a lot of sniper ammo drop to the point where it allowed me to full finish a 120 enemy exterm mission without running out of ammo or having to run about scavenging for ammo.....if you dont have a stealth frame....everything attacks you when the alarms go off....what then? you have to make sure you do not waste ammo by putting yourself in harms way to hit targets....torid is a good example because if you dont hit the target...well you wasted ammo....if they walk away from your poison cloud....well you just wasted ammo





before you shout balance....please make sure you test it for yourself in different methods




editted: merged newbie explanation with low mod ranks or unmodded

Edited by sekushiiandee
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-how do newbies use this weapon? if they do not have the proper mods or the cores to rank up mods...what then? will you tell them to suck it up and keep farming? tell them to screw it dont use this weapon because ha ha it got "balanced"   i ran through using these weapons unmodded as well or with low ranking mods and it was not a viable weapon to use in many situations

Not a single one of the weapons with decreased ammo capacity are low enough rank to be called a newbie weapon.


Please post with less obvious bias.

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Not a single one of the weapons with decreased ammo capacity are low enough rank to be called a newbie weapon.


Please post with less obvious bias.


you misunderstand my definition of what newbie means


rank really doesnt matter to me because there are still players of high rank that are not able to properly play the game or have the right mods to make a weapon powerful


if it makes you happy i will merge the newbie with the unmodded section


castanas has rank 3, angstrum is rank 4, torid is rank 4....yes the rest are rank 6....but i still somewhat consider rank 6 players to be somewhat newbie


not all rank 6 players will have maxed mods nor will they have acquired enough cores to max mods to make them fully efficient

Edited by sekushiiandee
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Not a single one of the weapons with decreased ammo capacity are low enough rank to be called a newbie weapon.


Please post with less obvious bias.

Perhaps the way she meant it is, when it's unranked it is now gonna be one of those "impossible to rank up several times" types of weapon. Just think about it, all launchers are researched, would you REALLY invest the time to get all the resources to make these weapons and then waste even more time leveling them as they are now unmodded?.. If the answer is yes then Good for you... but  for one have a thing called A LIFE... and extending play time by giving rox players a vasectomy to their favorite guns is just gonna cause people to look for their fix somewhere else...  Oh and FYI, I am almost a rank 9 player and I have yet to max out my serration, hornet strike and heavy cal... I think I can safely say that this nerf has killed any chance I had at maining a launcher...

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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Perhaps the way she meant it is, when it's unranked it is now gonna be one of those "impossible to rank up several times" types of weapon. Just think about it, all launchers are researched, would you REALLY invest the time to get all the resources to make these weapons and then waste even more time leveling them as they are now unmodded?.. If the answer is yes then Good for you... but  for one have a thing called A LIFE... and extending play time by giving rox players a vasectomy to their favorite guns is just gonna cause people to look for their fix somewhere else... 

farming ressources, maybe 1h?

level a weapon from 0-max maybe 30min?

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farming ressources, maybe 1h?

level a weapon from 0-max maybe 30min?


it takes more than 30 mins....if you considered that not everyone is able to handle those high level defenses or can find a proper group 24/7


i am pretty sure fieldron, detonite, and mutagen take more than 1 hour

Edited by sekushiiandee
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 Oh and FYI, I am almost a rank 9 player and I have yet to max out my serration, hornet strike and heavy cal... I think I can safely say that this nerf has killed any chance I had at maining a launcher...

The purpose of this nerf was that you aren't supposed to main a launcher. 

It is a conditional weapon, you aren't supposed to solo levels with it. It is meant to only be used on large clusters, situations when it is very hard to miss(Although I wouldn't mind seeing a little extra ammo to the penta, it is designed to have multiple grenades out at once and map geometry can really mess with bounces for accurate placing.) 

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im actually embarassed to be the same founder's rank as the OP




of course i have no idea why DE didn't just make launchers have 72 ammo cap just like snipers/bows/etc since they're using sniper ammo now... =/


and i have no idea why the miter has been stuck with sniper ammo for so long, at least give it shotgun ammo cap/pool

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it takes more than 30 mins....if you considered that not everyone is able to handle those high level defenses or can find a proper group 24/7


i am pretty sure fieldron, detonite, and mutagen take more than 1 hour

he also forgets that fieldron and detonite only come in quantities of 1-3 from invasions which happen once in awhile... and then you gotta wait hours for it to finish to get it... or you can just build it yourself with resources... and 12 hours of waiting time along with 30,000 credits a piece....

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it takes more than 30 mins....if you considered that not everyone is able to handle those high level defenses or can find a proper group 24/7


i am pretty sure fieldron, detonite, and mutagen take more than 1 hour

5 runs conflict with them as reward, every run max 2 min

go xini, nearly every group play till wave 20-30 ( with booster 1 run 30waves is enaugh to max a weapon), and the group don´t care for ur gear




he also forgets that fieldron and detonite only come in quantities of 1-3 from invasions which happen once in awhile... and then you gotta wait hours for it to finish to get it... or you can just build it yourself with resources... and 12 hours of waiting time along with 30,000 credits a piece....

forgott nothing, but u can still do the missions if u don´t need it atm, the spendet time is the same

or u stop making the battelpay missions if u have 0 injectors?

Edited by Vernoc-EGT-
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So, 5 shots on the magazine and 20 extra it's enough to Penta, unless you shoot every d4mn enemy in front of you. People think that toys like Penta and Ogris are to spam they ammo, but it's wrong, just like the 14.2 show to us.


Remember: spend 1 shot to kill multiple enemys, not multiple shot to kill each enemy. 

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The purpose of this nerf was that you aren't supposed to main a launcher. 

It is a conditional weapon, you aren't supposed to solo levels with it. It is meant to only be used on large clusters, situations when it is very hard to miss(Although I wouldn't mind seeing a little extra ammo to the penta, it is designed to have multiple grenades out at once and map geometry can really mess with bounces for accurate placing.) 

Ask yourself something... should I then main the SOMA like everyone else, should I main a BOW like everyone else, WHY CAN'T I main a launcher, WHY SHOULDN'T I... cause people don't like it... cause they hate people stealing their kills... cause it's too broken... You know what, if I wanna main a launcher then why not... and if everyone else wants to main whatever else, then why not... but why this drastic nerf, will 20 rounds really be helpful in the long run, and rarest ammo being it's pickup... and FYI, sometimes enemies won't cluster up like you'd want them to except in Defense missions... so by the time enough are grouped up to not waste a rocket on 1 or 2 people... you're surrounded and/or dead... also FYI, not everyone is rich or foolish enough to waste their platinum on Boosters, some of us don't have the money to anyway...

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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The purpose of this nerf was that you aren't supposed to main a launcher. 

It is a conditional weapon, you aren't supposed to solo levels with it. It is meant to only be used on large clusters, situations when it is very hard to miss(Although I wouldn't mind seeing a little extra ammo to the penta, it is designed to have multiple grenades out at once and map geometry can really mess with bounces for accurate placing.) 


limiting the use of the weapon that way brings up more problems with the game


why should i be limited to using it only with clusters of enemies? it defeats the purpose of calling a weapon a primary weapon

Edited by sekushiiandee
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^is this without ammo restores? i have run quite a few ODD to test out all the new ammo capacities and only very few lasted until wave 5-10 without ammo restores....i had to go down in order to get ammo....which weapon were you using?

No. Penta. Ya I had to go down most of the time, but if I missed a round it wasn't that bad.

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put yourself in a NON defense mission situation... if rox are now only viable to use in Defense missions then what's the point of Potato/Forma ing one now?... try soloing an exterm mission on pluto and try not to run out of ammo before killing 20/120 enemies... or before finding your first sniper ammo pickup... which btw would be wasted if you pick it up at 19/20...

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Ask yourself something... should I then main the SOMA like everyone else, should I main a BOW like everyone else, WHY CAN'T I main a launcher, WHY SHOULDN'T I... cause people don't like it... cause they hate people stealing their kills... cause it's too broken... You know what, if I wanna main a launcher then why not... and if everyone else wants to main whatever else, then why not... but why this drastic nerf, will 20 rounds really be helpful in the long run, and rarest ammo being it's pickup... and FYI, sometimes enemies won't cluster up like you'd want them to except in Defense missions... so by the time enough are grouped up to not waste a rocket on 1 or 2 people... you're surrounded and/or dead... also FYI, not everyone is rich or foolish enough to waste their platinum on Boosters, some of us don't have the money to anyway...

and why u dont play like everyone else with ammo transmute in? use ammo boxes if have problems? or still pic up the ammo which is enaugh dropping?

and in missions where enemys don´t cluster up , u just selected the false weapon




put yourself in a NON defense mission situation... if rox are now only viable to use in Defense missions then what's the point of Potato/Forma ing one now?... try soloing an exterm mission on pluto and try not to run out of ammo before killing 20/120 enemies... or before finding your first sniper ammo pickup... which btw would be wasted if you pick it up at 19/20...

like u said to forma them FOR DEFENSE and SURVIVAL

so u want a weapon which is in all game types against all enemys superior?

Edited by Vernoc-EGT-
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So, 5 shots on the magazine and 20 extra it's enough to Penta, unless you shoot every d4mn enemy in front of you. People think that toys like Penta and Ogris are to spam they ammo, but it's wrong, just like the 14.2 show to us.


Remember: spend 1 shot to kill multiple enemys, not multiple shot to kill each enemy. 


do that to a crowd of leech eximus and tell me how many you one shot please


30min + survivals of course



but then the argument could be....why bother bringing in launchers knowing they wont last the whole survival....which raises more issues about game balancing as whole

Edited by sekushiiandee
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and why u dont play like everyone else with ammo transmute in? use ammo boxes if have problems? or still pic up the ammo which is enaugh dropping?

and in missions where enemys don´t cluster up , u just selected the false weapon




like u said to forma them FOR DEFENSE and SURVIVAL

so u want a weapon which is in all game types against all enemys superior?


^ then maybe launchers should be classified as secondary weapons as opposed to primary weapons



why would anyones primary not be the weapon they use as a primary means of killing enemies

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my boltor prime begs to differ

^boltor prime doesnt last as long as everyone thinks.....max wave of 15 was not a good example



but i can tell you right now that after wave 20...your boltor prime ammo will run out and wear thin even with ammo restore

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