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September 12Th: Community Hot Topics!


September 12th Community Hot Topics  

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Slash Dash:  This really should take into account the weapon the player is weilding (it really is how the power sounds like it should be).  Before the etherial sword was given to excal it always felt it should work that way.  Some kind of attack with the current melee weapon with potentially the rank of the power as a damage multiplier could work well.  Even with some kind of guarenteed status proc (of its primary damage type) could assist this as well.


Super Jump: Having some kind of instigation damage/effect much like tailwind does and prehaps an inherant heavy impact on landing would assist the power as well.


Radial Blind: Personally i liked the concept that barriers block the blind, but this really should be only the heavy barriers (should apply to most direct AoEs to be honest), while prehaps adding a stun (or greatly reduced blind duration) to those that are behind heavy cover (shock so to speak from the room becoming bright). 

Adding some kind of innate penetration (0.1/0.2/0.3/0.5 as base) to the power that can be altered with power strength could help make the power have a few more optional builds (now its all simply range and duration), this could alow a player to make Radial Blind much like it currently is but at the smaller range needed to facilitate the piercing through heavy cover (thus at some cost).


Radial Javelin: prehaps some knockdown for those it hits but doesnt kill would be useful to give it a bit mroe of an edge.


Dark Sectors: I never play dark sectors I play other games for PvP, simply because other games will always do it much beter than Warframe can. Warframe I play for PvE so are unlikely to play conflicts while it is PvP.  Letting clans/alliances set up their own rail, setting up specters for the rails (with potential to use alliance troops).

An alternativly is pressing the corpus/grinner war theme and have them 'work' for the Tenno (as we work for them in their invasion missions), basically letting players play corpus or grineer (or any future factions to come) for the PvP aspects for the conflicts.  This could give the PvP players seem to want (in the warframe feel) without heavilly treading on the toes of warframe design for PvE, but also allow for balancing of the factions that can work for PvE as well.  These corpus/grinner could even come up against specters as well.


DNA Stablisers:  These have a good potential, but really should used the once to stabilise the Kubrows DNA (sentinals dont need upkeep and they are companions as well), then not have it degrade once done (if the stabiliser isnt used the DNA will still degrade), afterall we have no option of domesticating a wild kubrow that wont degrade. 

 However the stabilisers could be repurposed to assist in defrosting kubrow, in that kubrow start with very low DNA integerity (or take a DNA integerity hit) when taken out of stasis (afterall tenno lost a lot of memories and gor weaker from being in stasis so it isnt good), but will naturally recover over time (though not if they are taking just a small hit) however the DNA stabiliser can speed this time up (or repair the DNA damage from cryostasis). 

Alternativly they could be the item mentioned in the live stream for making Kubrow recover faster from Cryo sickness.

As others have mentioned previously, even having the kubrow take DNA damage when they are killed in battle, again the DNA stabilisers repairing this damage.

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degrade), afterall we have no option of domesticating a wild kubrow that wont degrade. 

 However the stabilisers could be repurposed to assist in defrosting kubrow, in that kubrow start with very low DNA integerity (or take a DNA integerity hit) when taken out of stasis (afterall tenno lost a lot of memories and gor weaker from being in stasis so it isnt good), but will naturally recover over time (though not if they are taking just a small hit) however the DNA stabiliser can speed this time up (or repair the DNA damage from cryostasis). 

I think this is a cool idea.

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Every. EVERY damage ability must scale with something. I don't say it should be melee, but scaling is a must have. Every damage base ability becomes obsolete super quick. Single shot from almost any weapon equals three or more ability uses. This is a bad design.


Radial Javelin: add a limited punch through. It should not go through walls, but containers, thin cover - that would be nice.

Edited by V0LK
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Every. EVERY damage ability must scale with something. I don't say it should be melee, but scaling is a must have. Every damage base ability becomes obsolete super quick. Single shot from almost any weapon equals three or more ability uses. This is a bad design.


Radial Javelin: add a limited punch through. It should not go through walls, but containers, thin cover - that would be nice.

^That and give me back my stealth multipliers on Ash/Loki ( i dont care if it is still there in theory since you are not able to use it anymore unless you use a super long range weapon and some people dont want to be forced to use orthos prime). Thats my "hot topic" to this date because melee at higher lvls is bad enough as it is, theres no need to nerf it even more.

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About Super Jump: make jump attack damage scale with jump height already! I saw in one trailer an Excalibur used super jump just to do a jump attack and I was like 'wow what a waste of 10 energy'


About DNA stabilizers: Let us craft our own using the materials you get from scanning plants on Earth so they're not wasted assets anymore

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Please don't nerf Excal's Radial Blind. I'm already bored playing with my other primary frames i.e. Rhino, Loki and Nova as they made everything so easy. With Excal's Radial Blind, things seemed to be fun again, blinding mobs and seeing them running about then cut them with Dual Ichor. Radial Blind is practically the best ability to use without annoying any other player. Also, its viable for late game! Mobs level 100+, Radial Blind and the whole team are good to go! It's the best ability for Excal, the starter/noob frame because most of the time when I host a random mission with random players, they tend to left my party as soon as they saw I'm using Excal. Players that did that are mostly low ranked players (can't really blame them because they haven't really taste how good Excal is and they are eager to leave the starter frame) as they thought/assume that Excal is a weak/noob frame. Nerfing Radial Blind would prove them right.


Excal is an icon to Warframe and he's a starter frame which should be easy to use and fun to use. Nerfing Radial Blind while buffing his other abilities might made him complicated for new players and might taking away the fun of Radial Blind from veteran players such is myself*.


*Still, this is highly my opinion regarding the matter. Don't need to trash if others don't agree :D

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When I started with an Excal I never used rb until later, so buffing his other abilities wouldn't exactly make him harder or more complex for newer players considering that they only get slash dash until they unlock the Arsenal in this new tutorial.

It might actually make him more utilized and sought after by those groups dropping you.

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DNA Stabilizers are mainly just a credit sink and an inconvenience. While the credit cost isn't a problem for veteran players who have credits to burn and can recover the cost in just a few missions it is a problem for new players who may not have access to the higher paying missions and have more important things to spend credits on (crafting weapons/frames and mod fusion). While i wouldn't have a problem with the stabilizers being removed completely, you could also change how they work.


As others have suggested, have the stabilizers permanently stabilize the DNA of the kubrow after a certain amount of uses.


Make the stabilizers a craft-able item in the foundry.


Give the stabilizers the added benefit of negating the 3hr recovery period when removing a kubrow from stasis. (Don't know why this is even forced on players)

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Regarding DNA Stabilizers:


Give the stabilizers the added benefit of negating the 3hr recovery period when removing a kubrow from stasis. (Don't know why this is even forced on players)


I'm pretty sure the reason for the 3-hour unthawing window is to basically ensure you can't game the system to get around having to use Stabilizers if you want to use your Kubrow.


If you could just stick them in stasis and pull them back out again, there's nothing stopping you from putting it in stasis every time you log out, thereby avoiding the "-10% DNA degradation" that hits them every server reset (i.e., every day when daily rewards reset, which is the same time DNA degradation is applied). You could get done playing Monday night, put your Kubrow in stasis, and when you log in again Tuesday night you could get your daily reward, pull your Kubrow out of stasis with the same DNA level as the night before, and take your dog for a walk and some tasty Grineer snacks (Mmmm, Greedy Milk-Bones).


The way it is now, if in the scenario above you logged in Tuesday night to do some missions, your Kubrow would still have the same DNA level as Monday night but you'd need to wait three hours before you could use him, which for most people means you don't get to use him until Wednesday.


I think DNA stabilizers are priced fine, but I agree with other folks here in that the whole DNA system needs to be reworked. Kubrows are specialized critters, and if you had to wait three hours to swap mods on a weapon or to change out your Helios for your Dethcube, people would be screaming bloody murder.


I really like the Kubrow system and I want to use them more, but that 3-hour window makes it extremely frustrating and virtually not worth the effort. If I'm going on a Rescue 2.0 mission, I'm not going to bring along my Sunika. I'd want to use my Huras but oh, wait, gotta wait three hours to do that. Eh, nevermind, I'll just do these extermination missions instead.


Simply put, if DE would make a new item that's relatively cheap and/or easily crafted to remove that three hour stasis waiting period (or remove the above-stated reason for it by reworking "DNA damage"), I'd pretty much always use a Kubrow and never use sentinels again. I understand the business reasons for credit/resource gates, but this stasis waiting period is a significant insurmountable barrier to gameplay.

Edited by Briareos
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--I'd like to see some of the weapon base traits brought in over the Stance effects, if that makes any sense.


For example, the Jat Kittag is basically a studded rocket motor on a stick.  This means the swing should start slow, but speed up, right?  Yet the Hammer/Mace stances just make it swing like a lump of concrete on a pole.  They overwrite the basic character of the weapon, instead of integrating it.


--Some older weapons could use a review.  I love the Gram, but I think it needs a significant buff to the Leap and Spin attacks to represent the billed "splitting power":

          The heavy two-handed sword known as Gram requires great strength to wield, but is notorious for its splitting power. Can hit multiple targets with each strike.

I add this as an example, because it's another situation where the description doesn't really match the weapon.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking to have this thing made into a monster.  I recommend the Leap and Spin attacks because the base damage is rather disappointing for a two-hander.  Technique over damage, as it were.


It isn't just one sword here either.  You don't see hardly any shotguns (aside from the one that every Rhino carries), burst rifles (aside from Burston Prime), most of the single pistols...  There's a laundry list of unused gear in this game, even though you can't "out-level" any of it.  I think that some of the older weapons are fun to use and see in use, so I'd like to feel as though it's worth my time to bring it somewhere.


--More slots on Warframes.  There, I've said it.


I think this is the elephant in the room at the moment.  It's come up over and over again.  There are not enough slots for any of the "extra effect" mods to make it into a serious build.  Heck, I don't even have all my skills on some 'Frames, because I need that last slot for something that winds up being far more critical than "ooh, now we run faster, te-hee".  I haven't ever met anybody who wasn't trolling that claimed to use Warm Coat or Diamond Skin, for example.


More than those two drop-rate-ballasts, we could definitely use extra duration, or more health (etc., etc...).  This isn't something critical at present for anything below T4, really.  Heck, you don't have to have more mod slots there either, but it'd make room for higher-end growth in the game.

Edited by Cytobel
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Excalibur changes:

How about combining super jump and slash dash by letting us 'aim' the dash in any direction, even straight up? Then there would be room for a third ability, which could be a team melee buff + stagger/knockdown invulnerability thing (very fitting for Excalibur), or it could be something else (+XP team buff?) and this melee buff could be given to radial javelin. Or, as people above suggested, give super jump a knockdown (nothing more and keep it at 10e) and give radial javelin a team melee buff.

Generally speaking, Excalibur's abilities should be centered around team buffs, given the fact that he's kind of the leader guy.


Dark sectors:

All I want is that the rewards could be more than just credits. Implement a reward reserving system, let us donate things like mods and parts to the clan/alliance vault and let tacticians set a minimum of runs required to get the reward.

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Regarding Excal's skills


Slash Dash already has a mobility aspect to it, I don't see adding extra utility effects as completley necessary.

However, the damage is pitiful. It shoud scale with equipped melee weapon (and have some base values if there isn't one equipped).

Haven't been using the skill much lateley, but if it dosn't have a forced slash proc, it should.

Or maybe the forced proc should be based on the dominant base damage type of equipped weapon? So Jat Kittag gives impact procs if someone wants to try that.


Radial Blind is currently his best skill and the reason he's viable at all when facing lvl 20+ enemies. If you are going to nerf it to needing line of sight, he becomes (nearly) useless. If you go through with the change, then I request that all his other skills be buffed/changed to compensate (also change how the blind effect works on Mirage's Prism so they are consistent).


Super Jump is useful as a situational mobility tool and nothing else. Replacing it completley is not unwelcome, though adding extra effects is also good (I actually like the skill and am probably one of five people that has it slotted).


Radial Javelin is... lacking. There are several skills that fall under the category of the "I win" button, in theory RJ is one of them, in practice it isn't.

This is because it's blocked by almost everything. Thin railings, boxes, level geometry, friendly Tenno, sentinels, kubrows, Shield Lancers all block the projectiles. You can cast it in a room filled with enemies and only hit a few, while other skills like Stomp, Miasma, Soundquake, Tentacle Swarm, Crush, Avalanche and others deal damage (and some even provide CC) while completley ignoring cover and affecting ALL enemies.

Also, the fancy showoff animation after cast is way too long, more than once I got killed because Excal' was showing off his moves for the ladies while being shot by surviving enemies.


I see two ways to buff it into usefulness:


Enemies that are hit and die act like normal, those that survive are ragdolled just like the killed ones and pinned into the surroundings, needing time to unpin themselves giving the skill a much needed CC component. It would also need some slight punch through so it isn't blocked by stray floating leaves of paper.




Instead of projectiles going out in a circle around Excal they come up from the ground, impaling enemies (in the butt because we're mature like that).

Also suggest renaming it to Mass Impalement and not having a limited number of javelins.

If in this rework the surviving enemies are also pinned and held in place it would also give extra CC on the skill, though that may make it overpowered relative to other AoE nukes.


In both cases I suggest making the damage scale with the melee weapon so it scales better into the lategame.



Regarding PvP conflicts


Tried once, lag was horrific and not really representative of actual gameplay, talking with clanmates I got the impression that it is horribly unbalanced.



Regarding DNA Stabilizers


Suggest the following:

Kubrows don't drop below 100% HP, this is their baseline and it can't go lower.

DNA Stabilizers give percentage based HP buffs that last several hours.

Give them a bp for crafting (something to get rid of my nanospores pls ;_;), and change the credit ones to plat.



Regarding Mod UI


There is some wasted space, extra row in some places would work wonders.

Easier to identify rarity by color now, but I heard that some colorblind people still have problems, showing rarity with different borders would fix that.

Edited by Playford
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Reason why I don't do Dark Sector Conflicts is because all the Big Alliances are making back door deals with each other so they never lose the Dark Sectors they have. And if someone tries to challenge them, they use their massive amounts of battle pay due to outrageous taxes to push those people out. Monopolies aren't enjoyable for the rest of the player base, only the select few who control it. It's pretty much American politics, but applied to WarFrame.


The political dark deals pretty much ensure that the Dark Sectors stay in the hands of a select few, and the rest of the many clans do not have the resources to push these alliances out because they protect each other through attacking nodes and "Blocking", it's what the strategy is called. I've talked with the tacticians of some of these alliances, it seems their hubris is pride, as they flaunted the strategy in front of my face knowing full well that I didn't have the power to stop them, due to the massive battle pay they could muster against others if they tried to stand up against the monopoly.


If something could be done about the high taxes, say, if the rest of the player base could vote on the amount of taxes on each Dark Sector, stating that they were dissatisfied, and it would automatically lower the tax on that Dark Sector to an amount the remaining player base found acceptable, it would make Dark Sectors a bit more popular. In this situation, the entirety of the player base could vote on the amount of taxes if the Clan/Alliance owning that Dark Sector may have a tax that the remaining player base would deem too high. If enough votes were cast stating that the amount was too high, a vote would come up on that Dark Sector, players would vote stating they want this tax lowered to a certain amount, and then it would be changed to that amount (or the average amount of all votes cast).


Of course, players within the clan/alliance owning that Dark Sector could not vote, as this tax change is meant to be a lesson to them on the dissatisfaction of the player base. This situation ensures that a larger amount of the player base would be willing to use the Dark Sector, as it is at a more acceptable tax rate. The clan/alliance holding that Dark Sector would still receive the tax that was set, and also control that Dark Sector, but they'd know that people won't stand for overly high taxes. When it comes to the monopoly that is the current situation, a way to deter the monopoly or make it less profitable to be part of the monopoly is if the tax rates continue to drop, as the player base would be vying for lower taxes as opposed to the current situation. This ensures that smaller clans have a chance at the Dark Sectors, as the incoming tax tributes would be lowered, and the Monopoly alliances would not have the massive funds incoming that they usually have to protect themselves.


On top of the vote system, should a Clan/Alliance controlling a certain Dark Sector continually be up for voting on that same Dark Sector, should they lose the next Dark Sector Conflict on that Sector, they could not retake that Dark Sector until the Dark Sector itself changes hands once again or after a set amount of times. Or, they could be locked out of retaking that Dark Sector for a set amount of time, maybe a week.

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Which Excalibur abilities need a revision?

I've been a bit confused about how Excal was supposed to be played for the longest time - at high-end content the abilities are too weak to deal significant damage, and the Shields and Armor values are too low to use him as a tank. Lately though, he's finally filled his role of a "melee frame" through Quick Thinking and Rage. The build relies on the player running with the Life Leech channeling mod on melee and using this once QT has activated. Radial blind is key in this because ti effectively stops the DPS on you and gives you an opportunity to pick your targets at will (or just kill them all), I don't even bother equipping the other skills (they would just be a waste of the ever-vital energy, given Excal's revatively low energy cap). However, with the exception of Super Jump, I've used them all extensively in the past.


Slash Dash - Lowest Install cost, can be used to kill low lvl enemies in a straight line or as a mobility skill. Fairly useless as an attack mid to high level though. This could be fixed by: scaling damage with melee weapon damage (or channelled melee damage?). If the damage is scaled up, I could understand the install cost being swapped with Super Jump (which is exclusively a mobility skill, anyway), and possibly a slight boost to energy cost.


Super Jump - Low energy cost but hefty install cost for such a limited mobility skill. I might play with it a bit, but this is the first skill I've always discarded (usually one or two skills on each frame, which I ignore after trying them). If Slash dash is boosted to be useful mid to late game, i suggest swapping the install cost of these skills, as I can't think of a logical way of improving this skill.


Radial Blind - Great CC skill, noticed it started triggering melee stealth finishers at one point (unfortunately the Bo Prime one kept pushing me out of the map T_T). The stealth finisher trigger is rather useful, and I hope it stays in, maybe it'll mean more people use this skill in the future. Whilst it makes more sense to use line of sight for this skill, the invested time and effort to implement this (and I assume additional system load processing this info) are not worth it - I've not really seen any cases where it can be particularly useful. - suggestion don't mess with it if it's not "exploit level" broken.


Radial Javelin - Nice function, presentation and the skill feels like an "uber"; however, it does have a couple of pretty serious drawbacks - the damage doesn't scale well, becoming fairly useless mid to end-game, and the casting animation makes you very vulnurable, as you're immbolised and able to take damage (maybe some invincibility animation frames, DE?). It would make sense for this to scale with melee damage, much like Slash Dash (though I'd hope that this ends up with higher damage).


How satisfied have you been with the previous prime accessory packs?


I've largely been a F2P player, only spending plat on slot unlocks and a few aesthetic upgrades. The Prime Syandanas look great, but their exclusivity isn't wortht he overall price of the packs for me, as I'd end up getting all the other Prime Access parts sooner or later anyway.


Perhaps a Prime armor set (one Prime Access and one from void) might be enough for me to change my mind, though this of course depends on the aesthetics and cost.


It would also be nice if it was possible to spend plat to get parts rather than having to pay cold hard cash for the entire bundle. (though I suspect this would undermine the overall marketing angle on these)


How often do you participate in Dark Sectors Conflicts?


I've been in DS conflicts a few times - to try it out, and to bolster my credit reserves, I've rarely felt it was worth participating to help a specific alliance for tax-related reasons, as I've noticed the side with the larger wallet will eventually win.

Would you participate more if any of the following suggestions were implemented?


Unless you're part of the alliance trying to capture/defend the DS, the only two possible mativators you could have are the promised of a lower tax rate, and the credits from battle reward, which I find still a little buggy - its still possible to enter the game with a certain battle reward, win and come out with 0 (it should reserve/withdraw the credits from the alliance reserve when then player enters, then reimburse the alliance wallet/reserve if the player loses/disconnects).


On the subject of motivators - at the end of the day, as DE devs have stated, the primary orientation of the game is PvE, and PvP is essentially there as an optional component, so people shouldn't be forced to participate in it (no unique DS conflict rewards please! - well maybe an "alliance support badge" once you accumulate enough wins for a specific alliance).


I've noticed that host latency can play a singificant part in the way the PvP plays, and a better way of progressive mod unlocks would be nice (maybe you can pick the order - since not all of us have used forma on all of our gear, and can't reorder the polarities at will). Obviously any OP weapons and skills and exploits need to be fixed.


How do you feel about DNA Stabilizers?


The reduced cost and DNA decay rate are a positive change. I feel like a daily upkeep cost for the Kubrow, which is essentially a pet, makes sense. 5-10k a day isn't all that much, and you can always store it. Perhaps reducing the time to withdraw it from storage would be one way of addressing the issue, allowing for people to rest it overnight and take it out to run missions in the evening (60-90 minutes).

What’s your opinion on the new MOD UI?


Like any change it's a little rough at first - but the changes were made for a reason, and it'll take a bit of getting used to (not to mention side scrolling when equipping mods), nothing inherently wrong with the new UI, as explained it's there to make our lives easier, it will just take some getting used to (helps that i basically know all the mods anyway, so can find then relatively quickly).

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7-8. Dark sectors are a mess right now with the ridiculous taxes. Bring back the choice of PvP or PvE mode for the conflicts. Some people just won't play PvP, so don't try to force them.


9. The whole passive Kubrow DNA degradation is an idiotic idea. Players shouldn't be punished for not logging into the game.

Swap Loyalty and DNA Degradation: Make Kubrows lose DNA when dying on missions, but lose loyalty when not attended to daily. It makes more sense.


10. I like the new mod UI, but it could use some changes. The artwork associated with the mod helps with mod recognition more than the name, so dimming it doesn't work. The mod level should also be more visible, tiny blue stars aren't enough.

Its like you read my mind on all of this!  Totally agree with the swapping the DNA decaying and Loyalty, soooo makes more sense and less of a wallet crit. Also a way for PVEers to contribute to which side will control a Dark Sector without having to PVP for those of us that HATE PVPing, please! Mabye contributing resources to one side or the other or running a special PVE mission that supports the side we want, either purely in rail integrity or something.

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Good to get to vote on matters again. I would like to say briefly here that my personal issue with Prime access packs are mainly the boosters. Firstly, the access pack is expensive. Really expensive but that is understandable because you ought to want to sell something prize worthy for sure. However, the packs contain boosters that surely appeal to some but are an issue for part of the playerbase.

My main grind with is that I am already a veteran and I have leveled all the gear up. Now while it is sometimes great to get boosters to get easier time leveling up gear, it sometimes becomes an issue because A) You have already everything leveled up, either fully leveled up or no forma so a lot of it will be wasted on no benefit whatsoever. B) If you are a long time player like I am and you already have it all, then every new gear coming in the game is precious and you want to have to use time on them. So slowly leveling new gear up is preferable in that situation because there is very little to do outside of that for veteran like me. Now granted that sometimes it is fun to just enjoy it all, but I have plenty of time to enjoy it all even outside of the boosts.

I do not need boosts to get my gear to 30 in few hours. Without boosts the leveling time is just fine and like I said, the problem is not the boosts themselves but the fact that they are unoptional " benefits " of a prime access pack makes me cry inside at times. I just wish there would be other options too or some other way to do it simply. I want to support the game to the fullest and I do also want to spend a lot of time in it but it can not be done if the phase of the game is that you run out of fun in mere hours. If the phase would be like it is without boosts then it would be just perfect. You still get levels but it takes time to level things up for just enough time and then after a day or few you get to enjoy it all and soon you will get another reinforcement. And you are not wasting your resources that you bought with your money on the top of it.

Because as it stands unfortunately is that eventually you will get to the same point I am and the the 40 dollars worth of your money, the additional money you spend on the boosters or so, you only maybe use 15 of it. Of course that is just a speculation but the point is most of the boosters are unspent and they are damaging to a player like myself too in the process. Please consider alternative options or some changes to the packs in any regard. Because I will support you further if there is a good reason to, I just do not see if the boosters are actually such a negative that I would rather buy just plain platinum instead.

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About the Ui, I think we should have something or somehow to prevent us from accidentally used maxed mods as a part of the fusion.

For example i would like to have some option such like Hide maxed mods or locked maxed mods


Like this?


It's been in the game since U14. 14.5 hid it a bit but it's still there behind the "filter mods" button.

(Why is so much stuff hidden behind more menus in the new UI when there's more than enough room for them to be easily visible and available with one click?)

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Radial Blind at present is the only one I would say needs no rework; but if Excalibur does receive a significant rework in his other abilities, I would say that Radial Blind's CC effect should emphasize the stun effect a bit more whilst de-emphasizing the blind effect. If Excalibur gets reworked to not be quite so dependent on Radial Blind, the blind effect should be more reliant on line-of-sight and range (completely blinding targets whom can't see the flash doesn't make much sense, likewise, completely blinding targets in open-area planet-side tiles at great distance—particularly like those debuted in Operation Cryotic Front—somewhat strains credulity); however, to balance out the loss of CC utility in that respect, I would propose implementing a range-based layering effect (similar in principle to Zephyr's Turbulence, but instantaneous), where proximity to Excalibur at the time of activation determines the severity and duration of the effect.


To elaborate, I'm thinking something along the lines of: "Enemies up to X meters are Stunned for σ seconds, all enemies up to Y meters are Blinded for θ seconds, and all enemies up to Z meters suffer accuracy penalty φ for ε seconds". Obviously, not necessarily something so elaborate (you could easily replace this with a proximity-based status proc situation or something), and I suppose you could alternatively stick with the present intended line-of-sight implementation and maybe reduce the energy cost or something.




As for Super Jump, I'm honestly not sure what I would prefer for Super Jump (integrating Heavy Impact, adding a damage effect, or adding some other effect all sound good to me), but I do think that simply buffing its present effect, on its own, would not be enough to make me use it. Would it make it good enough? Maybe, Super Jump isn't the only Warframe Ability I've never really been inclined to use and so I might not be the target audience anyway; but judging based on my own usage, I don't think that would be enough.



Re:Dark Sector Conflicts:


Honestly, getting me to participate more would require another revamp of Dark Sector Conflicts. Either missions need to not require an attacker host (which would necessitate the re-implementation of the ability of defenders to damage an attacking rail), or there needs to be some reward for playing a Conflict mission besides Clan/Alliance posted Battle Pay.


Completely aside from the issues with PvP at present, I'm rarely inclined to participate in Dark Sector conflicts based on Battle Pay (frankly, it seems that my particular schedule has resulted in me not being online and active when an active conflict was featuring large battle pay anyway), in no small part because I'm not really needing credits the same way I'm needing drops (Forma, Prime Parts, Fusion Cores/Mods, resources, and so on), but mostly because my inclination with respect to Dark Sector Conflicts is to support the Clans/Alliances whose policies make Dark Sector missions attractive between conflicts. The problem with that is that playing Conflicts with this sort of aim is sort of by definition not "profitable", because those individuals cannot afford to offer Battle Pay, and I generally find myself better off ignoring Dark Sectors altogether. I would be more inclined to stick with it anyway on principle, but I simply don't have that kind of free time. =/



Re:DNA Stabilizers:


I'd like to either have some sort of option to set up an automatic dosing schedule, or some sort of automatic emergency stasis (in the case of dangerously low health of the Kubrow) option in case a player forgets to put a Kubrow in stasis before going offline for awhile. I've had one or two occasions where I thought I put a Kubrow in stasis or thought I'd dosed a Kubrow on schedule only to come back a few days later to find their health low.


Because one dose cures 40%, I generally wait until they reach 60%; unfortunately, I'm not great at remembering the schedule when I'm not playing Warframe a lot, and this sort of an option (without needing to know in advance that I'm going to be occupied for a few days) would be nice.



Re:Mod UI:


I like the new UI well enough; but I would like for the rarity-color-coding to be a edge-of-card thing in the collapsed view (or at least when in the arsenal loadout screen). Having them all look the same color in the little scroll menu does throw me off a bit.

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