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Super Jump Costs 10 Energy



Did you know: Super Jump costs only 10 energy if you have no efficiency modifiers on you? At max efficiency, it costs 2 energy, at worst, it costs 15.


If you knew this? GOOD!


If you didn't? You're apparently among a very large, large group of players. Was reading many feedbacks where people talk about how "awful" it is, being a "bunny hop" that costs 75 energy.


It actually launches you up to 17m in the air, which is about 60 feet straight up, if you're not good at imagining meters. That's a 7 story building, for those of you who are bad at imagining either one. Or leaping to the top of mount rushmore if you don't know any multi-floor buildings.


I imagine if more people realize it ONLY costs 10 energy, and they realized that maxed, it launches you out of firing range of several enemy weapons, they might use it more. Maybe so. Maybe not. Who knows?


However, there's one way to find out: Telling them that Super Jump costs only 10 energy.


So, there you have it: for 10 energy, super jump makes you leap medium-sized buildings in a single bound.


Knowing this, go forth and multiply.

Edited by Llyssa
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First of all the highest the super jump goes is to the roof to a two floor building. How on earth you got 7 stories is a mystery, and would consistently kill you on use on the earth maps. Plus thats like 7 times higher than Zephy's flight straight up. Nothing in the game will launch you like that except for glitches.


What I want is something faster that launches me like an ape in Rise of the Planet of the Apes... Something with more percision. Something I can use quickly on the go, or while taking my time to aim, and move about quietly with stealth. The Predator jump in AVP 2010 was amazing, and the Ninja run jump from Metal Gear Rising was a hundred times faster, and got you around in a really cool fasion from roof to roof, and what not. Excalibur's Super jump is like his normal jump, but goes higher. Thats simply normal. It should be more fancy, more versatile, more animationy. It should be downright cool, and exicting to use it. Imagine running really quickly, and tap the button and you leap foward in such an epic fashion that you can tap it again right away leaping foward to another location putting Assassin's Creed to shame all the while increasing your running speed. Then leaping once more ramming into the edge of a cliff and climbing up it rapidly to grab your target violently like a Xenomoprh from Aliens, and rip your enemy apart brutally. Even lead into a 4 man excalibur team leaping around quickly, and climbing around obstacles. Creating an elitle tactical unit that moves rapidly, and stealthily cleans up an entire room in seconds with incredibly percision.

A "story" in architecture is approximately 8 feet.


I don't know what you *think* it is, but that's what it *actually* is, 8 feet.


So, 8*7 is 56 feet. Which is about how high super jump shoots you at max.


A maximized tailwind takes you up 32m, which is actually almost twice the height of super jump. However, TW also costs 2.5x as much energy, so that makes sense. For reference, that would be about 12 stories.


I suppose you're one of those people "not good with building sizes".

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Whatever, Super Jump is still useless and a waste of a potential ability for Excalibur. It doesn't even look cool, you literally just do a normal jump straight up. DE should at least give it an explosive damage and proc when you land back on the ground, so you can knock down nearby enemies. A better animation wouldn't hurt either. Other than that, I'd be completely OK if they removed it and put a different skill in like they have before.

Edited by JerZeyCJ
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MINE ISN'T maxed, i've always utilized it and a slide attack to move around. <3 superjump (it used to be maxed, diff excal... :( sigh)


anyway VALK's ripline should have a lower cost too, it uses like 65 energy (sometimes it varies? WTF) But for moving its just freaking too costly!!!!!!!!! Valk needs 10 energy ripline! TY DE, DO IT PLZ Movement. Is. Important.

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A "story" in architecture is approximately 8 feet.


I don't know what you *think* it is, but that's what it *actually* is, 8 feet.


So, 8*7 is 56 feet. Which is about how high super jump shoots you at max.


A maximized tailwind takes you up 32m, which is actually almost twice the height of super jump. However, TW also costs 2.5x as much energy, so that makes sense. For reference, that would be about 12 stories.


I suppose you're one of those people "not good with building sizes".

56ft IS THE HEIGHT OF A GUNDAM!!! Look at my screen shots! That is NOT the height of a Gundam.

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Whatever, Super Jump is still useless and a waste of a potential ability for Excalibur. It doesn't even look kill, you literally just do a normal jump straight up. DE should at least give it an explosive damage and proc when you land back on the ground, so you can knock down nearby enemies. A better animation wouldn't hurt either. Other than that, I'd be completely OK if they removed it and put a different skill in like they have before.

They already have a mod for that.

Though they could probably do something with the take off. Jumping so hard you cause a shockwave Like



Maybe not as outragous tho.

Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
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It also costs 9 mod points maxed out, 5 if you polarize.


Not worth it for how little it actually does.


Heavy Impact doesn't have a heavy impact on this skill either.


It's fun to use, and the occasional platform you can jump up to is fun for a while. But it's slot and mod points can be used on better things. Much better things.


Now that Excalibur is worthless now, I guess people are trying their hardest to come to terms with it if they relied on his only important build.

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OP, excal with max BR and Intensity doesnt jump Mount Rushmore lol I've played with that ability before and hed be able to jump over the top of the tower in the Corpus defense map where theres one in the back corner. Even with it maxed he cant, but i agree with what some have said and Super Jump needs a rework even if it only costs a 3 pennies with max energy efficiency. 

Edited by Echoa
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OP, excal with max BR and Intensity doesnt jump Mount Rushmore lol I've played with that ability before and hed be able to jump over the top of the tower in the Corpus defense map where theres one in the back corner. Even with it maxed he cant, but i agree with what some have said and Super Jump needs a rework even if it only costs a 3 pennies with max energy efficiency.

It's very close, 16 out of 18 meters, so only 6 feet short approximately.

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Base height is 7 meters. Given that most RB builds use OE and no power strength, you end up with a jump height of less than 3 meters. No matter how efficient that may be, its not worth the mod slot that could be used to buff the more useful abilites or the frame stats.

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To have a 17m jump with Super Jump you have to build a Power Strenght Excalibur. And this means you cannot use Radial Blind. 

Of course every Excalibur users know this and, of course, if we have to make a choice between Radial Blind and Super Jump, well... 


When Excalibur damage abilities will get a buff, there could be the choice to build a damage/mobility Excalibur (Slash Dash, Super Jump, Radial Javelin) based on Range and Strenght or a Crowd Control Excalibur (Radial Blind) based on Range and Duration. 

But, for now, there is no room for Super Jump. 

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