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How Do You Think Tenno Procreate? Do We Procreate?

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Isn't procreation as of now a non-topic?

After all right now there isn't a single Tenno that was actually born in the century (as far as Im concerned) that the game is set in. All the Tenno were just thawed.

It's also not clear if we actually age. Nothing specifies that we are still on a level where we would age naturally or if we essentially have ascended to immortality (excluding external causes).

As far as I'm concerned freezing a being that is on a "human level" is not a process we can just revert by thawing them. We are also not frozen in our bodies...but frozen within our combat suits. To be able to be unfrozen and "survive" that we would have to be something entirely different.

Too many other questions have to be answered first before we can determine if procreation is actually a thing for the Tenno species.

Even if we originated from humans...too many factors have changed us and likely mutated us to a point where we can no longer be considered humans. Even the possibility of us being asexual exists...or that we cannot procreate at all.

Personal guess: I would like to think that Tenno are a finite resource. A tool of the past. A remnant of an old empire. With the secrets lost our numbers can only decrease once the last of us has been thawed.

Edited by Shehriazad
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Do the Tenno/ Warframes Even have any organs to begin with?, like with the "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only convereted into one form to another" law

we have thoses Blue orbs, which gives the warframe energy to do fancy spells, but how about the tenno ourselfs? where do we get the energy to do all these fancy ninja stuff

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Too little lore to support any theories, so we end up getting entranced in speculation, with no answers. Then everyone loses interest.

I'm alright with speculation. What typically irks me is when some people present their speculation like it is an established fact. Happens way too often, in my opinion. People wouldn't be so confused if people didn't present their theories like they are factual.

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Tenno don't procreate. Imho there are no new Tenno being "born". I always though there are only those that were created before the great war and those went to sleep. So all new Tenno are those that were found around the solar system and awakened. So there might be a limited number of Tenno which is why Lotus seem to be so overprotective about them. Tenno can't be replaced.


This is what I have to assume since there absolutely zero lore when it comes to Tenno procreating.


Failing that think that Tenno are grown specifically for the frame they're gonna use. This ties to the whole tenno changing suits question. I don't think that different Tenno use different frames. I think that Tenno are specifically grown to use specific frames, or that it's Tenno that is made for the frame rather than the other way around.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Get DNA From one warframe, get DNA from other warframe. Mix together at 350 Degrees for half an hour then incubate. Then wait for it to mature and slap it in a frame. That way it would have one or the other powers so with ash and ember their kid would be an ash if its a boy and if its a girl its an ember. Or they just shove it into the void and see how their genetics work on it... Even if they are clones they have to go into the void to get their powers unless it is hereditary. 

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Firstly, I think it's a mistake to think of the Tenno as a race. IMHO it is a self-identified collective, that is, beings who choose to call themselves "Tenno". Of course there may be common experiences that were required for other Tenno to accept you as Tenno like exposure to the Void, and some behavioral goals. But ultimately it's more a social unit than a race.

* Tenno were human, that much was told to us as word-of-god on a devstream (IMHO Human is not the same as Orokin)
* We have no idea if void exposure always/sometime sterilizes an exposed survivor.

* I think that the idea of Tenno technocyte infection is unfounded and so irrelevant to this discussion.

* We have no idea if offspring would have void taint passed on to them.

I'd say that maybe Tenno can mate (With any compatible human) with a resultant pregnancy, but that the child would be simply human. A child who _may_ be trained as Tenno and may even choose to be exposed to the void but I don't see the Tenno ever forcing such a thing on them.


Tenno are still being recovered from cryo-sleep so as a group they do not need to worry about attrition just yet.


I would imagine that, as the story progresses, the Tenno may accept human volunteers to train with them who may eventually take the "final rite" of being exposed to the void. Much like Kwai Chang Caine in the TV show "Kung Fu"


Actually that's a much more accurate comparison, IMHO the Tenno aren't a race, they are Shaolin monks

Edited by SilentMobius
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Firstly, I think it's a mistake to think of the Tenno as a race. IMHO it is a self-identified collective, that is, beings who choose to call themselves "Tenno". Of course there may be common experiences that were required for other Tenno to accept you as Tenno like exposure to the Void, and some behavioral goals. But ultimately it's more a social unit than a race.

* Tenno were human, that much was told to us as word-of-god on a devstream (IMHO Human is not the same as Orokin)

* We have no idea if void exposure always/sometime sterilizes an exposed survivor.

* I think that the idea of Tenno technocyte infection is unfounded and so irrelevant to this discussion.

* We have no idea if offspring would have void taint passed on to them.

I'd say that maybe Tenno can mate (With any compatible human) with a resultant pregnancy, but that the child would be simply human. A child who _may_ be trained as Tenno and may even choose to be exposed to the void but I don't see the Tenno ever forcing such a thing on them.


Tenno are still being recovered from cryo-sleep so as a group they do not need to worry about attrition just yet.


I would imagine that, as the story progresses, the Tenno may accept human volunteers to train with them who may eventually take the "final rite" of being exposed to the void. Much like Kwai Chang Caine in the TV show "Kung Fu"


Actually that's a much more accurate comparison, IMHO the Tenno aren't a race, they are Shaolin monks

While possible and perhaps how tenno functioned before cryosleep, the tenno we see and use now seem far removed from what we as people are concerned about or do.

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I've actually come to believe the order of things was something along the lines of this:


Step 1.) Have normal Orokin and/or human babies.


Step 2.) Put children in the void - badda boom badda bing - the child is now a Tenno.


Step 3.) Child grows up and becomes an epic ninja.


Step 4.) Orokin Sentient war, blah blah blah, Tenno rise up against Orokin, blah blah blah, Tenno go into cryo sleep.


Step 5.) Tenno awaken from cryo sleep - modern day.


I believe there to be a finite number of Tenno in the galaxy; some of which are awake, and some are still asleep. Whether or not Tenno can procreate themselves remains to be seen, but I would not find it unlikely if there is no way for Tenno to procreate between themselves. This would help support the idea that has been hammered home ever since Warframe's inception, that the Tenno face an insurmountable resistance from all sides - emphasised by the fact that there are a limited number of us and no way to prolong our lineage. 

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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Discussing in another thread I have come to theorize that given the gene manipulation and/or the cloning techniques of the orokin, in early periods of the old war they might have constructed "super soldiers" first, this could be anything fromt peak human abilities, psyquic powers to regenerative qualities, either way you first need a being with this genetic superiority to at least have a chance to survive being devour by the void, now the few that were able to remain whole became tenno, the ones that didn´t either die or survive by amalgamating with others and lost their personalities, becoming the all consuming infested hence being the same flesh (i know very speculative). 


Anyway in this line of thought you would first need a superior genetic creature to survive the void, and we know only a few made it. In present day tennos don´t have the gene manipulation technique of the orokin (suggested by their kubrows), and can´t provide the void with organisms that could come back as conduits of the void. So even if tennos can reproduce maybe they lack the ability to produce "tennos", so past and on going wars, reduced their numbers to the brink of extinction.

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