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Alad V...


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Hi everyone, today I had a discussion with clan friends about Alad V, I really, really don't understand how he is killed on Jupiter over and over and then laughs at you hysterically every time you enter Thermisto.


I mean, all those cell farming killing Sargas Ruk and have him respawn kind of makes sense, Grineers do clone in masses so it's perfectly reasonable that they'd just have another one in place after one is killed, just like how people encounter Grustrag Three over and over again (while praying for the right Brakk parts). But Corpus? Sure they can just recruit more and more workers to fight for their cause but, I doubt they can find an exact identical replica of a mad scientist and designate him as the next Alad V, not to mention he's already kind of a rogue member in Corpus anyway...


I read through all the lores and it kind of implies Alad V may return for even more nasty surprises in the future, but for now what I want to know is... How does he cheat death so many times just to come back and haunt you with his accent (as well as more Zanuka pets)? Is it like someone said, the technocytes somewhat regenerates him after you left him for dead?

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Hi everyone, today I had a discussion with clan friends about Alad V, I really, really don't understand how he is killed on Jupiter over and over and then laughs at you hysterically every time you enter Thermisto.


It's like in other MMO's, where you fight the same raid-bosses over and over again for some loot.


The game has a strong emphasis on singleplayer-/co-op- experience. In the end, it will be a full-fleshed story you follow, right now many things still seem very much like placeholders.


Vay Hek was a first step into the desired direction, with bosses who rather flee after they've been beaten.


(but honestly, Alad V deceives us very well and has learned how to perfectly simulate being dead)

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Because killing the boss once and never being able to fight them again would be silly.

Lore only goes so far, then you have to make room for functionality in the game itself.

Suspend your disbelief and pretend you never killed him if its that immersion breaking for you. 

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Because killing the boss once and never being able to fight them again would be silly.

Lore only goes so far, then you have to make room for functionality in the game itself.

Suspend your disbelief and pretend you never killed him if its that immersion breaking for you. 


This, completely.


You gotta keep in mind that there are two particular systems in place right now that are constantly vying for control in games like this. There's "real logic", and then there's "game logic". Real logic-wise, you defeated those bosses. Game logic-wise, you defeated them too. However Game logic also states that they respawn just like you, the player, do when you're defeated. In many cases, Real logic takes a back seat to this because its rules state that everything is finite. And that's okay, because if we stuck with "Realism", the warframe/Tenno you first encountered the Stalker with would be dead and gone. Eventually all the bosses you've fought would simply cease to exist. All the nodes you've cleared would be devoid of all enemies for at least a week or two; or even a month or so as the Grineer/Corpus/Infested try to send more troops/ships/spores back into that particular node.


Long story short: It's not fun, and players would get bored very, very quickly.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Because killing the boss once and never being able to fight them again would be silly.

Lore only goes so far, then you have to make room for functionality in the game itself.

Suspend your disbelief and pretend you never killed him if its that immersion breaking for you. 


This. So much this.

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I would not be surprised if the Alad V we constantly murder is actually a crewman who has been volunteered and physically modified to appear like him, along with some behavioral (but not intelligence!) control, via that "parasitic restraint" Darvo mentioned, to create a convincing replica. There's probably some horrific automation in place to guarantee a replacement is always available.   


I'm under the impression that the new Alad V will become the new golem we fight once U15 hits. I'm pretty sure working with anything related to the infested will turn you into a flesh blob.

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The more important question about Alad V is as follows:


What is it about exposure to... the... ZanUUUka...project that causes him... to speak like acrossbet...ween Shatnerand...the G-man?


I think that's just the way he talks - maybe the way all older Corpus talk; listen to Frohd Bek's voice.

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He got the Virus after we first fought him. It's possible that Alad has his own cloning system/each main Corpus guy has their own cloning system so they don't get killed permanently, but don't clone their troopers as it costs too much money.



It's like in other MMO's,


Oh God not again... We're not an MMO...

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I think that's just the way he talks - maybe the way all older Corpus talk; listen to Frohd Bek's voice.


I always imagine he's got serious lung problems and can't breathe properly.


'You have *gasp* loyalty issues, Tenno. My *pant* Zanuka project *wheeze* will fix that for you'

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