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Lore Yes , But How?


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People (myself included) keep asking for Lore lore lore (ya ya ya) Lore lore lore.



But ina  game like warframe how do you think the devs should implement it? 


Mostly via the quest system  ?


more from tactical alerts ?


Chapters per events 


Secret places you must find in X map to get some info?


Which game should DE in your opinion take inspiration from  as for storytelling

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Quests for certain things (more Tenno-related things), Events for certain things (more enemy-related things), and Codex entries to provide further tidbits about the characters and factions that couldn't be offered seamlessly without it - sort of like the story of Kril's rise of power, or why Ruk is so adamant that flesh is a weakness.

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Obviously opinions may differ on the reception of the eventual Lore, as some people just want a big wall of text to read elsewhere, where others would rather it be incremental.


I personally don't care either way, but hope to see at least some introduced via the quest system.

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E) All of the above. They have to give us reasons for doing stuff besides just "you'll need X to build Y". 


Quest system is a given, they can take a cue from Mass Effect here. I did each side story mission for the characters not because I didnt want them to die at the end (didnt know that was even going to happen)(and sorry for spoilers) but because I wanted to know more about them. And if I got a new cool gun then yay me. Do a quest to find out more about a certain frame. What happened to the original prime? Add a nice cinematic or something. I want to know more about each warframe, or why Darvo is rebelling, or how the Red Veil came to be. If I hack a data terminal I want to get a little chunk of this info added to my codex. 


Tactical Alerts not so much, but there are possibilities like only during these events can you fight a certain kind of enemy. With enough scans of said enemy, you can get a nice piece of lore. Maybe a memory or event that happened of said unit. Just an idea, but there are possibilities.


Not quite sure what you mean by "chapters per events" but if we got a nice new plot per each event that'd be awesome. Like for the cyotic event: Why are we just discovering this? What do the Corpus want with it? If we dont reach a certain threshold as a community will the zanuka's get a buff of some sort thanks to Cryotic? Or the Cicero Event: We know the Grineer are poisoning the Earth but why? The original reason was to stop the overgrowth but I mean add something else here, why are we trying to help the overgrowth? Are they searching for a vault? Some long lost kubrow armor? If I bring an antitoxin with me and inject it while on a mission can I get a clue to where that vault is? 


I am a huge fan of secret places! I play solo or with a 1 or 2 friends that I know so we can actually stealth around and look for stuff, explore the map and what not instead of just running and gunning like everyone else (which i don't condemn at all, the grind is real and we all do it).


I get that were all supposed to figure out our own reasons for doing this since all Tenno are independent entities but so far, I feel like Pikman, just going wherever Olimar (Read: Lotus) tells us to and do whatever he (Read: she) says. I want to feel like there's a reason behind the event/operation/mission other than "Grind to build Y".



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Maybe let the devs decide, cause, yunno, it's their game.



but wouldn't it be interesting to discuss it on our side? the devs do read the forums and could be inspired by what we say . And have been several times i'm sure.


that's why we're here :)

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Lore should be implemented via scans, to give them some value.



"Corpus Explosive crate. This is one of the most vile and dangerous beings in the universe, that is involved in deaths of thousands ospreys. Should be killed on sight."

Edited by RoboDoge
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Lore that is essentialy to understanding the bare bone of the Warframe universe could be best placed in the Codex from the start under an easy to find index labeled "Guide to the Solar System".


This could include:

1. Current situation of the solar system (where is humanity, how does everyone travel, who rules which areas).

2. The major Factions (Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, Infested).

3. The minor Factions (Red Veil, Oracles of Saturn, Independent colonies, neutral weapon manufactors, other neutral factions,).

4. Known history of the Solar System (basicly everything which people managed to piece together after the fall of the Orokin).

5. Basic knowledge about technology (kinetic weapons, energy weapons, shields, space travel, universal ammo).


Besides that more indepth lore could be unlocked via the codex scanner by finding specific items in missions.


Like datapads giving info on the operational structure of the human factions, grafities in Corpus and Grineer text revealing the internal structures and random hackable computers giving info on current affairs.


For the Infested finding corpses in their mission could be used to unlock lore for them (either in form of apocalyptic reports, research data or straight historic knowledge of the Tenno them).


Orokin knowledge meanwhile could be unlocked by finding artifacts of them in plantary or asteroid missions.


Only indepth Tenno knowledge should be unlocked without mini game (since you are part of that faction, duh).


Finaly Quests could be used to unlock "secret" or "lost" lore.

Edited by Othergrunty
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I agree let the devs decide as it is their game^

In truth this is a FTP game so you can't expect much.


However I will say if there was more of a storyline the game would see some part of an improvement. 


The reason I say this is because some people, including myself at times, don't know where or how certian things developed. 


If you started the game right off the bat with no former knowledge of games such as dark sector, like I did, you would sit there and think "Well this is fun but what is it about? I'm just running around and shooting..... Why??"


In truth the game has improved tremendously since I started. And I think all the new features they are coming out with are GOD AWESOME. But I still think their art dept may want to see if they can do a storyline in the game while at it. (BTW learning Lua Scripting now...... thanks for the tip on what you guys are using.)

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In truth the game has improved tremendously since I started. And I think all the new features they are coming out with are GOD AWESOME. But I still think their art dept may want to see if they can do a storyline in the game while at it. (BTW learning Lua Scripting now...... thanks for the tip on what you guys are using.)


Well Events are currently kind of like storylines. After all the Formorians we are soon fighting are the second generation of these juggernautish Ships.


The first Formorians were destroyed during Operation Slingstone when Tenno sabotaged their fuel resources with the infestation. This was done so the Grineer would not gain the upper hand over the Corpus.

This made Alad V. think he could easily provoke the Grineer, thinking the Tenno would side with him over the Grineer. Leading to a series of escalation, resulting both in Alad V's current Infested experiments and the creation of the second Formorian fleet.

Despite not being the most remembered event, Operation Slingstone was kind of the starting line for many of the later events unfolding.


Though the problem is, as Steve and Scott aknowledged in a devstream, that they can't repeat these stories. Once these events are done, they have become part of Warframe's history.

This means that all current beta players are essentialy particiapting in creating the post "waking" lore of Warframe. Meaning the time between the first Tenno being woken up by the Lotus and the start of what might later be the Story Campaign as hinted at in the Prologue.

Which is all kinda cool, but also means that later joining players will only be able to read about these events, get quests based on them or will participate in Events which make reference to them.


For example they can create several more Events resembling Gradivus Dilema in terms of gameplay, but these would be stories on their own, with Gradivus as the historic reference for it.


Also of course the events are not comparable to a campaign like storyline that everyone can get once they start.

Edited by Othergrunty
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Deliver the lore in any way possible. Riddle the game with it. Honestly, I'm a lore kind of guy, and the more the better.


Of course, delivery of the lore is also a good way to ensure that it isn't lost or is misinterpreted. If they can give us mass amounts of lore through clever and enraptured storytelling, it would do wonders for the game. It would give us purpose and explain why we do all the things we do. 


How the lore will affect the storyline, be it narrow it to linear or offer a plethora of paths, is up to DE.

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E) All of the above. They have to give us reasons for doing stuff besides just "you'll need X to build Y". 


Quest system is a given, they can take a cue from Mass Effect here. I did each side story mission for the characters not because I didnt want them to die at the end (didnt know that was even going to happen)(and sorry for spoilers) but because I wanted to know more about them. And if I got a new cool gun then yay me. Do a quest to find out more about a certain frame. What happened to the original prime? Add a nice cinematic or something. I want to know more about each warframe, or why Darvo is rebelling, or how the Red Veil came to be. If I hack a data terminal I want to get a little chunk of this info added to my codex. 


Tactical Alerts not so much, but there are possibilities like only during these events can you fight a certain kind of enemy. With enough scans of said enemy, you can get a nice piece of lore. Maybe a memory or event that happened of said unit. Just an idea, but there are possibilities.


Not quite sure what you mean by "chapters per events" but if we got a nice new plot per each event that'd be awesome. Like for the cyotic event: Why are we just discovering this? What do the Corpus want with it? If we dont reach a certain threshold as a community will the zanuka's get a buff of some sort thanks to Cryotic? Or the Cicero Event: We know the Grineer are poisoning the Earth but why? The original reason was to stop the overgrowth but I mean add something else here, why are we trying to help the overgrowth? Are they searching for a vault? Some long lost kubrow armor? If I bring an antitoxin with me and inject it while on a mission can I get a clue to where that vault is? 


I am a huge fan of secret places! I play solo or with a 1 or 2 friends that I know so we can actually stealth around and look for stuff, explore the map and what not instead of just running and gunning like everyone else (which i don't condemn at all, the grind is real and we all do it).


I get that were all supposed to figure out our own reasons for doing this since all Tenno are independent entities but so far, I feel like Pikman, just going wherever Olimar (Read: Lotus) tells us to and do whatever he (Read: she) says. I want to feel like there's a reason behind the event/operation/mission other than "Grind to build Y".



See, the thing is, we KNOW why Darvo is rebelling: His father engineered things so that he'd become an extra seat on the corpus board of directors(thus granting his father theoretical power by being able to always count on his vote), but he dislikes their business practices, and doesn't believe their religion--he'd much rather be a merchant than a corporate stuffed suit. He's told us all of this directly.


We actually get a LOT of lore, but people ignore it. I get the sense that they really want cut scenes.


I rather much like the current system--it gives us a lot of info, but doesn't flood us with a mediocre story. I've quit numerous games, permanently, over their lore decisions. I cannot imagine I'm alone in that. The less they try and foist a story on us, the better.

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See, the thing is, we KNOW why Darvo is rebelling: His father engineered things so that he'd become an extra seat on the corpus board of directors(thus granting his father theoretical power by being able to always count on his vote), but he dislikes their business practices, and doesn't believe their religion--he'd much rather be a merchant than a corporate stuffed suit. He's told us all of this directly.


We actually get a LOT of lore, but people ignore it. I get the sense that they really want cut scenes.


I rather much like the current system--it gives us a lot of info, but doesn't flood us with a mediocre story. I've quit numerous games, permanently, over their lore decisions. I cannot imagine I'm alone in that. The less they try and foist a story on us, the better.

We could really do with some cutscenes


the few de made for trailers and the boss intros are pretty sweet imo

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Chapters per events seems the way it's going. However I think it needs to be a more permanent. DE need to figure a way to get that playable lore in events into the game, so that new players (or players that missed the event) can get up to speed with current events (politics and stuff) by playing the game.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Maybe let the devs decide, cause, yunno, it's their game.

I expect an XB1 player to succumb to player stockholme but let me tell you something. The point of this everlasting beta is that they expect us to beta test their game for free and to give feedback and request for further advancement. So cast off this blind consumer grooming.

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Lore should be implemented via scans, to give them some value.



"Corpus Explosive crate. This is one of the most vile and dangerous beings in the universe, that is involved in deaths of thousands ospreys. Should be killed on sight."


The funny thing is

but got lazy.
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(edited) ...

But in a game like warframe how do you think the devs should implement it? 


Which game should DE in your opinion take inspiration from as for storytelling


After a year and a half of building gameplay and recent placement on two additional gaming systems, the most practical way to incorporate Lore would be:

1. Back strap it as a series of linked side quests

2. Information gained from side quests will "unlock" additional missions (similar to how the Origin System is explored)

3. Analysis is necessary to "piece the story" together

4. Ambiguity is permitted - every detail need not be revealed

5. Multiple "endings" should be allowed


This approach actively engages the player to seek understanding of the Warframe universe

The present system of handing out Lore like fortune cookie messages after completing a mission as Codex entries is uninspired


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Lore should be implemented via scans, to give them some value.



"Corpus Explosive crate. This is one of the most vile and dangerous beings in the universe, that is involved in deaths of thousands ospreys. Should be killed on sight."


Would like to see this. I have no qualms with the minimal approach to lore, in fact I'm actually a fan of it, but with that approach it becomes all about the delivery of that lore. One off events and quests are great, but if that's your primary approach in delivering sweet succulent information I don't think it will be received well in the long run. You need something readily available in the game, something you can go back to, something you can piece together yourself within the context of the game. Reading about this and that happening on the website, or through ingame mail can only take you so far before it becomes shallow.


I'm sure they have it planned, but a more robust codex system couldn't come soon enough. Something akin to the Metroid Prime series approach to a catalog of information would be stellar in my opinion.

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Lore should be implemented via scans, to give them some value.



"Corpus Explosive crate. This is one of the most vile and dangerous beings in the universe, that is involved in deaths of thousands ospreys. Should be killed on sight."


Similar idea here:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/284770-tennovision-an-in-game-grineer-and-corpus-signage-translator


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See, the thing is, we KNOW why Darvo is rebelling: His father engineered things so that he'd become an extra seat on the corpus board of directors(thus granting his father theoretical power by being able to always count on his vote), but he dislikes their business practices, and doesn't believe their religion--he'd much rather be a merchant than a corporate stuffed suit. He's told us all of this directly.


We actually get a LOT of lore, but people ignore it. I get the sense that they really want cut scenes.


I rather much like the current system--it gives us a lot of info, but doesn't flood us with a mediocre story. I've quit numerous games, permanently, over their lore decisions. I cannot imagine I'm alone in that. The less they try and foist a story on us, the better.

So I watched the missions where we rescued Darvo and he told us that, but I did not play that mission and did not know that. Sorry for my ignorance. But this leads me back to my point of the subpar implementation of the Lore. Cutscenes would be great but honestly I would be estatic for more missions or quests like the Darvo rescue mission. Or how about multiple backstories that can be found through codex achievements? I dont want them to force a story on us so were on rails like every other AAA game out there, but some backstories explaining the factions and key elements in them would be fantastic.

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