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New Contest: Master Of Mustache Pick-Up Lines!


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Movember has crept upon us, Tenno! In honor of our month long MoBro charity drive, we devote this week’s contest to the Mo’s. I don’t know about you, but if my mouth brow looked as good as yours, I would be getting all the dates. A mustache paired with a pick-up line is the deadliest combination known to Tenno. Do you have what it takes to be crowned the Master of Mustache Pick-up Lines?


How to participate:

Submit a screenshot of your mustache wearing Warframe saying a unique pick-up line!


Need an example?




Upload your image to imgur.com, copy the BBCode, and paste it right into your submission post in this thread.

Check out this thread if you have trouble posting your image.



One submission per user

Keep the jokes appropriate for the Forums

Images can be edited or photoshopped

Do NOT reserve posts in this thread (it gets messy!)

Pick-up lines must be Warframe related

Pick-up lines can be in your respective languages 

All platforms can participate



Winners will be based on creativity and imagination!

Top 3 winners shall receive 1000 Platinum each, and have their images shown on Prime Time!


This contest starts November 3rd until November 13th at 1 PM EDT!


Groom those puppies and show us your stuff!

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