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Soma Prime Joke?


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Whats the point of the prime versions then? they are just another cosmetic upgrade,

Given how the vast majority of Prime weapons perform compared to others (Boltor Prime, Marelok, Brakk, etc.), they pretty much already are.


They're upgrades over their non-Prime version, but in most cases, there's still something better than it.

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I guess it has been long enough.



That last one better not. Hell, even number two. Soma is hideous enough with crescent mag. Not to mention how are you supposed to keep sights in target when they move like that? I love the soma as a rifle, but you won't see me sleeping with it.
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That last one better not. Hell, even number two. Soma is hideous enough with crescent mag. Not to mention how are you supposed to keep sights in target when they move like that? I love the soma as a rifle, but you won't see me sleeping with it.

Personally I think the crescent mag is beautiful but meh.

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Not really no. For example, assume we have two rifles, one does 6 dmg with zero crit chance, one does 3 dmg with 50% chance of 4X crit.There really is no OBJECTIVE way to say which of these two rifles are "better". I've consulted this with some of my Risk Management PhD friends and this is what they told me. No objective way, scientifically speaking. 


And this is the way weapon balance should go. 


The best in-game example would be the Latron Prime and Wraith. 


Suddenly...  MODS!


I couldn't tell you whether or not the Latron Prime and Latron Wraith was intentional or a sheer fluke.  Considering it's an isolated incident, and DE isn't exactly jumping at any balancing opporunities, especially the obvious ones - AKLato, Machete, why some dual secondaries are either flatly worse or flatly better than their single cousins, some mods themselves like sawtooth clip versus fanged fusillade... - I'd have to go with that balancing act being a freak accident until further evidence is supplied.


Generally though, I DO wish for all weapons to be side grades to each other.  That isn't going to happen, however, because DE is clinging to their mastery rank gating, even if they don't really understand it themselves, and players continue to think locking something behind a mastery rank justifies that weapons power (if it's at all powerful enough to justify the rank) even though few to no complaints regarding "OP" weapon power are actually concerned with the weapon's mastery rank.

Edited by Littleman88
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the stats above are too OP, then thr comes the soma prime time,no one will use boltor prime anymore,coz hitscan and practically 16x more dmg than boltor prime

I was joking around. I think the first set of stats are fine, but nerf the capacity to 150. It just doesn't feel right at 200 for some reason. I honestly think the max base crit chance for anything in the game should be 50% which works great for me. I also don't think it should be 4x multiplier (that's just crazy). I think if they were to buff the crit damage then it should be 3.5 base or even just 3.25. The stats in the post you quoted aren't the stats I actually think should be there. I was just messing around. 15 base damage is perfect, 50% crit chance is perfect, and 3x crit multiplier if perfect.

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What I'd like to see in a Soma prime would be a faster reload speed, quicker wind up to full fire rate and a slight increase in damage stats/crit rate(like 35% base crit rate over the current 30% on the normal version).


Though, the thing about the soma that has always bothered me is that a good crit build requires a lot of required mod slots taken up.  Which is one reason I don't use it anymore, its not a very flexible weapon.

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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We don't even have content that makes the Boltor Prime necessary. Why does Soma Prime need to rival it?


I still like the fact that the Burston, Braton, Soma, and Boltor prime should rival each other.


its close (Burston has an aug going for it) and it comes down to personal choice.

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15 base damage.

*10 Slash.

2.5 Impact.

2.5 Puncture.

35% Crit Chance.

x3.5 Crit damage.

2.5sec Reload.

150 Mag.


Why? Because there are many noobs running around with Boltor Prime, a Soma Prime with 15 base damage won't get their attention, because most noobs only see the base damage.

but but all the noobs were running around with soma before boltor prime now it will be all the noobs are running around  with the soma prime xD

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I still like the fact that the Burston, Braton, Soma, and Boltor prime should rival each other.


its close (Burston has an aug going for it) and it comes down to personal choice.

Exactly. It shouldn't be a situation were the newest weapon overshadows all that came before it. The Primes should all have highs and mids. You should be able to choose a favorite without feeling you're downgrading, and there should be a reason each one is unique.

I can't remember the last time I used my Boltor Prime. I never sell anything Prime, so I still have it, but Lord knows when it'll see the light of day. My Braton and Latron Primes do just fine.

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