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The Community Has Viver Fever, And The Only Cure Is...


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For those who said that the there's nothing wrong with how rep is earned and that Viver is the problem itself.  Viver existed before and the tools required to do this farming method existed before.  However no-one was doing this before the Rep system came into the game, so it does point directly at how rep is earned as to the problem.


It's boring to do and I'd much rather play a wide variety of missions to ENJOY my play time.


Give me a viable alternative to earning Syndicate Rep PLEASE.  I've sunk hundreds of hours into this game and play 2-3 hours a night on average, but by playing a wide spread of missions rather than just T4 Surv/Def.  I'm gaining 1-2K per day, so it will take me a year to get to the top rank of just one Synd if I collect any rewards along the way.  And as much as I love this game that is way too long and twice that to dig myself out of the hole and to the top of an opposing Synd.

Edited by Sabreracer
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The suggested 350 rep per round is too huge of a nerf.  Playing in a group with randoms and normally capturing all towers I'm usually scoring 2000 rep per 4 rounds.  I know you're trying to stop the 20k runs, but don't nerf it to lower than what people are currently getting by playing normally.

I think your definition of normally and mine are very different, I'm lucky if I get 500 in 4 rounds... you must be using an affinity booster if you're not doing the viver grind.

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You got your main syndicate maxed dont you? It takes 240k exp to level it to max, according to you 'throwing' numbers out there this means it would take:

240x40minutes = 160 hours of gameplay to get 1 syndicate maxed to get some mediocre mods.


how long does it take now?

4k in 20 minutes= 20 hours on viver with a coordinated team.


People are complaining about grind and you want to increase it EIGHT times? No thanks.

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It's boring to do and I'd much rather play a wide variety of missions to ENJOY my play time.



Then go play another map than Viver. There is no need to ruin it for everyone else who enjoy playing that map and doing a lot of team work. You're not forced to play Viver in any way.

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there is nothing wrong with viver. its not unethical. its just a means to an end. these type of stategies can be used in many places for lots of reasons. if playera wish to burn through rep and xp farming let them. christ on a crutch. if they get burned out let them. if they wanna grind mastery let them. not everyone has or wants to spend months grinding. talk about hypocritical.  first we hate the grind now we whine that there is a way around it. hek, why yall wanna steal trin mag and excals shine?  sure de doesnt want their months of work blazed through in a few days but speed grinding and hardcore farming is a thing. we have boosters. why not complain about them too? i could max weapons in three runs now it takes one. Big Deal. 


i dont see an issue with this. its not ruining your fun. you can still slow grind your way to glory. maybe it will inspire more clever ways of gaining points in future systems. 

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Then go play another map than Viver. There is no need to ruin it for everyone else who enjoy playing that map and doing a lot of team work. You're not forced to play Viver in any way.



Where did I say nerf it?  I said it was boring and I wanted another alternative rather than press 4 for half an hour.  I've done Viver and I KNOW how boring it is, I want to play normal missions and get a reasonable amount of rep for it.

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2) Make powers no longer go through walls. Now this does kind of make sense. Look at Mag's crush. She has to wrap an enemy in magnetism, magnetize their bones, and attract them toward each other for damage to occur. This isn't' a cudgel. It's a scalpel. So why does it work on enemies she can't see? Excalibur's radial javelin is more of a spray and pray weapon, but the environment SHOULD stop it.


You Wanted It! You Got It! I Hope You're Happy!!!111oneoneonetwooneonehundredandone /sarcastic_nonsensical_blaming_while_running_off_like_a_stereotypical_little_girl_to_go_cry_in_an_emoish_overly_dark_corner...

Edited by KnotOfMetal
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... more dead angels. Or Corrupted, if they're the angels. Can our Warframes equip feet weapons to dance some 'bullet hell' games into the enemies? Seriously, firing guns with your ankles is awesome.


Viver is okay. I like it because it's an interception with folks that like killing a bunch of enemies, and who don't want to go beyond a round or two. (I can't be online aaaallllll day XD) Also, there's group tactics, no rushers, no real competing for kills, and yes.... slightly better rep gain than the non-endless missions. (syndicate alerts are really nice for their rep gain, though)

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3) Change the reputation gain system to no longer work on affinity, but instead, number of rounds/waves/time survived. It's a pretty common idea that, when you're farming for one thing, you should pick a place that lets you farm for another as well. Plastids and T4 keys on Cerberus, Gallium and Plastids on Uranus, Salvage, Neural Sensors, and Stalker Marks kicking in Alad V's face. That being said, while farming for rep, you should also be able to pick up T4 keys. Say, 350 rep per round? That's a little over 1000 in 4 rounds, and you've got yourself a nice shiny key to use. Now, this idea also flows into my next idea...




I think this is the most important of all your points. This would solve all the issues with the brainless affinity farming. Make certain mission types award a certain amount of rep upon completion. Make it scale on difficulty and enemy levels. For example:


Tier 1 void defense waves 1-5 50 rep per wave

Tier 1 void defense waves 5-10 65 rep per wave

Tier 4 void defense waves 1-5 80 rep per wave

Tier 4 void defense waves 1-5 95 rep per wave


Obviously the numbers have to be tweaked but this makes so much more sense. Harder content, more reputation. Reward those who do long endless missions, especially higher tier ones (be it void or normal planets). 


As for the higher rank sigils giving reputation boost, iirc they said on the last devstream that they are considering it.

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Im sorry but the LOS is a lazy fix. It hurts frames that were already underused before the niche role they found in Viver.

That's how I feel about it too. Outside of viver, how often did you see Radial Javalin or Shield Polarize get used? It feels like they completely missed the point of the complaints. Spawn rate on viver is still incredibly high, and now everyone is simply looking for alternative loadouts to go back to skipping the syndicate grind. Radial Javalin is now effectively back to prechange status.

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I'm actually a bit depressed that Evanscent's thread got completely ignored over this one.



 I'm actually very depressed all good threads got ignored for a hotfix which not only doesn't fix anything but hurts it even more. Now if people find a similar way to exploit with saryn or something will they nerf that too? 

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 I'm actually very depressed all good threads got ignored for a hotfix which not only doesn't fix anything but hurts it even more. Now if people find a similar way to exploit with saryn or something will they nerf that too? 

Unfortunately, this is a trend. It happens all the damn time. Good threads with solutions and constructive discussion get ignored for whatever happens to be the newest thread when they log on.

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Wow... I did not see this coming. I'll have to test and see how viable Mag's SP is but Excal's radial javelin sounds like how it was before... Which I liked and thought it was a neat visual effect. Too bad Trinity got nerfed again. I never opted to collect her parts and I've got no drive to do it now.

But it was all worth it to solve the Viver farm problem. May a chorus of angels sing ye to thine fiery *bleep*ing death, macro farm. Maybe now I'll be able to find parties running T4 key farms on Cerberus again...

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